Supernatural Bingo – Alex, Annie, Alexis, Ann
So we have the return of Sheriff Jody Mills..Yeah!
We have Vampires.. double Yeah!
And we have the brothers armed with Machete’s …Oh My…did it just get hot in here.
Any ways enjoy the episode and playing Bingo!
B |
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G |
O |
Another use for Duct Tape is used at Sam’s expense |
Big betrayal occurs |
Dean’s killing skills are becoming more brutal |
A secret is revealed |
The Mark of Cane is mentioned |
Castiel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
A beheading occurs |
Dean continues to struggle with the effects of the MOC |
Fangs are seen |
Sheriff Jody contacts the brothers |
Sheriff Jody notices something is wrong with Dean |
Items are retrieved from the Impala |
The brothers stay at a motel |
Farm equipment is used for more than just farming |
Sheriff Jody and Sam have a heart to heart |
A death shown with mere blood splatter |
Metatron and or Gadreel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Handcuffs are seen and used |
Sam is becoming more concerned about Dean |
A sword or machete is used |
Crowley is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Sam becomes a unwilling blood donor |
Any form of alcohol is seen and or consumed |
Sheriff Jody gets seriously hurt or killed |
B |
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G |
O |
Sam becomes a unwilling blood donor |
A sword or machete is used |
Sheriff Jody gets seriously hurt or killed |
Crowley is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Any form of alcohol is seen and or consumed |
A death shown with mere blood splatter |
Metatron and or Gadreel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Sheriff Jody and Sam have a heart to heart |
Sam is becoming more concerned about Dean |
Handcuffs are seen and used |
Items are retrieved from the Impala |
The brothers stay at a motel |
Farm equipment is used for more than just farming |
Dean’s killing skills are becoming more brutal |
The Mark of Cane is mentioned |
A secret is revealed |
Sheriff Jody notices something is wrong with Dean |
Another use for Duct Tape is used at Sam’s expense |
Big betrayal occurs |
Dean continues to struggle with the effects of the MOC |
Fangs are seen |
Castiel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
A beheading occurs |
Sheriff Jody contacts the brothers |
B |
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G |
O |
Castiel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Dean continues to struggle with the effects of the MOC |
Sheriff Jody contacts the brothers |
Fangs are seen |
A beheading occurs |
A secret is revealed |
Sheriff Jody notices something is wrong with Dean |
The Mark of Cane is mentioned |
Big betrayal occurs |
Another use for Duct Tape is used at Sam’s expense |
The brothers stay at a motel |
Farm equipment is used for more than just farming |
Dean’s killing skills are becoming more brutal |
Sheriff Jody gets seriously hurt or killed |
Any form of alcohol is seen and or consumed |
Crowley is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Items are retrieved from the Impala |
Sam becomes a unwilling blood donor |
A sword or machete is used |
Sheriff Jody and Sam have a heart to heart |
Sam is becoming more concerned about Dean |
A death shown with mere blood splatter |
Metatron and or Gadreel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Handcuffs are seen and used |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
A death shown with mere blood splatter |
Sheriff Jody and Sam have a heart to heart |
Handcuffs are seen and used |
Sam is becoming more concerned about Dean |
Metatron and or Gadreel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Crowley is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Items are retrieved from the Impala |
Any form of alcohol is seen and or consumed |
A sword or machete is used |
Sam becomes a unwilling blood donor |
Farm equipment is used for more than just farming |
Dean’s killing skills are becoming more brutal |
Sheriff Jody gets seriously hurt or killed |
Sheriff Jody contacts the brothers |
A beheading occurs |
Fangs are seen |
The brothers stay at a motel |
Castiel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Dean continues to struggle with the effects of the MOC |
The Mark of Cane is mentioned |
Big betrayal occurs |
A secret is revealed |
Sheriff Jody notices something is wrong with Dean |
Another use for Duct Tape is used at Sam’s expense |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
A secret is revealed |
The Mark of Cane is mentioned |
Another use for Duct Tape is used at Sam’s expense |
Big betrayal occurs |
Sheriff Jody notices something is wrong with Dean |
Fangs are seen |
The brothers stay at a motel |
A beheading occurs |
Dean continues to struggle with the effects of the MOC |
Castiel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Sheriff Jody gets seriously hurt or killed |
Sam is becoming more concerned about Dean |
Sheriff Jody contacts the brothers |
Handcuffs are seen and used |
Metatron and or Gadreel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Farm equipment is used for more than just farming |
Crowley is referenced and or makes an appearance |
A death shown with mere blood splatter |
Sheriff Jody and Sam have a heart to heart |
Any form of alcohol is seen and or consumed |
A sword or machete is used |
Dean’s killing skills are becoming more brutal |
Items are retrieved from the Impala |
Sam becomes a unwilling blood donor |
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