Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.10- “Road Trip”
The first half of season nine explored Castiel’s experience as the new Adam, the fall of angels from Heaven, and the aftermath of the Trials—particularly that of Dean allowing Gadreel to possess his brother, Sam. We watched each of these stories reflect or weave around a particular center—the Garden of Eden and the Fall of Man. It became both metaphor and literal in the tapestry of the story. “Holy Terror” exposed the serpents invading the various Gardens while “Road Trip” explores the consequences of their invasion—particularly that of Gadreel’s possession of Sam.
Consequences. It’s a loaded word. For every action, there is an equal reaction. That is the lesson we learn in “Road Trip” explicitly.
Our first Garden was the original Garden of Eden. It was to be paradise—pristine and perfect. It was to be where man and God lived in harmony and peace. And it was invaded by a serpent. We learn in “Holy Terror,” that it is Gadreel that let in this serpent—and we see in some mythology sources that he may even be the serpent. The serpent tells Eve to eat of the Tree of Knowledge—that, “You will be like God.”
The first consequence of this act we all know well. Humanity is banished from the Garden forever to fend for themselves in the cold. They are to go forth into the world, knowing the difference between good and evil. Humankind will know the taste of death for this act. It is a far reaching consequence. It has changed everything for humanity for all time.
But what of the serpent? Surely it faced a consequence for its action. What was its punishment? What did God do to it? Genesis tells us that God commands to the serpent, “Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all cattle, and more than every beast of the field; on your belly you shall go, and you shall eat dust all the days of your life.”
In “Road Trip,” we learn from Castiel’s outburst that the serpent was indeed none other than Lucifer. His fate, then, was to be locked away in The Cage, buried within Hell. Lucifer, too, was banished.
But what about Gadreel? What was his punishment? When Metatron first confronted him in “Holy Terror,” we learn that this angel has been locked away. He, too, was banished form Heaven at large. As we watch Gadreel confront another angel that Metatron has sent him to kill, we learn what his imprisonment entailed. He tells Thaddeus, “I was imprisoned, and you tortured me.”
Thaddeus simply replies, “Heaven has rules. Do the crime, do the time. That’s it.”
That answer doesn’t satisfy Gadreel—and he kills his former torturer without mercy.
Gadreel may have let in a serpent all those years ago—Lucifer—but it would seem he’s not learned his lesson. It would seem that Gadreel has forgotten the consequences that came from that. We see him return to Metatron, triumphant after his successful murder of Thaddeus. Metatron is an even bigger serpent than Gadreel has become, and we see the Scribe lead the angel by the nose. Here is where we learn Gadreel’s true weakness—and why he fell to Lucifer in the first place. He suffers the same fatal flaw as the archangel: that of pride.
It is also pride that will allow Metatron to continue worming his way in, manipulating Gadreel to do as he commands. He knows what buttons to push. He knows how to play Gadreel like a fiddle. It’s easy to see that Gadreel wants to be considered important. He doesn’t want to be considered a traitor or failure anymore. He wants to be considered a hero in Heaven.
Metatron passes him another name, and when Gadreel protests, he retorts, “It’s not your place to ask questions. It is your place to obey. You want to be my second in command? Prove you’re ready. Prove you’re loyal. Or don’t. Walk away. Go back to being Gadreel the traitor, the sap, heaven’s longest-running joke.”
It hits a nerve in Gadreel, and while he may not like the order, we see him follow through. He has no choice. Either he proves that he’s the “sap” everyone believes him to be—or he takes action to prove that he can be part of building a new and better Heaven by doing as Metatron tells him. Gadreel will have to accept the consequences of his choice—even if that price comes high.
It isn’t until Gadreel discovers who his target is that we see him waver or hesitate. Unfortunately, his fellow prisoner, Abner, gives him all the reasoning he needs to fall further down the rabbit hole and become more of a chump than ever before. Abner tells Gadreel, “The key to happiness? It’s getting the one thing you want most and never letting it go.”
Abner hopes he’ll understand what the Fall could mean for angels—a second chance at a good life for instance. He hopes that his friend will take this chance at freedom and move on from the dark past. He hopes Gadreel will let go and make a new life—as he has with a human family. It’s quiet. It’s peaceful. It also comes with love. He tells Gadreel, “I love my family and they love me.” It’s the only thing Abner wants—and he believes that’s what Gadreel would want, too.
Instead, it only steels Gadreel’s resolve to follow through. He so badly wants to be a hero, to be considered part of Heaven’s elite. And so, he kills his friend in cold blood, no longer questioning the order Metatron gave him. He has chosen to pay the heavy price of throwing away a friend—and Abner had called Gadreel his “best friend.” Gadreel has chosen to accept the consequences, no matter what they may end up being, by following Metatron now.
But Gadreel hasn’t only let in a serpent into the Garden of Eden—nor is he only following a new serpent in Metatron. He is a serpent himself. He’s infected two key Gardens: The MOL Bunker and Sam Winchester.
We begin the episode with the tragic consequence of Kevin’s death. Dean is giving the Prophet a Hunter’s Funeral. It is a hard thing to witness—and to bear. As we see Dean reenter the Bunker and face the empty library—the now tainted Garden—we see him cast a sorrowful glance towards the spot where Kevin died. In his grief, he casts papers, books, chairs, and lamps to the floor—further destroying the Garden the Bunker once was.
The biggest consequence, of course, is Gadreel leaving while still in possession of Sam. It raises an old command for Dean: if you can’t save Sam, you must kill him.
Lost, forlorn, and seemingly out of options, Dean is prepared to do the latter. He tells Castiel in his desperation, “If I don’t end Sam and that halo burns him out—”
But not all hope is lost. Castiel offers to Dean, “Before he [Alfie] died, he told me the demons were able to dig into his mind, access his coding. We might be able to do that here. Might be able to — to bypass the angel and talk directly to Sam.”
It might mean letting another serpent into the Garden, but Dean has little choice. If this is the only way to save Sam, then that’s what he’ll do. That serpent? None other than Crowley.
The consequences of the near-cure are still affecting the King of Hell—clearly in the sincere way he says, “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” about Kevin’s death. This consequence may yet play into Dean’s favor when the time comes.
Dean, Castiel, and Crowley chase down Gadreel—after he’s killed his former friend, Abner.
It is now time for Dean to face the consequences of his choice to allow Gadreel to possess Sam—and for Sam, the real Sam, to learn the truth. This is a consequence that Dean has hidden from all season. Despite wanting to tell Sam all along, despite dropping hints, and despite trying to tell Sam at the end of “Rock and a Hard Place,” Dean has kept this secret. It has, thus, prevented Sam from choosing to either keep the angel or to expel him.
First, Dean must witness the physical aspect of Gadreel’s possession. He must see what his choice to allow the serpent in has wrought on his brother’s body. It is a hard scene to watch as Crowley prepares to follow through on his end of the bargain. He gets to stretch his legs, go on a “field trip,” in exchange for cracking the angel currently possessing Sam. Much as we saw Crowley insert needles and poke and prod at Samandriel, we see him do the same here to Gadreel. This time, though, the angel is wearing Sam’s face—so his cries are really Sam’s cries. This pain may not be his own, but each hiss and each cry of pain stab into Dean’s heart, reminding him of what he’s done to his brother.
It is another consequence—illustrated with excruciating pain—that comes from Dean letting in the serpent.
Unfortunately it doesn’t do anything save give them the angel’s name—Gadreel. He’s finally exposed to Dean—and Castiel, which means perhaps eventually all angels. Gadreel tells them bluntly, “It won’t work. You will never find your brother. Go ahead. Poke and prod. I can sit in this chair for years and watch you fail over and over again. I’ve endured much worse than this, Dean. So…much…worse. And I have all the time in the world.”
It means that Dean might have to let another serpent into the Garden that is Sam. He turns to Castiel, begging him to possess his brother as well—to wake Sam up and get him to expel Gadreel. With Sam out of commission and under-wraps—and Gadreel in the driver’s seat—that won’t be possible. Castiel can’t get Sam’s permission. They will have to find another way to reach Sam.
That leaves them with one option—one that could come with another set of consequences. If Castiel can’t do it, perhaps Crowley can. He tells Dean, “Demons can take what they want. I can burrow into that rat’s nest of a head. I can wake Sam up. Just call me plan “C.”” Dean has little choice. If Crowley can somehow get inside Sam’s head and wake him from the dream Gadreel’s locked him in, Sam can then expel the angel himself. It’s the only chance they have left.
Once Castiel burns off Sam’s anti-possession tattoo, Crowley possesses Sam, finding him quickly inside the dream. He tells him the secret word, “Poughkeepsie,” and tells him the truth about the situation. He pleads with Sam, telling him, “Blow it up and cast that punk-ass holy roller out!”
It sets up perhaps one of the best scenes of the season. Gadreel made the crucial mistake all adversaries facing a Winchester do: he underestimates Sam. He wanted the vessel that Sam provides—after all it is strong enough to endure an archangel for eternity perhaps—and so he doesn’t want to give it up anytime soon. What he doesn’t understand is that Sam Winchester defeated the very archangel Gadreel once let into the Garden of Eden: Lucifer.
Gadreel, wearing the face of his original vessel, compounds further on his mistake by telling Sam, “You’re not strong enough.”
As they tussle, Sam finally gets the upper hand and pins Gadreel down, proving that what the angel had told Dean was true: he could cast him out at anytime. He angrily tells the angel, “I said get the hell—Out!”
In a cloud of bluish-white smoke, we see Gadreel cast from Sam. As mankind and Lucifer were banished, Gadreel is banished here, too. And as Gadreel returns to his former vessel—and the serpent, Metatron—we know that he will eventually face the consequences for his invasion of the Garden that is Sam Winchester. Much as the serpent was told to “eat dust for all the days of your life,” Gadreel will endure his own punishment. The question remains though—which Winchester will deliver that punishment: Sam or Dean?
It leaves Sam still possessed, however. Dean not only had let Gadreel in—he’s now let Crowley in. Will Crowley keep his word? Will he keep his bargain with the elder Winchester? If anything, Dean may have gotten rid of one serpent only to replace it with another.
Luckily, they don’t have to ponder long on this question. Crowley voluntarily leaves, returning to his preferred meat suit. The consequence for this action is simple. Crowley told Dean, “I save Sam, I leave here a free man.”
Dean upholds his end of the bargain, and Crowley is now free to fight for his throne as the King of Hell. Will this be yet another serpent that Dean will have to face at a later date? Or will Crowley be more ally going forward? How much longer can the consequences of his near-cure hold and how will Crowley sustain it going forward? Will he want to?
Now Sam knows the truth, and this comes with its own set of of consequences. Dean may have had to face the fact that he had let in a serpent at the end of “Holy Terror,” but now he has to face his brother for what he’s done.
Sam is understandably upset. After all, he was the one possessed by Gadreel—and then Crowley. He was the one that had endure the pain of Crowley’s techniques. He was the one that lost chunks of time. He was the one that had this done to him. But Sam doesn’t call Dean out for these things—not at first. That’s not what seems to be the primary problem for Sam.
He tells Dean, “What you do want me to say — that I’m pissed? Okay. I am. I’m pissed. You lied to me. Again.”
It is the lie—as it always is between the Winchesters—that bothers Sam. Everything that comes with the lie compounds the problem. For the Winchesters, the lie is always the greatest serpent that enters their brotherhood Garden. It is the kernel for which everything the serpent, Gadreel, has done since is wound around.
Dean must also face another consequence from what he’s done. Sam tells him point blank, “I was ready to die, Dean!”
He tells Sam, “I know. But I wouldn’t let you, because that’s not in me.”
Rather than accept what he saw in the cabin, Dean instead chose to accept what Sam had told him while doing the Trials—that he wanted to “kill a hellhound and not die” and that he saw a “light at the end of the tunnel.” He saw Sam’s death as unacceptable—perhaps in vain. After all, they had stopped the Trials to close Hell—so Sam would live. Instead, Dean had circumvented Sam’s possible death by getting his brother to acquiesce to being possessed by an angel.
It was a selfish act—and both brothers know it.
Yet that doesn’t seem to stop Sam from trying to shoulder the consequences for the serpent’s actions—in particular Kevin’s death. He may not have done it—but it was his body that did. He feels much the same way after he learned what Soulless Sam had done—responsible.
Dean won’t allow him to. He tells Sam, “No. That is not on you. Kevin’s blood is on my hands, and that ain’t ever getting clean. I’ll burn for that. I will.”
And because he let the serpent that is Gadreel in, he will deal with him alone. Dean places everything that has happened since on himself, saying, “Come on, man. Can’t you see? I’m… I’m poison, Sam. People get close to me, they get killed…or worse. You know, I tell myself that I-I — I help more people than I hurt. And I tell myself that I’m — I’m doing it all for the right reasons, and I — I believe that. But I can’t — I won’t… Drag anybody through the muck with me. Not anymore.”
This is the consequence Dean must face after letting Gadreel in. This is the price he must pay. Crowley told him, after learning about Kevin’s death, “People in your general vicinity don’t have much in the way of a life-span.”
Dean takes this to heart. If he wants his brother alive—and he does—he must now walk away from him. Much as humanity had to be banned from the Garden of Eden for eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge or Lucifer had to be locked away in the Cage—or Gadreel locked in Heaven’s prison—Dean must now banish himself from Sam.
For how long he must endure this consequence remains to be seen.
Dan Payne crosses over from another Supernatural Family Project—The Divine—to play the role of the angel Abner. He makes the character a sympathetic figure—and despite being larger than even Jared Padalecki—Payne makes Abner gentle. The earnestness in his performance makes it all the harder to see Abner meet such an unfortunate end. Payne puts all of Abner’s heart into the line, “I love my family and they love me.” He may have played a short lived character—but he made Abner count.
Tahmoh Penikett returns to the show first as the bartender serving Metatron. We can see Penikett show the man’s confusion upon seeing Gadreel wearing Sam’s face. It’s a subtle moment, but we can tell that it’s shaken the man in some way—almost as much as it’s shaken Gadreel. Penikett takes over the role of Gadreel well in the scene taking place in Sam’s head. We see him arrogantly try to muscle Sam down, telling him that, “Maybe I’m the only thing holding you together. I leave, you might die. ” Penikett also shows Gadreel’s shock well at being bested when Sam finally gets the upper hand and casts the angel out. We only get a brief glimpse of Gadreel once he’s repossessed his original vessel, and yet we can see that Penikett’s taken his cue from Padalecki to show Gadreel’s displeasure at having been cast out of Sam Winchester. It’ll be intriguing to see how Penikett blends what Padalecki’s done with the character and how he’ll make make Gadreel truly his own.
Curtis Armstrong returns as the manipulative and cruel Metatron. We can sense in his performance here that he is growing impatient with Gadreel, waiting for him to do his dirty work faster. It comes across best in his delivery of the line, “Not much for seizing the initiative, are we? ” Armstrong makes it easy for us to hate Metatron. He makes the angel an arrogant and cruel character. He also shows us how Metatron isn’t surprised by the Winchesters besting Gadreel. Armstrong makes him sound bored when he says, “Let me guess. Winchester trouble? ” Now that Gadreel is fully on board and with him in his original vessel, it’ll be interesting to see what Metatron does next—and how Armstrong will present him.
Alaina Huffman makes Abaddon a frightening addition to the show. She contrasts wonderfully with Sheppard’s Crowley. Her charisma makes Abaddon a fascinating character whenever she is on screen. Huffman shines best in the scene facing down Cecily. She may not be doing anything particularly threatening until the last moment, but we want to crawl into the corner away from her, too. It’s all in how Huffman carries herself. She gives the Knight of Hell a confidence that makes her terrifying. Despite that, though, we can sense a subtle change in her when Abaddon and Crowley face off. Huffman shows us that Abaddon isn’t nearly as certain of her standing as Hell’s new Queen as she sells to herself and others. We can see that in her confusion at trying to understand why Crowley doesn’t see this as a fight, rather a campaign. It’s all in how she says, “It’s not?” Now that Crowley is out and able to fight back, it’ll be interesting to see just how Abaddon reacts—and how Huffman plays her.
Mark Sheppard makes Crowley equally charming and captivating in this episode. It’s also a treat to see him in action once again. Sheppard makes Crowley’s wit subtly amusing and fun—especially when he delivers lines such as, “Your phallus on wheels just ran a red light in Somerset, Pennsylvania ten minutes ago,” and “I’m dead. Yes, I know. I love you too.” There’s a slight difference in Crowley in this episode—as if the lingering effects of the Trials are still there, backed by the human blood injections. Sheppard shows this well in how Crowley reacts to the news about Kevin’s demise. Where this shows best, however, is when Crowley possesses Sam to help get rid of Gadreel. This is Sheppard’s best scene in the episode, and as he shouts at Sam, “Blow it up and cast that punk-ass holy roller out! ” we can sense the difference in Crowley the most. Sheppard shows us Crowley’s integrity well, too. He makes a deal, he keeps it. As we see Crowley face off with Abaddon, this time with him no longer in chains, we see Sheppard show us that Crowley’s truly back in the game in this exchange. It’ll be interesting to see how Sheppard presents Crowley for the remainder of the season—and how much longer the near-cure may still effect him.
Misha Collins brings us Castiel restored to normal—complete with the trench coat. He’s the socially awkward and rigid angel we’ve come to know. It’s refreshing to see him back in his element. Collins has great chemistry with Ackles in “Road Trip.” We see this best in the scenes they share—first at the MOL Bunker discussing what has happened since Gadreel left and again as Crowley is torturing Gadreel. Collins shows us that not all of Castiel’s brush with humanity has worn off in these scenes, too. We can sense in the way he carries himself and delivers his lines that the angel is much more understanding than he once was. That chemistry doesn’t end with Ackles. It extends to Sheppard, too. As we see the angel face off with Crowley over the back seat, we see his comedic timing shine. It’s a brief, but understated moment that hits with great humor. Collins also shows us Castiel’s fury with Gadreel, once the angel’s identity is revealed. We can sense his hurt and anger in that exchange. Now that Castiel is an angel once more, it’ll be interesting to see what he does next—and if he should be working with Padalecki’s Sam more closely.
Jensen Ackles made us feel all of Dean’s emotions deeply in this episode—in many ways, he made us feel them as if they were our own. From the very beginning, his grief over Kevin and the aftermath of Gadreel’s exit, we can tell that Dean is smashed apart inside—all by how Ackles carries himself. He telegraphs all of Dean’s inner pain beautifully with just a look. He showed us Dean’s anguish at Crowley using his techniques on Gadreel to reach Sam all through tight and tense body language. When we see him finally unable to take it anymore, Ackles puts all of Dean’s emotion into the line, “I can’t watch that anymore. ” It’s a powerful performance from start to finish—but Ackles shines best and hits hardest emotionally when he tells Sam, “Come on man, can’t you see, I’m poison. People get close to me they get killed, or worse. I tell myself I help more people than I hurt and I tell myself that I’m doing it all for the right reasons and I believe that. But I can’t — I won’t drag anyone anybody into the muck with me – not anymore.” All of Dean’s agony, his grief, and his self-loathing is carried in this statement and in how Ackles delivers it.
Jared Padalecki caps off his dual role for season nine with a stellar performance. We see him as Gadreel first—and now that he is exposed as the serpent that he really is, we see a sheen of anger and condescension lace throughout the angel. He is arrogant and vengeful—evidenced in his brutal attack on Thaddeus. Padalecki shows Gadreel’s frustration with Metatron well, too—and yet we can tell in how he carries himself that Gadreel is stuck doing as he is told rather he likes it or not. When we see Gadreel captured and facing being tortured by Crowley, Padalecki shows how cruel the angel really is when he taunts Dean about Sam—especially in how he delivers the line, “ You want this to end? Go ahead. Put a blade through your brother’s heart.” Even when he’s strapped down, Padalecki makes Gadreel seem intimidating and a force to be reckoned with. But it is the return of Sam where Padalecki truly gets to shine this week. All of Sam’s determination and anger bursts forth as he fights Gadreel. It is perhaps Padalecki’s best scene this season, especially when he delivers the line “I said get…the hell…Out! ” After we see Sam wake up, Padalecki shows us Sam’s shock, anger, and heartbreak with his signature subtle style. Even before he says a single world in that final scene, we can feel all of Sam’s hurt—see it all over his face just by how Padalecki presents him. And as he delivers the line, “But don’t go thinking that’s the problem, ’cause it’s not,” we can sense all of his inner turmoil and grief at his latest parting from his brother—and for what has been done. It’ll be interesting to see how Padalecki shows Sam in the aftermath to what has happened to him.
Best Lines of the Week:
Sam: I said get…the hell…Out!
Crowley: Your phallus on wheels just ran a red light in Somerset, Pennsylvania ten minutes ago.
Dean: A demon and an angel walk Into my brother. Sounds like a bad joke.
Crowley: What are you, a pimp?
Crowley: Other than the fact that I’m trying to unravel a living, multidimensional knot of pure energy, not much.
Next week we get to see Dean and Crowley team up against Abaddon.
This made my Top 10 SPN episodes of the entire series. So many wonderful quips from Crowley . . . the emotional intimacy in the scenes between Dean and Cas . . . Sam ejecting Gadreel . . . the fight between Crowley and Cas over the seating arrangements. Just totally awesome.
This made my Top 10 SPN episodes of the entire series. So many wonderful quips from Crowley . . . the emotional intimacy in the scenes between Dean and Cas . . . Sam ejecting Gadreel . . . the fight between Crowley and Cas over the seating arrangements. Just totally awesome.
[quote name=”Ripley2win”]This made my Top 10 SPN episodes of the entire series. So many wonderful quips from Crowley . . . the emotional intimacy in the scenes between Dean and Cas . . . Sam ejecting Gadreel . . . the fight between Crowley and Cas over the seating arrangements. Just totally awesome.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
I love this episode, too. It’s certainly a top of season 9, and possibly of the series for me, too. It had all the elements that make me love this show as much as I do. Humor, angst, tension, all the things I ask for when I watch the show.
I’m glad you agree!
Thanks again.
[quote]This made my Top 10 SPN episodes of the entire series. So many wonderful quips from Crowley . . . the emotional intimacy in the scenes between Dean and Cas . . . Sam ejecting Gadreel . . . the fight between Crowley and Cas over the seating arrangements. Just totally awesome.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
I love this episode, too. It’s certainly a top of season 9, and possibly of the series for me, too. It had all the elements that make me love this show as much as I do. Humor, angst, tension, all the things I ask for when I watch the show.
I’m glad you agree!
Thanks again.
I’m very intrigued by Crowley this season. The trials have definitely affected him but I’m not certain how much as his performance is so subtle. If you don’t listen closely to the things he says and the manner in which they’re said you can miss it. Not just his obvious grief about Kevin but his behaviour towards Sam in the head -bunker. The first thing he says while staring at Sam who is unaware of his presence is “Not bad. ” With just those two words he gives the impression that hes actually glad to see Sam and during the entire scene he puts much effort into saving him. You get the feeling, its subtle but there, that he WANTS to save Sam because he cares about his situation. I just find his attitude very interesting and deeply curious how this plays out in his war with Abaddon and if he and Sam will be having any kind of one on one convos this season.
I’m very intrigued by Crowley this season. The trials have definitely affected him but I’m not certain how much as his performance is so subtle. If you don’t listen closely to the things he says and the manner in which they’re said you can miss it. Not just his obvious grief about Kevin but his behaviour towards Sam in the head -bunker. The first thing he says while staring at Sam who is unaware of his presence is “Not bad. ” With just those two words he gives the impression that hes actually glad to see Sam and during the entire scene he puts much effort into saving him. You get the feeling, its subtle but there, that he WANTS to save Sam because he cares about his situation. I just find his attitude very interesting and deeply curious how this plays out in his war with Abaddon and if he and Sam will be having any kind of one on one convos this season.
Great review! Agree with you!
And YES one of best episodes ever!!!
And I think Crowley always keeps his deals. Remember in Season Seven: TfaW Crowley says: We keep our deals. Hell’s got integrity. (or something like that)
Great review! Agree with you!
And YES one of best episodes ever!!!
And I think Crowley always keeps his deals. Remember in Season Seven: TfaW Crowley says: We keep our deals. Hell’s got integrity. (or something like that)
[quote name=”lkeke35″]I’m very intrigued by Crowley this season. The trials have definitely affected him but I’m not certain how much as his performance is so subtle. If you don’t listen closely to the things he says and the manner in which they’re said you can miss it. Not just his obvious grief about Kevin but his behaviour towards Sam in the head -bunker. The first thing he says while staring at Sam who is unaware of his presence is “Not bad. ” With just those two words he gives the impression that hes actually glad to see Sam and during the entire scene he puts much effort into saving him. You get the feeling, its subtle but there, that he WANTS to save Sam because he cares about his situation. I just find his attitude very interesting and deeply curious how this plays out in his war with Abaddon and if he and Sam will be having any kind of one on one convos this season.[/quote]
Thanks for the great comment.
I agree. Crowley is affected greatly by his near-cure. Sheppard really makes that whole aspect come alive in his portrayal. I have to say that I think you’re right when it comes to Crowley’s actions and words in the scene in Sam’s head. He told Dean he’d run if he saw Gadreel, and yet when push comes to shove, he tried to muscle the angel down so Sam could expel him. And after he was tossed aside, he became Sam’s cheerleader. The experience they shared in that church have totally affected him and I think he has a genuine care for Sam. I do hope we’ll get to see him and Sam talk more, too. I think they’d be some great conversations that could illuminate on both their characters.
Thanks again!
[quote]I’m very intrigued by Crowley this season. The trials have definitely affected him but I’m not certain how much as his performance is so subtle. If you don’t listen closely to the things he says and the manner in which they’re said you can miss it. Not just his obvious grief about Kevin but his behaviour towards Sam in the head -bunker. The first thing he says while staring at Sam who is unaware of his presence is “Not bad. ” With just those two words he gives the impression that hes actually glad to see Sam and during the entire scene he puts much effort into saving him. You get the feeling, its subtle but there, that he WANTS to save Sam because he cares about his situation. I just find his attitude very interesting and deeply curious how this plays out in his war with Abaddon and if he and Sam will be having any kind of one on one convos this season.[/quote]
Thanks for the great comment.
I agree. Crowley is affected greatly by his near-cure. Sheppard really makes that whole aspect come alive in his portrayal. I have to say that I think you’re right when it comes to Crowley’s actions and words in the scene in Sam’s head. He told Dean he’d run if he saw Gadreel, and yet when push comes to shove, he tried to muscle the angel down so Sam could expel him. And after he was tossed aside, he became Sam’s cheerleader. The experience they shared in that church have totally affected him and I think he has a genuine care for Sam. I do hope we’ll get to see him and Sam talk more, too. I think they’d be some great conversations that could illuminate on both their characters.
Thanks again!
The whole episode was so well done. Once agin, epic! I particularly loved the way the scene in Sam’s head was played out. That was inspired!
After all that has happened I would love it if Gadreel can turn about and try to make amends. I want him to decide to stop doing all the damage that Metatron asks of him and side with the Winchesters. I would accept a bit of poignant irony that this decision ultimately ends him. However, in the “Supernatural” universe I would hope that this will give him a means of redemption.
The whole episode was so well done. Once agin, epic! I particularly loved the way the scene in Sam’s head was played out. That was inspired!
After all that has happened I would love it if Gadreel can turn about and try to make amends. I want him to decide to stop doing all the damage that Metatron asks of him and side with the Winchesters. I would accept a bit of poignant irony that this decision ultimately ends him. However, in the “Supernatural” universe I would hope that this will give him a means of redemption.
[quote name=”Masja_13″]Great review! Agree with you!
And YES one of best episodes ever!!!
And I think Crowley always keeps his deals. Remember in Season Seven: TfaW Crowley says: We keep our deals. Hell’s got integrity. (or something like that)[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
I’m glad you liked my take so much.
As for Crowley, yes. I think he’s always had this strange integrity. It’s a fascinating aspect because of what he is. Unlike Abaddon, who seems to be all sound and fury, Crowley is all about following rules—ones that he had put on him as a Crossroads Demon that he’s built upon and adapted for himself. I wonder how much of that will be part of his actions going forward this season. I think it’s part of what that near-cure might have latched onto, too.
Thanks again.
[quote]Great review! Agree with you!
And YES one of best episodes ever!!!
And I think Crowley always keeps his deals. Remember in Season Seven: TfaW Crowley says: We keep our deals. Hell’s got integrity. (or something like that)[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
I’m glad you liked my take so much.
As for Crowley, yes. I think he’s always had this strange integrity. It’s a fascinating aspect because of what he is. Unlike Abaddon, who seems to be all sound and fury, Crowley is all about following rules—ones that he had put on him as a Crossroads Demon that he’s built upon and adapted for himself. I wonder how much of that will be part of his actions going forward this season. I think it’s part of what that near-cure might have latched onto, too.
Thanks again.
[quote name=”suenash19″]The whole episode was so well done. Once agin, epic! I particularly loved the way the scene in Sam’s head was played out. That was inspired!
After all that has happened I would love it if Gadreel can turn about and try to make amends. I want him to decide to stop doing all the damage that Metatron asks of him and side with the Winchesters. I would accept a bit of poignant irony that this decision ultimately ends him. However, in the “Supernatural” universe I would hope that this will give him a means of redemption.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
That’s an interesting theory. I would like to see Gadreel sit down and think about what Metatron is selling him, too. He’s clearly being led around by his pride, and he needs to see that at some point.
I would like to see a possible redemption for him, too—if only because he was so adamant about angels being creatures of compassion in that first meeting. That being said, I think now that he went through with killing Abner it’ll take a bit to redeem him—on top of what he’s done to Sam, of course.
Who knows, maybe he will turncoat on Metatron at some point.
Thanks again!
[quote]The whole episode was so well done. Once agin, epic! I particularly loved the way the scene in Sam’s head was played out. That was inspired!
After all that has happened I would love it if Gadreel can turn about and try to make amends. I want him to decide to stop doing all the damage that Metatron asks of him and side with the Winchesters. I would accept a bit of poignant irony that this decision ultimately ends him. However, in the “Supernatural” universe I would hope that this will give him a means of redemption.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
That’s an interesting theory. I would like to see Gadreel sit down and think about what Metatron is selling him, too. He’s clearly being led around by his pride, and he needs to see that at some point.
I would like to see a possible redemption for him, too—if only because he was so adamant about angels being creatures of compassion in that first meeting. That being said, I think now that he went through with killing Abner it’ll take a bit to redeem him—on top of what he’s done to Sam, of course.
Who knows, maybe he will turncoat on Metatron at some point.
Thanks again!
I really loved this episode, and your review certainly did it justice. Thanks for such a thorough recap and analyses of all the characters. Your take on the serpent is interesting, and I am looking forward to seeing that play out. I also see a parallel between Sam leaving to stop from hurting his brother in Good God, You’ll in season 5 and Dean leaving now. I wonder if we will have a similar parallel to that going forward, when back then Dean forgave his brother and realized that together they keep each other human. I believe Sam will do something similar this season, and Dean will spiral until his brother pulls him back.
Is it Tuesday yet?
I really loved this episode, and your review certainly did it justice. Thanks for such a thorough recap and analyses of all the characters. Your take on the serpent is interesting, and I am looking forward to seeing that play out. I also see a parallel between Sam leaving to stop from hurting his brother in Good God, You’ll in season 5 and Dean leaving now. I wonder if we will have a similar parallel to that going forward, when back then Dean forgave his brother and realized that together they keep each other human. I believe Sam will do something similar this season, and Dean will spiral until his brother pulls him back.
Is it Tuesday yet?
[quote name=”Grace232″]I really loved this episode, and your review certainly did it justice. Thanks for such a thorough recap and analyses of all the characters. Your take on the serpent is interesting, and I am looking forward to seeing that play out. I also see a parallel between Sam leaving to stop from hurting his brother in Good God, You’ll in season 5 and Dean leaving now. I wonder if we will have a similar parallel to that going forward, when back then Dean forgave his brother and realized that together they keep each other human. I believe Sam will do something similar this season, and Dean will spiral until his brother pulls him back.
Is it Tuesday yet?[/quote]
Thanks so much for you wonderful comment.
I’m glad you think I did this episode justice.
I think you’re onto something. Sam left Dean in season 5 because he was afraid he’d drag Dean down with him. We see Dean feeling the same way here. I’m hoping we get to see Sam find a way to teach Dean that it’s not the problem. I love that Sam told him that at the end, and I look forward to seeing how Sam backs those words up.
I agree. Is it Tuesday yet??
[quote]I really loved this episode, and your review certainly did it justice. Thanks for such a thorough recap and analyses of all the characters. Your take on the serpent is interesting, and I am looking forward to seeing that play out. I also see a parallel between Sam leaving to stop from hurting his brother in Good God, You’ll in season 5 and Dean leaving now. I wonder if we will have a similar parallel to that going forward, when back then Dean forgave his brother and realized that together they keep each other human. I believe Sam will do something similar this season, and Dean will spiral until his brother pulls him back.
Is it Tuesday yet?[/quote]
Thanks so much for you wonderful comment.
I’m glad you think I did this episode justice.
I think you’re onto something. Sam left Dean in season 5 because he was afraid he’d drag Dean down with him. We see Dean feeling the same way here. I’m hoping we get to see Sam find a way to teach Dean that it’s not the problem. I love that Sam told him that at the end, and I look forward to seeing how Sam backs those words up.
I agree. Is it Tuesday yet??
What I find interesting is that when Sam betrayed Dean in season 4, Dean got depressed and Sam ended saving him from saying yes to Michael.
Now Dean has betrayed Sam, and Dean is still the one being depressed and Sam will probably end up saving him again.
And people say that Dean always does the saving! Ha!
I really enjoyed reading your review.
What I find interesting is that when Sam betrayed Dean in season 4, Dean got depressed and Sam ended saving him from saying yes to Michael.
Now Dean has betrayed Sam, and Dean is still the one being depressed and Sam will probably end up saving him again.
And people say that Dean always does the saving! Ha!
I really enjoyed reading your review.
[quote name=”JuliaG”]What I find interesting is that when Sam betrayed Dean in season 4, Dean got depressed and Sam ended saving him from saying yes to Michael.
Now Dean has betrayed Sam, and Dean is still the one being depressed and Sam will probably end up saving him again.
And people say that Dean always does the saving! Ha!
I really enjoyed reading your review.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
I’ve always thought that what makes the Winchesters so compelling is that they save one another—or as Dean put it “We keep each other human.”
I will be curious to see how they have them save one another here.
Thanks again!
[quote]What I find interesting is that when Sam betrayed Dean in season 4, Dean got depressed and Sam ended saving him from saying yes to Michael.
Now Dean has betrayed Sam, and Dean is still the one being depressed and Sam will probably end up saving him again.
And people say that Dean always does the saving! Ha!
I really enjoyed reading your review.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
I’ve always thought that what makes the Winchesters so compelling is that they save one another—or as Dean put it “We keep each other human.”
I will be curious to see how they have them save one another here.
Thanks again!
I just loved your review on this episode farawayeyes. So far this is my favorite episode of Season 9 and I have not been able to stop re-watching it. I keep hitting the “Replay from the Beginning”. I love your comparison to the Garden and how you gave each character their due justice for this episode. This one was moving and gut wrenching from the very first scene of Dean giving Kevin a hunter’s funeral to the parting of ways for Dean and Sam in the final scene. 😥
I was thrilled to see them bring Tahmoh back and look forward to seeing more of him as Gadreel. 🙂 I for one am hoping that he sees Metatron for what he is and change the path he is going down but I have a feeling Dean isn’t going to care even if that does happen once and if he finds him.
A campaign with Crowley vs. Abbadon is very intriguing. I personally would have to vote for Crowley just because I think he handles Hell much better than power-hungry Abbadon does. This is going to be very interesting to watch play out. :-*
Thank you again farawayeyes for your attention to each individual character and for a beautiful write up. 😆
I for one like to just enjoy the episode for what it is and not try to read too much into it or compare it to past episodes. I also hope this isn’t going to start up the pinning Dean against Sam on who did what, when, and how and who saved who the most.
I just loved your review on this episode farawayeyes. So far this is my favorite episode of Season 9 and I have not been able to stop re-watching it. I keep hitting the “Replay from the Beginning”. I love your comparison to the Garden and how you gave each character their due justice for this episode. This one was moving and gut wrenching from the very first scene of Dean giving Kevin a hunter’s funeral to the parting of ways for Dean and Sam in the final scene. 😥
I was thrilled to see them bring Tahmoh back and look forward to seeing more of him as Gadreel. 🙂 I for one am hoping that he sees Metatron for what he is and change the path he is going down but I have a feeling Dean isn’t going to care even if that does happen once and if he finds him.
A campaign with Crowley vs. Abbadon is very intriguing. I personally would have to vote for Crowley just because I think he handles Hell much better than power-hungry Abbadon does. This is going to be very interesting to watch play out. :-*
Thank you again farawayeyes for your attention to each individual character and for a beautiful write up. 😆
I for one like to just enjoy the episode for what it is and not try to read too much into it or compare it to past episodes. I also hope this isn’t going to start up the pinning Dean against Sam on who did what, when, and how and who saved who the most.
Excellent review. I think your analogy of the MOL being the Winchester’s Garden that is now spoiled is spot on. For Dean it was a home. And now it’s just ruined. He can never look at it the same. And he’s in a self-imposed exile from the Garden because he was the one that brought the serpent (Gadreel) in. The innocence loss was of course Kevin but it is also Dean’s sense of peace that he gets from his “home”.
For Sam, the MOL is also his “safe place” but I think his issues will all be about the personal violation, the lying, and the loss of Kevin versus how he views the bunker.
No matter what happens, it’s permanent damage.
Excellent review. I think your analogy of the MOL being the Winchester’s Garden that is now spoiled is spot on. For Dean it was a home. And now it’s just ruined. He can never look at it the same. And he’s in a self-imposed exile from the Garden because he was the one that brought the serpent (Gadreel) in. The innocence loss was of course Kevin but it is also Dean’s sense of peace that he gets from his “home”.
For Sam, the MOL is also his “safe place” but I think his issues will all be about the personal violation, the lying, and the loss of Kevin versus how he views the bunker.
No matter what happens, it’s permanent damage.
I agree with you, Trucklady. It is not one versus the other. As said so eloquently by Farawayeyes, the show is so great because the brothers keep each other human and save each other.
I agree with you, Trucklady. It is not one versus the other. As said so eloquently by Farawayeyes, the show is so great because the brothers keep each other human and save each other.
[quote name=”Trucklady”]I just loved your review on this episode farawayeyes. So far this is my favorite episode of Season 9 and I have not been able to stop re-watching it. I keep hitting the “Replay from the Beginning”. I love your comparison to the Garden and how you gave each character their due justice for this episode. This one was moving and gut wrenching from the very first scene of Dean giving Kevin a hunter’s funeral to the parting of ways for Dean and Sam in the final scene. 😥
I was thrilled to see them bring Tahmoh back and look forward to seeing more of him as Gadreel. 🙂 I for one am hoping that he sees Metatron for what he is and change the path he is going down but I have a feeling Dean isn’t going to care even if that does happen once and if he finds him.
A campaign with Crowley vs. Abbadon is very intriguing. I personally would have to vote for Crowley just because I think he handles Hell much better than power-hungry Abbadon does. This is going to be very interesting to watch play out. :-*
Thank you again farawayeyes for your attention to each individual character and for a beautiful write up. 😆
I for one like to just enjoy the episode for what it is and not try to read too much into it or compare it to past episodes. I also hope this isn’t going to start up the pinning Dean against Sam on who did what, when, and how and who saved who the most.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
I’m glad you liked my comparison of the Garden and serpents,.
I think it’ll be interesting to see if Gadreel comes to the realization that he’s being played or not. I agree that Dean’s not going to care if Gadreel does change his tune and tries to make up for what he’s done. That’s too little too late in Dean’s view. Now that Gadreel is working with Metatron full time away from the Winchesters, though, he’ll have a lot more angels after him–especially when they learn who he is and who he’s working for.
I think Crowley is who I’d vote for, too. Abaddon is frightening, but highly volatile. I can’t imagine there’d be any real rules besides that she’s in charge and you do what she says—or die. Crowley’s shown himself to have a strange integrity and rule book that he adheres to—and in many ways it makes way more sense than the chaos Abaddon is offering.
As for Sam and Dean, I think they both know each other’s sins—either against one another or the world. I’m hopeful we’ll see them work through this as well. I think it’s telling when Sam says, “Don’t go thinking that’s the problem because it’s not.” That makes me think that Sam’s leaving the door open on some level–even if it takes some time for Dean to either come back or for Sam to let him.
Thanks again!
[quote]I just loved your review on this episode farawayeyes. So far this is my favorite episode of Season 9 and I have not been able to stop re-watching it. I keep hitting the “Replay from the Beginning”. I love your comparison to the Garden and how you gave each character their due justice for this episode. This one was moving and gut wrenching from the very first scene of Dean giving Kevin a hunter’s funeral to the parting of ways for Dean and Sam in the final scene. 😥
I was thrilled to see them bring Tahmoh back and look forward to seeing more of him as Gadreel. 🙂 I for one am hoping that he sees Metatron for what he is and change the path he is going down but I have a feeling Dean isn’t going to care even if that does happen once and if he finds him.
A campaign with Crowley vs. Abbadon is very intriguing. I personally would have to vote for Crowley just because I think he handles Hell much better than power-hungry Abbadon does. This is going to be very interesting to watch play out. :-*
Thank you again farawayeyes for your attention to each individual character and for a beautiful write up. 😆
I for one like to just enjoy the episode for what it is and not try to read too much into it or compare it to past episodes. I also hope this isn’t going to start up the pinning Dean against Sam on who did what, when, and how and who saved who the most.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
I’m glad you liked my comparison of the Garden and serpents,.
I think it’ll be interesting to see if Gadreel comes to the realization that he’s being played or not. I agree that Dean’s not going to care if Gadreel does change his tune and tries to make up for what he’s done. That’s too little too late in Dean’s view. Now that Gadreel is working with Metatron full time away from the Winchesters, though, he’ll have a lot more angels after him–especially when they learn who he is and who he’s working for.
I think Crowley is who I’d vote for, too. Abaddon is frightening, but highly volatile. I can’t imagine there’d be any real rules besides that she’s in charge and you do what she says—or die. Crowley’s shown himself to have a strange integrity and rule book that he adheres to—and in many ways it makes way more sense than the chaos Abaddon is offering.
As for Sam and Dean, I think they both know each other’s sins—either against one another or the world. I’m hopeful we’ll see them work through this as well. I think it’s telling when Sam says, “Don’t go thinking that’s the problem because it’s not.” That makes me think that Sam’s leaving the door open on some level–even if it takes some time for Dean to either come back or for Sam to let him.
Thanks again!
[quote name=”SueB”]Excellent review. I think your analogy of the MOL being the Winchester’s Garden that is now spoiled is spot on. For Dean it was a home. And now it’s just ruined. He can never look at it the same. And he’s in a self-imposed exile from the Garden because he was the one that brought the serpent (Gadreel) in. The innocence loss was of course Kevin but it is also Dean’s sense of peace that he gets from his “home”.
For Sam, the MOL is also his “safe place” but I think his issues will all be about the personal violation, the lying, and the loss of Kevin versus how he views the bunker.
No matter what happens, it’s permanent damage.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
I’m glad you liked my analogy. I do think that the Bunker is forever changed for Dean–and that makes me sad. It’s supposed to be their haven, and now it’s forever going to be tarnished by what has happened.
I’m just hoping that as Dean works through this—and Sam works through what has happened to them—that they can find a way to save one another and make these Gardens place of peace, home, and safety for both of them again.
Thanks again!
[quote]Excellent review. I think your analogy of the MOL being the Winchester’s Garden that is now spoiled is spot on. For Dean it was a home. And now it’s just ruined. He can never look at it the same. And he’s in a self-imposed exile from the Garden because he was the one that brought the serpent (Gadreel) in. The innocence loss was of course Kevin but it is also Dean’s sense of peace that he gets from his “home”.
For Sam, the MOL is also his “safe place” but I think his issues will all be about the personal violation, the lying, and the loss of Kevin versus how he views the bunker.
No matter what happens, it’s permanent damage.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
I’m glad you liked my analogy. I do think that the Bunker is forever changed for Dean–and that makes me sad. It’s supposed to be their haven, and now it’s forever going to be tarnished by what has happened.
I’m just hoping that as Dean works through this—and Sam works through what has happened to them—that they can find a way to save one another and make these Gardens place of peace, home, and safety for both of them again.
Thanks again!
Loved this review. I agree the bunker has been spoiled. I hope that both brothers realize it is theirs to take back. My two most heart wrenching scenes in this ep were when Dean couldn’t take listening to the torture thinking it was his fault and Sam softly asking Crowley “did I kill Kevin” thinking that he had hurt someone he cared about. I loved how compassionate Crowley was with Sam. And the end scene with Dean so guilt ridden he couldn’t hardly look Sam in the face, Sam once again being shut out by Dean not being allowed to share the burden. Castiel has some healing to do with both brothers.
Loved this review. I agree the bunker has been spoiled. I hope that both brothers realize it is theirs to take back. My two most heart wrenching scenes in this ep were when Dean couldn’t take listening to the torture thinking it was his fault and Sam softly asking Crowley “did I kill Kevin” thinking that he had hurt someone he cared about. I loved how compassionate Crowley was with Sam. And the end scene with Dean so guilt ridden he couldn’t hardly look Sam in the face, Sam once again being shut out by Dean not being allowed to share the burden. Castiel has some healing to do with both brothers.
[quote name=”cheryl42″]Loved this review. I agree the bunker has been spoiled. I hope that both brothers realize it is theirs to take back. My two most heart wrenching scenes in this ep were when Dean couldn’t take listening to the torture thinking it was his fault and Sam softly asking Crowley “did I kill Kevin” thinking that he had hurt someone he cared about. I loved how compassionate Crowley was with Sam. And the end scene with Dean so guilt ridden he couldn’t hardly look Sam in the face, Sam once again being shut out by Dean not being allowed to share the burden. Castiel has some healing to do with both brothers.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
YES. I think you nailed it here. The Winchesters have to take back the Gardens: the MOL Bunker, Sam, and earth. I’m hopeful that we’ll see that develop over the remainder of the season.
I agree with you on the most painful scenes. Jared was amazing there, making the agony Gadreel was feeling something to behold—and of course because it is Sam’s voice it hurts even more.
I know the preview emphasized Dean and Crowley, but I’m hoping we get to see Castiel and Sam talk about what has happened and where things are going at some point.
Thanks again!
[quote]Loved this review. I agree the bunker has been spoiled. I hope that both brothers realize it is theirs to take back. My two most heart wrenching scenes in this ep were when Dean couldn’t take listening to the torture thinking it was his fault and Sam softly asking Crowley “did I kill Kevin” thinking that he had hurt someone he cared about. I loved how compassionate Crowley was with Sam. And the end scene with Dean so guilt ridden he couldn’t hardly look Sam in the face, Sam once again being shut out by Dean not being allowed to share the burden. Castiel has some healing to do with both brothers.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
YES. I think you nailed it here. The Winchesters have to take back the Gardens: the MOL Bunker, Sam, and earth. I’m hopeful that we’ll see that develop over the remainder of the season.
I agree with you on the most painful scenes. Jared was amazing there, making the agony Gadreel was feeling something to behold—and of course because it is Sam’s voice it hurts even more.
I know the preview emphasized Dean and Crowley, but I’m hoping we get to see Castiel and Sam talk about what has happened and where things are going at some point.
Thanks again!
I will note that although Crowley did end his speech with “Vote Crowley” there is another meaning for campaign.
[quote]In the military sciences, the term military campaign applies to large scale, long duration, significant military strategy plan incorporating a series of inter-related military operations or battles forming a distinct part of a larger conflict often called a war. The term derives from the plain of Campania, a place of annual wartime operations by the armies of the Roman Republic.[/quote]
In fact, when Crowley first said the word campaign, I immediately thought he was talking about a long term strategic battle; sort of winning the battle, but losing the war. Whether this is a political campaign or a military one, I do think that Crowley has Abaddon beat in the ability to think strategically. Planning, knowing your enemy, knowing when to hold them and when to fold them are all Crowley’s strengths. Abaddon seems to rely on sheer power. In any case, this will be an interesting war of brains vs brawn. I am rooting for Crowley although I do love Abaddon.
[quote]Yet that doesn’t seem to stop Sam from trying to shoulder the consequences for the serpent’s actions—in particular Kevin’s death. He may not have done it—but it was his body that did. He feels much the same way after he learned what Soulless Sam had done—responsible.
Dean won’t allow him to. He tells Sam, “No. That is not on you. Kevin’s blood is on my hands, and that ain’t ever getting clean. I’ll burn for that. I will.”[/quote]
I have to say that this bothers me, a lot. Dean starts the conversation, not with an apology. Not by saying he was wrong. But by telling Sam to get on with it. He announces Sam is pissed. Sam is pissed, but he is feeling other things as well. What, well, Dean pretty much cuts Sam off at the pass with this. Dean will accept pissed, but not any other emotion. Now, Sam is not responsible for Kevin’s death, but Dean completely dismisses Sam’s feelings. He doesn’t try to hear them. He refuses to let Sam speak about his feelings of responsibility. He tells Sam that Dean feels guilty so Sam can just stop because Dean’s guilt is what matters. And that is part of the problem between Sam and Dean.
This is not the first time Dean has done this. When John died he told Sam that Sam had no right to grieve because it was too little too late. When Sam found out Dean had sold his soul for Sam and how did Dean think that affected Sam, Dean said he didn’t care, he deserved to be selfish this once. I’m certainly aware that Dean is horrible at talking about feelings, especially Sam’s. I’m sure it has to do with his feeling responsible for Sam and when Sam expresses distress or unhappiness, Dean feels like a failure. But it has him shutting Sam up with no way to process his feelings except by living in his own head. One of the points that people have brought up is that we do not see Sam’s POV very often. Dean has people to talk to, Sam doesn’t except for Dean who can’t handle Sam’s feelings.
One thing I hope is that Sam DOES get to talk to someone about how he feels about this possession. The responsibility and horror he feels over remembering his hand killing Kevin. The horror of his body killing 2 angels, good or bad, under orders from Metatron. And any other feelings he has, whether or not he “should” feel the way he does. It is sad that Crowley put the blame for Kevin where it belongs by telling Sam “You didn’t kill him, He did”, while all Dean can say is “I’m feeling guilty, so you have no right to”. Once all of this is over and done, I really hope that Sam and Dean learn to communicate. Both of them have failed to so effectively and it is the only thing that repair the relationship.
I will note that although Crowley did end his speech with “Vote Crowley” there is another meaning for campaign.
[quote]In the military sciences, the term military campaign applies to large scale, long duration, significant military strategy plan incorporating a series of inter-related military operations or battles forming a distinct part of a larger conflict often called a war. The term derives from the plain of Campania, a place of annual wartime operations by the armies of the Roman Republic.[/quote]
In fact, when Crowley first said the word campaign, I immediately thought he was talking about a long term strategic battle; sort of winning the battle, but losing the war. Whether this is a political campaign or a military one, I do think that Crowley has Abaddon beat in the ability to think strategically. Planning, knowing your enemy, knowing when to hold them and when to fold them are all Crowley’s strengths. Abaddon seems to rely on sheer power. In any case, this will be an interesting war of brains vs brawn. I am rooting for Crowley although I do love Abaddon.
[quote]Yet that doesn’t seem to stop Sam from trying to shoulder the consequences for the serpent’s actions—in particular Kevin’s death. He may not have done it—but it was his body that did. He feels much the same way after he learned what Soulless Sam had done—responsible.
Dean won’t allow him to. He tells Sam, “No. That is not on you. Kevin’s blood is on my hands, and that ain’t ever getting clean. I’ll burn for that. I will.”[/quote]
I have to say that this bothers me, a lot. Dean starts the conversation, not with an apology. Not by saying he was wrong. But by telling Sam to get on with it. He announces Sam is pissed. Sam is pissed, but he is feeling other things as well. What, well, Dean pretty much cuts Sam off at the pass with this. Dean will accept pissed, but not any other emotion. Now, Sam is not responsible for Kevin’s death, but Dean completely dismisses Sam’s feelings. He doesn’t try to hear them. He refuses to let Sam speak about his feelings of responsibility. He tells Sam that Dean feels guilty so Sam can just stop because Dean’s guilt is what matters. And that is part of the problem between Sam and Dean.
This is not the first time Dean has done this. When John died he told Sam that Sam had no right to grieve because it was too little too late. When Sam found out Dean had sold his soul for Sam and how did Dean think that affected Sam, Dean said he didn’t care, he deserved to be selfish this once. I’m certainly aware that Dean is horrible at talking about feelings, especially Sam’s. I’m sure it has to do with his feeling responsible for Sam and when Sam expresses distress or unhappiness, Dean feels like a failure. But it has him shutting Sam up with no way to process his feelings except by living in his own head. One of the points that people have brought up is that we do not see Sam’s POV very often. Dean has people to talk to, Sam doesn’t except for Dean who can’t handle Sam’s feelings.
One thing I hope is that Sam DOES get to talk to someone about how he feels about this possession. The responsibility and horror he feels over remembering his hand killing Kevin. The horror of his body killing 2 angels, good or bad, under orders from Metatron. And any other feelings he has, whether or not he “should” feel the way he does. It is sad that Crowley put the blame for Kevin where it belongs by telling Sam “You didn’t kill him, He did”, while all Dean can say is “I’m feeling guilty, so you have no right to”. Once all of this is over and done, I really hope that Sam and Dean learn to communicate. Both of them have failed to so effectively and it is the only thing that repair the relationship.
[quote name=”percysowner”]I will note that although Crowley did end his speech with “Vote Crowley” there is another meaning for campaign.
[quote]In the military sciences, the term military campaign applies to large scale, long duration, significant military strategy plan incorporating a series of inter-related military operations or battles forming a distinct part of a larger conflict often called a war. The term derives from the plain of Campania, a place of annual wartime operations by the armies of the Roman Republic.[/quote]
In fact, when Crowley first said the word campaign, I immediately thought he was talking about a long term strategic battle; sort of winning the battle, but losing the war. Whether this is a political campaign or a military one, I do think that Crowley has Abaddon beat in the ability to think strategically. Planning, knowing your enemy, knowing when to hold them and when to fold them are all Crowley’s strengths. Abaddon seems to rely on sheer power. In any case, this will be an interesting war of brains vs brawn. I am rooting for Crowley although I do love Abaddon.
[quote]Yet that doesn’t seem to stop Sam from trying to shoulder the consequences for the serpent’s actions—in particular Kevin’s death. He may not have done it—but it was his body that did. He feels much the same way after he learned what Soulless Sam had done—responsible.
Dean won’t allow him to. He tells Sam, “No. That is not on you. Kevin’s blood is on my hands, and that ain’t ever getting clean. I’ll burn for that. I will.”[/quote]
I have to say that this bothers me, a lot. Dean starts the conversation, not with an apology. Not by saying he was wrong. But by telling Sam to get on with it. He announces Sam is pissed. Sam is pissed, but he is feeling other things as well. What, well, Dean pretty much cuts Sam off at the pass with this. Dean will accept pissed, but not any other emotion. Now, Sam is not responsible for Kevin’s death, but Dean completely dismisses Sam’s feelings. He doesn’t try to hear them. He refuses to let Sam speak about his feelings of responsibility. He tells Sam that Dean feels guilty so Sam can just stop because Dean’s guilt is what matters. And that is part of the problem between Sam and Dean.
This is not the first time Dean has done this. When John died he told Sam that Sam had no right to grieve because it was too little too late. When Sam found out Dean had sold his soul for Sam and how did Dean think that affected Sam, Dean said he didn’t care, he deserved to be selfish this once. I’m certainly aware that Dean is horrible at talking about feelings, especially Sam’s. I’m sure it has to do with his feeling responsible for Sam and when Sam expresses distress or unhappiness, Dean feels like a failure. But it has him shutting Sam up with no way to process his feelings except by living in his own head. One of the points that people have brought up is that we do not see Sam’s POV very often. Dean has people to talk to, Sam doesn’t except for Dean who can’t handle Sam’s feelings.
One thing I hope is that Sam DOES get to talk to someone about how he feels about this possession. The responsibility and horror he feels over remembering his hand killing Kevin. The horror of his body killing 2 angels, good or bad, under orders from Metatron. And any other feelings he has, whether or not he “should” feel the way he does. It is sad that Crowley put the blame for Kevin where it belongs by telling Sam “You didn’t kill him, He did”, while all Dean can say is “I’m feeling guilty, so you have no right to”. Once all of this is over and done, I really hope that Sam and Dean learn to communicate. Both of them have failed to so effectively and it is the only thing that repair the relationship.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
Yes. a campaign can be a battle one. Considering how Crowley left things, though, I’m leaning towards more of a political one. That being said, I do think we’ll see battles between Crowley and Abaddon, too. Since they’re both demons, and we know Crowely’s not afraid to get his hands dirty, they’ll fight or have demons fight each other at some point. I do think Crowley has the advantage, though. He has been in charge for awhile now, and he gets the average demon.
As for Sam and Dean, I think you’re right that the brothers have to learn how to communicate better. II think both of them have to assess how they communicate and where it breaks down for both of them. If they don’t both do that, they’ll never fix the problem—and I’m hopeful that Sam’s last words point to that being the problem, not what Dean thinks it is. I’m hopeful that the remainder of season nine will explore that in various ways, and that we’ll get to see them work their way through it as individuals and as a brotherly unit.
Thanks again.
[quote]I will note that although Crowley did end his speech with “Vote Crowley” there is another meaning for campaign.
[quote]In the military sciences, the term military campaign applies to large scale, long duration, significant military strategy plan incorporating a series of inter-related military operations or battles forming a distinct part of a larger conflict often called a war. The term derives from the plain of Campania, a place of annual wartime operations by the armies of the Roman Republic.[/quote]
In fact, when Crowley first said the word campaign, I immediately thought he was talking about a long term strategic battle; sort of winning the battle, but losing the war. Whether this is a political campaign or a military one, I do think that Crowley has Abaddon beat in the ability to think strategically. Planning, knowing your enemy, knowing when to hold them and when to fold them are all Crowley’s strengths. Abaddon seems to rely on sheer power. In any case, this will be an interesting war of brains vs brawn. I am rooting for Crowley although I do love Abaddon.
[quote]Yet that doesn’t seem to stop Sam from trying to shoulder the consequences for the serpent’s actions—in particular Kevin’s death. He may not have done it—but it was his body that did. He feels much the same way after he learned what Soulless Sam had done—responsible.
Dean won’t allow him to. He tells Sam, “No. That is not on you. Kevin’s blood is on my hands, and that ain’t ever getting clean. I’ll burn for that. I will.”[/quote]
I have to say that this bothers me, a lot. Dean starts the conversation, not with an apology. Not by saying he was wrong. But by telling Sam to get on with it. He announces Sam is pissed. Sam is pissed, but he is feeling other things as well. What, well, Dean pretty much cuts Sam off at the pass with this. Dean will accept pissed, but not any other emotion. Now, Sam is not responsible for Kevin’s death, but Dean completely dismisses Sam’s feelings. He doesn’t try to hear them. He refuses to let Sam speak about his feelings of responsibility. He tells Sam that Dean feels guilty so Sam can just stop because Dean’s guilt is what matters. And that is part of the problem between Sam and Dean.
This is not the first time Dean has done this. When John died he told Sam that Sam had no right to grieve because it was too little too late. When Sam found out Dean had sold his soul for Sam and how did Dean think that affected Sam, Dean said he didn’t care, he deserved to be selfish this once. I’m certainly aware that Dean is horrible at talking about feelings, especially Sam’s. I’m sure it has to do with his feeling responsible for Sam and when Sam expresses distress or unhappiness, Dean feels like a failure. But it has him shutting Sam up with no way to process his feelings except by living in his own head. One of the points that people have brought up is that we do not see Sam’s POV very often. Dean has people to talk to, Sam doesn’t except for Dean who can’t handle Sam’s feelings.
One thing I hope is that Sam DOES get to talk to someone about how he feels about this possession. The responsibility and horror he feels over remembering his hand killing Kevin. The horror of his body killing 2 angels, good or bad, under orders from Metatron. And any other feelings he has, whether or not he “should” feel the way he does. It is sad that Crowley put the blame for Kevin where it belongs by telling Sam “You didn’t kill him, He did”, while all Dean can say is “I’m feeling guilty, so you have no right to”. Once all of this is over and done, I really hope that Sam and Dean learn to communicate. Both of them have failed to so effectively and it is the only thing that repair the relationship.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
Yes. a campaign can be a battle one. Considering how Crowley left things, though, I’m leaning towards more of a political one. That being said, I do think we’ll see battles between Crowley and Abaddon, too. Since they’re both demons, and we know Crowely’s not afraid to get his hands dirty, they’ll fight or have demons fight each other at some point. I do think Crowley has the advantage, though. He has been in charge for awhile now, and he gets the average demon.
As for Sam and Dean, I think you’re right that the brothers have to learn how to communicate better. II think both of them have to assess how they communicate and where it breaks down for both of them. If they don’t both do that, they’ll never fix the problem—and I’m hopeful that Sam’s last words point to that being the problem, not what Dean thinks it is. I’m hopeful that the remainder of season nine will explore that in various ways, and that we’ll get to see them work their way through it as individuals and as a brotherly unit.
Thanks again.
Hello, Long time lurker here, 🙂
I have always enjoyed your reviews Far away eyes, I like how you look at the episodes and then how you always give each character their own “special” spotlight to highlight something about the character and the actor/actress.
I loved this episode and think it is one of the best this season. I think all 4 of the main guys brought out the best in themselves and each other, and there are so many good moments it is difficult to single out the best moment.
I read someone else’s’ comment about just enjoying the episode and not reading too much into that and I totally agree with that. I don’t pay attention to spoilers, promos, or interviews, they are meant to stir up the fandom and the way they are edited is misleading.
I just wanted to say how much I enjoy all the reviews on this site. 🙂
Hello, Long time lurker here, 🙂
I have always enjoyed your reviews Far away eyes, I like how you look at the episodes and then how you always give each character their own “special” spotlight to highlight something about the character and the actor/actress.
I loved this episode and think it is one of the best this season. I think all 4 of the main guys brought out the best in themselves and each other, and there are so many good moments it is difficult to single out the best moment.
I read someone else’s’ comment about just enjoying the episode and not reading too much into that and I totally agree with that. I don’t pay attention to spoilers, promos, or interviews, they are meant to stir up the fandom and the way they are edited is misleading.
I just wanted to say how much I enjoy all the reviews on this site. 🙂
Oh Yeah……
It’s nice to see someone else appreciate Sams subtleties.
God, I really dig this show. The entire arc — starting from season 1– is epic. 9 seasons, and I can still watch most of it over and over.
Oh Yeah……
It’s nice to see someone else appreciate Sams subtleties.
God, I really dig this show. The entire arc — starting from season 1– is epic. 9 seasons, and I can still watch most of it over and over.
[quote name=”novemberschild”]Hello, Long time lurker here, 🙂
I have always enjoyed your reviews Far away eyes, I like how you look at the episodes and then how you always give each character their own “special” spotlight to highlight something about the character and the actor/actress.
I loved this episode and think it is one of the best this season. I think all 4 of the main guys brought out the best in themselves and each other, and there are so many good moments it is difficult to single out the best moment.
I read someone else’s’ comment about just enjoying the episode and not reading too much into that and I totally agree with that. I don’t pay attention to spoilers, promos, or interviews, they are meant to stir up the fandom and the way they are edited is misleading.
I just wanted to say how much I enjoy all the reviews on this site. :-)[/quote]
Thanks so much for the comment.
I’m glad you enjoy my reviews so much. It means a lot to me that someone finds my interpretation worth reading. I think each actor/character makes up the whole so I love to take time to see what they brought to it. I’m glad you like that.
I, too, stay away from all spoilers. It’s not my thing and I would much rather be surprised by what I find in the show without any bias or preconceived notions. I agree, I find most spoilers to be misleading and only there to create some buzz and frezny.
I love this show, and it’s just so much fun to think and write about—but I do love being able to just watch once I’m done writing, too. It’s fun, it makes me feel deeply, and I’m so glad there’s others that feel the same way!
Thanks again!
[quote]Hello, Long time lurker here, 🙂
I have always enjoyed your reviews Far away eyes, I like how you look at the episodes and then how you always give each character their own “special” spotlight to highlight something about the character and the actor/actress.
I loved this episode and think it is one of the best this season. I think all 4 of the main guys brought out the best in themselves and each other, and there are so many good moments it is difficult to single out the best moment.
I read someone else’s’ comment about just enjoying the episode and not reading too much into that and I totally agree with that. I don’t pay attention to spoilers, promos, or interviews, they are meant to stir up the fandom and the way they are edited is misleading.
I just wanted to say how much I enjoy all the reviews on this site. :-)[/quote]
Thanks so much for the comment.
I’m glad you enjoy my reviews so much. It means a lot to me that someone finds my interpretation worth reading. I think each actor/character makes up the whole so I love to take time to see what they brought to it. I’m glad you like that.
I, too, stay away from all spoilers. It’s not my thing and I would much rather be surprised by what I find in the show without any bias or preconceived notions. I agree, I find most spoilers to be misleading and only there to create some buzz and frezny.
I love this show, and it’s just so much fun to think and write about—but I do love being able to just watch once I’m done writing, too. It’s fun, it makes me feel deeply, and I’m so glad there’s others that feel the same way!
Thanks again!
[quote name=”Sams*Buddy”]Oh Yeah……
It’s nice to see someone else appreciate Sams subtleties.
God, I really dig this show. The entire arc — starting from season 1– is epic. 9 seasons, and I can still watch most of it over and over.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
I watched the nine eps we had prior to the premiere of “Road Trip,” and I found it to be just as epic in one marathon as it was when I watched it unfold each week. I love that about this show. Just glad others feel the same way!
Thanks again!
[quote]Oh Yeah……
It’s nice to see someone else appreciate Sams subtleties.
God, I really dig this show. The entire arc — starting from season 1– is epic. 9 seasons, and I can still watch most of it over and over.[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
I watched the nine eps we had prior to the premiere of “Road Trip,” and I found it to be just as epic in one marathon as it was when I watched it unfold each week. I love that about this show. Just glad others feel the same way!
Thanks again!
Great review as always. I love the way you take a theme and go with it. This time it was serpents entering gardens, I loved it. This episode had so much going for it, it was absolutely gorgeous and sad, with some funny one-liners peppered throughout. I’m so glad to see Crowley on the move again, I’ve missed him. His “campaign” against Abaddon promises to be epic. I will definitely cast my vote for Crowley! 😆
Now for the meat of this episode. OMG, Sam & Dean, my heart just broke. 😥 That one scene at the beginning when Dean just let’s his anger out was just devastating. And Sam casting Gadreel out was so baddass. Man, angels, demons, they just don’t get it, do they? Never underestimate a Winchester, because he will always defeat you. And now that both of them are pissed off, they are even more lethal.
I’m looking forward to next weeks episode with Crowley hunting with Dean, that will be most interesting. 😉
Great review as always. I love the way you take a theme and go with it. This time it was serpents entering gardens, I loved it. This episode had so much going for it, it was absolutely gorgeous and sad, with some funny one-liners peppered throughout. I’m so glad to see Crowley on the move again, I’ve missed him. His “campaign” against Abaddon promises to be epic. I will definitely cast my vote for Crowley! 😆
Now for the meat of this episode. OMG, Sam & Dean, my heart just broke. 😥 That one scene at the beginning when Dean just let’s his anger out was just devastating. And Sam casting Gadreel out was so baddass. Man, angels, demons, they just don’t get it, do they? Never underestimate a Winchester, because he will always defeat you. And now that both of them are pissed off, they are even more lethal.
I’m looking forward to next weeks episode with Crowley hunting with Dean, that will be most interesting. 😉
[quote name=”Sylvie”]Great review as always. I love the way you take a theme and go with it. This time it was serpents entering gardens, I loved it. This episode had so much going for it, it was absolutely gorgeous and sad, with some funny one-liners peppered throughout. I’m so glad to see Crowley on the move again, I’ve missed him. His “campaign” against Abaddon promises to be epic. I will definitely cast my vote for Crowley! 😆
Now for the meat of this episode. OMG, Sam & Dean, my heart just broke. 😥 That one scene at the beginning when Dean just let’s his anger out was just devastating. And Sam casting Gadreel out was so baddass. Man, angels, demons, they just don’t get it, do they? Never underestimate a Winchester, because he will always defeat you. And now that both of them are pissed off, they are even more lethal.
I’m looking forward to next weeks episode with Crowley hunting with Dean, that will be most interesting. ;-)[/quote]
Thanks so much for the comment.
I’m glad you enjoy my interpretation of the season arc—and in particular this episode. I love how they’re taking Biblical text and using it as a construct for the story, so I really seem to find myself honing in on it. I think it’s a great way for them to use allegory, and I’m loving how they’re doing that this season especially.
I loved the one liners and had a hard time keeping it to a minimum. In a lot of ways I wanted to just fave the whole script! I’d have to say my fave “comic relief” scene was when they went to Castiel’s car and Crowley and Cas fought over the backseat. It was just so funny.
As for Sam and Dean, yes, my heart breaks for both of them. There’s so much they have to figure out as individuals and as a brotherly unit and I am hopeful we’ll get to see that explored in this second half more.
I don’t think Gadreel realizes what he’s going to have coming after him yet. I’m hoping one of them gets to take him down—or better yet that they will do it together. I am curious if they’ll discover that Metatron is the one pulling his strings and when. Cause he’ll get just as much heat from them on it, too.
Oh I am so looking forward to this week. Robbie Thompson wrote it. Timothy Omundson from Psych is guest starring—and as Crowley says, “I do love a buddy comedy.” I’m so psyched.
Thanks again!
[quote]Great review as always. I love the way you take a theme and go with it. This time it was serpents entering gardens, I loved it. This episode had so much going for it, it was absolutely gorgeous and sad, with some funny one-liners peppered throughout. I’m so glad to see Crowley on the move again, I’ve missed him. His “campaign” against Abaddon promises to be epic. I will definitely cast my vote for Crowley! 😆
Now for the meat of this episode. OMG, Sam & Dean, my heart just broke. 😥 That one scene at the beginning when Dean just let’s his anger out was just devastating. And Sam casting Gadreel out was so baddass. Man, angels, demons, they just don’t get it, do they? Never underestimate a Winchester, because he will always defeat you. And now that both of them are pissed off, they are even more lethal.
I’m looking forward to next weeks episode with Crowley hunting with Dean, that will be most interesting. ;-)[/quote]
Thanks so much for the comment.
I’m glad you enjoy my interpretation of the season arc—and in particular this episode. I love how they’re taking Biblical text and using it as a construct for the story, so I really seem to find myself honing in on it. I think it’s a great way for them to use allegory, and I’m loving how they’re doing that this season especially.
I loved the one liners and had a hard time keeping it to a minimum. In a lot of ways I wanted to just fave the whole script! I’d have to say my fave “comic relief” scene was when they went to Castiel’s car and Crowley and Cas fought over the backseat. It was just so funny.
As for Sam and Dean, yes, my heart breaks for both of them. There’s so much they have to figure out as individuals and as a brotherly unit and I am hopeful we’ll get to see that explored in this second half more.
I don’t think Gadreel realizes what he’s going to have coming after him yet. I’m hoping one of them gets to take him down—or better yet that they will do it together. I am curious if they’ll discover that Metatron is the one pulling his strings and when. Cause he’ll get just as much heat from them on it, too.
Oh I am so looking forward to this week. Robbie Thompson wrote it. Timothy Omundson from Psych is guest starring—and as Crowley says, “I do love a buddy comedy.” I’m so psyched.
Thanks again!
[quote name=”Far Away Eyes”]I do think that the Bunker is forever changed for Dean–and that makes me sad. It’s supposed to be their haven, and now it’s forever going to be tarnished by what has happened. I’m just hoping that as Dean works through this—and Sam works through what has happened to them—that they can find a way to save one another and make these Gardens place of peace, home, and safety for both of them again.[/quote]
They will. They always have. I doubt Dean returns to the bunker until he and Sam reconcile. Great analogy with the Garden. Your reviews are always insightful and well-executed. Nice work!
SIDENOTE: Did it bug anyone else that despite wanting justice served to Thaddeus, and his chosen vessel’s parody, that it seemed too easy for Sammy to get back out of an arena full of fans after having trouble leaving diners (*cough* Eve and Leviathans *splutter choke*) and banks?
[quote]I do think that the Bunker is forever changed for Dean–and that makes me sad. It’s supposed to be their haven, and now it’s forever going to be tarnished by what has happened. I’m just hoping that as Dean works through this—and Sam works through what has happened to them—that they can find a way to save one another and make these Gardens place of peace, home, and safety for both of them again.[/quote]
They will. They always have. I doubt Dean returns to the bunker until he and Sam reconcile. Great analogy with the Garden. Your reviews are always insightful and well-executed. Nice work!
SIDENOTE: Did it bug anyone else that despite wanting justice served to Thaddeus, and his chosen vessel’s parody, that it seemed too easy for Sammy to get back out of an arena full of fans after having trouble leaving diners (*cough* Eve and Leviathans *splutter choke*) and banks?
[quote name=”Puck”][quote name=”Far Away Eyes”]I do think that the Bunker is forever changed for Dean–and that makes me sad. It’s supposed to be their haven, and now it’s forever going to be tarnished by what has happened. I’m just hoping that as Dean works through this—and Sam works through what has happened to them—that they can find a way to save one another and make these Gardens place of peace, home, and safety for both of them again.[/quote]
They will. They always have. I doubt Dean returns to the bunker until he and Sam reconcile. Great analogy with the Garden. Your reviews are always insightful and well-executed. Nice work!
SIDENOTE: Did it bug anyone else that despite wanting justice served to Thaddeus, and his chosen vessel’s parody, that it seemed too easy for Sammy to get back out of an arena full of fans after having trouble leaving diners (*cough* Eve and Leviathans *splutter choke*) and banks?[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
I agree that Dean may banish himself from the Bunker just as much as he bans himself from Sam until they can come together again and resolve things. I’m glad you liked the look at the Garden and serpents in this episode.
As for Gadreel getting out of that arena, I’m not too bothered. Since he’s an angel—and at that kill site a pissed off one—I can imagine that he had no trouble getting out after. Or he simply got back out the way he came in. But that’s my guess.
Thanks again.
[quote][quote]I do think that the Bunker is forever changed for Dean–and that makes me sad. It’s supposed to be their haven, and now it’s forever going to be tarnished by what has happened. I’m just hoping that as Dean works through this—and Sam works through what has happened to them—that they can find a way to save one another and make these Gardens place of peace, home, and safety for both of them again.[/quote]
They will. They always have. I doubt Dean returns to the bunker until he and Sam reconcile. Great analogy with the Garden. Your reviews are always insightful and well-executed. Nice work!
SIDENOTE: Did it bug anyone else that despite wanting justice served to Thaddeus, and his chosen vessel’s parody, that it seemed too easy for Sammy to get back out of an arena full of fans after having trouble leaving diners (*cough* Eve and Leviathans *splutter choke*) and banks?[/quote]
Thanks for the comment.
I agree that Dean may banish himself from the Bunker just as much as he bans himself from Sam until they can come together again and resolve things. I’m glad you liked the look at the Garden and serpents in this episode.
As for Gadreel getting out of that arena, I’m not too bothered. Since he’s an angel—and at that kill site a pissed off one—I can imagine that he had no trouble getting out after. Or he simply got back out the way he came in. But that’s my guess.
Thanks again.