Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.05, “Dog Dean Afternoon”
I need to come clean. I still don’t know how I feel about this episode. There were some great comedic moments, and the concept was interesting enough, but it never quite connected for me for some reason. So bare with me as I try to figure out why!
At first I thought maybe the concept was too outside the box for my taste. But then I remembered that I’m a fan of Supernatural, so that can’t be it. The entire “Then” segment was a montage of reminders that I can get down with some pretty weird concepts. But as I replayed everything in my head I realized my issues with the episode all stemmed from one major problem. I really hated those animal voices. I knew Dean would be communicating with a dog, but it wasn’t until the spell took effect that I realized what that meant. The dog would have to talk. That’s fine, but did he have to talk like that?
The bad voice work wasn’t limited to Colonel either. I had an issue with every animal voice throughout the episode. They all felt way too cartoonish for the show. It’s one thing if you’re watching a Disney movie, but not for a show like this. The animals would have been better served if they were given more character instead of becoming strange caricatures of themselves.
I can think of a handful of episodes throughout these nine seasons where I thought a character’s voice, or lack of voice had effected the episode overall. Way back in the pilot I remember absolutely loathing the voices they used for the ghost children. Mainly because they were clearly not children’s voices, but adults attempting to sound like children. There’s not much in this world that is more creepy than a ghost child, so why not use kids voices? Alternately, in last week’s episode I was really happy with the decision to not have the Wicked Witch talk at all. I felt she was much creepier without all the “I will get you my pretty!” stuff.
I don’t mean to to sound so down on the episode. There were certainly some fun moments. Like I said, the concept was interesting. Going into it I was really excited about the prospect of Dean adopting dog characteristics. Jensen Ackles certainly delivered on that front. His comedic timing is phenomenal. Dean “barking” at the mailman made me so happy. I also laughed out loud as he subconsciously played fetch with Sam’s napkin. Then there was the scene where he argues with a pigeon. I could go on, but I’d rather hear what you guys thought. Did you have any favorite Dean/dog moments?
We also had a really great moment from Jared. He’s been transitioning from Sam and Zeke so seamlessly these past five episodes but he it still never ceases to amaze me. During Sam’s fight with the chef, he gets clawed pretty badly across the neck. In a matter of seconds he transitions from Sam to Zeke just long enough to heal himself, then right back to Sam. Some really impressive work from Jared.
It seems Zeke is getting pretty comfortable taking control of Sam’s body whenever he wants. His ultimate goal is to heal himself, and if Sam’s body is in danger, he is in danger. But in the process he’s taking ownership of Sam’s body which is not good. Jensen Ackles is doing a great job of expressing Dean’s growing panic about this. Dean has no one to talk to about his concerns for Sam, so every indication we have that Dean is worried is shown through non-verbal expressions. Take the last scene of the episode for example:
Sam: “I can’t stop thinking about what he said.”
Dean: “Come on, Sammy. The guy was out of his freaking gourd.”
Sam: “Yeah, but why would he ask that? Why would he want to know what I was?”
Dean: “Who the hell knows? He was all jacked up on juice. He was possessed by something he couldn’t control. It was…just a matter of time before it completely took over. You can’t reason with crazy, right?”
Sam: “I don’t know.”
Dean: “Well, I do. Trust me Sammy, you got nothing to worry about.”
It’s clear that Dean is coming to the realization that it’s just a matter of time before Zeke takes over. His face said it all. Of course, the threat has always been there. But for whatever reason, the chef’s own loss of control is what leads Dean to the realization that the longer Zeke is possessing Sam, the more likely it becomes that Sam will lose control for good.
So I guess my main question is why Dean hasn’t called Cass. As far as we know Cass has no idea that Zeke is possessing Sam. I would love to get his opinion on the situation. I also think Dean really needs to talk this out with someone else who cares about Sam and can give him some perspective on the situation. Sam is getting closer and closer to figuring it all out and I’d much rather have Dean come clean then face the fallout. What do you think Cass would tell Dean if he knew about Zeke? I’m hoping we’ll get to find out in the next episode when we finally get to see Cass again!
So there it is. There were definitely things I liked about this episode, and some I wasn’t so crazy about. I’m guessing many other people shared my mixed feelings about “Dog Dean Afternoon”. I do wonder if it’s one of those episodes that will improve with more viewings. Only time will tell!
As usual there were some funny quotes and interesting moments worth mentioning.
Game of Thrones taxidermy. Is it weird that I was kind of impressed?
Dean: “I don’t like the way that one’s looking at me.” Dean was not so impressed with the taxidermy.
Sam: “Witches or Hippies?”
Dean: “What’s the difference?”
“You know who hunters are. They’re selfish dicks who define themselves by what they kill.”
Dean: “That doesn’t look so bad. (drinks) I was wrong.”
Dean: “So call Kevin. The spell tasted like ass and was a bust.”
I thought it was pretty funny that Colonel was a classic rock snob.
Dean: “He’s Mr. Roboto, bitch!”
Dean: “Ruh-roh.”
Dean: “How long am I gonna have the urge to…”
Colonel: ”Sniff butts?”
Dean: “Woah, I don’t have the urge to sniff butts.”
Colonel: ”Yet.”
Sam: “Do you really have the…”
Dean:”No. Come on!”
Dean:”One more doggy pun out of you I’m gonna have your nuts clipped.”
Dean hanging out the car window. He just looked so happy.
Dean: “You think we like that?”
Sam: “We?”
Dean: “You think because the windows are open, that’s some kind of treat?”
Colonel: “Respect.”
I got physically uncomfortable watching Dean give the poodle the silent “How you doin’?”.

Dog wants a belly rub from “the big one”.
Chef: “How the hell did you do that?”
Sam: “Do what?”
Chef: “Don’t play coy. I want to know what you are. Screw the sharktopus, you’re my main course.”
Dean: “Don’t make me lick your damn face.”
Someone just pointed this out to me. Sam tells Dean he’s been sleeping 8 hours a for a while. Is he? Or is Zeke popping out and borrowing the body? Basically was the remark about Sam sleeping so much more than normal a subtle hint that Zeke is taking over more and more. Also, Sam remembered the chef asking him what he was, but not that his neck was slashed. Is Zeke picking and choosing what he makes Sam forget and what he remembers?
I liked the voice of the Colonel and gay Yorkie, pigeon was alright. But everyone else, it could have been toned down.
They could have done better with the voices; but I think they were trying to be funny. My favorite part was Dean playing fetch. It was subtle. I was dying laughing! Oh, the line you mentioned: Dean: “I don’t like the way that one’s looking at me.” was like “Yellow Fever” and the teenagers. I can over look the voices since the rest was so good.
I suppose I can forgive things easier because we are in our 9th year. I try not to nit-pick but some things just get on your nerves more I suppose.
I stopped listening to SPN radio because the first 10 or maybe more, minutes talked about how uncomfortable they were with the POODLE scene. What are you all seeing……DEAN as a grown MAN lusting after the dog…….or DEAN THE DOG, looking at a pretty lady dog…..I saw the LATTER.
I like all the different thoughts about ZEKE and SAM. I had not thought about it that deeply. PERHAPS I AM JUST WAITING FOR SPINOFFS 8)
Hi Sofia,
On some level I completely agree with you. I was pretty surprised when I realized that the “talk to the animals” spell meant that WE’D get to hear them talk too. I didn’t like the voices either; they were all too gimmicky, and as you said too cartoonish for my tastes as well. It’s like they were trying to hard to be “funny” so if felt kind of forced. Having said that though, It didn’t ruin the episode at all for me. There was so much other good stuff, so much humor that worked and a really good plot, tight pacing and such a creepy, kick-ass villain that I just went with the dog voices even though they did annoy me.
I mentioned this on another thread; I think it would have been funnier and more creative if there had been no dog voices at all; instead letting Dean play both sides of the conversation himself. Dean already had to relay to Sam what was being said anyway, so he could have been telling us as he was telling Sam and it would have been funny to see Dean having a one sided conversation, reacting to the dog’s comments and separate personalities while he did so. It would have allowed for more interaction between Sam and Dean and more opportunity for Jensen to play both sides of a crazy conversation that only he could hear. According to his twitter Jared didn’t like the dog voices either.
For me though, it didn’t ruin the episode; there was too much other good stuff and a major bump in the awesome SamZekiel story line as well. Just MO of course.
[quote]Someone just pointed this out to me. Sam tells Dean he’s been sleeping 8 hours a for a while. Is he? Or is Zeke popping out and borrowing the body? Basically was the remark about Sam sleeping so much more than normal a subtle hint that Zeke is taking over more and more. Also, Sam remembered the chef asking him what he was, but not that his neck was slashed. Is Zeke picking and choosing what he makes Sam forget and what he remembers?[/quote]
Oh wow. I never thought of that! That would definitely be an interesting twist. I just assumed Sam is extra tired since his body is responsible for healing two people.
[quote]Hi Sofia,
On some level I completely agree with you. I was pretty surprised when I realized that the “talk to the animals” spell meant that WE’D get to hear them talk too. I didn’t like the voices either; they were all too gimmicky, and as you said too cartoonish for my tastes as well. It’s like they were trying to hard to be “funny” so if felt kind of forced. Having said that though, It didn’t ruin the episode at all for me. There was so much other good stuff, so much humor that worked and a really good plot, tight pacing and such a creepy, kick-ass villain that I just went with the dog voices even though they did annoy me.
I mentioned this on another thread; I think it would have been funnier and more creative if there had been no dog voices at all; instead letting Dean play both sides of the conversation himself. Dean already had to relay to Sam what was being said anyway, so he could have been telling us as he was telling Sam and it would have been funny to see Dean having a one sided conversation, reacting to the dog’s comments and separate personalities while he did so. It would have allowed for more interaction between Sam and Dean and more opportunity for Jensen to play both sides of a crazy conversation that only he could hear. According to his twitter Jared didn’t like the dog voices either.
For me though, it didn’t ruin the episode; there was too much other good stuff and a major bump in the awesome SamZekiel story line as well. Just MO of course.[/quote]
I agree that there were certainly a lot of good things about this episode to save it from the bad voices. I actually want to watch the episode again now that I’ve had a couple of days to reflect on it and see if the voices still bother me as much.
[quote]DEAN THE DOG, looking at a pretty lady dog…..I saw the LATTER.[/quote] I’m with you Nolanola. He had all the dog characteristics, why not that one, and The Colonel also seemed impressed. 😆 Let’s try not to be too literal, especially when it comes to an episode that’s meant to be funny.
Thank you very much SYLVIE 😉
Hi Racestaffer,
About the episode title (in case you don’t already know, which you probably do), it’s based on a 1975 Al Pacino pic about a botched bank robbery and it seems to be ostensibly about a run of bad luck. Before I saw the episode I wondered if there would be any direct correlation between the movie and the episode, but I’d have to say it doesn’t really seem like it; its more of a play on Dean’s name than anything else. If anyone had bad luck in this episode it was Sam.
Glad my Dr. Doolittle turn of phrase could help you out with your spec, which will probably turn out to be more relevant to the episode than Dog Day Afternoon was… he!
I, too, was pleasantly surprised with this ep. I actually found it incredibly funny in places. I went in spoiler free, as usual, but had heard comments that some thought the ep would suck. Well, it didn’t.
Dean with dog traits was hilarious, and very well played by Jensen. Loved the monster of the week, loved the pigeon and the rats! I wasn’t thrilled with the voices used for the animals in the shelter, I thought they were a bit too contrived.
LOVED the Sam-Zeke-Sam transition. Sam was clearly going to bleed to death so Zeke had to save him, but… Sam is so much more suspicious now. It IS going to come to a head sooner rather than later, our Sammy is not stoopid. And I do think you are right, Amy, I feel that Dean is subconsciously purposely being sloppy because he doesn’t want to lie to Sam and if Sam finds out he won’t have to lie any more. But the fallout will be massive, imho. There goes that thing about trust again. I’m not sure Sam will see what Dean did in the same way that Dean does. I don’t think he quite gets that Dean really doesn’t want to survive without him.
The next few episodes are going to be fraught, I’m sure.