Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 9.03 – “I’m No Angel”
Robin’s Rambles, Season 9, Episode 3 – I’m No Angel
*Let’s start with the three heartbreaking words that ended this episode, spoken from Dean to Cas: “You can’t stay.” Oh, the confusion on poor Cas’ face! He thought he had found refuge with family, and now he’s being cast out of the bunker? To where?
*Aw, Meg, I miss you, and your Clarence reference. I wanted you to move furniture with Cas.
*I knew those priests were doomed before the angels showed up.
*Cas is tired of urinating and eats toothpaste to brush his teeth? LOL! Cas finds the horribly murdered priests. Gross!
*Sam/Ezekiel feels so good, brings Dean lots of grease, Zeke pops out to give Dean a status report on the angels organizing to find Cas. Dean wants to speak to Sam, Zeke retreats, Dean complains of whiplash, mentions the angel organization to Sam, who is puzzled. Jared is wonderful and so is Jensen!
*That poor girl/vessel wannabe. The televangelist working with the SOB angel–creepy as hell! When she exploded? Gross! Casualties! Lamb of the sacrifice. Bastards!
*The brothers do research, tracking Cas.
*Cas learns those with the least to give are the most generous. Food, sleep, passing gas–all strange. Sleep, too. His friend advises counting sleep, and Cas settles into an abandoned bus to do so. What sheep? But he is attacked by an angel, who slices his arm and realizes he’s human. Cas kills him with his angel killing knife, cradling his bleeding shoulder.
*Dean questions the man Cas hung out with at the shelter. Clarence found the dead priests. Dean hopes they’re NOT with the angels. Sam tells Dean Clarence comes from It’s a Wonderful Life.
*Cas us us his money to buy a warding-off tattoo.
*Two evil angels, male and female, converse over how the televangelist is helping them quickly find human vessels for their angels. He wants them to find Cas. Another angel enters and reports that Cas killed another angel sent after him. Angry, the male angel threatens the female, who claims Cas is a “madman,” that Cas must be caught and killed–or she will be. The other angel says Cas has found a way to ward himself against them.
*Cas walks the streets, hungry for food–and horny. He enters a church, where a woman prays for her good husband’s health. Cas says he never realized until recently how fragile humans are. What if you were to find out no one is listening, he asked, that heaven had gone out of business? She has faith, she says, and urges him to try it her way–someone is listening.
*The evil male angel consults a reaper to help find Cas. Where to start? Winchester.
*The FBI-costumed brothers investigate a dead pharmacist from Ohio, and at the police station amongst the dead man’s belongings find a telecast from the televangelist, Buddy Doyle. He’s getting people all over the planet to give up their bodies to angels. The reaper is at the police station, too.
*A sweet, pretty gal finds Cas scrounging through garbage cans for food. He never knew how much food went to waste before. She offers him her sandwich; she’s known hard times herself.
*Sam and Dean talk to a group of homeless reluctant to speak to them because they look like cops. One man volunteers he knew “Clarence,” who was on the run. He went to sleep in a different part of the camp. He was headed north, to Detroit. The rogue reaper watches the brothers here, too
*Cas huddles in a doorway, hoodie pulled up against the heavy rain. The woman who gave him a sandwich exits the door, an umbrella over her head. She spots him and brings him home, assuring him she doesn’t usually bring home strange men, but he looks like he’s been to hell and back. Several times, says Cas.
*Sam chides Dean about all the chemicals in his packaged pie as they turn a corner, the reaper following them. They seemingly disappear, but they jump him and demand to know why he’s trailing them.
*Cas tells April he stabbed his opponent. She says he doesn’t look like the knife fight type or the homeless type. He trusted the wrong person, he thought he could fix everything, he explains forlornly. She bandages him. It’s all new to him–hunger, cold, being alone. She kisses him, then they fall to the bed together and make love.
*Sam and Dean torture the reaper, Maurice. Why did they sic him on Cas–did Naomi hire him? “Naomi is dead,” reveals the reaper, “Bartholomew has taken her place.” “So he figured we’d lead you to Cas?” says Sam. That’s all the reaper knows. “Kill me, others will follow,” taunts the reaper. Dean kills them.
*Cas asks if what he did was “correct.” Very much so, she assures him. They laugh together. He’s taken on a heavy load for such a sweet guy. I’m no angel, says Cas. He wants more sex–and gets it.
*The brothers speed through Michigan.
*Over breakfast, Cas is missing his knife–but finds April pressing it to his throat! Damn, why does Cas always trust the wrong people?
*Unable to find Cas, Dean asks for Zeke’s help. Find the reaper searching for Cas, since Cas is warded, pleads Dean.
*Cas asks April why she didn’t just attack him right away. “I needed information,” she says, “and that required trust.” “And intercourse?” he asks bitterly. She laughs. “I am allowed some leeway, I found you attractive.” She slices him and asks about his buddy, Metatron.
*The Winchesters are barreling down the road in the Impala.
*Cas insists he knew nothing about the spell to cast the angels from heaven; he was cast out, too. She stabs him again, complaining of nothing but reruns on this channel. It’s known he collaborated with Metatron! Cas thought they were going to restore heaven. “He lied to me, I had no idea what he was planning, I only knew my grace was the final ingredient, that’s why I’m human, he took my grace for the spell.” “Or you gave it,” she accuses, knife at his throat. “It might be unwise to kill me,” Cas advises, “if my grace were key to empowering the spell, it might be the key to countering it.” “You negotiating with me?” she angrily accuses. The Winchesters break into the room. April stabs Cas in the gut, wrenching an agonizing cry from him. She sends both brothers tumbling in opposite directions, Sam into a closet. Dean scrambles to withdraw the knife from Castiel’s gut and thrusts it into April’s heart. He cups Cas’ face, but he’s dead. “Sam, he’s gone,” he reports sadly. Tentatively, Zeke comes to Cas, hovers his hand over his wounds, and heals him, as Dean watches in amazed exaltation. Sam stumbles away and falls. Cas calls Dean’s and Sam’s names. Sam calls Cas’ name. “Never do that again!” Dean orders. Dean claims he made a deal with April that he wouldn’t “kabob” her if she brought Cas back–but he lied. Yo, the lies, Dean has to concoct to keep Zeke under wraps!
*Cas is so thrilled to be at the bunker!–and looks forward to them teaching him. Dean lies to Sam about how he found out where to search for Cas. Hedonism–Cas got laid! For protection, his angel blade, LOL! Zeke insists if Cas stays, the angels will descend upon them, so Cas must go.
*Which brings us back around in my heartbreaking beginning: “Cas, you can’t stay.”
Your quiz, please put away all books, be prepared for essays 😉
1. I can’t believe Dean will simply shove Cas out the front door of the bunker to fend for himself again. Perhaps he can stay with Qualls?
2. I weep for Cas losing his virginity to that bitch, April. I was missing Meg and wishing she was still around when we saw her in previews. Clarence!
3. Did you find yourself crying or close to it when Samekiel healed Cas? I did.
4. Cas tried so hard to explain the truth to April, but she refused to listen. Why wouldn’t she even entertain the idea that he was telling the truth?
5. Bart is one very nasty angel. He reminds me of the demon who turned out to be Sam’s college friend. He won’t stop till Cas is caught and killed. How will the Winchesters defeat this guy?
6. Cas as homeless waif is very sad, isn’t he? He’s learning a lot, but way too fast. I’m sure he enjoys the pleasures of eating food and sex, but not hunger and feeling horny. It hurt me when he spoke of learning from the Winchesters, only to have Dean tell him, seconds later, that he had to go.
7. I really enjoyed this episode, which had just about every element, for me, at least, that makes an episode great. 9.5!
yes BART reminds me of BRADY also. not RICHARD ROMAN although he has ROMAN’s POWER.
RUFUS’ CABIN for CAS nothing else will do for me. 🙄
It has occurred to me that Zeke may be in league with Metatron. That might explain why he wants him expelled from the bunker; he wants him on his own, suffering. Send him to the character played by D. J. Qualls, Dean! Love, Robin
There’s something shady going on here. Why did Zeke save Cas at all? Why did he help find Cas? Why did he wait until they were all the way back to the bunker until he issued the ultimatum? What will Sam think happened to Cas? He went thru all that just to have him leave? This is about to get real messy. And Dean, now you’re using Zeke and trying to hide that from your brother? And why is Zeke OK with just popping up randomly in the bunker but has issues with popping in when Dean calls? Yes….messy. 🙂
1. I hope they give him money/credit card and some clothes before they make him leave! It broke me heart when he said Cas couldn’t stay. Zeke said that Cas can’t or he’ll leave..but why?!?!?! The BUnker is warded against everything (how can the Zeke be in there?? Because they went in by opening the door with the key?) so if it’s warded why???
2.I miss Meg too!! I was liking April when she gave him food, when she brought him in I started to question it…but when she just starts hitting on him (when we think she thinks he is jjust a random homeless man) I knew something was wrong….Ugh, I hate her for killing Cas. Thank God for Zeke.
3.I was going to cry if he didn’t heal Cas!
4.Because Angels/reapers are jerks and they don’t want to listen to anything but what they want to hear,
5. He will underestimate them, like the bad guys always do!
6.It broke me heart that he was finally “home” and then Dean tells him he has to leave. Stupid Zeke and his rules. 😕
7. I give it a 9.7
[quote]There’s something shady going on here. Why did Zeke save Cas at all? Why did he help find Cas? Why did he wait until they were all the way back to the bunker until he issued the ultimatum? What will Sam think happened to Cas? He went thru all that just to have him leave? This is about to get real messy. And Dean, now you’re using Zeke and trying to hide that from your brother? And why is Zeke OK with just popping up randomly in the bunker but has issues with popping in when Dean calls? Yes….messy. :-)[/quote]
I think Zeke saved Castiel for a couple of reasons – in 9.01 he mentioned that he believed in Castiel and the mission and, knowing everything Sam knows, he realizes how much Castiel means to Sam & Dean. Also, it’s possible that Castiel being alive and getting his grace back is key to breaking the spell cast by Metatron. I still think Zeke’s intentions are good but there’s more to the story than meets the eye.
Zeke not wanting to pop out makes sense to me too – every time he pops up, he exposes himself to the other angels and puts himself at risk. The bunker is warded against everything evil (according to the old blind guy in S8 As Time Goes By) and they did mention in Pac-Man Fever that the bunker was in some sort of Bermuda Triangle (phone calls couldn’t be tracked). Just wondering if the angels can’t locate things that are in the bunker too, and that’s why Zeke is okay with popping out while in the bunker.