Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 9.02 – “Devil May Care”
Robin’s Rambles
Devil May Care
Season 9, Episode 2
* Burnt Abbadon is resurrected. . .how? Very creepy and bloody, but there she is, whole and far too much makeup.
* Brothers discuss everything! and I enjoy it. Ice that Limey bitch, LOL, Zero Dark 30 his ass–junk in my trunk.
* Poor Kevin, a nervous wreck, backed up and all. Dean gives him the scoop, tells him to grab a gun next time. Kevin is not happy to see Crowley.
* They want Crowley to give them the names of demons and who they’re possessing, but the ex-demon won’t play. Putting the S&M into SAM? Lol! They leave him alone to stew in his own delicious juices.
* Kevin is told to keep away from Crowley.
* Abbadon gathers some demons to ask what happened to hell. She hates deals. Take, don’t pay! Crowley is just a salesman who is dead. She’ll get them new bodies and they’ll rein over hell together. They need proof Crowley is really gone. Abbadon sends the old grandma demon back to hell.
* Dean gives Irv, a fellow hunter, intel in dealing with fallen angels–holy oil. Three marines board a bus only to be overtaken by demon smoke issuing from three bodies–and Abbadon driving the bus: “Now THAT is more like it,” she chortles.
* Vamp picks up pretty girl, pretty girl turns out to be a hunter and kills him, she jumps from his van and is nabbed by one of the Marine demons.
* Sam and Dean note the bus with the missing Marines; it stinks of sulphur there. The Marine on the case, a hardass woman, doesn’t want FBI involved, so they dial up their boss, Kevin, to speak with her. Miranda Bates asks how old he is, but he has located incriminating photos of her doing body shots off some guy online, and he threatens to spread them around if she doesn’t listen to him, Kevin Solo. She does–sir. Dean is impressed.
* The brothers find the bodies on the bus all have fatal wounds. Bates shows them a picture from the security camera—Abbadon.
* The Marine demons are trying to beat the location of the Winchesters out of Irv, but he won’t tell. Abbadon strings him up. At the bunker, Kevin gets a call, and Kevin calls the brothers with coordinates of the kidnapped hunters. Dean tells Kevin to find out how to kill a knight of hell.
* The brothers will walk into this trap! guns blazing.
* Crowley remembers his time in the church with Sam. “I deserve to be loved!” He draws Kevin into his cell with him, teasing him.
* At an old chemical plant, Dean slides a protective hand over his package, even though Sam says it won’t help much. Won’t hurt, says Dean. They untie Irv and Tracy after making both take a swig of holy water. Tracy has a mouth on her, says Irv.
* Crowley says he can kill Abbadon for them and says he tortures all his friends. He hints Kevin’s mom might not be dead. Kevin punches him, and Crowley eggs him on to let it all out. Kevin hits him again, harder.
* Tracy refuses to be paired off with Sam; she watched a demon, celebrating because Sam let Lucifer out of his cage, slaughter her parents. That makes Sam feel terrible.
* Crowley offers Kevin a deal–let him go, he gets his mother back. Sam and Dean don’t care about him; the Winchesters will toss him aside when they’re done with him. Let me go and we walk out together–we both win!
* Dean tells Tracy he understands her anger at Sam, but they have to go after those with black eyes, the true enemy..
* Irv tells Sam he wants to sacrifice himself because it’s his fault that Abbadon happened. He gave them all up. Before he can take any action, he’s shot. Sam runs, shooting, directly into one of the Marines. Tracy empties her gun into Abbadon, who lifts her shirt to reveal a bullet proof vest.dean tosses holy water at her and sends Tracy to the car for more holy water and weapons. “Alone at last,” grins Abbadon.
* Dean and Abbadon grapple.
* All three Marine demons start beating up Sam.
* Abbadon, holding him tightly, likes that Dean is obedient and suicidally stupid. He doesn’t know if they’re gonna fight or make out. She wants Crowley and he dies quick. She wants his body as her vessel; wants to blow smoke up his ass so she can do things like eat babies while he watches.
* Realizing that Sam is being pummeled nearly to death, Ezekiel comes out. Sam’s eyes blaze blue. Wings emerge. The windows explode from the building. “An angel?” demands Abbadon. “We brought backup,” retorts Dean. She hurls him through a window and disappears. Dean enters the building to find Ezekiel standing with three dead demons. “They were going to kill him,” says the angel softly. “I was protecting your brother.” Sam won’t remember any of this. He notes Dean seems troubled still. Dean says this is all on him; he decided not to close the Devil’s Gate and now has to live with the fallout. “You did all this out of love,” says Zeke, Dean’s nickname for the angel. “You are doing the right thing,” Zeke assures him, “I am a good soul.” Dean can only hope this is so.
* Sam awakens to hear Dean killed three demons by himself, using the element of surprise, saved Sam’s ass. Sam is impressed. Sam, Dean and Tracy peel off in the Impala for food and celebration.
* At first, we fear Kevin freed Crowley and left, too, but when they go to the dungeon, Crowley gives them the names of two demons. He suggests fair trade for the enjoyment Kevin, his new favorite toy, gave him–wind him up, watch him go. Dean tells Sam to check the names, he’ll find Kevin. When Dean locates him, Kevin tells him Crowley said his mom is alive, and he wants to leave. You can’t, says Dean, the angels and demons out there are after you, and Crowley is probably lying about your mom. He reminds Kevin, who has begun to cry, that he, Cas, and Sam are family. Kevin heads to one of the rooms and falls asleep.
* Dean pours drinks for him and Sam. Tracy wasn’t wrong, says Sam. That was then, says Dean, and raises a glass to now, and dealing with Crowley, a human Cas, Abbadon, angels and demons. Sam says he’s happy with his life–things are good. “Never better,” says Dean, an undertone of guilt in his body language, eyes and heart.
QUIZ TIME, put away your books and take out your pencils!
1. I really enjoyed this episode, even more than last week. I give it a 9. You?
2. I still have no idea how they got Abbadon back her body, but I like the actress and she makes a terrific villain, so why quibble. They do their crazy magic and we’ve got her back. What do you think of her?
3. I knew “Zeke” (love the nickname) was going to come out and help Sam when he was getting the big time beatdown, I just knew it! I was cheering, too! I wanted him to beat those demons so much! Weren’t you glad?
4. Did you feel badly for Sam when Tracy brought up the old Lucifer thing? I mean, didn’t it get around that Sam averted the apocalypse, too? Doesn’t he get credit for saving the world?
5. I sniffled over Dean’s speech to Kevin about being a member of the family. I know he feels that way. Crowley was just being a nasty SOB. I think Crowley really wants to hear that speech himself from Sam. What do you think? He just wants to be loved, after all!
6. Abbadon has a completely different idea of what hell should be, no more deals, just take what they want. Sounds pretty brutal. I guess she just wants demons living topside. I gather even a lofty demon like her is afraid of angels, since she took off pretty fast when she realized there was one in the vicinity. Interesting.
7. What did you think of Tracy, another orphan who became a hunter after losing her parents?
8. Did Irv think Abbadon was a normal woman and get taken in by her? I wasn’t sure exactly what he meant when he told Sam the whole thing was his fault. Can anyone explain that to me?
1-Loved it, it’s a 10
2-Loved Abaddon and don’t care how she got back
3-I expected Zeke to save the day and loved it
4-I wish they’d stop it. Sam’s redeemed himself a billion times over – let it go.
5-hmmmm…Crowley wants to be part of a family and be loved – HA!
6-Abaddon has a healthy self-preservation instinct
8-Abaddon appears normal but a hunter should know better…bad Irv.
So…I guess I loved it!
Great Ramble, Robin. Loved this episode and the first one equally. They’re off to a great start in S9, keeping the momentum going from the end of S8.
Regarding Abaddon, we’ve never seen that before with demons but I figured, hey, purgatory natives (Benny) can do that, so why can’t demons? I’m loving Abaddon; so glad they were able to figure out a way for Alaina (?) to continue playing the role; she had great chemistry with Dean.
With the whole Tracy / Sam thing (loved her Daisy Duke shorts too), Tracy was certainly justified in her feelings about what happened; it was her parents, after all. Is Tracy going to be a recurring character? I think it was also brought up as a not-so-gentle reminder that the crap is gonna hit the fan for Dean with Sam and his angelic pacemaker, and Sam’s memory being wiped. Consequences can be a real pain in the ass sometimes, and Dean knows it.
Looking forward to re-watching the episode tonight.
No, i didn’t get the feeling Sam was lying to Dean about feeling happy; he sounded sincere to me. Dean’s guilty expression on hearing that was conflicted, too. How much of Sam’s happiness has to do with Zeke’s internal dusting and cleaning? Dean still is unsure he’s done the right thing by letting Zeke share Sam’s body. Love, Robin
I liked this episode less than the premier, but it was okay.
When Sam was telling Dean, at the end, that he hasn’t been so happy in a long time, I got the feeling he was lying. Is that just me? I think maybe Sam regrets not finishing the trials and closing the gates of hell. I think what Tracy said reawakened all his guilt for past mistakes.
1. I loved it too, but I like more first 8/10
2. Well, Benny resurrect a similar way I don’t have a problem with it. Abbadon was a terrific villain and she brought much problems that I have with Crowley, who in my opinion last season lose the only thing that it mades of him a good villain. At this moment I could pass her conversation with Dean, thinking that she was messing with his head.
3. The name good, but frankly I read in some web that they didn’t bring Cas so much because he was a easy solution. If it not happened I’m really sorry. And they did it with Zeke in his second appereance? I hope that they didn’t do it more than another time or maybe two.
4. Tired, I didn’t understand it why they did it.
5. Good speech. For me Crowley could dissapered in the thin air and not coming back.
6. I don’t understand why she left.
7. I didn’t see her enough for making an opinion, although she is better than I thought, I had very low expectations.
8. She appears like a normal women, he wanted getting laid, she capture him and I supossed he was the one to give numbers and names.
Dungeon, to to cute.
Great job Robin! Here’s my thoughts:
1. I give it a 10 just because I loved Sam as an angel. Eyes, wings, strength, awesomeness.
2. I’m thinking it was some Demon spell work since the demon had to use some of his demon blood and there were sigils of some kind around the tub.
3. Yeah for Zeke. I was so looking forward to seeing Sam with the angel eyes. Way to kick some demon a33.
4. The Lucifer thing is just so over with. Time to move on. Feel bad for her family but she didn’t have all the facts and jumped to wrong conclusions.
5. I don’t think Dean hands out family invites on a whim so it took Kevin off guard but what a sweet thing of him to say to Kevin. Loved that he brought him some prune juice for his “backing up issue”. Priceless. 😆
6. Abaddon is one nasty b__ch and could they tone down the bright red makeup on her, although she is one gorgeous, talented actor.
7. Tracy, girl with an attitude. She’s likable so I won’t mind seeing her more.
8. As for Irv, well we ladies know men have a tendency to think with the wrong brain :-* (sorry guys) and she IS a demon and lying is a strong trait for them. I think he was referring to the trap that Abaddon had set for them because he gave up Tracy and then got used as bait for the Winchesters to come rescue them. JMO
I loved this episode a lot. Maybe more than the 1st one. Or maybe equally. At this point am not sure. Lets just say season 9 if off to a great start.
On a separate note… I thought Dean looked awesomely hot when he was pinned down by Abbadon. They do share good chemistry. Loved Sam with angel eyes. I too teared up when Dean told Kevin he was family. I think he meant it.
I was blown away by the episode. I need to rewatch it before I take your quiz 🙂
1. I gave this episode a 9 or B+. I loved it.
2. I had no problem with how Abaddon returned. We’ve seen this ind of return before. What we’d never seen was a demon reconstitute itself by manipulating its limbs by telekinesis. That was cool. She’s a knight of Hell. We’ve no rules for her yet.
3.I started calling him Zeke right in the middle of the first episode because Ezekiel is a real mouthful. eventually I’m going to get lazy and just call him Z.
4. I gave not a second thought to Tracy’s feelings about Sam, other than awww!
5.Dean is forever giving these “family” speeches. This is like the third or fourth one. He’s constantly propping up someones feelings or confidence. Not sure if I believed him. Is he, like Crowley, just saying what he wants Kevin to think? After the things Crowley said, it certainly looks manipulative.
6.Abaddon is totally bad***. And she thinks outside the box. This is a villain who makes the rules, not follows them. The Winchesters are going to have to step smarter to beat her.
8. I gave no thoughts to Irv or his feelings about what he’d done. Hope my disregard of Tracy and Irv don’t come back to bite my expectations on the tuckus.
Hope the rest of the season continues to be this good.
@9 Quote “3.I started calling him Zeke right in the middle of the first episode because Ezekiel is a real mouthful. eventually I’m going to get lazy and just call him Z.” 😆
I felt the scene between Dean and Abbadon was very erotic. What did the rest of you think? She seemed to want his body for more than just possession, right?
Love, Robin
[b]1. I really enjoyed this episode, even more than last week. I give it a 9. You?[/b] 9 sounds about right
[b]2. I still have no idea how they got Abbadon back her body, but I like the actress and she makes a terrific villain, so why quibble. They do their crazy magic and we’ve got her back. What do you think of her?[/b] I love Abaddon and the way the actress is playing her, so I’m willing to handwave her coming back.
[b]3. I knew “Zeke” (love the nickname) was going to come out and help Sam when he was getting the big time beatdown, I just knew it! I was cheering, too! I wanted him to beat those demons so much! Weren’t you glad?[/b] I didn’t notice at first, but someone pointed out that the soldiers hadn’t been possessed more than a few hours, so there hadn’t been time for their bodies to be so damaged that they were dead already. So Zeke killed three human hosts instead of exorcising them to protect his secret. Now I’m torn. I did like seeing Zeke in Sam’s body, but I’m still not sure he is good guy. I’m really not sure about Sam’s suddenly becoming happy. It worries me that it may be Zeke affecting Sam’s mind.
[b]4. Did you feel badly for Sam when Tracy brought up the old Lucifer thing? I mean, didn’t it get around that Sam averted the apocalypse, too? Doesn’t he get credit for saving the world?[/b] No, Sam will not get credit for stopping the Apocalypse. Either Bobby and Dean didn’t tell anyone why it ended, which would be sad, or it didn’t get spread around to anyone. I was actually more upset that the show is tying the entirety of Lucifer rising on Sam. There wasn’t time to explain to Tracy, but it would have been nice if Dean had reminded Sam that the angel allowed 65 or the 66 seals to be broken and that breaking the first seal was on him. I just don’t want the show to have Sam being the only one who ever gets blamed.
[b]5. I sniffled over Dean’s speech to Kevin about being a member of the family. I know he feels that way. Crowley was just being a nasty SOB. I think Crowley really wants to hear that speech himself from Sam. What do you think? He just wants to be loved, after all![/b] I’m on the Dean does care for Kevin, but was being manipulative here train. Dean wants and needs an extra pair of hands and needs to have a prophet. He used, and I think may have exaggerated his feelings for Kevin to keep Kevin there. I don’t know about Crowley and what he wants. I don’t think he is going to get that speech, however much he may want it.
[b]6. Abbadon has a completely different idea of what hell should be, no more deals, just take what they want. Sounds pretty brutal. I guess she just wants demons living topside. I gather even a lofty demon like her is afraid of angels, since she took off pretty fast when she realized there was one in the vicinity. Interesting.[/b] Abaddon sent out mixed messages on the angels. She did tell the demons they would take on humans and angels and rule the world, then she booked pretty quickly when one was in the area. She is more like the early demons (Meg, Casey from Sin City) in wanting to take over the earth. Crowley was more of a keep the natural balance type of guy. It is an interesting contrast.
[b]7. What did you think of Tracy, another orphan who became a hunter after losing her parents?
[/b] Hunters become hunters because of tragedy associated with the supernatural, so her story seems okay. If we see her again, I’ll have to get more of a feeling for her.
[b]8. Did Irv think Abbadon was a normal woman and get taken in by her? I wasn’t sure exactly what he meant when he told Sam the whole thing was his fault. Can anyone explain that to me?[/b] I think Irv broke under torture (the hanging scene) and gave away the positions of those hunters he knew about. I think Irv thought he should have held out instead of giving the names and locations.