Sofia’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.23 “Sacrifice”
And they’ve done it again! It is amazing to me that after 8 seasons, “Supernatural” still manages to end each season with such a bang. I am so excited about the new possibilities this finale has created. Even if I have no freaking idea what will happen next. I would also like to add how great it was to have a finale that didn’t involve a dead Winchester. That is the thing that will keep my sanity intact over this hellatus. Isn’t it sad when a possibly dying, but not dead Winchester is the good news?
I couldn’t be happier that Sam survived the trials. At least for now. We’ve all been throwing around the same question for the past few weeks; what happens to Sam if he doesn’t finish the trials? Will he die? For a while there I was under the impression that the last trial is what would make him better. The purification process would be complete and his health would return. Looking back at my wishful thinking self, it seems a little naive. In the words of Dean, “What show have you been watching?”. When has anything ever worked out like that for the Winchesters? Every decision they’ve made over the seasons has involved some level of sacrifice, so it seems obvious that something this huge would require the ultimate sacrifice. And for a while there, I really thought Sam was going to do it. Afterall, he was so close. And since beginning the trials, Sam’s body has taken a beating. He said it himself, his whole body hurt, he was starving and nauseous all at once and everything smelled like rotting meat. That is no way to live. If it were me, I would want a way out.
On top of all that physical pain, Sam was battling some pretty serious emotional baggage. His confession to Dean about what he considers his greatest sin was absolutely heartbreaking.
Sam: “You wanna know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was? It was how many times I let you down. I can’t do that again.What happens when you decide I can’t be trusted again? Who are you gonna turn to this time instead of me? Another angel? Another vampire? Do you have any idea what it feels like to watch your brother…”
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Sam would feel this way. There is a lot of truth to what he said. He has let Dean down in the past, just as Dean has let him down. But this is the first time that we’ve really seen it all pour out of Sam in such an open and honest way. It wasn’t really about who did what to whom, he wasn’t asking for an apology, he was telling his brother how he really felt. It was beautiful to watch and one of the best scenes we’ve seen from Jared to date. And if Sam’s confession didn’t get your eyes watering, Dean’s response may have done the trick.
Dean: “Just hold on. Do you seriously think that? Because none of it, none of it is true. Listen man, I know we’ve had our disagreements. Hell, I know I’ve said some stuff that set you back on your heels but Sam, come on. I killed Benny to save you. I’m willing to let this bastard and all the sons of bitches that killed mom walk because of you. Don’t you dare think that there is anything past or present that I would put in front of you. It has never been like that, ever. I need you to see that. I’m begging you.”
And cue the waterworks. It’s no secret that Dean loves his brother. Even if he’s never said the L-word outright. But if there was ever a time to vocalize exactly what his brother means to him, this was it. It could have been his last chance to let Sam know that he comes before everything and everyone in Dean’s eyes. Thankfully, it’s exactly what Sam needed to hear. And then they shared another glorious man-hug.
Now let’s take a second to talk about how selfish this choice actually was. Please don’t misunderstand me, I am so happy with their decision, but it was selfish, wasn’t it? Sam was seconds away from closing the gates of Hell and ridding the world of demons forever. But he chose to stop. I’m sure he wasn’t crazy about the idea of dying because who is? But that’s not why he stopped himself from finishing the trial. He did it because Dean asked him to. Dean needed him and Sam was willing to stay for that reason. They both chose to sacrifice the good of the many for a little bit of their own happiness. I think this is the first time we’ve seen a choice like this from Sam and Dean and I, for one, loved it. They have sacrificed everything else. Why should they have to lose each other too?
And it’s not as if their life is going to be a cakewalk now. Sure they know a lot more about hellhounds and curing demons; it may give them a leg up. But look around, Hell is still wide open and now the angels have fallen from Heaven. I can’t even imagine the kind of chaos this could bring. Yet I’m still perfectly content with Sam and Dean’s choice. What about you guys? Do you think they made the right call here?
I was shocked by how close Sam came to curing Crowley. If you read my review last week, you know that I thought there was no way Crowley would ever be cured. And he wasn’t, but man did he come close. I wasn’t expecting that at all. I do wonder if Crowley will revert back to his old self since the exorcism wasn’t completed? Or will he retain a little of the humanity Sam brought out of him? I don’t know. But if he does revert back to the Crowley we all know and love to hate, he is going to be pissed. An angry, vengeful Crowley is a force to be reckoned with. Let’s just hope that Abaddon keeps him preoccupied since I’m assuming she’ll be back with a new meatsuit.
Back to Sam for one more minute. Do you think he has been purified? Like many of you, I hypothesized that these trials were cleansing Sam of the demon blood inside him. Since Sam’s blood was working to cure Crowley I would assume that he has in fact been purified. But what do you think? Did he need to complete the trials to complete the purification process. But then, what would be the point if that meant certain death?
Now on to Metatron. I just want to say that I’ve had a bad feeling about this guy since the day we met him. And something didn’t feel right about how quickly he wanted to jump into the “angel trials” with Cass. What does Metatron hope to gain from this? I know it’s an act of revenge, but if the angels have fallen, doesn’t that mean that he has fallen too? And what exactly is he gaining from that?
I have so many questions about what it means for an angel to fall on this show. We’ve had a few examples of this already. Lucifer fell and he became the King of Hell. He was bitter about what his father had done to him and how his brothers and sisters had betrayed him. But when Anna fell she didn’t remember anything about her time in heaven. She had a family and a normal life for a while there. It seems like this is what Metatron did to Cass before he cast him out of heaven. He stole his essence and his grace and told him to settle down and have a family. Is this what has been done to all the other angels we saw falling from Heaven? Will they know they are angels? Will they retain any of their powers? And what makes falling like Anna did different from Lucifer? If anyone has any ideas, I’d love to hear them!
I apologize for how long this is getting but I do have one more burning question I need to talk about. What the heck was going on inside the Men of Letters lair? As soon as the angels fell, all the control panels began to light up and the sirens went off. What could that mean? And what brought it on? Angels and demons have been walking the Earth this whole time and we’ve never seen it light up like that. Was it just the influx of angels? Do you guys have any ideas?
There was so much to love about this episode and this whole season for that matter. It’s been awhile since we’ve had a season that was this consistently compelling. At some points it was so good that I found myself waiting to be let down. But I can honestly say that didn’t really happen for me. As with every season there were a few stumbling blocks. But looking back over the season as a whole, I would definitely mark this down as a huge win. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for season nine!
As usual, I’d like to finish with some great quotes and moments worth mentioning!
First of all, how funny was it that “Sacrifice” was also the title of the Arrow season finale?
We got another great road so far segment to kick of the episode. And what better song to use than “Carry on Wayward Son”? It was interesting that the subject of purity was referenced twice in this segment. We saw Sam talking about how the trials were purifying him but we were also reminded of when Dean talked about his time in Purgatory feeling pure. This still confuses me a little bit. I don’t think we ever really learned what he meant by that. Any thoughts?
Crowley: “I’ve lost someone too.”
Jodi: “It’s not a date til I’ve cried.”
Jodi survived, right? I sure hope so!
Crowley’s Sir Mix-A-Lot ringtone was hilarious.
Crowley: “Success has many fathers. Failure’s a Winchester.”
Crowley: “You’re gonna move your lips the whole way up here, aren’t you?”
It’s okay Dean, I move my lips when I read too.
Crowley: “You always put emotion before common sense.”
Cass: “Would you say that you’re looking for a partner in crime? Or someone that’s used to nurse roleplay and light domination?”
Sam: “For the first time in a long time it feels like we’re gonna win.”
Dean: “How about what you did to Penny Markle in the sixth grade, why don’t you lead with that?”
Sam: “That was you.”
Dean: “Carry on.”
I was a little shocked that Dean actually went with Cass. One set of trials at a time, people!
Cass: “Dean’s right. There is no ‘out’, only duty.”
Sam: “What the hell, Crowley? Biting? Seriously?”
What a clever little King of Hell.
Cass: “You really think it’s wise to be drinking on the job?”
Dean: “What show have you been watching?”
Crowley: “Would it be possible, Moose. I’d like to ask you a favor, Sam. When you were confessing back there, what did you say? I only ask because given my history, it raises the question, where do I start to even look for forgiveness for me?”
Watching Crowley slowly slip back into humanity was so interesting. To be honest, I love Crowley as an enemy way too much to give him up. But it was still fun to see.
Dean: “You finish this trial, you’re dead Sam.
Sam: “So?”
Heart = Broken
Sam: “How do I stop?”
Dean: “Just let it go.”
Sam: “I can’t, it’s in me Dean. You don’t know what this feels like.”
Dean: “We’ll figure it out. Just like we always do.”
Actually it is possible that Sam did cure Crowley, but he didn’t read the final words to finish the ritual. I doubt that is what happened but Crowley was close to being cured, so it is possible that all Sam had to do was confirm and then chant.
He didn’t put his bloody hand over Crowley mouth after saying the special exorcism.
For some nagging reason, even though he looked and talked like he was changing, I have my doubts. He’s just so cunning and such a great manipulator that I can see if it was all a ruse on his part. To what end, I haven’t a clue. 🙂
For a while there I thought Crowley was faking as well. Although I do think he began to change for real. Unfortunately for Sam and Dean, not finishing the exorcism probably means Crowley will go back to normal.
I would like to see Cas (a fallen angel) and Crowley (a fallen demon) working together again, but this time, for redemption. That would be amazing. I want Crowley cured – can’t help it, he broke my heart in those scenes.
Crowley was quoting several TV shows. I’m thinking he was acting and was not cured. I bet he will somehow be gone when Sam and Dean go back into the church.
Great review Sofia and yes, season 8 was a huge win…can’t believe it finished already.
You’re right about Jared’s acting skills, this season as a mature character made him shine and being a father I guess help him find sensitive and vulnerability in his crying scenes (before just cried because the character and him were teenagers)
About the alarm in the MoL and the panels going crazy, I think it’s the warning of a supernatural event, since back in the day nobody new about angels, I don’t think it was an angel alarm. My only concern was, Where is Kevin going? is he escaping again with the tablet? Metatron now have the device to read minds, so if he gets Kevin, he will find the bunker. Now the guys have to fix it, so the angels can’t get inside.
About Sam’s blood. Will that have a different effect on Crowley because it has demon blood? I thought it didn’t have the same reaction as the other guy, since he was scream his head off every time he received a shot in his neck.
The purifying thing, I guess it refers to the relationship between the guys, now they are clear about their feelings, their duty and accepted their role in the world.
In my opinion, It’s OK they didn’t close hell, because of the consequences, although, will it be good for a spin off show. Now the guys had more knowledge and knowledge is power, so, I think demons will be more afraid of the Winchester Bros. and if they don’t behave, they can close it anytime they want it, or cure demons without killing the host.
Overall, we are going to have a nice hellatus speculating and theorizing with all the possibilities…
Thanks Sofia, there was a little talk on the threads about “what if the sacrifice is Sam?”. I said at the time that Dean would not let that happen, no matter what the stakes were. Sacrificing his brother for the greater good (if there even was one) is not something Dean is willing to do again. I am glad that they gave it up. The ramifications were never fully explored.
I really enjoyed this finale. I don’t think it is fair to expect perfection after 8 years on the air. Things have been up and down these last few years but the show still elicits strong emotions from me. The worst thing for me in a show is if it starts to bore me or get too confusing. So far so good.
[quote] Sacrificing his brother for the greater good (if there even was one) is not in Dean’s make up. [/quote]
Swan Song.
blushenka, that situation seemed a little different to me but you are right. I have reworded my comment. Thanks.
Ah it’s okay, I didn’t mean to sound harsh 🙁 I admit I was at first (first watching) disappointed in this episode – but after watching it a second time, I like it better. I must confess I was annoyed that Sam didn’t finish the trials, that making the entire Season 8 arc a bit pointless. Anyway, on reflection, the Swan Song sacrifice was different, it was Sam saving the world after he had doomed it in the first place ( ;)), whereas the sacrifice after these three trials would have lacked that poignancy. Now there’s one more thing bothering me, and that’s Sam coming out of the ‘almost completing the 3-trials’-experience entirely unscathed.. Will attempting these trials and nearly finishing them have no lasting effect on him whatsoever? Is he still in danger? Is his ‘purification’ cancelled by the fact that he didn’t complete the trials? I hope all these are addressed in Season 9 and not ignored. Anyway, let me say that I enjoy reading the comments and reviews on here a lot. It’s gonna be a long summer 🙂
Hi, blushenka,
I have EXACTLY the same worries about Sam and the effects of the trials. I’m counting on them to be addressed in season 9. If they are simply ignored and Sam is good as new, the whole trials thing is pointless, IMO. And yes, the big question is: if the trials were not completed, is he purifed or not? 😕
Hey blushenka, no problem at all! I did not think you were harsh. I think we all have the same questions and concerns. 🙂 It IS going to be a long summer indeed. But again they all are!!
I love your review, you touched on a lot of points that I loved..I also really love what you said about it being selfish that they didn’t finish the trial but it was okay because the Winchester’s shouldn’t have to sacrifice everything..As I was watching it, I was all about Sam letting go and being okay, being with Dean. It wasn’t until after the episode was over that I began to question it…But maybe it’s not so selfish, because like Dean said, now they can kill hellhounds and cure demons…how friggin cool is that?! Isn’t it better to cure them anyway than to lock them away? I swear the Winchesters are like, their own species. You’ve got Humans, Demons, Angels, Leviathan and Winchesters….Who protect all for the greater good. Ok, well the Leviathan all had to be sent back, but that’s cause they were monsters, eating everyone. Can’t really save any of them…But anyway! The lights all going off in the MoL bunker was pretty cool…I think it was lighting up like crazy because all the angels had fallen, so it was alerting them…Not like, okay this will go off if an angel falls, but more, holy shit something major is happening..then they realize it’s angels. BUT I have to say my first thought when ti started happening was Abbadon was trying to get in there…then it switched to Cas and I realized the spell had been cast.
Last thought…I think I literally sat in awe for about 15-20 seconds after the episode ended before I could comprehend it all…Then I had to start it over, because HOLY CRAP IT WAS AWESOME!!!
Have to agree that the Winchesters are a species all their own. An extremely good looking species that I would like to join. 🙂
You said it all.
When the angels started falling , my heart was in my throat. I had to hold it inside with my hands. after it was over my only thought was: OMFG!
It took a couple of hours for me to work up to watching it agin though. I just couldn’t right away. It truly overwhelmed me.
Hi Ikeke35. I too needed to wait 2 days to re-watch this episode. My reaction was the same as yours was. On the rewatch I enjoyed it even more and found myself still saying OMG. This episode is so artistic on so many points. It makes one emote many emotions including sly smiles with the lighter comedic lines which are hard to slip in with such a serious episode. The final few scenes, so Van Goughlke for me and then fading to black and the credits. One of the all time great season finales for this series but with more maturity than previous great ones. Will rewatch certain serious episodes season8 to see if the hints were there-clearly Sam’s introspection has been there all season. It is worth the rewatch and yes it will cause the same reaction so be prepared. Carry on.
There was so many freaking things going on in that finale, I need many days to think about it. But this is what I think JC accomplished and paid of (for me) that hard, painful beginning of the season. This is only about the brother’s relationship, because that was comes first, always! This is what I think was answered:
1) Why Sam didn’t look for Dean: He was afraid to disappoint Dean again, because Dean has always been able to save Sam, but Sam never really succeeded in saving Dean, no matter how hard he tried (saving Dean from going to Hell, rescuing from Hell, protecting him from Lilith). But it was more than that, it was worse: he didn’t think he could do it, because the time he tried it alone, with Ruby, it made everything so much worse, even with Dean! And he had no one to guide him now, he was all alone, so he didn’t trust himself. Now his words make sense: I was alone, I didn’t have a map (no one to check with if he was in the right path), his world imploded and he ran (yes, he ran and hide with Amelia and the dream world he was hiding into). And when he didn’t look for Dean, he disappointed Dean all over again! Oh, man! We were disappointed with Sam (or the writers), but Sam was too! Sam’s confidence was smashed to bits since he freed Lucifer and was never really restored.
2) Why Sam never told Dean about his year: clearly, he would never have admitted to Dean how much of a failure Sam thought he was. Maybe he was afraid of what would Dean say – he would maybe confirm Sam as a failure (all into Sam’s mind, of course – certainly not in mine!). He had to be sick, in a fragil state of mind, to make him admit that! Hint to BE episode! And he sees things clearly now, and can be honest with himself.
3) Why Sam didn’t like Benny: he was jealous of Dean! It wasn’t because Benny was a monster at all! Do you think Sam knew he didn’t like Benny because he was jealous, or he just convinced himself that it was because he was a vampire?
4) Why it was Sam doing the trials, not Dean: Sam needn’t to redeem himself before Dean – act, don’t tell attitude. The need was all Sam’s, in Sam’s mind, of course. And Sam needed the clarity to be honest with himself.
5) The brother’s relationship was restored, and in a even better way, mature but even stronger! I believe JC succeeded in clearing up between the two everything that was rotten inside and needed to see the light of day. I’m willing to forgive “Southern Comfort†because of that.
6) It was made very clear Dean’s priority list. But even better, we finally know what is in Sam’s mind and DEAN TOO!
I just cannot contain myself: JC IS GOD!!!
Ale – I like your thoughts on this. I think you’ve got something really good there. Awesome. JC definitely rocks my world. Lol
Yes yes yes! [i]Especially[/i] to point #1. Not only has Sam [b]never[/b] been able to save Dean or succeed on his own, the only time he had a cosmic effect for [i]good[/i] he [b]had[/b] to die (falling into the pit with Lucifer).
Of course he thinks he has to die to make the world a better place, it’s worked before! The boy speaks from experience when he says “So?” to his own death (and breaks my heart into a million peices cause geez did Jared break it out or whaaat?).
Thanks Sophie for the review and I liked this episode too. Something extremely rare, because I don’t usually like the finals seasons. I’m happy that Sam survive.
I’m alone here, but for me, Sam’s speech is that, a speech. And one with the hidden message of “I betrayed you but you betrayed me more”. If I have to believe it, several things will have to happen and I really have some hope. It
Not another Sam’s escaped while Dean is sleeping. If he listen to another hunter over Dean at least that the guy has two fingers on his front, please. He needs to think more with his brain and less with another part of his anatomy. And I would like that this time he heals himself, not Dean.
Sophia, good review. I loved the finale. But – I still don’t think the season came together as a whole. The front half is not melding with the back half for me. I’m watching the first half again right now, and it is still not working for me. I don’t know…
Crowley must have ingested (by mouth like a hand over his mouth?) some of Sam’s blood when he bit him (yuck) right? Was that close enough to the end of the ritual?
Why did Dean go off with Cas for another trial? I believe it was a writer’s device for Dean to discover the information that lead him to come back to Sam and save his life. Had the two of them been alone all day, without knowing, Sam would have died.
I cried so hard over Sam/Jared. Sam felt unclean as a little boy and he felt he was a failure during his adult life. What a burden to carry. I was so happy he aired what he felt, that we got to hear his POV. I always knew he loved Dean. There was never any doubt in my mind. And I began watching at the pilot.
Dean said just what he really felt, and it was just the right thing. That he loved Sam. There was never any doubt in my mind. *more tears*
We have tons to discuss over the Hellatus! I left out a lot of what I need to know. So, let’s discuss!
I need to re-watch the first half of the season. I want to look for the threads that tie it all together. I am really interested in going back with “purity” on my mind. I think on a second watch that I will see that popping up a lot more throughout the season.
Liked the review. The script was tight with little exposition. It looked like Abaddon went up in smoke when Sam douced her with holy water- need to rewatch to see if the smoke left the room. Crowley’s bit of humanity might actually stay and help the boys but he is so badass he might have a way to combat Metatron. We have to wait and see if Cas knows who he is as a mortal, and if he finds Dean and becomes a hunter or not. Sam confessed so did that purify his blood- it seemed to be working on Crowley in a different way than the priest’s approach. The MOL cave went wild with alarms and lights-had this falling angel scenario been predicted or is something else erupting? Sam finally spills his emotions and Dean finally expresses his love without using the word- the heart of the show right there. Jared’s acting speaks for itself as does Jensen’s. Misha does bewilderment well. And Curtis Armstrong so creepy. Amanda Tapping made me feel sad. And Mark S. the metamorphosis was amazing. The makeup, visual effects, scenery, music=A+. Carver validated the season. Strong finish. He reinvented SPN with so many new possibilities for familiar characters. Sam and Dean will have to fight what new evil? And how to get Cas’s grace back. Tuesday nights-not a problem. Following SPN anywhere- to Hell and Back.
Quote from debbab:
[quote]Liked the review. The script was tight with little exposition. It looked like Abaddon went up in smoke when Sam douced her with holy water- need to rewatch to see if the smoke left the room. [/quote]
I was under the impression that Sam threw the holy oil on Abaddon (the kind you light on fire in a circle to contain an angel). I think the smoke did go out the window. Also, I loved her meatsuit. I want her to get the same one back. That actor was awesome!
Nice review, Sofia. Did anyone catch what Crowley was whispering when Sam was reading the Latin ritual to finish the cure? Was it the Catholic sacrament of confession – “bless me father for I have sinned?” – couldn’t quite hear him.
In light of the events of this episode, it will be interesting to go back and watch S8 again. With JC mentioning the theme of perception for S8, many of us (me included) were looking for some complicated theory or explanation when it was a very simple, human thing all along; it was how they perceived themselves thru their brother’s eyes, particularly Sam’s perception of himself thru Dean’s eyes. Reminded me of an old quote, it’s a little cheesy but applicable here “The image that concerns most people is the reflection they see in other people’s minds”
It will be interesting to see what happens with Castiel in S9; to be honest, the socially awkward/socially inappropriate bit is wearing a bit thin and here’s hoping they go somewhere with his development. Also have to wonder what state Crowley was left in; will be be back to his old BAMF ways or did the partial cure change him, for a while, or forever?
I agree that they cannot use the socially awkward Cas forever going into S9 – but this presents a great opportunity to grow him either as a hunter or a watcher type or both. I’m certain he’ll still have his odd moments and that’s okay.
Good review, sofia! I loved this episode too. The Sam/Dean stuff was absolutely brilliant all around – I can barely think about it without getting teary-eyed. And you’re right, it was on a base level a selfish decision to not finish the trials and close the gates of hell, but these guys are entitled to one selfish decision every now and again. To paraphrase from Dean in WIAWSNB – why do they have to make all the hard choices, right? Besides, the world didn’t get worse by not closing the gates. Just more of the same. I wonder what Kevin will think after all his time and energy translating the tablets though. I hope he sticks around for more fun and games next season.
The MoL bunker – I think that was the supernatural activity overload alert or something akin. Too Many Angels! Too Many Angels! The Sky is Falling! It was the “some really bad shit is going down grab the salt gun” alarm is my guess.
Great look at such a great episode!
PS- Sacrifice as the title of the Arrow finale too was just odd. Especially because – weren’t they back to back?
Not finishing the trials is really gonna bite the boys especially Sam in the ass. As soon as a demon or worse, Crowley kills an innodcnet…as soon as they have to interview an inncoencet grief stricken and broken from being possessed. Just how much guilt is Sam gonna have when he witnessess these broken families, broken innocent people? Sam is simply going to feel like a faiilure all over again. He made yet another wrong choice. Each death, each possession wiill be a nail in his confidence and self worth. Especially if those deaths are soneone they are close to: Charlie? Kevin? Krissy? Lisa? It feels like Sam has been set up all over again for failure and letting Dean down. Is this a way for the writers to break what they just fixed? Lather, rince, repeat.
Yes, they have new methods to fight…such as the demon cure. But honestly? Do we honestly see Dean spending an entire day doing the cure? Isn’t that cutting off one head off a thousand headed snake that grows ten new heads with each one cut off? Isn’t that what Dean argued back in season 5 regarding lilith?
The Angels falling: All i can think is the demons delaring its Hunting Season. Ha!! Why was Dean so concerned about the Angels? After all they did to humanity and the brothers? Should be cheering. WOnderful special effects.
Crowly and Sams scenes. The best part ever. Loved it so much espeically in light of last week with Sam knowing Crowly killed Sarah.
I would love Crowly to be conflicted…the demon that remember humanity….who remembers the light of forgiveness that was so close. And hates that he lost it, resent it and tries to eradicate it out of himself.
I do sort of wish that Croowly had been cured. Or semi cured. I would have loved to have seen Sam and Crowley working together. Them on one side of the case and Dean adn Castiel working the other angel with Kevin in the MOL tying it together. Sam totally needs someone to play off of that doesn’t carry all the baggage of the brotherhood. Dean has Cas and Benny. Sam needs someone. Mayybe Sam will now open himself up to the possibiility fo friendship.
Can the MOL BUNKER be tied to God somehow? Maybe God infused the bunker with his power and thus why it runs independantly?
I LOVE YOUR BREVITY SOFIA 8) hope I have not repeated anyone else I have not read all. THANKS
I like the idea that the purity of Purgatory is the kill or be killed, black and white life. I can see how that would be easier too.
I don’t think they were selfish at all. These brothers have sacrificed everything….and I mean everything for the sake of the world. And no one in the world actually knows their pain and what all they’ve been through just so that they can continue living their “apple pie, white picket fence” lives. All these brothers have left is each other because saving the world has lost them everyone they have ever loved and cared for except each other. It’s about time they actually did not sacrifice themselves for the selfish world. Winchesters, selfish? Not at all, at least that’s my thought. 🙂
I was annoyed at how selfish Sam was. The farm girl from trial and error is still on the run. Kevin has more threats to worry about. The Winchesters are always willing to sacrafice others( the “meat suits”) but when it comes to sacrificing themselves, never. Imagin what would happen if all the hunters found out about what they did.
I don’t think either brother was selfish. They have both sacrificed, time and again, their whole lives. This ONCE they chose differently. Why single out Sam? It was a joint decision that involved Dean talking his brother out of sacrificing himself!
Look at my explanation [quote]I don’t think either brother was selfish. They have both sacrificed, time and again, their whole lives. This ONCE they chose differently. Why single out Sam? It was a joint decision that involved Dean talking his brother out of sacrificing himself![/quote]
Look for my explanation for singling out Sam in my last comment. Not once, failing to make a single effort to get Adam out of Lucifer’s cage, SELFISH, especially since he did nothing to start the apoclyspe yet he is the one son of John Winchester to suffer because of it. And this ONCE is the worse because they could of saved countless lives. I just hope the at least touch up on how that was selfish in season 9.
[quote]Look at my explanation [quote]I don’t think either brother was selfish. They have both sacrificed, time and again, their whole lives. This ONCE they chose differently. Why single out Sam? It was a joint decision that involved Dean talking his brother out of sacrificing himself![/quote]
Look for my explanation for singling out Sam in my last comment. Not once, failing to make a single effort to get Adam out of Lucifer’s cage, SELFISH, especially since he did nothing to start the apoclyspe yet he is the one son of John Winchester to suffer because of it. And this ONCE is the worse because they could of saved countless lives. I just hope the at least touch up on how that was selfish in season 9.[/quote]
But again that is down to both brothers. So I cannot agree with your idea the responsibilty for Adam is just down to Sam who suffered himself in that cage. If you are referring to the second trial ? the writers were never going to have Sam go any where near the cage to seek Adam . They would of had to deal with Sam’s cage memories for a start and secondly the innocent soul was Bobby that is what they chose.
I do think Adam situation needs clarity but that is down to the writers.
[quote]Hey Bat-Dan,
You obviously feel very strongly about this. And that’s ok. You’re entitled to your opinions. I don’t happen to agree with them.
Personally, I find it very hard to figure out how two people who go through life throwing themselves bodily between danger (the supernatural kind) and the rest of the world (innocents) could ever be considered selfish. Either of them. It boggles my mind.
I also couldn’t imagine anyone being able to do what they do without having someone special in their lives. Someone who can bolster them, give them strength when needed, be there for them…. Is that selfish? I don’t think so. We all need someone to rely on.
Is it selfish then, that they are REALLY pissed off when they perceive that their special person lets them down in some way? No. That’s human. Perhaps they both hold on to their hurt feelings too much. But given the extreme situations that are their normal lives, I don’t think that’s hard to believe either.
Obviously, if their world was different, that special person would be someone other than their own brother – Jess? Lisa? – but brother is all they have, and thank goodness for the small mercy of having someone, anyone.
I know that I would put my own husband and children – my own special people – before the rest of the world. Ask me to sacrifice them? allow them to sacrifice themselves? Never. Not ever. No way. Maybe that’s considered selfish. Personally, I think that’s human love, and I’d be shocked if Sam and Dean wouldn’t do the same.[/quote]
I apreciae[quote][quote]Look at my explanation [quote]I don’t think either brother was selfish. They have both sacrificed, time and again, their whole lives. This ONCE they chose differently. Why single out Sam? It was a joint decision that involved Dean talking his brother out of sacrificing himself![/quote]
Look for my explanation for singling out Sam in my last comment. Not once, failing to make a single effort to get Adam out of Lucifer’s cage, SELFISH, especially since he did nothing to start the apoclyspe yet he is the one son of John Winchester to suffer because of it. And this ONCE is the worse because they could of saved countless lives. I just hope the at least touch up on how that was selfish in season 9.[/quote]
But again that is down to both brothers. So I cannot agree with your idea the responsibilty for Adam is just down to Sam who suffered himself in that cage. If you are referring to the second trial ? the writers were never going to have Sam go any where near the cage to seek Adam . They would of had to deal with Sam’s cage memories for a start and secondly the innocent soul was Bobby that is what they chose.
I do think Adam situation needs clarity but that is down to the writers.[/quote]
Yeah sorry, poor writing on my part. I actually just as equally blame Dean. I actually blame Dean more because at least Sam was soulless at first. And I did not expect Sam to go near the cage, I thought something like a portal to the rest of hell from the cage that does not work for Arch Angels in any ways what so ever.
[quote]I was annoyed at how selfish Sam was. The farm girl from trial and error is still on the run. Kevin has more threats to worry about. The Winchesters are always willing to sacrafice others( the “meat suits”) but when it comes to sacrificing themselves, never. Imagin what would happen if all the hunters found out about what they did.[/quote]
So once again Sam is the selfish one and Dean had no say in what happened. As I recall Dean did not want his brother to finish the trials because it would kill him . Sam who at this point did not think his life mattered and was all for finishing the trials and his older brother talked him down. Now you can see that has Sam being selfish if you wish it is something the fandom seems conditioned to do but there were two brothers involved in that situation.
[quote][quote]I was annoyed at how selfish Sam was. The farm girl from trial and error is still on the run. Kevin has more threats to worry about. The Winchesters are always willing to sacrafice others( the “meat suits”) but when it comes to sacrificing themselves, never. Imagin what would happen if all the hunters found out about what they did.[/quote]
So once again Sam is the selfish one and Dean had no say in what happened. As I recall Dean did not want his brother to finish the trials because it would kill him . Sam who at this point did not think his life mattered and was all for finishing the trials and his older brother talked him down. Now you can see that has Sam being selfish if you wish it is something the fandom seems conditioned to do but there were two brothers involved in that situation.[/quote]
Don’t worry, I thought Dean was being 10x as selfish as Sam. Dean has just always made a lot of selfish choices in the past and has done so many others things to tick me off, like how he handled the situation with killing Amy or driving Cas in sane(pretty much everything Dean was pissed at Cas for in season 6 Dean has done). And I felt bad how Sam kept getting blamed for the apocolyspe. Dean broke a seal knowing he was doing a bad thing, Sam broke a seal when no one could know that was a bad thing. I am just saying this is no different. I mean if Sam were to die soon anyways(obviously the show wouldn’t continue but the characters don’t know that) which is likely for the life they lived, Sam didn’t shut the gates for nothing.
Hey Bat-Dan,
You obviously feel very strongly about this. And that’s ok. You’re entitled to your opinions. I don’t happen to agree with them.
Personally, I find it very hard to figure out how two people who go through life throwing themselves bodily between danger (the supernatural kind) and the rest of the world (innocents) could ever be considered selfish. Either of them. It boggles my mind.
I also couldn’t imagine anyone being able to do what they do without having someone special in their lives. Someone who can bolster them, give them strength when needed, be there for them…. Is that selfish? I don’t think so. We all need someone to rely on.
Is it selfish then, that they are REALLY pissed off when they perceive that their special person lets them down in some way? No. That’s human. Perhaps they both hold on to their hurt feelings too much. But given the extreme situations that are their normal lives, I don’t think that’s hard to believe either.
Obviously, if their world was different, that special person would be someone other than their own brother – Jess? Lisa? – but brother is all they have, and thank goodness for the small mercy of having someone, anyone.
I know that I would put my own husband and children – my own special people – before the rest of the world. Ask me to sacrifice them? allow them to sacrifice themselves? Never. Not ever. No way. Maybe that’s considered selfish. Personally, I think that’s human love, and I’d be shocked if Sam and Dean wouldn’t do the same.
I can not say how many times I’ve watched this episode. I watch it over and over again and it still gives me goosebumbs and leaves me mouth-open in awe.
I don’t think it was selfish, though, when Sam gave up the trials for Dean. Like Crowley said, their flaw is their humanity; they are each other’s weakness;their brotherhood is the only thing they have left. They have lost everything else if they had successfully shut the gates of hell, Dean would be Samless and I think the audience enjoys Sheppard, I know I do!