Let’s Speculate: “Supernatural” 8.20, “Pac-Man Fever”
WARNING! If you haven’t seen “Pac-Man Fever” yet, read no further! There will be spoilers and all manner of discussion about the episode. So watch it for yourself before you check out this review. And then definitely check it out!
That was a very, very enjoyable filler episode. I liked it a lot. There were tons of great lines, everyone had a major role to play, and it even made me cry, which doesn’t happen very often on this show. I know, I know. I have tear ducts of steel, I tell you. Ridiculous. I very happily am going to rewatch this episode again and again and again. I just want you to know how much I liked this episode before I say what I’m about to say next: it annoys me that there’s filler this late in the season. I’m sure it has something to do with the network and their demands, or maybe not, I don’t know. But why couldn’t last episode be a two-parter? They have SO MUCH to resolve before the end of the season, and I just know I’m going to want one or two more episodes to let it all happen. At least it was a really good filler episode. Because if it had been bad, then I REALLY would have been annoyed. On to the episode.
Discussion Topic of the Week: How Many “Supernatural” Books Have Been Published?
Canonically, they were supposed to have ended with “No Rest For The Wicked.” But Charlie made a couple references that definitely happened after that. So did Chuck publish more books? Did he post them online? Was that look on his face right before he disappeared not graceful serenity but a “ha ha, screw you, Winchesters! You won’t be able to find me, so I’m totally publishing these books, I don’t care what you say!” look?
And now, bullet points. It’s gonna be a lot of flailing, just a heads up.
- Nice cold open. Also, nice music effect with Dean trying to turn off the music and it still playing. And nice uniform. Damn.
- Kicking the chair leg off the table was kind of hot, right?
- Ha ha, Sam’s hair when he wakes up.
- Sam missed the beer! That was so amazing. “It’s why we don’t have nice things, Sam.”
- But they really should be wearing ear protection, though. I guess the MoL weren’t just book nerds after all.
- How very handy that the bunker is a dead zone as far as being able to trace GPS. But a part of me wonders why that technology would be part of the bunker when GPS wasn’t even invented until 1973, to say nothing of when it became commercially available.
- “Your highness.” Awwww, that is adorable. And they both called her that!
- Charlie made a Monty Python reference! With the answering of the questions three line. Man, I love Monty Python.
- Yay, they are going to LARP again! BEST!
- Clothes montage!!! And the fact that she literally was making the montage herself is so, so amazing. I want to do that now.
- “What about Castiel? He seems useful…and dreamy.” (except I might have misquoted this line? Does she say useful or something else?)
- I like that the medical examiner woman stuck to her guns. Good one, lady.
- They’re not gonna poke the body with a stick.
- They totally poked the body with a stick.
- “I don’t want to miss the “broment.”
- “Don’t quote me to me.”
- Yeah, djinn. A good old-fashined djinn. Those things are really awesome, with the glowing blue eyes and the tats and stuff.
- No, is that Charlie’s mom in the hospital? Nooooooo.
- The tattoo effects on the djinn are badass, though.
- Sam and Dean are en pointe this episode. It’s really a good show of their mental acuity.
- LOL, Sam didn’t need to get talked out of punching Dean at all.
- “Come with me if you want to live. I’ve always wanted to say that.”
- My dad read me “The Hobbit,” too! And then LOTR.
- I’m sure people were worried when they thought Sam wouldn’t be involved in the episode, but he really has been involved a lot. Sam, Dean, and Charlie all had moments to shine. The action and plot was really divvied out well by Robbie Thompson.
- Good thinking, Dean, with talking Charlie out of the dream. Painful, but you did what you had to do to get Charlie out of there.
- Ha ha ha, Charlie has to go on tiptoes just to reach Sam.
- Charlie and Dean are so adorable! I can’t even!
- This season isn’t Season 8 anymore. It’s Season Dean Hugs Everyone. But really, the hug for Sam was perfect. Sam was so sure that Dean was going to rip him a new one. I mean, what a little brother reaction, right? He just started explaining as soon as Dean walked in the door. And then Dean just hugs him and stops him cold. Perfect.
- Robbie Thompson owns stock in Kleenex. It’s the only explanation I have for the ending to this episode. That was so, so sad and yet so perfect.
What did you all think of the episode? Did you enjoy it as much as I did? Tell me what you thought! But please, be nice to each other in the comments. I am heading to Disneyworld for a little vacation, so don’t make extra work for Amy and Alice by writing mean comments. I’ll be checking on the thread when I get back to see who was naughty and who was nice, like a forum Santa Claus.
Really want to know how this all ends? I can tell you – sad or bloody. Probably both. And then we will have one hell of you know what, beginning with H. What’s wrong with fillers anyway, especially when they are so good as this one? Fillers are still a part of the road, no?
[quote]Really want to know how this all ends? I can tell you – sad or bloody. Probably both. And then we will have one hell of you know what, beginning with H. What’s wrong with fillers anyway, especially when they are so good as this one? Fillers are still a part of the road, no?[/quote]
Amen to that novi, Amen.
I just loved this episode, much more than the previous one, don’t get me wrong, it had more holes than a Swiss cheese, but if you just get pass that, it was kinda okay??!
Yeah this one was a filler, but lets put this way – if all the “not so good” fillers were as good as this one, wow… what a wonderful season we will be having…. (which we are, at least in my personal opinion)
I’m so excited and anxious for the next three episodes…
Take care everybody…
Cla ; }
Always wanted to stand up for fillers, Clarice. I somehow tend to re-watch them more often than most key episodes – those are so emotional, so overdramatic, almost devastating. And our show knows how to do comedy right! Though that one was really poignant – Sam looks so frail that I begin to worry about Jared.
I also really enjoyed this episode. I liked seeing another side to Charlie, that added depth really brought something more to her character.
Loved how Robbie Thompson wrote the brothers in this episode! It was my wish list come true! They were very emotionally connected- just how I love them!
“This season isn’t Season 8 anymore. It’s Season Dean hugs everyone.” I love that! I’m actually kind of surprised about the hug. I wasn’t expecting it. Three in a season! I may be wrong, but I don’t think any previous season has given us three brother hugs.
All in all a very satisfying episode, despite being a filler.
Have a great time in Disneyworld!
Loved how Robbie Thompson wrote the brothers in this episode! It was my wish list come true! They were very emotionally connected- just how I love them! [/quote]
I completely agree. After all these episodes over time, the ones that make me the happiest are the one were the writers really nail who Sam and Dean are – people who know the characters as well as we do.
It’s late and I have to sleep. But I want to tell you Yes!!! I loved the episode from start to finish. And even though I am someone who really watches with such big fan eyes, well that kind of love is not always present. The two separate closing moments, Dean hugging his little brother and Charlie with her mother made me cry too. The characters and relationships were filled out, so really the best kind of filler episode. So beautiful.
I absolutely enjoyed the episode. I just can’t get enough of Dean. Yes – he has been hugging a lot this season but no one seems to be complaining. I wouldn’t. I am so wrapped up in what is ahead for Sam I feel sick. As sick as he looked at moments tonight. It amazes me how emotional I get over this show.
Gosh I loved this episode so much!! I really love this writer and I was expecting a great episode, but this really blew me away. It had me on the edge of my seat and it touched my heart at the same time.
really amazing episode in my eyes. learning more about Charlie and seeing the depth that Felicia and Robbie brought to her was so satisfying. (BTW i think the GPS “deadzone” thing has more to do with the “warding spells” the MOLs put on the bunker, than any technology). and Charlie’s parting exchange with Dean … so spot on and kinda adorkable
I loved this episode too. I laughed hard when Dean threatened to cut Sam’s hair. Totally riot! 😀
This episode may fit the “official” definition of a filler but for me it definitely moved things forward. Sam was absolutely honest with Dean, not hiding how bad off he really is even though he kept saying he was fine. He knew that every time he said it Dean was not buying it and it was probably more for his own benefit. Dean saw his worst fear head on and he chose to react to it with love. He threw his arms around his little brother in yet another wonderful hug. The two of them, together, are going to find Kevin. These are things that needed to happen and they did. It all just happened subtly in the background of a hunt that was in their own backyard. That in my book is not filler stuff. Plus, I don’t care how many story lines are left hanging after episode 23, that’s what season 9 is for. Yup, I’m a happy camper right now.
[quote]Dean saw his worst fear head on and he chose to react to it with love. [/quote]
This sentence could sum up the entire episode – facing one’s fears head on and reacting in love.
Aptly put.
[quote]This episode may fit the “official” definition of a filler but for me it definitely moved things forward. Sam was absolutely honest with Dean, not hiding how bad off he really is even though he kept saying he was fine. He knew that every time he said it Dean was not buying it and it was probably more for his own benefit. Dean saw his worst fear head on and he chose to react to it with love. He threw his arms around his little brother in yet another wonderful hug. The two of them, together, are going to find Kevin. These are things that needed to happen and they did. It all just happened subtly in the background of a hunt that was in their own backyard. That in my book is not filler stuff. Plus, I don’t care how many story lines are left hanging after episode 23, that’s what season 9 is for. Yup, I’m a happy camper right now.[/quote]
I agree with everything you said, Lindab30. I thought it moved the story ahead as well, for your reasons. I loved the episode. Loved, loved, loved it! But it was not 100% filler – I am right behind Lindab30!
Also, I loved that Dad’s journal trumped Charlie’s iPad haha
Loved the line to Sam after he missed the beer Dean tossed at him after what 24+ hours of sleep. “That’s why we don’t have nice things, Sam.” Laughed out loud. I too was cringing when the boy picked up the stick . . . knew immediately where that was going. Loved the firing range – something tells me that this may have been added by Dean in one of the spare rooms . . . I see that being a must needed improvement after they moved in. Also loved Sam’s rationale that it was close enough when they landed on the paper. 🙂
This was an extremely fun episode and I especially loved all the throw backs to prior seasons – Dream Root and Djinn’s vaccines and of course, the books. I thought he wrote/published the books up to the point of when Sam went into the cage. So it would have ended at the end of the apocalypse with them saving the world.
Hi Beverly, I think that the line “that’s why we don’t have nice things” was a nod to Jared and Jensen’s friendship. Supposedly Jared can be a tad like a bull in a china shop and Jensen is always saying “that’s why we don’t have nice things” when Jared breaks something. Jensen even said at a con (not sure when…) that he was going to write a book called “Life with Jared: Why We Don’t Have Nice Things.” Super cute. Robbie Thompson really seems to GET these two guys, both on and off screen.
I love that story. 😆 Tall, gangly people do have a knack for breaking things. My niece’s brother is 6′ 4″ and she always has these hilarious stories about him knocking things over everywhere he goes. But, yeah, Robbie Thompson really does get the characters and the actors. We are so lucky to have him. Let’s hope he sticks around until the end 😮 of the series.
Ha, that great E. Love those little BTS stories. It is remarkable how agile Jared is considering he is so tall, with those long arms and legs 🙂
Did you enjoy the opera?? Someday I am going to collect on that DP 😛
I DID enjoy the opera! It was lovely…..thanks for asking! 😀
E, Glad your tragedy perked you up 😀
Oh and Robbie Thompson said in a tweet that that line was in the script (although he might have heard Jensen say to Jared before), but the clippers line was an adlib.
Jared is live-tweeting the episode right now folks!
I have to say for someone that was totally expecting this to be a really not-for-me episode I thought it was just great. Can we continue to have both of our boys on screen? Thank you 😀
Hm-m-m-m-m . . . I just love a broad shouldered man in a uniform! 😉
Completely enjoyed this episode. It deserves the title ‘standalone’ not filler.
Great lines RT, great attention to continuity and canon. I loved the reappearance of Sam’s yellow tie – the one first worn in the original djinn episode ([i]What is and What Shall Never Be[/i]).
I was totally stressed when I came home from work today; watching this, I relaxed and had fun and was in much better spirits when the credits rolled. Isn’t that what entertainment is supposed to be about? Thanks SPN!
[quote]I loved the reappearance of Sam’s yellow tie – the one first worn in the original djinn episode (What is and What Shall Never Be).[/quote]
Wow! How do you remember things like this? Awesome (and really, really, really) subtle catch!
I love all the subtle touches the SPN crew adds to each episode. I remember the tie from WIAWSNB because it’s a lot brighter than Sam’s usual choices and seemed to be symbolic in that episode of the ‘sunnier’ life (with Jess, and his mom) that Sam would have enjoyed had he not become a hunter – or at least that’s what the djinn wanted Dean to buy into. Here it was just a nice homage to the show’s past. 🙂
Great catch! I’ve decided I’m going to do a full length recap on this episode. The tie is definitely making one of my points!
I agree. Amazing Catch.
I really, really enjoyed this episode. I was so worried that Sam was going to be in a bed the whole time!! How do you spell R-E-L-I -E-F ?
I am loving Charlie more and more each time we see her. She has great chemistry with the guys. Plus she is funny, plucky and sweet. I would love to see more of her in the future.
I liked that we had some old school dream root and Djinn action.
Dean is definitely in the hug mode this season for sure. Keep them coming. Did we have any last season? Can’t remember, it all seemed so bleak.
This may have been a filler but it had so much heart that it felt like more.
Lastly Sam, poor boy. And yet he is out there taking care of business. Love him!!
Amen…. 😆
Lastly Sam, poor boy. And yet he is out there taking care of business. Love him!![/quote]
Great continuity too. Just like in “The Born Again Identity” when Sam was dying but helped that girl with her ghost brother. Brings new meaning to the words “fight till my last breath” doesn’t it? It’s why we love these boys.
One of my favorite bits last night was when Sam and Dean were having their “broment” at the crime scene. Sam reminds Dean what he told Kevin, “Play through the pain.” Dean gets all mad. “Don’t quote me to me.” Hee!
Oh Sammy. Next week has me totally freaked.
According to Jared’s tweets his parents were in that “broment” scene.. they are the couple loitering around near the crime scene tape.. it really sounds like everyone was having a great time during filming.
Loved the episode. Loved the characterizations and the interactions. Loved that the Djinn mythos change was explained (see that wasn’t so difficult!). Loved the referral back to John’s journal, and that Sam and Dean were both treated as intelligent – albeit stubborn men. Loved Dean in uniform. (They really could sell a Dean doll with complete line of dress up clothes.) Loved Charlie saying the Men of Letters deserved extinction because of their sexist name. I loved that the bunker has a pistol range – not so happy with lack of eye and ear protection. (Too picky of me?) I really would love to see a blueprint of the bunker – and Sam’s bedroom. (Not that way…get your mind out of the gutter!) I am left with only one question; how did they not immediately pick up on the coroner not being human when she so successfully withstood Dean’s charm offensive?
quote from Teresa
[quote]I am left with only one question; how did they not immediately pick up on the coroner not being human when she so successfully withstood Dean’s charm offensive?[/quote]
Teresa, that line had me giggling! I hope you don’t mind if I use the phrase “Dean’s charm offensive” sometimes! Hilarious! 😀 😆 😀
Glad you liked it, please feel free!
I loved this episode. This is the kind of episode that makes this show so special. My emotions were all over the place but in a good way. Definitely worth the wait. Surprised and thrilled by the bro hug at the end. Perfect. Nice review.
I really liked this episode too! I loved that there was a firing range in the bunker. There were lots of funny and sweet moments between Sam and Dean.
BTW, have fun at Disney World. You’ll be in my neck of the woods. I live in Mickey’s backyard. 😆
I can sum up this episode in one word. AWESOME! I loved everything about it. I think Robbie Thompson writes for the fans. He had everything in this episode to make us happy. Dean in a uniform (somebody get this guy a movie that takes place in the fifties, stat 😳 ); Sam’s unruly hair 😆 ; Charlie’s clothes montage to “Walking on Sunshine”, perfect; Dean hugging his little brother 😥 ; Charlie reading “The Hobbit” one last time to her mother 😥 .; a reference to Monty Ponty; all the beautiful references to the past, the dream root, the Djinn, Sam’s yellow tie. And I could go on and on, but you know, you all watched it! 😆
Robbie Thompson writes with attention to detail! Unlike some writers (*cough* Leming-Ross and Buckner *cough*), he doesn’t make things up and trash canon to suit his own plotlines. He does his homework and has utmost respect for everything done so far. That is the mark of an excellent TV writer. That type of mentality in writing, which honestly isn’t that hard, resonates the most with the fans.
You know who was the last writer to come on board this staff and spend that much time tying in his clever stories to existing canon? It was a guy named Carver.
ETA: What also makes him a great writer, and comparable with Jeremy Carver, is that he doesn’t just try to tie in story. He brings the emotional beats as well, and they’re perfect. That’s where the other writers fall short. Story they get, Sam and Dean…not always. (Please note no talk I do of writers includes one Mr. Edlund, who’s in a master class all his own).
Attention to details for sure!
Did you notice the e-mail list on Sam’s laptop? He receives messages from “Mythology Weekly†(something about Swedish mythology this week), and from “Road Food†– best dinners when you’re on the road, or something like that. Amazing!
I’m probably going to watch this episode a few times this weekend to catch all those little details. It’s so much fun when a writer puts all these little hidden gems in there for us to have fun with. 🙂
[quote]Attention to details for sure!
Did you notice the e-mail list on Sam’s laptop? He receives messages from “Mythology Weekly†(something about Swedish mythology this week), and from “Road Food†– best dinners when you’re on the road, or something like that. Amazing![/quote]
Yeah I paused it to read the emails and it was Scandanavian mythology and the Road Food.
Badass folk don’t need no stinkin’ eye and ear protective gear!!
I have a request to make of all in fandom: Stop commenting on how much you love the Bunker/Batcave. Pretty please! The writers would burn, burn I tell you, the bloody thing down just for the fun of it. They love to hear us howl in anguish.
An excellent MOTW episode. Great to get Charlie’s back story; great chemistry between her and Dean, and Sam too. Hoping they can bring her back next season – she’s like the little sister they never wanted.
Even though it was an MOTW episode, I liked the way it “organically” integrated in to the demon table/trials arc, and the continuity in the references to Sam and Dean’s past. They used to do a great job of that in the earlier seasons – hope they continue.
So, Dean is obsessively worrying about Sam; his greatest fear is Sam dying (duh, no surprise there). Sam is being his stubborn self, refusing to leave his brother alone out there. Dean has turned in to a hugging machine. All is well and normal in the SPN universe, well… as normal as things get, I suppose.
Really looking forward to what’s in store for the last 3 episodes of S8.
Not a fan of Charlie so was surprised that I liked the episode as much as I did. Great to have both brothers working the episode instead of just Dean as I feared it would be.
My main quibble is that instead of filling in Charlie’s backstory I would rather have seen what happened with Sam when Dean went to purgatory. I’m tired of the guest stars having more of the plot than the boys do.
BTW did anyone else notice the “Erik Kripke as creative consultant”? Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t recall having seen that before. Has anyone else?
Eric Kripke has been a creative consultant since season six. He’s still tied to the show in that his production company produces it (Kripke Enterprises) but he’s been too busy being the showrunner for Revolution.
[quote]Eric Kripke has been a creative consultant since season six. He’s still tied to the show in that his production company produces it (Kripke Enterprises) but he’s been too busy being the showrunner for Revolution.[/quote]
Thanks. Guess I just missed it then.
Yeah it was filler, but I really enjoyed this episode. I like Charlie and we got to know more about her background, which was nice. I love her interactions with the brothers, especially Dean. And Dean’s hug & forehead kiss at the end… aw!
I also loved Dean just immediately running up to Sam and enveloping him in a big hug and reassuring Sam that everything would be okay. *sigh* I absolutely LOVE Dean.
Robbie Thompson did a very nice job with the script, and all the actors did a great job as well. All in all, a great episode.
i thought this episode was perfect…. 😆
i do enjoy charlie. i love her relationship with the boys. she’s the only civilian who knows everything about them. she brings out the bromance in those two boys..i think she’s someone they need to keep around…she’s a funny character who brings a little levity, but she also relates to the boys in a way no other character relates to them…
funny, but i didn’t see this episode as filler at all. i think charlie totally parallels sam. i saw it as furthering along sam’s story.
first i can see why dean likes charlie so much. she is very similar to sam in alot of ways.
dean learning about her guilt regarding her parents, her mom. i can so see how he would compare her to sam. sam was a baby, but it didn’t stop him from feeling guilty that his mom died in his room, over his crib. in all honesty, i don’t know that sam’s ever gotten rid of the guilt over his mom. dean even compared her mom with mary.
charlie and sam’s story seem to be the same to me.
charlie was hiding the truth from the boys. fear seemed to be what was driving her in this eppy. fear of losing her mom.
well, it’s been my belief for awhile now that sam is hiding something from dean. what i’ve noticed in this eppy is how driven sam was. sam’s been quite vocal to dean about him being alright…telling dean he can do it (the trials). no matter how crappy sam feels, he’s not quitting..he wants to find kevin..he wants to do the last trial….
but in this eppy, sam was on maximum overdrive….he was not sitting this case out..there was just no stopping him…i haven’t seen sam this driven since s4 and his need to kill lilith.
the last time sam felt this way was because of what lilith did to dean…and now, it appears to me that he’s got that same need…only this time it’s not to kill for dean… i believe it’s to save him. i gotta tell you , i’ve thought it before , but after watching sam again this morning, these trials he so desperately wants to succeed in, aren’t about him or his desire to have normal one day, ….i think the trials are all about dean, and sam’s need to save his brother.. to do for him what he couldn’t do when he thought dean died….
i still say, and it’s jmo of course, that it’s not so much that sam didn’t look for dean as much as i think sam couldn’t look for dean….it’s my very strong belief, given what we’ve seen and heard by both meg and bobby, that something was very very wrong with sam after that night dean and cas vanished. i think sam had some kind of emotional breakdown. i think he’s keeping it from his brother, for fear that dean will think him weak and a disappointment.
sam’s fear is driving him to want to succeed, much like charlie’s fear was driving her. i actually thought charlie furthered the sam’s story…
i believe now, after what went down with charlie, that dean is more aware of sam’s determination to do these trials. how can he not be … i just got a sense, and it’s probably just me, but i did get a sense that dean is more in tune with sam and he’s coming to realize that it’s more than just sam wanting to do them….it’s about sam needing to do them…
after seeing the promo, i just got the feeling that we’ll be hearing from sam soon…i think sam’s condition is scaring dean to the point where he’ll finally ask sam why it’s so important to him to do these trials, why he’s so willing to risk his health…i think then we’ll get to hear the truth about sam…
i feel it’s coming and i think this eppy was the fuse that lit the firecracker…
again, all of this is just my very strong feeling…
nappi815 – we’ve been on the same page about Sam for awhile; in agreement with your opinion/thoughts on this. IMO part of his desire for wanting to close the gates of hell is revenge but, then again, Dean feels the same way. And you’re right, a bigger part of Sam’s motivation is redeeming himself to his brother, leading him to the “light” even if Sam doesn’t make it himself.
You kind of got a glimpse at Sam’s mindset when Dean was waking up after dream rooting his way in to Charlie’s nightmare; Sam was laser focused on making sure Dean was okay; that was the only thing that mattered to him.
Can’t wait to see what happens next.
[quote]How very handy that the bunker is a dead zone as far as being able to trace GPS. But a part of me wonders why that technology would be part of the bunker when GPS wasn’t even invented until 1973, to say nothing of when it became commercially available.[/quote]
I’m guessing a general concealment spell that doesn’t allow the bunker to be traced by anything. Since the MOL traced history they had to realize that technology changes so whipping up a metaphorical invisibility cloak would make sense.
[quote][quote]How very handy that the bunker is a dead zone as far as being able to trace GPS. But a part of me wonders why that technology would be part of the bunker when GPS wasn’t even invented until 1973, to say nothing of when it became commercially available.[/quote]
I’m guessing a general concealment spell that doesn’t allow the bunker to be traced by anything. Since the MOL traced history they had to realize that technology changes so whipping up a metaphorical invisibility cloak would make sense.[/quote]
Yep… keep in mind that they’re not even sure how the place has electricity or running water.
So… Charlie goes, to let her mom die… and Dean goes back home and understands, Sam might be dying as well.
But he isn´t dead yet.
Not yet.
Alright, lemme get like.. a ton of tissues here.
😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥
Just a random thought-Why didn’t Sam and Dean give some of the dream root to Charlie so that she could go into her Mom’s coma dreams and say her goodbyes there? Maybe I missed something because there was a child abduction alert and lost part of the episode.
It was implied that Charlie’s mom was brain dead and had been for years. I don’t think there were any coma dreams to go into.
Thanks percy, I missed that. Had alot of family running around during the episode and the child abduction alert. I need to rewatch.
Was anyone else surprised to see how close to a town the bunker is? I guess I just assumed it was out in the middle of nowhere, the better to remain private.
I thought exactly the same thing. Surely someone is going to see the impala drive up the lane. I still worry about the impala just standing outside waiting to be discovered. I mean how many ppl drive an impala these days. Surely they need to build a garage already
Am I losing my mind or did Dean mention building a garage at one point? It could just my fantasies of Dean in a hard hat with a tool belt getting confused with reality again but I thought he said something to Sam about getting supplies or that he was going to do start on the garage while they were there 😮
Mmmmmmm… Dean in a hard hat and a tool belt. . . :-*
kaz1, welcome back! I missed you. Oh and I’m all for Dean and Sam in a hard hats and tool belts. YUM!
The bunker probably WAS out in the middle of nowhere when it was built. That was at least 50 years ago wasn’t it? As for the Impala being parked in front I decided not to concern myself with that. What’s going on inside the bunker is far more interesting to me.
Okay, this is the first time I did a direct reply to someone’s comment and I got it in the wrong place! Oh well, those who know me would not be surprised.
But it was such a good reply! I hadn’t factored in the passage of all those years.
I think the problem is with the fantasy location versus the real Lebanon, Kansas, which has actually shrunk to population slightly over 300.
This was an awesome filler and I’ve watched it probably 10 times since last night. I think they did manage to move the story line somewhat though with Sam and the toll the trials are having on him.
Loved the surveillance shots of the the Tran house and the safe house boat, then the library and a gas station. Dean taking advantage of the tool that Frank taught him back in Season 7.
Loved the Bro moments but then I always do. 😛 Sam sure has me worried. He is just not doing well. Have to wonder if the trials are cleansing him from all the demon blood or what else is going on with that. 😕
Charlie has always been one of my favorite guest stars and she sure didn’t disappoint. It was great seeing that side of her and getting her back story finally. She’s like the little sister the boys never had like Dean mentioned in The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tatoos end of Season 7. I am a little confused as to how they can kill vampires in the video game with salt rounds when normally they need to be beheaded. Guess the key word there is “video game”.
The djinn tats were pretty awesome and I’m not one for tats.
Next weeks preview sure does not look good for Sam but I love how Dean will try and take care of his little brother making him “John’s stew”. 😆
Loved it. This one made me cry. When my 26 year old daughter was one month old my mother was dying of breast cancer , I laid my daughter next to her on the bed and in a morphine haze she thought it was me as a baby. I had to tell my mother that I loved her and not to worry about us as her mother was waiting for her. She died a day later. This episode struck such a nerve and memories. I loved how Felicia played Charlie and made it so personal for me. It was a lovely episode. Everyone was wonderful, it is all coming together. I am on vacation in Kauia and will look at my ocean view and my memories of my Mom. Peace
I really enjoyed this episode – one of the very few this season that I have.
And I’ll take the brother hugs and shallow moments of bedhead Sammy in a V-neck anytime.
I really, really enjoyed this episode. It was so well paced and balanced and there was not one moment where I scratched my head in confusion or went, “wait a minute, that’s not what we’ve heard in previous episodes….” this is how you expand on established lore without making the previous information obsolete or compromising past story lines! (Although, to be fair, the changes to Djinn lore were smaller and less complex than the changes to Reaper lore) still though, the changes made were explained and organic to the story.
Loved all the shout out’s to past episodes; this has been happening all season long, but they were really well done here IMO (yeah.. John’s journal!).
Although I tend to be more of a Sam girl (no, really, it’s true) Dean looked beyond hot in that uniform; did anyone else think that it look very authentic? I wonder if that wasn’t actually a costume and was in fact the real thing.. vintage. I’d love someone to ask that at one of the cons.
And why is sick, ailing, trial weakened Sam so incredibly hot? It’s strange that he should look so good when he looks so bad… there’s something wrong with me I think. That long sleeved v-neck T he was wearing at the start of the ep was drool worthy.
And I agree with some of the other posters about the filler/not filler debate; I suppose this was basically filleresque, yet it really did seem to be setting up ideas and tropes for the rest of the season; I was especially drawn to the conversation that Dean and Charlie had while in her dream about NOT playing the game. There were several War Game references in tonight’s episode and that whole movie was about finding the wisdom of NOT doing the obvious thing; I wonder if the final trial will be in the realization that closing the gates of Hell is a bad idea and to not do it? Maybe the sacrifice is in sacrificing their ultimate end game? And maybe because he chooses NOT to complete the trials Sam will have to choose to die? I am terrible at speculation… Anyhoo. Enjoyed this episode very much.
I’m still giddy over Marine!Dean. Anyone else? I mean, first of all uniform. Second,marine like his daddy. And third, medical corps – a caretaker, how perfect is that?
Ardeospina, Great episode! Great review! You touched on so many of the things I loved.
I have a total guess on the filler placement within the season. With X-Files they would deliberately put MOTW episodes in between because some people did like the mythology as well (my brother being one of them, even with SPN) and some people only really liked mythology. So to try to work with both groups they would break them up. I think they had a lot less mythology ones though. It usually didn’t have one central mythology story to be cleared up within the season though like SPN does.
I’m used to that format so it doesn’t bother typically except when the season’s storyline suffers, like it did last year and season 5 and now this year maybe too because last weeks could have easily been a two-parter.
But regardless this was a great episode.