This Just In! Supernatural Officially Renewed for a Ninth Season!
Well this was a big surprise so early, but Variety a few minutes ago announced that The CW has renewed their top three series, “Arrow,” “The Vampire Diaires,” and returning for it’s ninth season, “Supernatural”!
There’s more coming on this, including an official CW press release, but this is for real. Tell us how happy you are!
Updated: Here’s the official CW press release. To CW prez Mark Pedowitz, I believe I speak for everyone in this fandom when I say, THANK YOU!!!!!
“Arrow,†“The Vampire Diaries†and “Supernatural†to Return Next Season
February 11, 2013 (Burbank, California) ? The CW Network has given early pickups to three of its hit series for next season, including freshman hit ARROW, its top-rated drama THE Vampire Diaries and fan favorite SUPERNATURAL, it was announced today by Mark Pedowitz, President, The CW. All three shows will return in Fall 2013.
“We said last year that one of our goals was to establish building blocks to grow on, and now with our new hit ARROW and fan favorite SUPERNATURAL on Wednesday night, and the continued success of THE Vampire Diaries on Thursday, we’ve been able to do that,†said Pedowitz. “Not only do ARROW, SUPERNATURAL, and THE Vampire Diaries perform well on-air, they’re also extremely successful for us both digitally and socially. I’m thrilled to have all three shows returning to our schedule next season.â€
One of the true breakout hits of the season, ARROW posted The CW’s best series premiere since 2009 and currently stands as the network’s most watched show (4.3mil). Heading into its fifth season next fall, THE Vampire Diaries remains The CW’s highest rated series in target demographics, including adults 18-34 and women 18-34. THE VAMPIRE DIARIES also continues to be one of the network’s top performing shows digitally and socially; in fact, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES recently topped Trendrr’s list as network TV’s #1 social program for the week of January 21–27
The Winchester brothers of SUPERNATURAL will continue to fight the forces of evil for a ninth season. Since being paired with ARROW on Wednesday this year, SUPERNATURAL has seen a dramatic uptick in its ratings from last season, rising 15% among total viewers, 10% in adults 18-34 and 18% in adults 18-49.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Wonderful news! Thanks for sharing. Happy here! Won’t it be nice for the writers to know now that they can be setting the table for next season in their season finale?
Wow! This is so early. What a wonderful surprise. So no waiting with an anxious knot in the stomach for renewals news this year. 😆
Very happy indeed here. 🙂
That so great! I just saw this on Jared twitter.
OH HAPPY DAY!! I know it only makes sense as the ratings are up and (IMO) the series quality has improved and keeps improving. We are 2/3 of the way to Carver’s Season 10 hope! A great day for all on this awesome site! Looking forward to another year of Alice & Co.!
Happy to hear this, though whether the show is must-see viewing for me in S9 is definitely contingent on Misha being back as a regular.
Yippee woohoo hooray!!! 😆 Great News indeed.
I am a happy camper!
i’ll be wearing a big grin for the rest of the week..month, year… 😆
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! So ridiculously happy! Congratulations to Carver et al, Jim Michaels et al, Jared and Jensen et al and all the fans! Back in Black. Mmmmhmm.
Very happy news indeed! Nice to skip the yearly nail biting, for once. Big smile here.
commence happy dance. 😀
It’s pudding time! Break out the blue label scotch that Rufus loved to drink. Time to weave more threads. So I can avoid withdrawal symptoms for a while. Smiling when I read Jared’s twitter. Nobody seemed to be able to explain my supernatural beaming aura today,but SPN family knows why.Congrats to the cast and crew for hanging in and for fandom- we drive this baby sometimes and maybe,just maybe the CW heard us this year- hell People’s choice and all. Mainstream network is putting on Zero Hour with Anthony Edwards and some of the story line looks lifted from SPN. Fandom has always been ahead of the trend- duh did the CW just get it. I am no where near the target audience and either are my friends but we watch and have the dollars to buy the products advertised for our younger friends and family- CW did a smart thing announcing early. Feel pleased like Dean and Sam in last week’s final scene. So good. Happy dance in the woods!
Oh My Chuck this is the best news a fan can hear! So glad we got early notice the wait was driving me crazy. All the interviews said it was almost certain but now it is an absolute certainty we get a season 9.
Thanks CW I take back most of the bad things I have said about you not giving our show the rightful recognition it deserves. 😆
Such great news and so deserved! Well done to everyone on Supernatural and yay to us fans for being so damn passionate! Fan favourite. Yes indeedy!
Holy freaking Chuck!!!!! I’m barely restraining myself from getting up and doing a happy dance around the office.
This makes me really, really happy! 😆
I’m over the moon with this news, I’m so HAPPY! 😀 I think season 8 opened up so many different paths the show can go on, and I’ll be there to follow all the way.
i’m so happy i could cry
[Pumps fist in the air] Oh yeah! 😀
First thing I heard this morning was ‘Supernatural renewed for season 9!’ I haven’t stopped smiling all day. Congratulations to everyone involved with the show and, of course, this passionate fandom!
WOW I can finally start breathing again! Well maybe not when Dean is on screen but what wonderful news for the entire cast, crew and us fans. There is strength in numbers and I feel the People’s Choice awards definitely let the PTB hear us.
Fantastic news!! We get to be formidable fussy fans for another year. You would have thought they’d have been sick of our demands by now but hey, we’re family right 😀
and the Snoopy dancing continues!!!
You mean like this Melanie? (Sorry, not Snoopy, but Peanuts!)
I’m in an office full of people who don’t watch our show and I don’t care. I’m sharing the news with happiness all over my face. So good, thanks to the Js for being, just being!
Isn’t it just crazy that a little show like this can do so much to the heart strings.
I no longer think of the show as Supernatural but as The Saga of the Winchester Brothers (the legend continues).
I so happeeeeee!!!!!!
I LOVE Mark Pedowitz!!
Hope it goes on forever and a day!
I have three huge projects looming over me like wendigos here at work, and I all I can do is sit at my computer with a huge smile, and a song in my heart. Thank you Mr. Pedowitz and everyone at CW! A thousand times, thank you!! My focus is totally gone. I’m so happy I can’t even think straight. YAY!!!
I was so happy to hear this! Every time I get into a show that’s currently airing it seems to get cancelled right after I actually start watching it it seems to gets cancelled and I was really hoping that, unlike Eureka, it would continue and it is! It’s been getting so much better under Jeremy Carver that it would have been heartbreaking to see it end already! Whew!
We (my hubby and I) didn’t start watching until this last summer and we watched all through season 7 just to get caught up before the actual season started. Aside from the hiatuses which kill us after watching on Netflix it’s been great! The only thing that will get me through the next hiatus is going to Emerald City Comicon and seeing Misha Collins! That should do me until the next episode!
Just trying to see how to upload
So happy about this and was smiling like a madwoman when twitter was going crazy.Yes! now I can go to a con next year!
secretly wishing to beat smallville and get to season 11 ha
However long the boys still want to make the show, count me in!