sweetondean’s spoiler-lite preview – “Supernatural” 8.12 “As Time Goes By”
Here we go with the 3rd episode after the hellatus. Feels like a lot happened over the last couple of weeks. We now find ourselves on fragile ground with Sam and Dean seemingly making an effort to be a little understanding of each other, instead of simply butting heads! Will this continue? Will we see our favourite ghost hunting bros continue on this path of healing? That’s us healing as much as them healing, bee tee dubs (shout out to Charlie)! What will happen this week?
Well let’s take a look.
They fought
They yelled
They (hot) angry stared at each other
They huffed off/closed eyes in frustration
They talked
They made a choice
They ate chilli
They were nicer to each other
They dressed in (hot) silly clothes
They charged into fake battle
They had…
We’ll hey there grandpappy Winchester!
So this week we meet a time traveller that seems to be John’s daddy…Henry Winchester.
A time travelling mechanic?
Let’s check out the synopsis.
SAM AND DEAN MEET THEIR GRANDFATHER – Sam and Dean are stunned when a man who claims to be Henry Winchester (guest star Gil McKinney), their grandfather, suddenly appears in their hotel room demanding to know where he can find John Winchester. Henry has time-travelled to stop a demon named Abbadon (guest star Alaina Huffman) and was looking for John’s help. Through Henry, Sam and Dean learn more about their father and the Winchester bloodline. Serge Ladouceur directed the episode written by Adam Glass.
Ok first thing. Yay, this is Serge’s directorial debut for “Supernatural”. As I’m sure we all know, Serge is D.O.P. on the show and has been an integral part of creating the visual look of the series. So I’m expecting this episode to look great if nothing else!
So ummm…let’s get back to this mechanic thing.
Before John became a hunter, he was a mechanic from a family of mechanics. At least that’s what we’ve been told. We know that in 1978 John did become aware of the supernatural, when the brothers time travelled back to stop Anna killing their parents, but the Archangel Michael wiped this knowledge from John’s memory.
So when we first met John at the very beginning of the Pilot, he knew nothing of Mary’s past and he knew nothing of the supernatural. Until Mary was killed when, according to his journal, he went to Missouri for answers. It was Missouri who drew back the curtain and opened his eyes to what was really out there in the dark…
“I went to Missouri and I learned the truth.”
And the rest of the story we know, and it gets us to here.
So what the heck? Are we about to rewrite the Winchester family history? Or simply, finally write the Winchester family history.
It’s got my brain ticking. How can Henry Winchester be involved in/know about the family business? How does he know to come and find John? Does he know what John does? Or is it simply that when he finds himself flung through time from 1958 to the present, his first thought is to ask his son for help – that’d freak John out a tad I’d say!
We’ve never heard anything of Henry Winchester so I’m assuming that Henry wasn’t around when the boys were growing up. But he was around when we first met John in “In the Beginning” because Mr. D says to Young John in the diner, “Say hello to your old man for me.” So in 1973, Henry Winchester must have been alive and well and part of John’s life (unless John had a step-dad or something). But if the boys don’t know him, he was either dead before they were born, or estranged from John. I’m assuming dead… but it’d be pretty interesting if he was still alive in the present!
We were all blown away when we found out that Mary came from a long line of hunters. What if John’s family was at somepoint, involved with the supernatural too? But Henry kept it a secret from John. Maybe Henry was the first Winchester to turn his back on the ‘job’, what ever that may be and consequently John was raised with no knowledge of it.
Here are a few of my thoughts all of which are most likely craptastic.
The demon tells Henry she’s going to the future and mentions John, so Henry follows to warn/protect his son.
Henry was a hunter but John never knew.
Henry was a hunter before John was born, or when he was a young child, but walked away from ‘the life’, so John never knew. This could be interesting! Because it would prove to the boys that you can walk away and have a family. Very relevant to the current season.
Henry (and the Winchester bloodline) was involved with the supernatural in some other way. He wasn’t a hunter, but he was aware of the evil that’s out there and had some kind of interaction with it. Maybe he was involved with some other group of individuals who have another job to do regarding the supernatural. Like “Watchers” or something! (That’d be cool). But once again, it looks like he never shared that knowledge with John, or was out of the game by the time John was growing up.
In some ways having the Winchesters have a deeper connection to the supernatural than simply being hunters born of revenge, makes sense. The cupids matched John and Mary together for the distinct purpose of giving birth to Sam and Dean. As the Cupid says to Dean, in “My Bloody Valentine”….
“…the union of John and Mary Winchester, very big deal upstairs, top priority arrangement..it wasn’t easy, either. Ooh, they couldn’t stand each other at first. But when we were done with them, perfect couple, the orders were very clear. You and Sam needed to be born.”
The boys are vessels – true vessels. But Michael also used John and Adam as vessels and we know that being a vessel is in the bloodline, as Michael says to Dean in “The Song Remains the Same”…
“It’s in your blood, your father’s blood, your family’s blood.”
So would it make some sense that the two families share a common heritage? A common destiny? Is this the reason Mary and John were destined to be joined and consequently their sons destined to their fate? Or were Mary and John destined because of their future children’s destinies? Ouch! Brain splat! Chicken? Egg?
We know absolutely nothing at all about the Winchester side of the family. We know nothing about John. We know Mary, at least, had an uncle who put up her gravestone. We know there were Campbell cousins, Gwen, Christian and Mark. We know Mary’s parents were Samuel and Deanna. But we know nothing about John, not one bit of family information has ever been given about John Winchester. Just that he was a mechanic from a family of mechanics.
I take the implication of the synopsis and the talk of ‘bloodline’ to mean that the Winchester’s lineage has something in someway to do with ‘the life’. That there are secrets to be shared with the brothers. Maybe secrets even their father had no clue about…
Geeze…I think I just turned this into a Let’s Speculate!
So before I go on and on… we better check out the CW promo…
I love it! Henry pops out of the wardrobe while Dean’s doing up his boots! So it looks like HW knows about demons and he knows about Hell…well that it’s actually real…. interesting.
Here’s the preview clip…
And he’s a tricky bastard! How did he do that? (But somewhere inside…where I probably shouldn’t talk about…I’m kinda glad he did!). And does it look to you like he did a spell to get there that he thinks went wrong? So HW can cast spells. He speaks very proper like too – doesn’t come across as a mechanic! Which sounds like I’m casting aspersions on mechanics…I’m not, but Dean was right…007!
And the CHCH promo…
What does Sam say in this spot about what HW did with the power of his soul that only angels can do? I can’t quite catch it.. (bad audio edit in there). If you can understand that line – can you jot it in the comments? Honestly, I listened over and over. That’s a nice symbol he’s putting on the door! And um…is that a guy with his eyeballs bleeding out of their sockets?
Ha. So…symbols…maybe enochian…definite spell…demons…souls…time travel. Oh yeah…mechanic shmechanic!
I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to this episode! I love the time travel eps…they do my head in, but I love them. I love episodes which add a new layer to the mythology and then seeing how that affects the story and characters or even what we’ve previously believed of the story and characters. I’m hopeful that the brothers will learn more about John, maybe what he was like as a boy? That’d be nice for them. But I’m really interested in what Henry has to say about the Winchester family lineage and how that will impact Sam and Dean. Will it change how they see their father? Or the family business? Or their (past) destinies? Or their possible futures?
On paper anyway, this one looks like a doozy!
What do you guys think? Hit me up with your thoughts and theories.
Enjoy the episode and thanks for reading. See you in reviewland!
BREAKING NEWS! This just in…. Producer’s Preview – a couple of questions answered? (Love the line at the end, I literally guffawed!)
I think Sam says “You tapped the power of your soul to get here. I thought only Angels can do that.”
Thank you! I couldn’t quite get that “tapped” bit!!
I wonder if this is all leading to Dean changing his mind about having a normal life? There seems to be some hints that it could be going that way.
I also keep wondering if Dean’s new lady friend in episode 14 will be another helpful hint to hint? I’m not sure where Carver is going with this all but he did speak about the brothers realising/learning to accept that they want different things from life?
What if we’re headed towards a 360 with Dean now seeing that some kind of life outside of hunting would be achievable, what if he suddenly finds that he can have it maybe even with episode 14 girl? It wouldn’t surprise me if Jeremy Carver added a long term love interest for Dean or at the very least opening up Dean to the possibility of it?
I would have to ask then where does that leave Sam?
Henry/John could really open up a lot of interesting questions and hopefully give us some clues as to where the season is going?
That’s an interesting theory Hades. I must admit I was going exactly the opposite direction to you, that maybe finding out that the family has always had a link to the supernatural and battling the supernatural, may make the brothers look at their roles less negatively. But if Henry did indeed have a life beyond the work, maybe that will change their minds towards your thinking.
Someone pointed out to me that the woman Dean is kissing is dark haired and wearing a black dress and that the episodes involves tasks from God one of which is something to do with Hellhounds…so maybe the dark haired woman is a Crossroads Demon as opposed to a romantic interest?
I’ve got to say, the next 3 episodes sure have my interest peaked. I agree, a lot is being set up for where the season is going.
was that Enochicain sp? ? hum? seems he has been doing a lot of this, wonder where he has been all these years without aging?Or is he in his time young than he goes back, well then he should have changed some things! just saying! Communicating with Angels?, is he a vessel come to warn them about the rogue angels? Hunters are apes, sounds like a angel or he has been to the future? ha Well I can’t wait to find out. See ya agtr the show to see how wrong we all were lol.
Yeah right aelaine! All this angel stuff – sigils, enochian, tapping into the power of the soul…. is it going to tie in with whatever is going on with the angel story line?
And yeah…we’re all bound to be completely wrong! That’s usually the way, at least for me anyway! 🙂
Maybe the linking of angel vessel families with hunter families is really unusual and that is why the angels (and everyone else) take such a personal interest in what the Winchesters do.
I have nothing to add, exact, IS IT FREAKING WEDNESDAY YET?????
Damn, it looks good.
Curiouser and curiouser.
I’m going with what i thought would happen in Season 4. Henry is a “watcher’ or a sort of Knights Templer. Always thought Bobby should have been one…knew about the boys destinies and the apocolypse.
Anyway…maybe if Henry is a Watcher or whatever….maybe this will give Sam his nitch. He’s never felt he’s belonged anywhere…even hunting. MAybe this is the path he was always searching for.
It’ll be very cool to se what all this means and where this goes. also If Henry dies in the present then it would indeed keep the past true to what we know of the Winchesters history.
OK, don’t think me ignorant; but how do we know John’s family were mechanics again? I know HE was,but I must have missed that somewhere.
Carver’s preview just gives me more questions. I can hardly wait to see tomorrow
Hi Penny
It’s how Young John described himself in 4.03 “In the Beginning”
MARY “He’s just protective over me, that’s all. He doesn’t want me to…”
JOHN “Hook up with a mechanic from a family of mechanics?”
Oh no! Just looked up Abbadon on Wikipedia! I really hope they aren’t going back to that ….
In Revelation 9:1–11, Abaddon is described as a personified star (which is sometimes used symbolically for the “sons of God” (Angels)) who falls to Earth from heaven and is given the key to open the bottomless pit. Abaddon opens the pit, releasing a swarm of locusts
Oh gosh! I probably should have looked that up! :-*
Hmmm…interesting. If it’s a demon though, could it be a fallen angel?
With all this angel stuff in this ep – sounds like there could be a tie through to the angel arc this season for sure.
Ok, couldn’t resist looking into this Abaddon character a bit more eilf!
One of the punishments God planed for humanity, chronicled in Revelation 9:1-11, will be the release of the depraved demons and fallen angels currently locked in the Abyss. The Bible teaches that the Abyss is a spirit prison (Luke 8:31; I Pet. 3:19; II Pet. 2:4; Jude 6). In the Abyss, some of the fallen angels are now bound in “everlasting chains under darkness” waiting “for the judgment of the great day.”
In Revelation 9:1-11, Abaddon is clearly identified as the king of the evil spirits released from the Abyss.
(though apparently the dude looks like a lady 😛 )
Just so long as they don’t try to bring Lucifer out of the pit….
Wow that would be a good reason for the angels wanting to lock up hell for good! I just don’t want it to be about letting Lucifer free again, I think that would really make what Sam did seem less worthwhile.
It sure would! Geeze.
And st50…I do so love Lucifer (awkward) and Mark P… I’ve always kind of felt like that story was never quite finalised with Adam/Michael stashed in the pit. Not that I want to necessarily revisit it, not saying I want Lucifer back…but I’ve always half thought we could end up going there again….
I ADORED Mark P as Lucifer, but remember that “Nick” was actually left dead in Detroit. He didn’t jump in the pit, Sam did…. (And Sam only hallucinated Lucifer as Nick)…. So they could use any actor to be Lucifer now….
And sorry, but if Sam’s soul was a mess after the time he spent in the pit, can you just IMAGINE what Adam’s would be like? Nope sorry. Do NOT want to see what a poor mess they’d release if they went back for him. (Sorry, Adam!)
I think maybe this “abyss” is different, because Lucifer would be king, not Abaddon, wouldn’t he??
Absolutely agree. And as Adam was dead before resurrected by Michael to be a vessel I’ve always wondered if Adam is still in there at all. I don’t want to revisit that story either. It just seems unfinished somehow, so I’ve always thought it may be touched on at some time.
I also agree – I think it reads like the Abyss is some other place entirely.
It does sound interesting though – of course they could just be using the name and none of the actual Biblical references!
This has always bothered me, if Michael the [i]archangel[/i] is in the pit, why haven’t at least SOME angels gone to rescue him. If Cas could rescue Sam, then why not other angels rescue Michael? My gut feel is that he isn’t there at all
It is kind of strange, I guess, that at least Raphael wouldn’t have tried (maybe he did, who knows?), but Sam is human, and even then, Cas could only get his body, not his soul, so I figure they wouldn’t have been able to pull an angel the size of a large building out?
Also, remember all of the Arc Angels are dead including Raphael
Yes, not sure of my timeline, but wasn’t Raphael exploded by Cass looong after Michael was tossed into the pit. Surely Michael would have been a good ally for Raphael to have against Cass, so surely rescuing Michael should have been on the menu. Perhaps then there isn’t a way to get Michael out of the pit. It just seems strange that a lowly angel like Cas could rescue Sam but no other angel could rescue Michael. Not credible IMO
Not too long….I think. Michael went into the pit in swan song, then Raphael was exploded at the end of season 6? Hmmmmm I wonder how long that was in the context of the show? A few months maybe… And yet it took Cas no time at all to go get half of Sam out of the cage. I guess he didn’t have time because Heaven was in such a state and his attention was on battling a living Raphael rather than on getting Michael out. Cas seemed pretty frazzled during season 6, maybe he just couldn’t muster the forces he needed.
There was a year between Swan Song and EOMS, in the context of the show, and Raphael was killed in 603, I think, so I think Raphael would have had ample time to attempt to get Michael back. It does seem bizarre that he didn’t try. But we were never told if he tried and failed or never tried at all, I think.
I kind of look at it that he got Sam’s [i]body[/i] out, but not his soul. I wonder if Raphael did try to get to Michael, he might have only succeeded in bringing back Adam’s body? It seems to me it’s harder to get a soul out than it is a body.
Wasn’t Cas trying to stop the angels from getting Michael and Lucifer out to reboot the apocalypse? It is also likely that if Raphael wanted to run heaven then it wouldn’t be advantageous to him to have an ‘older’ brother who might take over again.
Either way it is possible that Cas was using soul power to do the heavy lifting and since none of the other angels were working with Crowley they didn’t have the same access.
I need to go back and watch all that – not sure I have that storyline straight.
That’s a good point, eilf. I forgot Cas and Crowley were already working together, so he probably was tapping the souls from Hell when he got Sam out.
[quote]Absolutely agree. And as Adam was dead before resurrected by Michael to be a vessel I’ve always wondered if Adam is still in there at all.
That’s always the way I’ve thought of it. Even Michael said “Adam isn’t here right now”… So I’ve always tried to think of him as released to heaven. But it would be nice (Hey, Cas, I’m talking to you!) if they would confirm it. 😛
And now… Just how many places… hell, pit, Abyss…. are there for those evil sons-of-*****es??? How many can they actually lock up?? They’re going to be busy boys?
Right, even if they lock up the demons in Hell…what about this Abyss joint or even Purgatory…things have slipped out before – Dr V for instance. It’s never ending!
I think I agree that there’s a chance Adam isn’t is the pit, for the reasons you guys mentioned. Also, Sam was there and I’m assuming he still has the memories (I’m still not entirely sure what the quick fic did), so wouldn’t he know if Adam was there, unless they were separated? I would think that he might have mentioned this. I’ve also always kind of figured Death was just screwing with Dean when he mentioned him in AIS. It would be nice though to have confirmation.
Although, I did wonder once if maybe they’d bring Adam back and after all that torment he might return as some kind of Big Bad. Yeah, I know, I know, that would totally suck, right?
OK so what’s Abaddon doing on earth?
If He/She/it can escape the Abyss then why not more?
So now we have the King of Hell & tablet (Crowley) mytharc, the angels & tablet (Naomi) mytharc and now it looks like the Abyss mytharc (unless of course she/he/it gets ganked in this ep, but still we have the Abyss to consider now if the biblical reference to be referenced by the PTB)
So either Crowley teams up with Abaddon against the angels ..or not
Or Abaddon teams up with the angels against Crowly .. or not
Or the angels, Crowley, Abaddon team up against Dean and Sam…. most likely
This was long overdue.One of my problems ..not knowing about the Winchester side is being addressed.I hope Sam does not just stand behind Dean this time and has a conversation longer than two sentence exchange.
Why couldn’t HW recognise his own son??
He states he is from 1958 which would make John like a toddler or something then, because he was like 19 years old or so in 1978, so… how did Henry know John was in the hunting life? John himself didn’t know when he first met Mary, so Henry must have known that we wasn’t in the life. OUCH my brain hurts
Henry says in one of the clips that he came from 1958, which means John must have been only a young child, maybe even a baby when Henry projected himself into the future. Maybe when Henry encounters Sam and Dean his perspective is still stuck in his own time in 1958 where John as a child. He might not have any idea how an adult John might look… and maybe he has no idea what time he would end up in when he cast whatever time spell he cast, so he has no idea that he overshot the mark by like 30 years… he was probably aiming for like 1985 when John would be 30ish instead of 2013, when John’s sons would be in their 30’s.
Sounds rational, but I just don’t understand then how he could know/not know that John was in the hunting life. I get that he is here to warn him but how does he [i]know[/i] that John even exists in 1985 or even 2013. He must know that his son was alive in either time period else why jump to the future. So if he knows this then why doesn’t he know that John isn’t a hunter too? I guess I am just confused because he knows that Abaddon is going to do something, which he must avert because we [i]know[/i] nothing happened back in 1985 or else we would know about Abaddon through the canon.
I am sooo confused but I guess what I am trying to get at before my brain melts is that you are right I think he tried to get to say 1985, because in 2013 John Winchester is dead. So even if HW did get to 1985 to warn JW then JW would have been in the hunting game because he would have known about Abaddon then. AAAaargh my train-of-thought is on very wobbly tracks. SOOOO we know through canon that JW wasn’t in the hunting game, so what in the heck could HW possibly be warning him about! AAArghh I need hunter’s helper now
Time travel eps cause mind melts!!!!
Just to throw this in here, I know the books don’t tie exactly into the series, but in War of the Sons, Abbadon(or Don, as he called himself) was an angel who sent Sam and Dean back in time to retrieve the Dead Sea Scrolls that he said could help end the Apocalypse, but he actually had some kind of other nefarious plan. I don’t remember the whole book clearly (I’d have to read it again), but I definitely recall Abbadon being in it.
You’re kidding! Really called himself ‘Don’? 😀
Yes, he did! I found that quite amusing when I remembered it.
“Smashes up my ride”? OH NOES! BABY! Not again?!
I know, I had the same reaction. And “Hunters are apes”, Ha. Did you see the look on Dean’s face? 😆 So then, that would mean that Henry is or was not a hunter, but something else entirely. I must say this episode has me very intrigued.
Is there anything in canon that states where angels’ heaven is?
Fascinating. So much information tonight. Such a great story. Revealing some inner thoughts/feelings for both Sam and Dean and showing the connections between the two boys are fully alive. This episode will stay with me for a long time. Oh and I love this new world of “Men of Letters” and the Winchester Legacy. Amazing. I have no issue with the canon being moved along and if he thought his father abandoned him I think John might have made up his own legacy for some security. Which is a very human reaction to such sadness and difficulty. Thus the mechanic from a family of mechanics that is not quite so.
I’m with you on this. And also its just occuring to me — the Men of Letters was (were?) a secret society, not necessarily a vocation that paid the bills. Henry’s ‘ day job’ could still very well have been as a mechanic.
I really loved the episode – its gotta go on my favorites list now.
Joruth, this is torture, I live in SA so no ep for me last night. PLZ what were some of the inner thoughts btwn the boys.
Lala2 I am SO happy that you got something out of this ep. I know you have been waiting for such a long time. I REALLY really really REALLY want to know what the brothers said. I think this time I might actually die from anticipation, so tell me why this ep meant so much to you
Finally! An episode worth re-watching! I loved this episode a lot. This was the BEST episode of the season, IMO.
Lala2 I am SO happy that you got something out of this ep. I know you have been waiting for such a long time. I REALLY really really REALLY want to know what the brothers said. I think this time I might actually die from anticipation, so tell me why this ep meant so much to you
Hi Kaz 🙂
Yes, I did love this episode. The reason I connected w/the episode so much is b/c I feel the boys were connected to the episode if that makes any sense. Sam and Dean were directly involved in what was happening, and that’s key for me. Like the Leviathans last year, this tablet plot is very removed, IMO, from our main characters. I just can’t bring myself to care what happens w/these tablets. Yes, I know one will close the gates of Hell and the other will potentially close the gates of Heaven, but I just don’t care. Haha! It’s not directly related to Sam and Dean, and prior to S7, most of the main arcs were directly related to the boys.
In this episode, they meet their paternal grandfather and learn more about him and John. I like that. I was skeptical about this episode months back when I read the spoilers, but I thought it played out really well. I liked Henry Winchester. He had very harsh opinions in the beginning about hunters in general, but by the end, he had changed his opinion.
I also didn’t feel either brother was sidelined, particularly Sam. I felt Sam was very present in the episode. Sometimes, I feel Sam is usually silent around guest stars, but I didn’t feel that way when I watched this episode. Dean got to drive w/Henry, but that didn’t annoy me or anything. I didn’t feel Sam was “wallpaper” in this episode. He was present and involved.
I also had no issue w/the Sam’s or Dean’s feelings re: John. Nothing was strange or out of the ordinary to me. In particular, Sam wasn’t angry w/John. Neither was Dean.
I also really liked Henry! So much so that I wish he had been the main plot instead of the tablets, etc. I would have much rather seen a more through exploration of Henry Winchester and his background, including the Men of Letters thing, than ANYTHING that has been shown this year, including Benny who I actually like.
For me, the show works best when Sam and Dean are involved in the main arc in a substantive way rather than them being bit players to the action as they are in this tablet crap!
The episode had a very early season feel, and I’m definitely a fan of the earlier seasons when the boys worked together and Dean’s all worried about Sammy.
In this season filled w/bad story arcs and Sam’s whacky, OOC behavior, this episode was a gem to me and reminds me of what Supernatural should be! I hope you enjoy it too! You’ll have to let me know what you think when you get a chance to watch it!
I can hardly contain myself. Thus this comment, because I can’t wait to post it on a review! This episode had me on the floor in front of the TV by the end. And it flew by! So much info, so much to speculate and SO much LOVE!! I shed a few tears. When Henry tells Dean he was right that he abandoned his son……I knew I was a gonner and was so emotional.
Okay, now, what I really want to say is this:
After Torn and Frayed my good friend just throws this out during our usual after the episode phone call. “Amelia is going to be pregnant!” I poopooed the idea. I had all kinds of reasons why it couldn’t/wouldn’t happen, which I can’t remember. But now….
After all the talk in tonight’s episode about legacy and how the world is safer ‘as long as their are Winchesters around’ I can only think she might just be right!!! What a great way for the series to live on after the boys ahhh retire? Or God forbid, die? I just think it could be a great way to end the show (tears forming already) or a season if there is uncertainty of a network pick up. Oh how I hate to think of the end.
They are meant to be Men of Letters, how cool is that? How many times did Henry mention legacy? Think about it.
Sorry to throw this out there, but I just couldn’t keep it inside overnight. I wouldn’t get any sleep! Maybe I’m nuts, but time will tell. Singer has hinted that maybe we haven’t seen the last of Amelia. Oh how this show makes me speculate!!!!!
Actually Robert Singer said that they liked Amelia but as of yet they havent thought of a way/reason to bring her back in and they care currently breaking storylines for the finale. The chances are we wont see her again.
I’m not trying to say it’s a done deal. I am simply speculating. 🙂 Don’t we all? I thought my friend’s comment had an interesting twist after all the legacy talk last night. Did you see this on the Huffington interview with Robert Singer? Maybe this is what you were referring to.
Do you guys consider the Amelia arc pretty wrapped up now? You said she might come back down the line but in terms of that storyline being finished?
“We think she’s a really valuable character. We liked her a lot and certainly it creates a good complication in Sam’s life. Again, we’re just kind of doing the end of the season now in the room. I know that we’ve talked about bringing her back. We don’t have anything specific.”
And this one:
Henry talks a lot about their legacy and their lineage, does this get Sam and Dean thinking about their blood line? Like what happens after they die and there’s no one to carry on all of this?
“That’s interesting. I don’t think the boys think that far, to having children of their own. Maybe Sam thought of that earlier in the year before he tragically had to leave Amelia. It may come into play down the line somehow. I don’t think a full-time domestic Sam or a domestic Dean is something that the audience is particularly interested in.”
I agree that the boys probably didn’t think that far. But accidents happen! And no domesticated Sam or Dean wouldn’t fly. But again, there are always secrets on this show that come to light later. Just sayin……
Happy speculating