Supernatural Bingo – Southern Comfort
This weeks episode title makes me want to go out and purchase a wee bottle of Southern Comfort and listen to a few Janis Joplin tunes. It makes the ideal drink to go with bingo playing. Here are the bingo cards, for your comfort.
B | I | N | G | O |
Bobby is fondly referenced *chin wibble* |
See the Candy Special, Cash register receipt, Customer Parking sign? | Punches are thrown between the brothers | Sam makes a compelling speech | A death shown with mere blood splatter |
A body is salted and burned |
Dean does research on a laptop |
Garth becomes a mediator (couples counselor) for Sam and Dean | Any form of alcohol is consumed |
Flashbacks are seen of Dean’s experiences |
Garth gives out HUGS |
A grave is dug up | John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used | General(s) Lee and or Grant are referenced | |
Brothers go undercover | The brothers stay at a motel | Salt-rock shells are used |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
A spell is performed |
An EMF is used |
Flashbacks are seen of Sam’s experiences | Dean teases Sam about his hair |
Brothers have a heart to heart by/in the Impala | The Brothers have a heated discussion or argument |
B | I | N | G | O |
Dean teases Sam about his hair |
Sam makes a compelling speech | The Brothers have a heated discussion or argument |
Flashbacks are seen of Dean’s experiences | Brothers go undercover |
See the Candy Special, Cash register receipt, Customer Parking sign? | Brothers have a heart to heart by/in the Impala |
Flashbacks are seen of Sam’s experiences | A body is salted and burned |
Bobby is fondly referenced *chin wibble* |
Punches are thrown between the brothers | A spell is performed |
A grave is dug up |
Dean does research on a laptop | |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used | Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
The brothers stay at a motel | Garth gives out HUGS |
Garth becomes a mediator (couples counselor) for Sam and Dean |
A death shown with mere blood splatter |
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
An EMF is used |
Salt-rock shells are used |
General(s) Lee and or Grant are referenced |
B | I | N | G | O |
The brothers stay at a motel |
Flashbacks are seen of Dean’s experiences | General(s) Lee and or Grant are referenced | Bobby is fondly referenced *chin wibble* | John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
Sam makes a compelling speech | Salt-rock shells are used |
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
See the Candy Special, Cash register receipt, Customer Parking sign? | Dean teases Sam about his hair |
The Brothers have a heated discussion or argument |
Garth becomes a mediator (couples counselor) for Sam and Dean | A spell is performed |
Brothers have a heart to heart by/in the Impala | |
A grave is dug up |
Garth gives out HUGS |
A death shown with mere blood splatter |
Punches are thrown between the brothers |
Flashbacks are seen of Sam’s experiences |
Brothers go undercover | A body is salted and burned |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
An EMF is used |
Dean does research on a laptop |
B | I | N | G | O |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
Bobby is fondly referenced *chin wibble* | Dean does research on a laptop | Dean teases Sam about his hair |
A grave is dug up |
Flashbacks are seen of Dean’s experiences | An EMF is used |
A body is salted and burned |
Sam makes a compelling speech | The brothers stay at a motel |
General(s) Lee and or Grant are referenced | Flashbacks are seen of Sam’s experiences | Garth becomes a mediator (couples counselor) for Sam and Dean | Salt-rock shells are used |
A spell is performed |
Punches are thrown between the brothers | Brothers go undercover | The Brothers have a heated discussion or argument |
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used | See the Candy Special, Cash register receipt, Customer Parking sign? | Garth gives out HUGS |
A death shown with mere blood splatter |
Brothers have a heart to heart by/in the Impala |
B | I | N | G | O |
Garth gives out HUGS |
Dean teases Sam about his hair |
Brothers have a heart to heart by/in the Impala | The brothers stay at a motel | A spell is performed |
Bobby is fondly referenced *chin wibble* | A death shown with mere blood splatter |
See the Candy Special, Cash register receipt, Customer Parking sign? | Flashbacks are seen of Dean’s experiences | Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
Dean does research on a laptop | Any form of alcohol is consumed |
Flashbacks are seen of Sam’s experiences | An EMF is used |
Garth becomes a mediator (couples counselor) for Sam and Dean | The Brothers have a heated discussion or argument |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used | General(s) Lee and or Grant are referenced | A body is salted and burned |
A grave is dug up |
Sam makes a compelling speech | Punches are thrown between the brothers | Brothers go undercover | Salt-rock shells are used |
Download the bingo cards here:
Supernatural Bingo – Southern Comfort
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