sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite preview – “Supernatural” 8.05 “Blood Brother”
It’s that time again….new episode time and it’s time for Sam to meet Benny….
Ok, so,I need to tell you first up, I’m pretty excited to see this one. This was the episode that was shooting while I was at VanCon and this was the episode I watched a couple of scenes being shot for! When I saw the preview clip I nearly jumped 10 foot in the air, because I was there, just over Jared’s shoulder and to the right! Exciting!
So with any further ado, let’s get down to business.
We best step back a bit,before the Teen Wolf episode….
Dean has returned from Purgatory with a vampire in tow. We haven’t seen hide nor fang of the vampire Benny since Dean’s last conversation with him on the phone, where they both told each other to keep their noses clean. Dean hasn’t told Sam about Benny, he’s been vague about Purgatory, how he got out and what happened with Castiel. Did he leave Cass behind or was he not responsible? Was Benny in someway responsible for Hot Wings not making it back topside? What was that flashback of Cass reaching for Dean and calling his name?
Sam is being vague about his gap year from hunting. We’ve seen Sam pining for the life he had while Dean was at Big Ps, but we don’t know why he walked out on it in the middle of the night. Was it really all sunshine, puppies and birthday cakes? Or was something else going on with Sam? Why did he head to Rufus’ cabin and why did he never unpack the trunk of the Impala if he was forever out of the game? What happened to make him walk away from the woman he remembers so fondly and the life he says he always wanted?
Kevin is in the wind, the God tablet and Crowley are parts unknown and the mysterious figure outside of Sam’s house remains mysterious.
We resume our regularly scheduled programming,.
Episode 8.05 “Blood Brother” is written by Ben Edlund. Ben says it’s the first script he’s ever turned in on time! It’s the one that he coined the term “Vampirates” for at Comic Con this year. The episode is directed by Guy Bee. This will be Guy’s seventh episode of “Supernatural” and his third Edlund script, having directed “Hello, Cruel World” and “How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters” in season seven. Interestingly, he’s also directed three Dabb and Loflin scripts.
Let’s look at the official synopsis,.
BENNY CALLS DEAN FOR HELP – After Benny gets brutally beat up by some vampires, he calls Dean for help. Dean abruptly packs up and tells a confused Sam that he’s taking a “personal day.” Benny confesses that he’s going after his Maker (guest star Patrick Stafford) so Dean offers to help, flashing back on the many times Benny helped him and Castiel in Purgatory. Meanwhile, Sam uses his solo time to reflect on the life he left behind with Amelia (guest star Liane Balaban). However, when things go bad for Dean and Benny, Dean calls Sam for help, which makes everything very complicated.
So Sam is going to meet Benny and at least one of Dean’s Purgatory secrets is about to be revealed! Awkard. I’m excited for this meeting, even though we know it’s going to mean some Winchester argy-bargy! I’m looking forward to getting at least one secret out in the open!
The promo shows us Dean coming to Benny’s rescue after the vampire gets into a spot of bother. It also appears Dean bought some takeout with him, in the guise of some blood bank blood. Ewwww. I wonder if we are going to see him ““ em ““ acquire the blood? We see Benny stating he drinks blood, he doesn’t drink people,.why don’t I believe him? He must have drunk people at some point. Maybe he just doesn’t take into account the people aspect attached to his dinner. Or maybe he’s been subsisting on blood bags since his return to the human world? Whatever, Sam looks unimpressed.
The promo shows that there are going to be some Purgatory flashbacks in this episode too. The CW promo doesn’t show much, but the CHCH promo does give us a glimpse of Castiel (p.s. their promos are better). I’m including that one this week because it’s got meat on its bones. The last scene is a corker. If you don’t want to watch it, then you don’t have to.
The preview clip shows Sam and Dean arguing about Dean suddenly taking off on a “personal day”. Sam says they’re on the hunt for Kevin, what’s he thinking. Dean says they don’t know where Kevin is, Sam has some research to do, Dean needs a day to do his own grown up personal crap ““ so he’s going and Sam’s staying, looking frustrated and angry and by the way, can he take the Toblerone! Dean mentions Sam’s year again, which is obviously bubbling away under the surface for him, as he doesn’t understand why Sam chose to walk away and not look for Dean. Though, I suspect the tables are about to turn when Sam discovers how Dean spent his year being buddies with a monster. Tit for tat with these boys,
Now,this scene over the Impala is the scene I saw them doing on location at the 2400 Motel. I also saw a scene with Dean coming out of the motel room and talking on the phone ““ one has to assume, to Benny. In addition, I saw part of Sam’s flashback scene being shot ““ well, not the actual scene, that was inside a room, but I saw Jared and a hairy co-star in-between takes. So though it’s not in the promo, Sam has flashbacks in “Blood Brother” too. If you’re interested in reading my set report, you can read it here.
Ben Edlund’s episodes are some of the most eagerly anticipated by fans of “Supernatural” and they often turn out to be standout episodes of the season. As one of the senior writers on “Supernatural” he always seems to manage to get all the plates spinning, which many of the other writers struggle to do. I’m looking forward to seeing him juggle the brother’s burgeoning stories with a sprinkling of that unique Edlundesque humour.
So, maybe a few nuggets of both the Winchester’s mysteries will get revealed this week. I’m excited for both stories and I’m enjoying this slow burn. The anticipation is killing me, but I’m looking forward to watching how it all plays out. It’s certainly got me itching for each new episode each week.
Oh and I love that opening shot in the CW promo with Dean slinging his legs over the bow of the boat. Makes me giggle every time I watch it. Who’d a thunk it?
So it’s back to the big story,well I think it’s the big story, Sam and Dean’s story,that God tablet thing can wait for a bit.
Are you excited for this episode? Worried? Freaking out? How do you think Sam’s going to react to Benny? How do you feel about Benny?
Don’t forget, for spoiles articles, photos and interviews, visit our Spoiler page.
Enjoy everyone!
Thanks for reading and see you in reviewland.
Truthfully? I am dreading the Benny stuff and would rather Sam was a million miles away from this. Just dont like what the show has set up from get go .
I second this! I see no good coming from the whole Benny is grey storyline. It ends up with Dean being right when he trusts a monster and Sam being wrong. Added to Sam never looked for Dean and Sam is being thrown under the bus.
[quote]It ends up with Dean being right when he trusts a monster and Sam being wrong. Added to Sam never looked for Dean and Sam is being thrown under the bus.[/quote]If this happens then i will be disappointed severely
And this is why Sam needs his own ride! I think it sucks that Dean just leaves him at that seedy motel for a few days while he runs off w/Benny!
I wonder how many FBs we’ll actually get of Sam and Amelia. Despite my complete lack of interest in that pairing, I realize we need to see it in order for the story to be told properly. I just wonder if we’re in store for another 10 second FB that does nothing to advance Sam’s story. Hmmm . . . . .
Sam not having his own car AND Dean making decrees about what can be in the Impala (no Ipod, even though he could put his music on it, no dog) is giving Sam no independence and reduces his role and his importance to the story. This year is really alienating me.
The least Dean could have done was leave the Impala for Sam. He could have stolen another ride for himself. What if one day turns into a week or something? Dean should know by now that one can’t judge how long a hunt will take.
I guess all Sam can do is hang around the motel and think of Amelia (ugh)! What a life. No wonder he wants OUT. Hahaha!
My sister is a casual viewer, and she was so upset when Sam’s Charger got destroyed. She thought it was good that Sam had his own vehicle. I can’t wait to hear what she says about this. I imagine it will bother her.
It’s funny b/c viewers will say the Impala is “their” car, but it is, and has always been, Dean’s vehicle. I guess the car/truck Sam drove to Rufus’s cabin is still there, huh?
Last season, Sam took off on Dean, without even telling him ahead of time, and took the Impala, leaving Dean alone, in a cast, and without transportation.
Which is another reason why they need another mode of transportation for whichever brother is left behind. Seasons 1-3 Sam and Dean were pretty bound at the hip, so they didn’t need another car. But with the brothers dying on each other, then coming back they have times when they want or need to go in different directions. The Impala may be their home, but it’s DEAN’S car. That’s fine, but Sam needs to be able to do things and not strand Dean and Dean needs to be able to do things and not strand Sam.
[quote]But with the brothers dying on each other, then coming back they have times when they want or need to go in different directions. The Impala may be their home, but it’s DEAN’S car. That’s fine, but Sam needs to be able to do things and not strand Dean and Dean needs to be able to do things and not strand Sam.[/quote]
Exactly! The only problem is the writers will never allow them to travel in separate cars so Sam is always going to get left behind. Plus, logistically, it makes sense for them to travel in the same vehicle. Doing so will save money on gas, car repair, etc.
Oh well. Sam is destined to be left behind. It’s a good thing he knows how to hot wire a car then 😉
Sam’s a big boy. If he wanted his own car, he would get it. He even knows how to steal one. Sam knows that John gave Dean the car…it’s canon…and Sam did take Dean’s car last season…sneaked out, didn’t ask, didn’t say where he was going, didn’t say when he was coming back…nothing… but he did know the Levi were after them and if they caught up with Dean, he would be defenseless. Anyway, old news done and gone.
I can’t imagine the writers or many fans would want the brothers traveling in separate cars to the same destination. Think of the brother moments we’d miss. I sure don’t, and I like it when they separate and interact with other characters or do their own thing.
The writers wont have Sam have a car so its a non starter. The Impala is what it is it isnt their car its Dean’s hence why Dean can do anything in the thing while Sam is stupid for having a I-pod .
Anyway it isnt going to change as the Impala is the vehicle of the only choice for both brothers .
He did. And Dean punched him in the face for it. But Dean was not alone. He was w/Bobby. When Sam returned from the grocery store, I’m pretty sure he had been driving Bobby’s car. If Dean needed to leave, Bobby could have driven him wherever he needed to go.
In the 7 years we’ve watched the show, that was the ONLY time Sam ever took the Impala. The only other times have been when Dean’s been “dead” or “gone.” When Sam slipped out in “Hunted,” he stole his own vehicle. He hitched a ride w/someone in GGY. I’m sure if they hadn’t been at Rufus’s cabin in TGND and there was another car (besides Bobby’s) for him to take, he would have taken that one.
My main point is the Impala is not [i]their [/i] car. It’s Dean’s car. Sam can’t take it w/o express permission from Dean.
And maybe it’s b/c I’ve been stuck in my house for the past few days b/c of Hurricane Sandy, but I think it’s really “sucky” for Dean to leave Sam w/o a vehicle. That’s all I’m saying.
Bobby was not with Dean. Bobby had left to go get the copies of his books that he had stashed. “You sit here and stew…”, and Sam took Dean’s car. I repeat, it is canon that the Impala is Dean’s.
Doesn’t matter. I’m bowing out of any and all ‘the writers are are mean to Sam’ and ‘Dean is mean to Sam’ conversations. I’ve been excited for this episode since the season spoilers started coming out, and I’m going to enjoy it.
My bad. In any event, Bobby was only a phone call away.
That’s not to say I think it was right for Sam to leave Dean stranded. It wasn’t. He was wrong for that. Plus, I’ve never said the Impala [i]wasn’t [/i] Dean’s car. It is. Others have stated that Sam has equal ownership of it, but I disagree w/them. The Impala is Dean’s car. It always was and always will be. That’s fine. I don’t have a problem w/that.
And I never said the writers were being mean to Sam. I said I think it sucks that Dean left Sam w/o a car. That’s all. I don’t hate Dean b/c of it or anything. It was just a thought I had when I watched the clip.
Again, I’ve been cooped up for the past couple of days b/c of a hurricane. I, personally, would hate being stranded at a motel for an indeterminate amount of time w/no mode of transportation. Yes, Sam can always steal a car (and probably will so he can get to Dean), but that has its risks of course.
It’s good that you’re excited about the episode. I’m not sure how I managed to ruin your mood though. I’m sure there will be lots of good stuff for Dean. I, personally, never worry about the storytelling for Dean. It’s usually well-written and in-depth.
I’m excited too Ginger!
Tough to read the downers after such a positive preview from sweetondean. Don’t let it upset you. Just roll over them. I’ve loved the season so far (except for the crazy camera in episode 4) and I personally know others who feel the same way. Lots of good stuff to come yet. 🙂
I’m with you on this. The preview from Sweetondean was super, and I thought the previews looked great. I’ve skipped over the negative comments until I see the episode for myself. The only bummer is that I have to tape in tonight on a different channel at midnight no less, because the CW that shows it at 9:00 has a freaking basketball game on! How can they do this on Halloween? 😥
[quote]she was so upset when Sam’s Charger got destroyed.[/quote]I too was.I really liked the car.
I’m really looking forward to this episode, especially since I really didn’t like the last one, and was disappointed in the one previous to that. This one’s gotta be good, right? 🙂
And it’s an Edlund/Bee episode!!…. Sam FB, Dean FB, Benny, Sam and Dean argue over Benny…. All good stuff. Should be fun!
Hopefully we’ll get more insight into Both brothers past year and current motivations. ie – more than a 10 sec flashback for Sam! *crossing fingers*
Only thing that worries me is that I THINK this is the episode Jared mentioned in the ChiCon panel where he wanted to change a line, and Bob Singer apparently wouldn’t let him. Isn’t it?… What’s that all about? Hopefully nothing….
Oh, and how exciting to have been right there while it was filmed! *squee*
I’ve got high hopes for this one. I love it when Dean is both mean and hilarious when he pushes back hard against Sam. It stops Sam dead in the middle of a tizzy that always produces a bitch face (stroke, vocabulary…hilarous).
I’m more than ready to get back to the intriguing part of the story that was set up in the first two episodes of the season — Purgatory and why Sam dumped Dean. Good-bye, organ transplant monsters and teen love stories. After this one, it’s back to Garth and Kevin and Mommy one and then the Thanksgiving break.
Edlund, Bee, Purgatory, some Sam back story, and Sam meets Benny. It’s got to be good with all of that. Besides, Edlund has the talent to juggle multiply things within a script and make it work.
I was disappointed to learn that Guy Bee is working on Revolution, which means less episodes of SPN, I assume. There’s some others, too, that’s doing both, but I can’t remember them now. I think Phil Scriggia was another one.
Guy Bee also directed episode 3 of Arrow. Although I am glad that he is so busy,mas he deserves to be, I too am disappointed that this means he will not be as readily available for Supernatural.
Hee, since you mentioned that…
I’m doing Arrow reviews over at our sister site, TV For the Rest of Us. Guy was very kind to tweet the link of this review to his followers! It does give him some praise for his work in Arrow 1.03.
Sorry, I’m trying to generate any interest I can for TV For The Rest of Us. 🙂 It’s my job!
October 2012 is now the biggest month ever for both The Winchester Family Business and TV For the Rest of Us. I think the two sites are helping one another gain traffic.
Thank you, back to our regular Supernatural discussion.
I go to that site also, it’s pretty great. And I love Arrow, so I was pretty happy when I saw it was being covered.
Yes, I’m looking forward to this episode because I want to know more about Benny’s relationship with Dean. In addition, we get more FB about Sam.
[quote]Yes, I’m looking forward to this episode because I want to know more about Benny’s relationship with Dean. In addition, we get more FB about Sam.[/quote]
I would like to get to know Sam in the present not just 90 second flashbacks with whatever Amelia turns up ? . Not just exploration of the new relationship of Dean and his brother from Purgatory .
Plus, I seriously doubt Sam’s FBs will shed ANY light on the whacked decision he made to NOT look for Dean, esp. since I’m beginning to think JC doesn’t see that as a problem.
My understanding is that at the convention last weekend both Jared and Jensen said that why Sam didn’t look for Dean has NOT been addressed as of episode 10 or 11. I agree JC doesn’t see it as a problem and he intends to keep throwing Sam under the bus for the rest of the season.
[quote]My understanding is that at the convention last weekend both Jared and Jensen said that why Sam didn’t look for Dean has NOT been addressed as of episode 10 or 11. I agree JC doesn’t see it as a problem and he intends to keep throwing Sam under the bus for the rest of the season.[/quote]
Ugh! How disappointing!
I had a feeling JC was completely out-of-touch w/Sam, but it just keeps getting confirmed. Is he now aware of the problem though? Is there any chance of them fixing the mess they made of Sam at this point? Or should I just brace myself for the “suck?” Hahaha!
[quote]My understanding is that at the convention last weekend both Jared and Jensen said that why Sam didn’t look for Dean has NOT been addressed as of episode 10 or 11. I agree JC doesn’t see it as a problem and he intends to keep throwing Sam under the bus for the rest of the season.[/quote]
NOOOOOOOOO! Aw *bleep*. I held such hope for the year. Nothing so far is indicating that the new showrunner is going to even things out between the brothers (by that I mean giving them equal stakes in the plot and equal weight to their backstories). This sounds quite discouraging. I really hope everything is a red herring, and there’s an equally strong plot for Sam somewhere….
I don’t want to see more best buds for Dean and little Sammy waiting around for when big bro needs a target for a snarky line. If that’s true, Sam should run screaming into the woods, and back to his normal life. Boo. That is incredibly disappointing. 😥
That’s how I feel too, not only disappointed, but very sad! What you described really fits for this relationship of the brothers, Dean has now other brothers and Sam is just there to get some snarky lines from Dean.Dean says he has no other to talk to but has on his hands a few “other” brothers. We get screen time to explore that, and we will get nothing like that with Sam. I expect the Sam FB to be a little more than 20 sec and we won’t find out anything about Sam. Sam’s character is relegated. When I look at this picture where Benny and Sam shaking hands, I see a Dean who would jump at Sam for hurting his new found brother in arms! Yes, this comes across this picture. And I assume that Benny will get deep exploring because Jeremy Carver comes from “Being Human” and transported this certainly from the show. Benny will be the good guy and Sam will be wrong for not trusting Dean. This season is a rehash of S4 with Dean in forefront and focus, Sam shoved aside, Dean making some shady decisions and people will understand immediately why he made it! The showrunner decided to make this year a “Dean and his great other brothers” season, and Sam is in this the one who didn’t even look for his own family left. Well, we know Sam wouldn’t do this and now they even not eplain why he didn’tlook is just the MOST encouraging thing for me. Now I wish Sam goes off alone and Dean is embracing his other brothers, Sam is right now in a dangerous zone around Dean and Sam also gets flagged from fandom for this OOC behaviour. If Sam would be explored like Dean, I would be okay, but this is ridiculous and it gives me the big neon sign, that the showrunner is shoving Sam into background! I’ll say now I will watch this one episode and if my fears are underlined then I’ll stop watching till the season ends, read if it is worth to watch it at once. I feel deeply hurt by how JC and RS handling especially Sam!
I mean “of course” discouraging instead encouraging. I would like to feel encouraged but its sadly the opposite :((
[quote]If Sam would be explored like Dean, I would be okay,[/quote]I too hope the same.At times i think Sam’s character will be explored properly as its a new show runner and at times i think when Sam was having a strong mytharc involvement they did not do that why will they do it now? I am fluctuating and i hope this episode will give me something.
[quote]If Sam would be explored like Dean, I would be okay[/quote]
That is my big problem. We will be getting a look at Dean and why he trusts Benny. Benny will get to tell his story. Cas will have his story. Sam’s story seems non-existent and boring to boot. Normal has not done well on Supernatural in the past.
Bitten was the first step toward letting us know that monsters deserve love too. I’m terribly afraid that this is going to Benny being SO misunderstood by Sam and Dean defending poor huggable Benny and Sam being further removed from the action because he just doesn’t fit in with the Dean and his special supernatural friends Benny and Cas. The other possibility is that Cas won’t trust Benny either and when Sam agrees with him, suddenly, miraculously Castiel will be the bad guy and Sam will be the stupid brother who is again fooled by the evil supernatural being while Dean the insightful can just tell from one glance who is worthy.
It seems like a no win situation. If Benny is a trustworthy guy then Dean is seen as the “insightful worthy” brother angering some fans. If Benny is deceitful then it will be be seen by many as a rehash of Ruby. Any idea of how this should play out to make fans happy? I don’t want Sam to look stupid either, I just have never thought of him that way, ever. For those that do, there is no storyline that will alter their opinion.
I think it may be a no win story, but I’m not the one who decided to tell it. Look I trusted Ruby, but for four years most of the fandom has gone on and on and on about how STUPID Sam was to trust her. He has never been forgiven for that. And even if I don’t think he is stupid the places where I can discuss Supernatural get smaller and smaller each year. So, yeah, I’m not happy that Dean will probably have impeccable taste in monsters, always making the right call on who lives and who dies, while Sam is the guy who can never trust his own judgement. But that’s the story I’m being served and now, I’m going to try and stick out the season and see how this whole thing is handled.
Hi sweetondean, thanks for the fun article. You seriously slay me. Argy-bargy, HA, must be an Aussie phrase. Oh yeah, the you-know-what is gonna hit the you-know-where. I say bring it on. Time to start getting some answers. If a conflict will bring some of the unsaid out in the open, that is a good thing. I am really looking forward to this episode. I don’t expect all issues to be resolved of course, nor do I want them to be. Shake it up a little, show!
excited about this eposide alot! More of the boys. Just glad still have power to see the eposide no thanks to sandy.
Great write-up! I am SO excited for this season and loving every moment of it! The character growth and development is spot on, the complexity of the brother’s relationship is rich and even their conflicts show their maturity. I love how how very HUMAN and deeply loving they are to each other in the little ways that mean so much in any long-term relationship, even when they are angry about each others’ choices. I am content to leave this story in the show’s hands as it continues to move forward in ways that surprise me, anger me, delight me, touch my heart, make me cry, and so on, and so on…………
Teresa, nice comment. I agree with you.
I’m with you Teresa.. Bring it and all that goes with it!
[quote]Great write-up! I am SO excited for this season and loving every moment of it! The character growth and development is spot on, the complexity of the brother’s relationship is rich and even their conflicts show their maturity. I love how how very HUMAN and deeply loving they are to each other in the little ways that mean so much in any long-term relationship, even when they are angry about each others’ choices. I am content to leave this story in the
show’s hands as it continues to move forward in ways that surprise me, anger me, delight me, touch my heart, make me cry, and so on, and so on…………[/quote]
I glad that you want that and I am sure with Dean it will happen . With both Sam and his other brothers Castiel and Benny .I will leave the Sam side of things where it is he has a character we know very little about and a new Dean character it appears will get more than him in storytelling.
I would like to see Sam and Riot the dog get a car and take to the road and leave Dean to his new found hunting vigor and Benny and Cas and for Sam to find a 3 dimensional existence away from the scenario we have now.
But that wont happen so it will just be more of the same.
Agree 100% with you Teresa. I just love the maturity the boys are displaying and how it effects their interactions with each other. They have grown into complex men, and although at the moment they have some issues with each other, I love that you can still see their love for each other through the subtle nuances of their gestures and words.
I am very excited and am loving watching the show and enjoying the ride the writers are taking me on.
Thanks for the preview Sweetondean, it was great. Your excitement is making me even more excited!
[quote]I just love the maturity the boys are displaying and how it effects their interactions with each other. They have grown into complex men, and although at the moment they have some issues with each other, I love that you can still see their love for each other through the subtle nuances of their gestures and words.[/quote]
Agreed. 🙂
That’s what I’m loving too. I love the complexity of these characters and the men they’ve grown into and I’m so onboard for the journey they’re taking me on. I always see the love. It’s as clear as day to me. Sooooo excited for tonight 🙂
And Dean now officiially has two super special snowflake besties on each end of the Supernatural spectrum.
And Sam? Gets grounded and since he’s not allowed to have his own friends lest Dean think he’s being abandoned…thinks about his girlfriend who may or may not be real. Guy needs his own car. And his own friends….preferably ones who wont try to murder him.
Sam most definitely needs his own friends. He leads an incredibly lonely life. Aside from Dean, he has ZERO friends. And it’s been that way for years now!
Dean splits to go hang w/his buddy, and what does poor Sam do? Lounge around and reminisce on his (failed?) relationship w/the bitchy vet! Poor guy. He needs a buddy.
Hi lala! I have a question for you! I followed your conversation with others here in one of the articles about how the showrunner doesn’t know how to present Sam, because there is so much, so he ignored it and tried a new way (something like this) Could you please help me out? You or some other put a link to a JC interview about the issues with Sam, you talked with others here about it. I tried very hard to find it, because I wanted to show it other people who are invested in Sam’s character like me, but I couldn’t find it. Could you help me out? Please?
Hi Shadow!!! 🙂
The link to that interview was in the “Let’s Speculate” article about the episode “Bitten.” Let me know if you can’t find it, and I will try to give you the link when I get a chance!
Edited – Advertisement.
Edited – Don’t worry about the ads. I’ll start blocking the ip addresses.
If anybody can give me an episode I’ll enjoy, it’s the Edlund/Bee combination.
I am super stoked about this episode! I am loving season 8 so far, only 5 episodes in, so I guess that’s pretty darn good. I’m on a Supernatural high right now anyway. Just bought my ticket for the Toronto convention next year, my very first time attending, and I can’t wait! 😛 On with the show. Thanks for these previews Sweetondean, they are pretty “awesome”.
Oh my gosh! I’m so excited for you! You’re going to have a brilliant time! Supernatural conventions are the happiest place ever! 😆
You’re right, the CHCH promos are better! Lol
This stuff I know…it’s what I do for a living! 😉 They really are though, this week in particular!
Edlund and Bee did NOT disappoint! Good episode! Thank you! 😆
I have way more thoughts but I do need to say this right now. That was one wonderful hour of television. I loved everything, even the flashbacks which are never my favourite way of telling a story, but they fit seamlessly. I love where the show is going with Sam and Dean and the depth of the writing of the characters was particularly full tonight. I also was expecting to warm up to Benny over time as a character but I think his story is an amazing addition to telling the Sam and Dean story. And when that happens characters fit. I also just plain liked him. Yay Ben Edlund and Guy Bee. Yay Jared and Jensen. Wonderful episode. ( I really loved that Sam has not dared to name his Dog yet…everything in his life must have felt temporary. )
Wow. Another excellent, well-scripted, action-packed, visually stunning, exciting, emotional, entertaining episode!
So many interesting twists – the “old man” not looking old, and Benny saving Cas’s life in Purgatory.
So many funny moments – Cas and Benny in Purgatory, and Dean and Sam on the phone (“God, stop talking!” lol)
And we got a lot on Sam. I loved the portrayal of Sam as a handyman, and really appreciated the interactions with Amelia. Him noticing the keys she left in the door was particularly endearing – so protective. Speaking of protective – we got to see Sam’s panic not knowing if Dean was okay, then that moment at the end where his hand goes for the knife – he knew Benny was a vamp as soon as he shook his hand. I think maybe he thought Dean was with him under duress, hence the look – and Dean’s subtle shake of the head. The boys do INDEED have a lot to talk about, lol.
Fabulous storytelling. Loved it.
You certainly picked this one to the bones. Very fair breakdown of Dean, Sam & Benny. A wonderful episode well written & directed I thought. The big picture is certainly unfolding, can’t wait for more!