Supernatural Bingo – Bitten
Week four already? I hope your season eight has been a very good one for your Bingo game so far. There’s little known about tonight’s episode, “Bitten,” so the cards include a lot of guessing this time. That makes any Bingo celebration extra sweet.
Good luck!
B | I | N | G | O |
Dean gives someone the “You’re so dead’ look. |
Blood is shed by one of the brothers | Brothers go undercover |
The Impala’s engine is heard |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
A grave is dug |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
A trip to the woods becomes deadly |
A movie/tv reference is made | Propane tanks are seen and or used |
Claws and or fangs are seen | An EMF is used | ![]() |
See guns/rifles get loaded with ammo |
Hand held camera becomes a vital tool |
A Laptop is used |
Flashbacks are seen |
The brother’s banter/tease with each other | Sam makes his bitchface |
Brothers have a heart to heart |
Brothers visit a tavern | A campfire is seen and or used |
A silver bullet is used |
Dean punches someone or something | A death shown with mere blood splatter |
B | I | N | G | O |
A silver bullet is used |
The Impala’s engine is heard |
A death shown with mere blood splatter | Propane tanks are seen and or used | A Laptop is used |
Blood is shed by one of the brothers | Dean punches someone or something | A campfire is seen and or used |
A grave is dug |
Dean gives someone the ‘You’re so dead’ look. |
Brothers go undercover |
Brothers have a heart to heart |
![]() |
An EMF is used | Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
See guns/rifles get loaded with ammo |
Sam makes his bitchface |
Brothers visit a tavern | Claws and or fangs are seen |
A trip to the woods becomes deadly |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used | A movie/tv reference is made | Flashbacks are seen |
The brother’s banter/tease with each other | Hand held camera becomes a vital tool |
B | I | N | G | O |
Flashbacks are seen |
Propane tanks are seen and or used | Hand held camera becomes a vital tool |
Dean gives someone the ‘You’re so dead’ look. |
See guns/rifles get loaded with ammo |
The Impala’s engine is heard |
The brother’s banter/tease with each other |
A movie/tv reference is made | Blood is shed by one of the brothers | A silver bullet is used |
A death shown with mere blood splatter | A trip to the woods becomes deadly |
![]() |
Brothers have a heart to heart |
Dean punches someone or something |
An EMF is used | Claws and or fangs are seen | John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used | Brothers go undercover |
A campfire is seen and or used |
A Laptop is used |
A grave is dug |
Sam makes his bitchface |
Brothers visit a tavern | Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
B | I | N | G | O |
Sam makes his bitchface |
Dean gives someone the ‘You’re so dead’ look. |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
A silver bullet is used |
An EMF is used |
Propane tanks are seen and or used | Brothers visit a tavern |
A grave is dug |
The Impala’s engine is heard |
Flashbacks are seen |
Hand held camera becomes a vital tool |
A campfire is seen and or used |
![]() |
A trip to the woods becomes deadly |
The brother’s banter/tease with each other |
Brothers have a heart to heart |
Brothers go undercover |
A Laptop is used |
A death shown with mere blood splatter |
A movie/tv reference is made |
See guns/rifles get loaded with ammo |
Blood is shed by one of the brothers | Claws and or fangs are seen | John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used | Dean punches someone or something |
B | I | N | G | O |
Claws and or fangs are seen |
Brothers have a heart to heart |
Dean punches someone or something | Flashbacks are seen |
The Impala’s engine is heard |
Dean gives someone the ‘You’re so dead’ look. |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used | Blood is shed by one of the brothers | Propane tanks are seen and or used | Sam makes his bitchface |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes |
A movie/tv reference is made | ![]() |
A campfire is seen and or used |
Brothers visit a tavern |
A trip to the woods becomes deadly |
A death shown with mere blood splatter | See guns/rifles get loaded with ammo |
Hand held camera becomes a vital tool |
A grave is dug |
An EMF is used | A silver bullet is used |
Brothers go undercover |
A Laptop is used |
The brother’s banter/tease with each other |
Download the PDF of the Bingo Cards:
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