New One Minute Extended Promo For Supernatural S8 Premiere!! Wow, It Has The…
The hug!!! The hug!!! Kevin Tran!!! Omg, omg, omg…we still have to wait 27 days for this???
For those that can't play it on Youtube due to stupid employers, THE HUG!!!!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I can’t stand it. The promo has me crawling out of my skin in anticipation!!!!!! Looking fantastic. Please God, give me the strength to make it until Oct. 3rd!!!!!
Cass looks very out of it! Think he’s slipped back into insanity??Both Dean and Sam look fit and healthy-they look like they are meeting at Rufus’s cabin. I wonder if Sam was living there all the year?
That looks so F*#+#!g FANTASTIC!!! THEY DO NOT DISAPPOINT!!!
“Come here”. And then the hug. Awwww, boys…*Melts*
Fabulous promo.
Oh, I had HOPED it would be something like this!! Closing the gates of Hell forever…wow, what a goal worthy of our guys!
It also looks really gritty, like, edgy. I’m excited!!!!!!!!
Closing the gates of hell..that’s an awesome overall story arc. They just got to make sure when they close the gate for good, Crowley is in there..LOL
Take care,
That. Was. Awesome.
…Okay, this promo is awesome enough for me to stop lurking.
Kevin! I like his new look. Is that his girlfriend with Crowley?
Cas looks pretty lost.
And Sam really had no idea Dean was in Purgatory? I’m not sure I believe that… I guess we’ll see.
September is going to be a long month… but we have THE HUG!
Couldn’t watch the vid right now, but yes omg, omg the HUG!!!! Man I love it when they hug.
I didn’t know how I could wait five whole months for Season 8 and seeing this promo, it looks like the wait will be worth it! [i][b] Come on October 3rd![/b][/i]
October 3 is my birthday. I get a Winchester HUG for my birthday. Life is good!
Ohmigosh! I can’t wait!
The hug the hug the hug!
That looked awesome and now I am really amped up!
OMG ad infinitum! The hug! I can’t wait! I champing at the bit!!!
I’m intrigued by a picture I saw on another fan site of Jensen and Danneel in Malibu last weekend. Anyone see the pics and the giant tattoo on Jensen’s right forearm? Looks like a wicked dagger of some kind. I’m sure it’s not permanent, but probably a lot of work to redo for each episode. He was out and about in public and it was plain to see. Maybe something from purgatory, or protection or involving Benny? Speculations……?
If you look closer you will see Danneel has one on her arm, and the back of her leg. Think they were just out “playing”. Only time will tell
Hello. JandJ’s bodyguard Cliff mentioned on his twitter that the tattoos are henna, and not permanent. I also get the feeling that they are not show related as both Jensen and Daneel had one, like it was something they did in their week off for fun….. but I could be wrong about that. I guess we’ll find out in the first episode!