CW Producer’s Preview/Inside Supernatural Episode 10.21
We have Jeremy Carver’s look at the next episode
Dark Dynasty
Rowena isn’t decoding the book.Dean is “getting worse”. Sam is desperate. We are reminded, yet again, that what Samis doing “reeks”. What do you think about this preview? Let us know in the comments.
Love Rowenas eyeroll/look of exasperation. Charlie probably sealed her fate with the ‘brudders’ comment. Logically if a *cough* fan favorite *cough* character is going to bite it by the season finale it only makes sense that it would be Charlie. But I dont think we are going to be that lucky. Ruth probably doomed Rowena when she dared to eat Jensens Gummi Bears!!! 😉
“This episode is where we really start to see Dean getting even worse.” And geez… it only took 34 episodes to make it happen. The pacing on this is a JOKE. They’ve been telling us he’s been getting worse with no confirmation of that, how likely do you think it is that we might actually see it this time? Does he kill any innocents? I’ll bet he doesn’t. *sigh* This plot needs to be over, it’s more tired, unwieldy and uninteresting than Cas’s character.
Rowena calling Sam, SAMUEL.
i am not liking were this is going. I am not looking forward to the final on May 20th. Of supernatural.
I just learned who wrote this episode. 🙁
Damn it Janet, share the KNOWLEDGE 🙂
It’s the nepotism duo…. oh goodie!! I can’t wait to see what THEY do with Charlie’s character. I predict that she will go from the bad ass super ninja we saw in Book of the Damned and suddenly and inexplicably become this delicate, wilting flower who’s so very vulnerable so that when she dies, we can all feel super, duper bad. And when she dies it will be because someone killed by a Styne can’t be revived by an angel, thus adding for no reason to the list of things that suddenly angels can’t do or heal. Then Charlie’s death will send Dean round the bend and all of it will be Sam’s fault. Can’t wait!
So E, you, njspnfan, and eilf have CONNECTS 🙂
Read the script did ya….:)
Super Wiki!
Dont forget all the glitter that will rain down from the skies… *sniff* Oh for Chucks sake! Kill her!!! Kill her now!!!!!
Didnt someone write that FD said on her twitter that she had an announcement in regards to her character or was she saying something big was going to happen to her character? Or did I read that wrong and interpret it as “Hey guys! Guess what? Im quitting acting! Thats right!!! See ya, bitches!” I fear that is the only thing that will save us from more Charlie. Hey dont shoot the interpretive messenger here… 😉
I love the “damn it Janet”-it brings back my past!
Nice one Russ! I always look forward to your clips; sometimes they’re better than the episodes themselves.
In Reply to Russ
THANK YOU once again for a reprieve for this very lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng Dean is getting worse saga
RUSS, is thee man.
I am so very disappointed, I always thought SINGER was
the glue that kept all things SPN on the straight and narrow.
Guess, when you get tired, all you do is
I have been one of those fans that supported Charlie’s charcter. :p I thought it was a nice balance for the boys. Yeah kinda a baby sister. But as E said if she suddenly turns back into a delicate flower it will prove once and for all the bad writing. One minute she is a demure computer geek then a super fighting ninja then back to a pathetic helpless female, so they can push Dean over the edge and blame Samual OH – sorry Sam. :D:D Did like that Rowenna. Rowenna is doing exactly what I thought she would do, if I was chained up & ordered to fine the cure with no threat over my head I wouldn’t hurry at all.
Sam should give her to Crowely pac up the bk and condex and Charlie move back to the bunker tell Dean everything and all will be sweet :D:D
Do you guys see a similarity between this and Kevin with the angel tablet ———— Gadriel killed Kevin. Who’s gonna kill Charlie ————- maybe MAD Dean :(:(