Supernatural Spoiler Update: August 26th
Here's a little something about "Blood Brothers," which is episode 5 and is the Ben Edlund penned episode. The spoiler is via
Also, this report from Vancon, some fans in the autograph line heard this from Jared. The Sam and Dean S8 reunion will involve hugging! Oh yes, that has caused some definite excitement.
Yep, that's all that's out there for now. I'm sure more will be coming in the next few weeks as the premiere gets closer.
Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Yeah, I have no faith in this season after reading the Van Con tweets. Jensen asked the fans to write in letter for most Sam. Really? Are you kidding me? And naturally, IMDB is ever helpful in saying that no one is going to do that. But all the Sam fans have seemed to disappeared.
I get it was a joke, but seriously if Jared isn’t filming that much to the point they already joking about it and they haven’t even gotten through episode 5, I’m sorry but that really sucks. I really feel like I keep getting slapped in the face by each Sam spoiler. Jeremy Carver so far really sucks. It’s just Dean, Dean, Dean and Sam has a love interest. I really have no faith in what Jeremy Carver is trying to do. More secrets, less Sam, and lying, I’m excited. (Eye-roll) I really wish there was hope for a balance, but if the joking about Jared’s lack of filming has already begun, there really isn’t any.
I don’t have twitter so I can’t comment on what was said there (apart from ‘huh’??. Maybe JA was just playing the crowd in relation to that comment?).
In relation to IMDB, while it’s true that Sam fans have all but disappeared from that particular site, they haven’t disappeared altogether. There are still buttloads of Sam fans out there, so don’t worry in that regard.
(Apologies for any typos. Typing on an iPad is an absolute balls!)
[quote]Yeah, I have no faith in this season after reading the Van Con tweets. Jensen asked the fans to write in letter for most Sam. Really? Are you kidding me? And naturally, IMDB is ever helpful in saying that no one is going to do that. But all the Sam fans have seemed to disappeared.
I get it was a joke, but seriously if Jared isn’t filming that much to the point they already joking about it and they haven’t even gotten through episode 5, I’m sorry but that really sucks. I really feel like I keep getting slapped in the face by each Sam spoiler. Jeremy Carver so far really sucks. It’s just Dean, Dean, Dean and Sam has a love interest. I really have no faith in what Jeremy Carver is trying to do. More secrets, less Sam, and lying, I’m excited. (Eye-roll) I really wish there was hope for a balance, but if the joking about Jared’s lack of filming has already begun, there really isn’t any.[/quote]
I agree. It feels as if JC has slapped the Sam fan in the face.
ARGH! I am a Sam fan and apparently the show has decided that Sam is unimportant. Carver wrote the first virtually Sam free episode that was not dictated by a broken bone. So although he has generally done a good job of writing Sam, I am afraid that this quote indicates that any interest in Sam is disappearing. I know, Carver has given lip service to fans not liking the boys apart, but this doesn’t sound good.
IMDB is extremely Dean centric and if Sam were written off, most of the board wouldn’t care and some would actively cheer. I am disturbed by the idea that Sam is getting less screen time this year. Having suffered from the poorly written Lisa story, I am not happy that Sam’s storyline this year seems to boil down to Sam has a girlfriend.
I keep telling myself to give the show a chance, but honestly I’m not hearing anything that makes me want to turn in. Only Dean’s time in Purgatory holds any interest but I fell in love with a show about 2 brothers saving people, hunting things, not Dean and his supernatural pals Castiel and Benny.
OTOH, supposedly Jared said that Sam did not give up on Dean when Dean was in Purgatory and that this particular spoiler has been misinterpreted. We will see. If true, TPTB may need to be more careful about how they word the very few spoilers they are putting out. Season six and seven may not have played out well, but Gamble made them sound interesting ahead of time. Maybe this season will sound bad, but actually be executed well.
I may be one of the few online fans, but I LOVED Season 6. I thought it was much better, overall, than Season 5. Plus, it set up Sam’s most interesting story in years. Season 7, IMO, was a complete train wreck!
Dean’s story sounds okay, but it also feels, to me, like a complete rehash of an old storyline. I guess I’m sick of one brother being in a separate realm and returning w/issues. I wish the show had put them both in Purgatory. That would have been interesting and new.
And I’m sorry but I cannot generate any excitement about Sam’s “romance” w/Amelia. There are so many more interesting things they could have done w/Sam than a doomed romance!
I actually liked season six as well. In fact, when I rewatched season six I was impressed by how well it came together. But I really hated season seven.
The “romance” with Amelia doesn’t excite me at all. I’m hoping against hope that they can make something of it, but I’m not very confident that they can. I’m afraid Sam trying normal sound very been there, done that both for Sam from season one and Dean from season six. Well, we shall see.
I read that about that joke as well, Katie! I can’t find it funny knowing the show’s reputation of leaving Sam completely out of episodes. There could be some truth in Jensen’s joke. Who knows?
I also agree w/you about the spoilers. None of them sound good to me. This is the first time I’m not excited about the new season. Dean’s story sounds like rehash of Sam’s Season 4 story, and Sam’s story is a bad rehash of Dean’s Season 6 story w/Lisa and Ben.
I dont know if Sam does get less screen time but judging from Jensen’s words it seems so. My question would then be Why? they dont lessen Dean’s screen time if it is a Sam story in fact he is heavily involved to a point of having more insight than Sam gets so why the other way round .
I thought we had got past the season 4 mindset and all that nonsense as instant fixing Sam really stripped the character of everything except a boiled down love story?.I hope the end product proves better than the ingredients.
You know what, it’s rare, but I’m completely confused as to what’s going on. I’ve looked in a few of my more reliable places, and I have no idea what is being discussed here. Jensen said something? Anyone got a quote to elaborate? I haven’t seen anything that says Sam gets less screen time, but I was mostly AWOL this weekend due to family issues. Some more specific info would be most appreciated.
Hi, Alice. I’m sorry about your family. I hope everything is better.
Apparently at breakfast, Jensen and Jared were joking about the lack of Jared filming. Jensen talking about how much he has had to work and he said as a joke to the fans to urge the fans to write more for Jared. It’s was a joke, but it’s really hard to tell what that means. Because if the joking about Jared not filming much has already begun, then I’m very nervous. Especially since Sam only seems to have his love interest. (That is just a joke to me. The show does a terrible job of love interest.)
Back to the comment at Breakfast, Jared said he doesn’t feel like the season has begun. And Jensen talks about writing letters for more Sam. It doesn’t seem like much of a joke since the audience doesn’t seem to know how to react. Website:
However, it’s been really nasty about it. Because rumors have started that Jared has been getting tweets and stuff. I don’t twitter, but someone on a different message board said that. I don’t know if that part is true. But the usual suspects over on IMDB were making comments about how that will never happen. So I don’t think it’s a stretch.
Anyway, Jensen said his favorite episode has been episode 5 and Jared said his favorite episode has been episode 7. So, that might be where Sam comes more into play, but I don’t know.
It’s looking like this season is going to be more Dean and Benny or Dean and Cas. Dean’s so far seems pretty heavy in all the episodes. Sam only has his love interest. It’s painfully clear that the show has no interest in Sam. Dean’s connected to the mythology and Sam is offscreen elsewhere. Even when Sam connected to the mythology, Dean still had a lot of screen time. The first five episodes are Sam light, which means that we go through all of October and head into November and then break. So, it’s just Dean. Zap2it just posted this spoiler: “Supernatural”: Hey, fans who have been waiting to see Dean have a storyline separate from Sam’s plight — your patience will pay off this season. Sources tell us that Dean’s return from Purgatory and his relationship with Benny the vampire will give him a strong connection to the season’s overarching themes, without Sam serving as a middle-man. It opens the door for the boys to spend some time apart as Dean digs himself deeper into that world and Sam… well, tries to maintain a relationship. Of course, even as their priorities shift, the brothers’ relationship remains central to the season. Their time apart has given them the tools to live separately; but that doesn’t mean they want to.”
So maybe the brothers are together? I don’t know. But I guess this doesn’t apply to the first five episodes. But they could make it seem like when Jared had time of for Thomas and Gen. You didn’t really know Jared was gone, because the guest stars were the focus??? I don’t know. But right now, my faith in Jeremy Carver is in the toilet.
Alice, I’m sorry family issues. I hope everything gets settled for your sake. It’s hard to be dealing with family stuff.
I have to say the leaked spoilers do less and less to convince me to watch Supernatural next season. They don’t offer a crumb of hope for a Sam fan. I’m trying so hard to believe, but right now it’s getting harder and harder. I went into this remembering that Carver wrote some wonderful Sam episodes, but the recent spoilers remind me that he was the writer who decided that Sam was totally unnecessary for In The Beginning. So I don’t know which Jeremy Carver we are getting, the one who understands Sam or the one who considers him dispensable. Sadly, it sounds like we are getting dispensable Sam.
Maybe it’s time to write Sam or Jared off since the writers seem unwilling or unable to write for him. Hey, they can have Sam’s soul in Castiel’s body, or Benny’s. Or just kill off Sam and have Dean’s BFF Castiel or his new whatever Benny take Sam’s place. This is really getting painful.
Hi Percysowner,
I understand the pain you guys are feeling. My comment was a little more directed to Katie “my faith in Jeremy Carver is in the toilet”. I hope your worst fears are not realized. I’m just cautious about reading too much into casual comments.
ok write jared off ok rating will go down because I am not going to see the show and jared can start doing movies that we wanted to see him in was there something about bruce wills wanted jared for die hard 5 are something like that and he could not do it and that suck.
Thank you so much for the info! This catches me up nicely. I knew that Jared wasn’t filming every day after seeing him at the NJ con. He didn’t have to be back that Monday after the con and hung out in NYC all day. I remember Clif saying something about getting a few days off too, but I thought that was both Jared and Jensen.
I guess we’ll see what happens. I just can’t get worked up about it until I see finished product.
Sorry, but it seems like a lot of jumping to conclusions with very little substance to back it up. Offhand and flippant comments might not mean anything. Deans pugatory experiences might take center stage in a few episodes but I’m guessing that Sam is not going to be ignored. The fans would not tolerate that. Please give the season a CHANCE before you lose faith. Not one second of S8 has aired yet.
Just a note I do intend to give Supernatural a chance. I plan at this time to watch the entire season. But as I said, the spoilers aren’t even giving Sam lovers a sliver of hope that he is part of the story.
To be fair, Dean fans have wanted Dean to be involved in the mytharc for years and I am glad for them that it looks like they will be getting their wish. But Sam fans have asked for a corresponding increase in POV for Sam and if the spoilers are right the POV we get will be of Sam’s POV on Amelia, someone I don’t know and currently don’t care about. Sadly, the hits just keep on coming.
oops, meant to post my last coment here!
[quote]Just a note I do intend to give Supernatural a chance. I plan at this time to watch the entire season. But as I said, the spoilers aren’t even giving Sam lovers a sliver of hope that he is part of the story.
To be fair, Dean fans have wanted Dean to be involved in the mytharc for years and I am glad for them that it looks like they will be getting their wish. [b]But Sam fans have asked for a corresponding increase in POV for Sam and if the spoilers are right the POV we get will be of Sam’s POV on Amelia, someone I don’t know and currently don’t care about.[/b] Sadly, the hits just keep on coming.[/quote]
Couldn’t agree more w/you, esp. the bolded sentence!
so so true! 🙁 the hits just keep on coming.
I am confused; how has Dean ‘not’ been a part of the myth arc? Since season 3 he has dominated the myth arc…. I don’t get it.
I try to stay positive until I have strong reason to believe otherwise, but these “wait and see” comments sound a lot like what we got last year when we found out Sam’s hallucinations storyline had been pushed to the side for the first half to make room for Dean’s “why do I hunt” 15-episode arc. We kept being told by other fans to just wait – the second half will be all about Sam’s breakdown. Turns out we just had a couple of episodes in the second half about Sam’s breakdown and then he was all fixed. Sometimes things can turn out better than you expect, but usually when the showrunners are not teasing any juicy storylines coming up, it means that there aren’t any juicy storylines coming up.
[quote]I try to stay positive until I have strong reason to believe otherwise, but these “wait and see” comments sound a lot like what we got last year when we found out Sam’s hallucinations storyline had been pushed to the side for the first half to make room for Dean’s “why do I hunt” 15-episode arc. We kept being told by other fans to just wait – the second half will be all about Sam’s breakdown. Turns out we just had a couple of episodes in the second half about Sam’s breakdown and then he was all fixed. Sometimes things can turn out better than you expect, but usually when the showrunners are not teasing any juicy storylines coming up, it means that there aren’t any juicy storylines coming up.[/quote]
Again, I completely agree w/you! We were told to wait for Sam’s story to play out in the 2nd half of Season 7. They were “splitting” the season. Dean got a 15-episode (poorly written) arc, and Sam got a whopping three episodes for his story. That’s not equal.
I never understood why the season had to be split in the first place. They could have told each brother’s story at the same time!
Ugh . . . . I’m just about over this show!
I can accept at first, after ComicCon spoilers, it could be jumping to conmclussion. But we’ve been hearing the same stuff for a month and a half, I think there are reasons to believe S8 would not have much sam in it, and yeah, I’m sad and disappointed 🙁
I watch SPN for both brothers, one getting meaty stuff while the other has little screentime make a show I’m not very interested in watching.
I’m not keeping up with the interviews and spoilers this summer, but it would seem to me that if both Jared and Jensen have signed on for seasons 8,9 and 10, that they’d have to be reasonably happy with the proposed direction for their characters.
I assume that their contracts are fairly recent, since just announced to the fans, so they have to have discussed future plans with Mr. C and company.
Why on earth would they continue to agree to do the show, if they thought it would deteriorate, and give them very little to do?
If, as percysowner suggests, the fans have misinterpreted the first spoiler about Sam not looking for Dean, I’d bet there’s something similar going on here. At least I hope so. I, for one, will be watching for BOTH brothers, equally.
[quote]I’m not keeping up with the interviews and spoilers this summer, but it would seem to me that if both Jared and Jensen have signed on for seasons 8,9 and 10, that they’d have to be reasonably happy with the proposed direction for their characters.[/quote]
Or they just like getting a steady paycheck.
[quote]Why on earth would they continue to agree to do the show, if they thought it would deteriorate, and give them very little to do? [/quote]
As [b]cd28[/b] said, it’s a steady paycheck! Why would Jared leave steady work for the uncertainty of today’s job market? He has a wife and child to support. I don’t believe Genevieve was working before she got pregnant. That ABC show is was on was canceled after the mid-break, and I don’t recall her getting another job. I think Jared is the sole source of income. It wouldn’t make sense for him to leave, esp. when they want to continue the show for another two seasons.
To me, Jensen/Dean always gets a lot to do. Plus, they let him direct episodes when he wants. I’m not sure why he would bail on this show.
that true to but they have no time to do movies and other thing because of the show they start in july and do not get done intell april and only get 2 months off and they do it for the fans and thats great and love them for it but jared is a dad he needs to be there for him and I did like that jared took thomas to the set it was really sweet.
Actually, I watched the Con video where Jensen said to write in to ask for more Sam. I think he was joking…I mean, both guys had only been back to work for two months by then, and Jensen had only just returned to filming after spending 5 days on his boat (courtesy of Cliff’s twitter) while Jared stayed in Vancouver filming, so he couldn’t have been too serious. Jensen has often complained about filming schedules to the fans, I think it’s part of his con schtick. Recently S.E. Hinton (of The Outsider’s fame) tweeted extensively about a set visit she made to Supernatural during episode 5. Apparently she’s a huge fan (how fun is that?) and she said both boys were working hard, that Jared’s story was “not being neglected” (this was in direct response to a fan tweet) and that she is very excited about the upcoming season. I find this very encouraging.