Breaking News: Jared and Jensen are Contracted to Supernatural Through Season 10!
This morning at the Gold ticket holders breakfast at Salute to Supernatural in New Jersey (my daughter being one of those in attendance), Jared confirmed that he and Jensen have signed onto "Supernatural" for seasons 9 and 10! He of course joked "if they get renewed" but I think we all know that is a big possibility. Yes, everyone here is quite excited by this news.
I'll have a more in-depth report of the breakfast and pictures, but I wanted to share that info for now. Oh, here's a picture of at breakfast just for amusement.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Well great news. Because I just read at a German Magazin “Cinema” that the 8th season would be the last! Well I like your news better
YAY! I hope things really jell and that the future seasons are as good as some of the past ones.
Wow that is great get up in the morning news. Makes the whole week seems brighter.
This is so fantastic. It made my whole Monday all shiny! And Vancon is so close and now we know they are locked and loaded. Excitement! Pure excitement! 😆
I am ecstatic at this news. 10 seasons just sounds so good. Happy dance in my head. right. now.
I’ll definitely keep watching if Misha is there too. Sam, Dean and Cas together are the heart of this show for me. I hope they all get the writing they deserve though.
Wow. It’s sobering to think our little cult show about 2 flanneled heroes may go 10 seasons. Here’s hoping season 8 brings great things for the Winchester brothers!
Judging by the spoilers, s8 is giving us something almost but not quite exactly unlike Supernatural, so I’m not terribly excited that the zombie reboot might be walking around in Spn’s body for three years.
But Jared and Jensen are excellent actors and deserve the work, so congratulations to them. For their sakes, and for the talented people who play the supporting characters, I hope the show and the network (which may be the worse bet of the two at this point) do indeed survive that long.
I’m glad to know we’ll have the channce to see Jared and Jensen 3 more years.
Let’s hope they bring the magic of Sam and Dean back.
From your mouth to Carver’s ear!
I’m glad to know we’ll have the channce to see Jared and Jensen 3 more years.
Let’s hope they bring the magic of Sam and Dean back.[/quote]
Exactly. I’m cautiously optimistic about the show, but I’ll probably watch all future episodes regardless.
I’m glad to know we’ll have the channce to see Jared and Jensen 3 more years.
Let’s hope they bring the magic of Sam and Dean back.[/quote]
I really get the feeling they are bringing the magic back. If 8 was just going to be more of the same then Gamble would still be showrunner. There would have been no reason to change leaders.
its so awsome jared and jensen are my favorite actors im glad they are coming back for season 9 and 10 . Its been a long road for the guys. i hope their future is everything they dream it to be