What Has Supernatural Done For You?
Just like last year, I will give into my curiosity during the summer hellatus and put out another question to the fandom.
What has “Supernatural” done for you?
This question is going around my head now for a couple of years and I finally decided to ask it here.
Talking to a lot of fans on here or during conventions here in Europe I got to hear or read about things that happened in the lives of fans just because they started to watch “Supernatural.”
For example: Some fans say they started up some craft work again or even tried new crafts because of “Supernatural.” Then there are those who really get into the computer stuff including making videos etc. Some fans even told me that they learned English because of the show since it is so much better in the original version. And then there are those fans who thank “Supernatural” for helping them through a rough time in there live.
What has the show done for me?
Well, I most definitely learned how to use the internet including Twitter and Facebook. I wouldn’t even have dreamed about doing that stuff before I joined the SPN fandom. One day I even dared to voice my opinion publicly on the internet and I haven’t stopped doing it since then.
I also learned how to make a picture book for the crew of “Supernatural” and of course I met a lot of people who are connected to “Supernatural” (fans and actors) either on the net or in person.
And last but not least, thanks to the WFB I met Tim the Enchanter on the Cbox and we became friends. In fact we have spent one week road tripping Winchester-Style through the south west of Germany in July. And we already started to make plans for next year when I will visit her in Ireland.
So, tell me, what has “Supernatural” done for you?
(From Alice – while you’re sharing your answer, also wish Yirabah a Happy Birthday!)
I am a big fan of Castiel and so have done a lot of research about Misha collins. Since I’ve done that I became a fan of his Random Acts non profit. He has inspired me to give back to the community and the idea of Paying It Forward. I am in the process of volunteering at a local childrens hospital as well as performing one Random Act daily. I’ve also become open to more new experiences and as a part of that I jumped out of an airplane 2 weeks ago and feel like if it were not for Supernatural and Misha Collins influence I might never have stepped up to that challenge. So, thank you supernatural for being such an amazing influence.
Wow, where to begin. This is going to take a while so grab a cup of coffee.
I started to watch Supernatural this January on Netflix. I’ve been battling depression for the past 2yrs. I also had just opened a business on etsy with my what I then thought best friend. Well I loved watching SPN while sewing.
Then in April, I finally realized thanks to my sister, that my “friend” just abused me, I did all the work and she did the “Admin” stuff which I now know is not that much work. So on 4/26/12 my new life started, it was hard at the beginning. We’ve been friends for 4yrs and we ran a charity together, which meant a lot to me. But I realized that I had to sever all ties or I would fall back into the trap again.
Well it has been 3 months now, and I had some bad times, but I watch and episode of SPN and it makes me feel better. I now have my own etsy store and I started to make bracelets with charms amongst other things. But after the first month I already made my investing money back, and I decided to donate some of that money to charity. So I donated to the buddy walk. Now in July for Jared’s birthday I was able to donate again and I hope to keep this going each month.
I did have a lot of support from my husband and he just shakes his head at my obsession with SPN. But I am happy to say, that thru the show, I found some awesome people in the fandom. And I am now in a much better place, I am no longer in Therapy or have to take medication for depression. I have a better outlook in life and each day I meet more fans that share the passion for the show.
I have today, that SPN helped me when I was in a very dark place in my life, it gave me hope and something to hold on to, other than my family.
Thank you Supernatural.
My story is a bit long, so bare with me.
In 2008 I met this person and we became friends, “best” friends or so I thought. We spent a lot of time together and ran a charity together as well. We even had an etsy store, where I did all the sewing and she did all the admin stuff and we split 50/50. I had been battling depression for over 2yrs and started to slip more and more into this dark place. My house was in dissaray, my marriage was in shambles and I don’t think I was a good mother either.
Then in January of this year, I started to watch Supernatural on Netflix. I was hooked immediately, not just because of the eye candy, but the show stirred something in me. Maybe it was hope. In April, my sister came to visit and she realized how bad it had gotten and made me realize that this “friend” of mine was not my friend at all, she was just using me and it almost destroyed my life, cause I was just way to good natured. So I broke off all ties, quit the charity and gave her the business. On April 26th, 2012 my new life began. I was able to save my marriage, I am a better mother again and I started my own business. And all along that Supernatural, still kept this little bit of hope going in me. There were days, when I missed this “friend” but instead I watched SPN and it made it better . I watch it while I work, and the best part is, I get to make items that SPN fans like. I am enjoying life again. I was also fortunate enough to still get to do some charity work, in June SewGeekAustin was able to donate to the Buddy walk for Team Levi, and just this past week we donated to Support SPN in honor of Jared’s Birthday. My husband is very supportive, even thou he shakes his head at my “obsession”, but yes Supernatural helped me get out of a very dark place in my life. I am now so much better that I am no longer needing Therapy or Medication. I still have to work on it everyday, but I know that Supernatural is there to help me. 🙂
Thank you Supernatural.
Well I just have to say that Supernatural has made me a happier person. When I watch this wonderful show I get the happies all over. I love anything paranormal and I have always had a thing for Jensen. The show has brought out in me a more pleasant person. I went through all the depression and the pills and the doctor crap. And through it all even when my family was sick of me that show was always there. It made me laugh, it made me cry, I was able to feel all the emotions I was bottling up inside for years. Some may say I am obsessed with it and that it is not healthy. Well to them I say” Back Off My Show”and leave me alone. It makes me feel and I love those boys more then some of my own family members:) So in conclusion thank you Supernatural and everyone that has anything to do with it:)))
Well, Alice knows what it did for me but I’ll share again. Supernatural gave me something to share with my daughter, the tool to bond with, and something to remember her by in the last (and most difficult) two years of her life. And now, five years since she died, I can turn on my tv and see something that meant so much to her and made her a fighter.
That doesn’t happen with just any show on tv.
SPN is something my mom and I bond over. I am just returning from visiting Vancouver where I saw many SPN sites! But SPN makes me think of family, forgiving, love. The two J’ s remind me of how to be careful and kind with others. The shows a beautiful tragedy isn’t it.
I started watching Supernatural during my second year of medical school. I didn’t realize at first why I so quickly became obsessed with catching up and then watching Season 7. But I’ve faced some scary things in my life – even scarier than going back to school in my 50’s for something so difficult – and watching Team Free Will forge ahead made me take courage over my (non-apocalyptic level) problems.
I realized that one thing that touched me about the boys was that my younger son lost that relationship with his older brother, who looked more than a bit like Sam, but had the grit, wiseass comedy, and big brother protectiveness of Dean. Feel like they would have grown into a similar relationship had William not been murdered – they’d be about the same ages. I also love seeing Jared and Jenson’s genuine friendship.
Castiel – well besides Misha giving someone to sigh over, has just been a pleasure in a year filled with struggle.
And like earlier posters, I’ve been inspired by Random Acts of Kindness and am looking into ways to step beyond my occasional acts to something more regular.
Over it all – Supernatural may have made me cry (often) but generally I needed to, and it made and makes me happy.
…oh, and I’ve also been able to share it with my son Paul. I think he also is drawn in by the relationships – of Sam, Dean, Castiel, Bobby, …and John Winchester.
It changed everything. It introduced me to new friends, took me and is still taking me to new places and it helped me to be happier in my own skin and cool with how I am. But the biggest thing its done is, it made me discover writing again, something I’d always loved but through the flurry of life had left behind me. Seeing this story unfold before my eyes week in, week out, made me at first want to talk about the show and then, write about the show. I started blogging in season 5 and eventually that led me here! On top of the blogging and my compulsive need to write about this show, I am trying…trying to write a book. I’m pretty far into it and it’s an amazing, humbling and creatively invigorating experience. I am quite sure had it not been for this beautifully told story of two orphaned boys, saving people and hunting things as they desperately try to hang on to what little they have and on to each other, I would never have rediscovered my passion for words. Supernatural is my muse.
Well, I don’t have a great story like some of the others,but the show has really helped me through the last few years of my life. Being on dialysis I don’t have a lot to look forward to. (My next treatment, or my next surgery!) I consider Supernatural a hobby (my boys say obsession). I have been a fan of Jensen since Dark Angel, but nothing like I am now. Watching him when I’m on dialysis, gets me through. Five hours, three days a week-that’s how long I’m there. If it wasn’t for how much I enjoy watching all of the seasons of Supernatrural over and over again, I would have lost my mind a long time ago. (The nurses get a kick out of watching it as well.)
Websites like this are so great, and entertaining. so much information. Plus the videos and convention footage. It has inspired me.
I have been saving and paying for it a little at a time, but I finally get to go to a convention myself. My kids think I’m insane,but I cannot wait for September to get here.
Life changes when you least expect it, and not always for the good. Take time to enjoy the special things while you can
I have the same at home. Even so my sons like watching Supernatural over and over again they tell my that I am obsessed with it.
I wish you lots of fun at the convention. Just start talking to everbody who is in line next to you. It is so much fun and you will never forget that weekend. By the way which con are you going to?
Going to Dallas. I figured that since it’s Jensen’s home ( and he requested that city) that he wouldn’t cancel & I could meet him. Even if it is only for a minute whiles he signs a picture!! Silly, I know. It’s kind of my top “Bucket List” item
I will be in Dallas as well.
If you two want to meet at the con one of you should sent Alice an e-mail so she can forward the e-mail adress to the other one.
Been there, done that and had lots of fun meeting other people from the WFB.
Sure, I will only be there on Sunday, I could not afford the whole weekend, since I am bringing my daughter and a very dear friend for his birthday.
What has Supernatural done for me?
1. I participate in online communities including (but not limited to) Twitter, Facebook and tumblr.
2. I’ve made wonderful friends from all over the world.
3. I’m about to travel to VanCon by myself (never traveled anywhere on my own before) for 2 reasons: to meet up with some of my friends; and to thank Jared, Jensen, and other cast members in person for all they mean to me and the fandom. For all they offer of themselves over and above the requirements of their jobs. For the inspiration they bring to us with their enthusiasm, dedication, and obvious NICENESS.
I could go on and on, but I’m going to stop right here. I think I’ve made my point
Since watching SPN I find myself examining my own life and motives more often. Including my spiritual life and what I believe.
While visiting an old friend that I maybe see once a year I was introduced to SPN. Although we kept in touch over the years SPN has definitely rekindled our friendship in a new way. She came to visit me so we could have a SPN marathon and had only been here once in 20 plus years. . Now the two of us are going to Vegas in March for the convention. And we are both in our 50’s. We are giddy with excitement and looking forward to our girlfriend getaway. Would never have happened if not for SPN. Thanks J2 and crew!
As with many of the other posters I’ve had my ups and downs. I’ve had moments of sadness and doubts as well as joy. You know, life. But these past seven years no matter what was happening in my life at the moment I always knew I could lose myself in the lives of the brothers Winchester and be transported, for that hour, to their crazy,wonderful,happy, sad, world.
I also became very fond of the actors who bring that world to life so vividly. The actors, who seem so grounded and appreciative of their success, add another layer to my enjoyment of this show. I root for good things for these actors as well as their characters.
Hope you are having a great birthday, Yirabah!
Thank you Leah D.
And thank you Alice for surprising me with the gift of putting this little thing up on my birthday.
Wow, so many great, great, touching stories.
Mine is quite simple, as I’ve only known of this show for 6 months. I’m in grad school right now, and when I’m struggling to get through the stressful or the mundane, Supernatural provides an escape. But it’s not just mindless entertainment. Every episode makes me think. I agree with winmomwannabe that SPN makes me ponder great moral and spiritual issues – there’s almost always an underlying social commentary or a something going on that I can identify with.
A lot of times I look at Dean and Sam and ‘see’ me and my younger sister. It makes me think of her and miss her and fills me with nostalgia and longing to see her again.
It’s even more than that though. The past couple years of grad school have been extremely lonely. I’m hours away from any family or real friends. The work is hard and the future is unknown. But I can watch Supernatural, a show about family and friendship. And I can participate in communities and forums and discussions online and share something meaningful with others. And it’s been great – it’s really serving as a comfort in a stressful, lonely time.
Honestly, I can’t even remember what things were like before I had SPN. I actually realised the other day, I’ve been a fan for more than a quarter of my life, which sounds a little weird, but it’s true.
Supernatural just gets to me, but in a good way. It’s often what I turn to when I’m feeling sad or hurt or angry and even if for a little while, it brightens things up. There’s just something about Sam and Dean’s journey, the hope and what they fight for and how they never give up… I also went through a difficult period not so long ago, and this show helped me through it, whether it’s watching old episodes, or even reading about how big-hearted everyone who works on, and watches this show can be.
It also inspired me to learn more about the TV industry. I’ve always been passionate about TV/Film making, and I’ve learnt so much about what goes on behind the scenes and how stuff works. I’m working towards a career in the industry, and I’d been lying if I said SPN wasn’t a big part of my inspiration.
I take note of writers and directors and I can even sometimes tell what director is directing an episode (and not just of Supernatural) by certain shots they use. I’m often spouting commentary to anyone who’s watching TV with me about how they create certain effects, the lighting, sets, all that kind of stuff.
I’m so glad I stayed up late that one night and watched an epsiode of this show…It might well have passed me by if I hadn’t!
I got me and my mom and a friend into the show so much that in oct we are going to the con in the windy city to see the boys I am so happy about that. and all so it makes me say thank god I am an only kid it really sucks to have a brother or a sister. the show is great because of the guys jared and jensen are awesome together.
wow great stories. I’ve been fan since last year but i gotta say Supernatural is a big big part of my life right now.
my English got so much better when i started to watch Supernatural. and like you , i got on Twitter and Facebook after a long time just to join this amazing family. and when i got here , and saw how amazing all the fans are to each other , how caring they are, it just blew my mind.
the things that they did for charity purposes , all of them are just amazing enough to love this show and this fandom. mostly the thing that Supernatural brought me , was to know that life is precious and you gotta believe in yourself and you gotta stick to who you really are.
supernatural introduced me to one of the men on this planet , that will be the last person i will ever forget and that’s Misha Collins. when i read about his amazing work and his charity and himself , i loved and adored him and Supernatural even more. so i tried to participate in any way that i could , to feel better about my self.
and now i think , i do feel better for who i am . and i got it all from knowing and loving Supernatural.
Thank you all for sharing your stories.
While I read your comments I realized I forget to mention something. Something the show did for me.
I was born with a problematic heard. The problem is called Fallot Tetralogy. Since I was born in the sixties the docs told my parents that they can’t operate me until I am fully grown at about 18 years but they doubt I would live that long. But once I turned 5 they started operating children too. So I was one of the first kids here in Germany receiving a heart surgery, and a second one at the age of 12. Since then I am just like everybody else. My cardiologist even says my heart is stronger then that of some people who didn’t have that problem. So live meant it good with me and I basically forget for years that I had those operations.
But when Jared and Gen asked to donate for the children hospital I remembered who I am. And I wondered how I could come up with some practical help. And then I remembered a lot of the things my parents had to go through during my sickness and I decided that is where I can help.
I contacted a support group for parents with kids with heart problems. And I got invited to their Christmas party last year. Boy was I surprised to find out that there are still children dying because of their heart problem. So, I was the big Christmas surprise for those parents. I was able to give them hope that their child can make it and will be able to live a normal live just like everybody else. And even more, I am still in contact with a family who’s 3 year old son has the identical heart problem to mine and is about to have another heart operation and I became his special friend. I don’t visit his parents, I visit him. We are one of a kind because we both have the same scare on our chest.
So thank you Supernatural especially Jared and Gen for reminding me to do something good and for giving me these new friends.
Everyone else’s stories are really worthy in comparison to mine. Typical!
What has SPN done for me? It got me participating in an online fandom (not Twitter or Facebook because they kind of scare me) where I’ve gotten to read and reply to a buttload of great articles and opinions, many of which add a depth to the show which I wouldn’t have even considered if I was just merely watching it. It’s gotten me thinking about certain things on a deeper level and often looking at them in a different way.
It’s given me something I can use as a resource in class. There’s a wealth of information you can use there and let’s face it, students would rather learn about the pagans and whatnot from two hot looking guys with guns and a piece of a Christmas tree than one hot looking teacher with a board marker!
It’s given me the opportunity to chat with people online, not merely about the show but anything and everything. Many a happy evening were spent on the Cbox talking shite!
As Yirabah said, it took me to Germany (where I experienced their scary vinegared cabbage. Y, when you come over I’ll make you cabbage the way God [i]meant[/i] for it to be made, boiled for 11 hours with half a tofu pig!)
It’s taught me about roaming charges (goddamn roaming charges)…… And Yirabah, you never mentioned the close relationship between SPN and Father Ted. Shame on you.
The show is now something I share with my niece and it’s become a ritual that when she stays at my house or I stay at hers she hops into my bed in the morning and we watch an episode or two. (She’s only small so I do need to fast forward past a few scenes but it’s still all good.) She also wrote on the Cbox and did a review for Plucky Pennywhistles for the site. Unfortunately I felt it was a tad short for her to email it on. (Fifteen lines is rather short but she [i]was[/i] only seven at the time. Give her a few more years and I dare say she’s be a regular contributor!) And of course, I now know what to get her for birthdays and Christmas for the next few years!
And speaking of birthdays……
Happy Birthday, Yirabah! I made the cake myself. (That [i]is[/i] how old you are, right??)
First you are silent for weeks and then something like this.
A. Thank you for the birthday wishes. Since we met, don’t you think I look rather young for 90 years? My secret, using pure cream from Africa.
B. There is no vinegar in Sauerkraut.
C. I didn’t forget about father Ted but I had to leave something for you.
D. You forgot to mention that you learned that monks invented the beer in the mid ages. So, Dean must be very religious since he enjoys the cathlic drink.
Hope to met up with you soon on the C-box
It’s so nice to hear everyone’s stories. Mine is quite boring. There was just one show I watched and that was Friends. After Friends I consoled myself with news (I am a news addict like my husband) and then there was Big Bang Theory. Thats it. I hated all other shows. Surfing channels was standard procedure! Until SPN.
NowI become extremely hyper even if I miss one second of the show and this change in my personality is not something my husband is happy about. And as for online fandom, that was the last thing on my mind but here I am! “I thought you hated TV”is what my hubby says to me grumpily! He is not so kicked that I found some succor in this online forum, a way to let off steam, thank god! 🙂
From stories posted here people are saying similar things. SUPERNATURAL connected with them on a level beyond entertainment and they were able to take the hope from the show and apply it to their own lives. There is something special about this show and I have been trying to put my finger on it ever since I started watching.
I don’t like horror shows but my daughter kept pushing me to watch SPN with her, but I couldn’t get past the blood spattered openings. Then I saw FAITH and watched the whole show and as we now joke, I was turned. Thanks to the DVD’s we are now completely caught up and quite addicted. My daughter and I now share a whole language and musical connection I never imagined. She is sometimes alarmed when I know all the words to a SPN song she downloads for me. Thanks to SPN for giving me a way to communicate with my 15 year old daughter.
Personally, I have found a show that is about fundamental, first rate storytelling that is as profound as it is surprising. The little stories of connections and losses and the big ones of heros and journeys, well told by people who take care with their craft at every level of production. I worked in film before leaving to be a full time mom and I see the craft and the teamwork in the final product that airs every week and I read everything the team so generously shares with the fans. This crew does so much with what they are given and they make the fans feel important to the process.
I am looking forward to the good things that will come from being part of this fandom now that I have found it.
Hello Yhello,
thanks for your comment. Here at the WFB we appreciate the work of the crew a lot. Meaning the whole crew, in front of the camera and behind.
Since it sounds like you haven’t been around last summer I just thought I let you know, that we made a book called “A Thank You To The Supernatural Crew”. Alice handed it over to Clif last autumn and I had a chance to hand another one to Jim Michaels this year here in Germany. He told me that the crew liked that a whole lot and that the book is kept in the Supernatural office in Vancouver.
That is fabulous that you did books for the crew. There is so much to love about the connection of the fandom. Thank you for putting these postive, friendly messages out to us all. Everyone could use more connection and hope and support in their life and if this is a new electronic platform for that I’m loving it!
I knew there were online communities in the vaguest of terms for any show..Supernatural made me go on internet search for sites dealing with supernatural and be a part of it ..I have not been the part of any online fandoms until supernatural.This show has not bored me personally till now which is rare ..acting superb..story very good ..fandom passionate and best..TWFB the only fansite i have registered to (for any show)…I think i like it so much because
1)Story of brothers (siblings).
2)One of the heroes is a geek.
3)One of them is coveted by darkness.
4)Storytelling is superb.
5)acting brilliant.
I wish you a happy and fruitful year ahead of you yirabah.Happy birthday
Thank you anonymousN
My SPN story is pretty boring, so I’ll tell you what WFB has done for me instead, so a big, big thank you to Alice.
I’ve watched SPN since the very beginning and have loved it and the beautiful storylines ever since, and the beautiful guys, obviously. I’m so obsessed with this show that anytime I mention it or the actors to friends or family, I get eye rolls, so I try to keep mum. Ever since I heard about this website two years ago, I feel like I have so many friends that share the same obsession as me. Nothing would make me happier than going to a convention, not only to meet Jensen, Jared and all the wonderful actors, but even more so to meet people that understand what this show does. I would love to go to the Toronto convention, but financial constraints are stopping me. I’m going to see if I can save up for next year and hope & pray that they still have one.
I watched all 7 seasons in June & July, and I’ve started all over again! It’s just so compelling. I could go on and on, but I don’t want to bore you too much.
By the way Happy Birthday Yirabah and thanks for this.
Thank you for the birthday wish.
If you want to discover the great world of the fandom, you should read through the articles in the archiv. I wish you lots of fun with that.
I actually did that last summer during my vacation, it was great fun.
In the very beginning of finding this show, it was just a great way for my brother and I to connect and share something together. We’ve always been good friends, but having something like this that we both enjoyed so much, was new, and cool, and different.
As time went on though, and I quickly became obsessed with the show, its importance grew exponentially. I was already in a very dark place in my life when I started watching, having recently lost someone exceedingly special to me. My depression was pretty bad, and all of my previous coping mechanisms put together equaled nothing more than jack, with a side of squat. I was in a real bad way, and I had no idea what I was going to do.
But this show. This show was such a balm to my spirit. I still remember with each new episode, I felt lighter, I felt more hopeful, I felt myself healing, which astounded me. And eventually, I just started trying to find out everything I could about it. I developed such an admiration and appreciation for the crew, and everyone who works so hard behind the scenes. There will never be another show where I care so much about the person who lit this scene so well, or the people who constructed that set piece, or the person who found that perfect pitch in the music. They put so much heart and care into every facet of the production, and I wish I could hug every one of them and say thank you. Thank you so much for bringing such a wonderful story to life every week.
Finally, came the discovery of the online fandom, which has been a uniquely energizing experience. I joined Facebook (haven’t joined Twitter yet, but I really should), and I especially love coming to this site in particular and reading everyone’s opinions and thoughts. Being able to get other people’s insights on things is exciting for me. I’m still really hoping to get to a con one day. I want to so badly; that would be an ultimate dream come true. And the charity work has struck a chord with me as well. Haven’t done much with Random Acts yet, (hoping to change that) but being able to get involved with the charities, and raising awareness for the causes, has also got me looking more into what’s needed right in my own town. Most recently I’ve been looking into what I can do for a regional homeless shelter. So, thank you, thank you, thank you Supernatural. And thank you also to WFB for all of the fabulous work on this site.
In case you want to find out more about the crew go to supernaturalwiki.com and enter the search words: cast & crew
But a fair warning, you can spend hours on that page.
So here is my latest grasp at Supernatural. I don’t watch the show very often, but it got my daughter through one of her darkest times before her death. Now, I am sitting in a surgical waiting room waiting for my husband to get out of surgery. This past Saturday he was on his motorcycle, pulling out of our driveway, and was hit by someone texting and driving way too fast on our road. He has multiple internal injuries, brain damage, and a broken neck (to put it all simply). We still don’t know if he will live or die. And while I am trying to reconcile with all this, I keep thinking of how brave my daughter was when she found out she was terminally ill. She felt safest because of Sam and Dean, and she was not afraid of death.
I’m surrounded by family and friends but don’t have anything concrete to hold on to, yet I realize that Amanda’s concrete was that tv show. So I am constantly trying to reflect on episodes I have seen, distracting myself from random thoughts, and focusing on strengths modeled by Amanda.
Uncertainty is the worst feeling, but isn’t that what the entire show has focused on? Nobody is ever certain of any outcomes and they just have to go with the current event and hope for the best at the end. Thats what I need to do. Go with the event, don’t look back and hope that tomorrow is an easier day than today.
A doctor is here now…Thanks for letting me vent.
MindiWynne, I truly hope that your husband will be okay. Doctors can do amazing stuff these days, that I know. My twin nieces were born very, very premature. We were told back in February that the odds of them surviving were tiny, and if they did survive they would have multiple problems. They might not be long home, but they’re perfect so do have faith.
I’ll be thinking of you and yours.
I am hoping for you and your husband that everything will turn out right for the two of you.
You are right that uncertainty is one thing Supernatural is focused on. And I don’t know how much you have seen of Supernatural but I do understand how your daughter got strenght out of it. I heard that now already a few times. From you as well as others. Maybe you should view the show from the beginning. Maybe together with your husband once he feels better again. Start checking out a view interviews or con videos with Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam (Jared Padalecki). The whole scene around the show is part of what gives people strength.
Wishing you and your husband the very best.
I am sending positive thought and prayers your way, that yourhusband will be ok.
(((hugs))) and love.
I just got home from work and read your post with sadness. I sincerely hope the doctor brought you hopeful news. My thoughts are with you and your family.
MindiWynne, I too truly hope and pray that your husband will be okay.
Your words on ‘Uncertainty’ rang so true to me. All you can do is hope for the best at times.