Episode Title Released for Supernatural 8.03 Plus Other Info
I imagine this is going to be a pattern as prep continues for episode 8.03 in the next week, but we have more info! According to Zap2It, the now tentative title for episode 8.03 is "Heartache." This does make me wonder if perhaps this season is following a pattern of one word descriptive titles like "Smallville" did, for I don't see a pop culture reference there anywhere. Given the fact it's a working title though, I'm not reading that much into it yet.
Also, it's been revealed that the case, which is supposedly involving strippers, will have a 70 year old woman with a questionable past who helps out. Perhaps she was a stripper? I'm just throwing that out there.
The link is below. There are spoilers for other shows here too, so you have been warned.
Ditto. I hated them, too, but Dean with a cougar stripper sounds fun (if it turns out that way).