This Week in Supernatural History: Episode Fifteen

Demons I get. People are crazy.
Purple nurples, candies, aliens and bickering – welcome to the show, Mr. Trickster!
Melon ballers – not just a kitchen utensil.
Old friends say hello, new friends say goodbye.
Thanks for the pies and the love, Karen Singer.
The Benders – The first episode of SPN I ever saw. Aw, the memories! Who would resist more after seeing that?
Tall Tales – Hilarious episode. One of the first real ‘laugh out loud’ episodes. The interview with the alien abduction guy was brilliant.
Time is on my Side – Also good. Their desperation is palpable in this one. Could have done without that extreme close up of the (almost) eyeball scoop though.
Death Takes A Holiday – For some reason, I don’t remember a huge amount about this episode. Think I need to rewatch.
Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid – Hi Mrs Bobby. Poor old Bobby. Seeing episodes like this is when I miss him most….
The French Mistake – Every single, living, breathing minute of this episode was pure gold. That acting scene is on a par with suicidal teddy bear (and suicidal teddy bear is like, the pinnacle of hilariousness).
Thanks for this Elle.
I liked every one of these episodes. Tall Tales remains so high on my good list. I loved that episode and still do!
Hi Elle
I love all these episodes, especially Tall Tales.
I loved The Trickster/Gabriel and will forever miss him.
Damn you Kripke!
All in my top 10!
But then I have about 120 episodes squeezed in there. 8)
Loved the first 3. Don’t really remember much about the last 3.
I loved The Benders. I loved Dean to itty bitty pieces for being so damn big brotherly. As for Sam…that smile he gave Dean when he saw him come to rescue him…I just melted right there and then. Wonderful stuff.
Adored Tall Tales. Loved the Trickster so much, wasn’t at all happy when he turned into an archangel .
Loved the tension in TIOMS, those poor boys were hurting so badly. It was agonising to watch but still so good.
I loved all these episodes. They are all on my must-watch list!
ah death takes a holiday. the time we meet tessa again and dean remembering what happened the first time he came close to dying.
french mistake is probably the most hilarious episode of supernatural. i don’t remember laughing that much while watching a tv show/movie.
Benders-Brilliant, love this episode from beginning to end, some of my favourite brotherly moments even with the boys separated for most of the episode. Dean’s desperation and fear and then when he finally finds Sam and he’s just so relieved and happy to see him. Sam with his faith that his big bro will save him. Love it.
Tall Tales-makes my list of top 20 favourite episodes ever, love the alien slow dance and the brothers warring with each other and off course the trickster and Bobby.
Time Is On My Side-I do like this episode even though its not one I watch all that much, the eye scoop bit is squicky but the brothers are just so heart breaking.
Death Takes A Holiday-Another I haven’t really re-watched much but I still like. It;s dark and sad and that final scene with Pamela and Sam just gets me every time.
Dead Men Dont Wear Plaid-I’m not too keen on this episode, I found it a bit boring to be honest. But I did like Sam and the Sheriff Mills working together. Sam going to save the whole town was my favourite part.
The French Mistake-its was funny Jared and Jensen were brilliant but the myth stuff didnt really work for me, I found it a bit pointless in the grand scheme of the season, esp since the heavens weapon storylines turned out to be kind of well pointless. I kind of already felt that Cas couldnt be trusted but this episode confirmed it for me. Also I felt that this was an episode written for the more involved fans of the show.
Repo Men-up there with the best of them
I’d go season 1, 2, 7, 3, 4, 6, 5 for episodes 15