Chicon Report: Breakfast With Jared and Jensen
This year I bought a gold ticket to the Salute to Supernatural convention in Chicago and attended the continental breakfast with the J2s. The event was held in one of the hotel ballrooms. The excitement and fun were there as was the anticipation of the J2 arrival. And arrive they did bright eyed and chipper and ready for a fun day.
After the hoots and hollers that greeted them had dies down, they asked us if we were enjoying the convention. Of course that got them a roaring yes! Jensen commented on how he had heard Rick [Worthy] had kept everyone up at the cocktail party the night before dancing with the fans until about 3 in the morning. Jensen joked about his really being a vampire and the fans had fun with that. While I was not one of the night owls, I understand, Sebastian Roche was there as well.
The topic then switched to Jared’s wardrobe for the day. Seems Gen has given her husband some choices of shirts to wear so he could look respectable and Jared was unsure which to use. So, in the car on the way to the con, he asked Jensen which one he should wear and Jensen’s pick one he felt would show less of Jared’s sweat…to which the crowd roared. Jared said okay, but then asked if Jensen could tie his tie. So Jensen laughingly say said there he was tying Jared’s tie in the back of the car on the way over. Lots of awwww’s from the crowd here. Jensen said they actually look out for each other all the time. More awww’s from the crowd.
As for the tie, Jared explained that he never learned how to tie a tie, and so by now refuses to learn how to tie a tie. Jensen cut in here and said that Jared actually takes pride in not tying ties now. Back to Jared who said it all stemmed from his father who routinely had to tie ties for his dress shirts for work everyday and how it seemed such chore to do that. Jared thought he would like a life where he didn’t have to tie ties all the time, so he refused to learn. He Jensen cut in saying yea, now he has me to tie them for him.
Jensen said his situation was the opposite. His father was an actor, so whenever he tied a tie is was for an audition or roll or something so it was part of his costume. So Jensen had become interested in learning this at a very young age. Here Jensen jokingly adds that and shaving were something he learned at about the same time. Jared come back with he never had that problem. He jokingly said its like season three of SPN and “it’s like what’s going on guys, my voice is changing.”
They started taking fans question here and the first fan inquired about the deleted scene from last week episode, where Jared was on a heath kick. Jared said that was a Phil Sgriccia special. Jensen added that Phil liked it so much he made them do it again on the reverse. At this point Jared explained why it had been taken down for the URL he had tweeted. Though Phil S had said he [Jared] could send it out, it apparently had not been legally signed off on at that point, which it why in was removed. But he knew the approval was coming so he just jumped the gun a little.
Jared than when on to say he had down some sightseeing in Chicago on Saturday (he did make an appearance at the Brian Buckley event on Friday) and saw the Marilyn Monroe exhibit and thought he’d be cute and tweet a photo and spelled the text wrong, then didn’t know how to untweet it. He asked the audience if he can untweet it and of course we all told him he can delete any tweet he wants. Here Jensen chimed it with, “I don’t have these problems Jared.” Fans got a kick out of that one.
The topic switched to last Friday’s episode and the fans said they really liked Charisma and James. Jared said they were awesome and that they had talked about this before about having guests that were not just seasoned veterans but also seasoned in the genre and that applied not just to Charisma and James, but Jewel too. Jensen agreed and said it was good to have guest come in get this genre and the specifics of it and that were extremely comfortable with what they do. Jared when on the talk about how hard it is when guest come in and are not up with the horror aspects of things and how much more difficult and time consuming it can be to get an episode filmed.
At this point Jared asked if anyone here was from St Louis. When he got a roar from the crowd, he and Jensen jokingly asked them to leave.. teasing about the Cardinal’s win over the Rangers. Some banter with the fans ensued and Jensen made the comments that tonight, the Cardinals will be playing the Rangers, and across the parking lot the Cowboys will be playing the St Louis Rams and he wondered about the odds of that every happening again. Jensen has said that he would be there tonight. That after the con he was going home to Dallas to be with his family.
Here Jared opened the talk up for a few questions. First fan congratulated Jared on his upcoming birth and before the fan could ask the question, Jared blurted out, “Yes, I’m terrified.” The fans had to laugh at that. The fan’s question was would the boys be more responsive to a future remake of SPN if the leads would be Jensen’s and Jared’s children. Jared’s reply was that then Jensen had better hope he has a daughter. Jensen’s reply, “Yea to man the character of Samba.” After the laughter died down, Jared did reply to another fan’s question saying that he and Gen were having a boy.
Next question, would Jensen and Jared want their kids to star in a remake of SPN. Jared’s reply, “Don’t do it.” He said he would tell his kids to wait till season 4 and play the angel. He gets like tons of time off; he gets to travel all over the place. Jensen adds he gets to stay closed to home. Jared says what comes to mind is don’t worry when you die, they bring you back. He continues the joke about the SPN ointment that they use, saying it works well so don’t be afraid of scratches and such.
Here Jensen talks about how he ripped his palm open from the colt during “Frontierland” and how he just did it again on set recently. The cut from the colt ripped a flap of skin open and he just held it shut for the second take which just cut deeper. And to this day he has a huge scar from it.
The more recent one happened on set where they were dealing with a monster that they thought was dead. It was not. So they scene called for a quick draw by all three hunters, Bobby, Dean, and Sam to put it down. Well Jared and he both did a quick chamber of their pistols and Jensen didn’t get it properly in the little metal site that’s on top of the pistol and it ripped a callous off his hand. Lots of ‘awwwws’ from the fans and here Jared mentions Dr Sexy should have come to the rescue, which got a lot of fans laughs.
Next question was form a fan who had attended Amy Gumenick’s panel the previous day. Amy had told everyone about filming of the scene where John and Mary were in the front seat of the impala and Dean and Sam in the rear. In between the multiple takes for the shot, Jared had been on the phone with Gen telling her how to express his dog’s anal glands. The question took Jared completely by surprise, claiming that it had come from left field.
Jared did start to answer asking if anyone had a small dog with anal gland issues, but Jensen stepped in to help Jared out saying, he thinks the answer here is that because they spend so much time on set they have to deal with personal issues in front of everybody and this was one of those times. To which Jared agreed, but he did continue with his explanation describing the dog butt scoot, which he sort of demonstrated with his hands, (much to the delight of the fans), prompting Jensen to ask if there was a nurse in the house. Jensen laughingly went on to say he’s sure others have stories about conversations they have had on set that are probably completely inappropriate for a work environment.
The topic switched to Clif who had entered the back of the ballroom. Jared was joking about how Clif had gotten all dressed up for the con. While all other security personnel are in shirts, ties and suits, Clif is in jeans and a tee-shirt. Clif replied at least he was finally wearing pants. (That got a roar from the crowd.) Jensen went on to explain that it could be January in Vancouver on top of Mt Seymour in six feet of snow, and Clif will be there in his shorts and tee-shirt. In the same vein, Jared goes on to explain about a situation here last year in a restaurant where you have to have a coat to get in, and Jared didn’t have one. The restaurant said they could give him one to borrow and so they did. It was way too small, the sleeves ended up half way up his arms but he just needed it to walk to the table. So they proceeded to take them through the restaurant and Jared noticed Clif wasn’t wearing any coat and Jared asked why he wasn’t given one too. The reply was the restaurant didn’t have any in his size. And Jared goes, “well you don’t have in my size either.” So Jared walked the 30 ft or so to the table and took off the jacket.
Jensen added that there was a restaurant they were going to go to on Friday, but when he saw they required a jacket, he cancelled saying he wasn’t going to go through that either. He says there are many fancy restaurants in other places that don’t have a dress code. You pay money… they give you food.
Next fan said she said she had asked Misha this question and was cut off. She wanted to know where babies come from. (Fans loved it.) Jared said he has no idea (and fans loved that too). Jensen’s reply – the stork.
Jared goes on to say after they told all there close friends about the baby, he had told Gen he was going to have fun on twitter saying something like , “Were having a baby and I’m 25% sure it’s mine.” (That brought the house down.) Course Gen talked him out of it and into something a bit more realistic saying all their relatives read his twits too.
Here Jensen asked the fans if Misha ever told them about the accident Wes (Misha’s son) had in Jensen’s back yard. Of course he got a resounding no here, and then refused to tell us any more. We all shouted no fair, that Misha was already gone from the con. Jensen jokingly replies, “That not my problem. He has got many funny little stories I sure he’ll share.” We all kept trying to change his mind, but no luck. Jared chimed in saying we should also ask him what Wes did in Jared’s backyard.
Next question goes back to Jensen’s gun injuries. She was under the impression that there had to be medical personnel on set for injuries and was wondering why they didn’t treat Jensen’s hand.
Jensen answered they do have first aid on the scene and also their craft service has a registered nurse and for more serious problems a physician can be called. Jensen also said they have technical advisors for the medical scenes make sure all the IV’s are hooked up properly and that all the monitors are working that sort of thing. But as far as the health of the crew, they have one guy would does the work by union standards. Here Jared said physician came around one day for Jared’s massive zit that was shadowing his face. (Many laughs here) He when on to say we should ask Misha about it and how they gave him a shot of cortisone. Jensen chimed in here saying he thought he was getting a shot of botox or something. Jared continued, as the fans roared, about how it wouldn’t pop as it was one big nodule. (Yeah, fan were in hysterics)
Next fan was asking about the metrodome story, a question Guy Bee had said fans should ask the boys. Jensen said that was best left for the gag reel and Jared agreed, saying it was a physical explanation and hard to understand if you couldn’t visualize it.
Next question was for Jensen. The fan wanted to know if he and his wife would be going to the breeder’s cup this year. He said probably not. It was just something that came up as his wife agent was going, he had a box and they [the Ackles] were available, so they went. It’s not something the will do regularly as he’s not a big gambler and just went for the races.
Here Jared chimed in that he thought she was going to ask a must more exciting question. He said when he heard the word ‘breeder,” he thought she was going to ask him if he was breeding, or if he was a breeder. (Fans loved it). He then went on to explain about the mind games you can find online and how your brain hears a word and fills in the rest. Kind of like you hear what you want to hear, sort of thing.
Another question: She asked about the last episode when Jensen had bees all over his face. Was he was happy there were fake? Jensen said yea, it was pretty obvious they were fake and he was very happy they were. Jared was going on about how acting that was difficult. Jensen asked Jared if he had seen it. Jared replied that it looked good and liked the spitting part. Jensen then started talking about how in the first season’s episode “Bugs” they had 65,000 live bees, with stingers, they had to act with and that during that scene Jensen had been stung in the lower back and the thigh.
Jensen said when they told them the bees would be real, the bee-wrangler explained they were docile drone bees and wouldn’t sting unless you were aggressive towards them. Jensen explained that when the action starts, the boys were to swat them and the bee-wrangler just said “oh” and walked away. Jared continued that for multiple takes they would vacuum up the bees to re-release them and the bees were getting pissed off. Jensen chimes in, “And I’ve got a flame thrower”. The wrangler came back as said, “Well guys just guide them away.” And with that both boys when into motions of scooping air with their hands and moving it away from their faces. It was hilarious to see and the fans loved it.
Jensen said that Jared and he were beginning to realize they were getting screwed here with the bees, and they protested. Kim Manners says, ‘all right, someone get me an apple box’ and walks into the set. Now everyone else on the set had on full bee protection gear, except for him and Jared, and Kim walks into the set with shorts and a tee-shirt, sits down on the crate in the middle of the bees with a hand held monitor and say, okay if your going to go through it, I’m going to go through it, so lets roll camera. So they did.
With their time almost up, Jensen asked how many in the audience were first-timers to the convention and at least a quarter of the gold patrons were new. He was glad and said he hoped they had a good time. With that they thanked us for talking to them, and said they would see us later in the day.
thanks Alice I enjoyed your time at ChiCon! nice article!
Thanks for sharing. I’m having my breakfast coffee as I’m reading this, so it kinda feels like I’m there….well, not really, but hey, a girl can dream!
Thanks this is great for all the fans that couldn’t be at the con. Great job!
Thanks Alice.
Loved this! 😀
Quick question–where were they driving down from, exactly? The airport? A different hotel? I had a brief wild moment of excitement where I thought they road tripped together, then realized Chicago is about a 36 hour drive from Vancouver : (
A different hotel. Jensen and Jared do not stay at the hotel hosting the con.
Jensen likes leather clothes