A Miscellany of Supernatural
I have decided in this collection not to have a theme but just put together a “mish mash” of old and new clips that have captured my attention for various reasons.
As I write this, there has been so much bitterness and vitriol on the site recently, it has made me feel really down and upset so I want to start with a smile.
Like most people, I loved “The French Mistake.” I recently found this really clever video edited by becky1978. She has made a soundtrack for this episode using many different songs. I think this is hilarious and it makes me want to watch the episode again, immediately.
There are some songs which just seem destined to provide a backdrop for videos about this show, and could there be a more suitable one than Chris Rea`s wonderful “tribute” to the M25, London`s orbital motorway, “Road To Hell”? This video by rofire 9 has been one of my favourites for a long time; it uses images from the first 5 seasons. I think the editing is very clever.
This is another relatively new find. When I discovered this video, it was the first time I had heard this song, “Colder Weather” by The Zac Brown Band, and I immediately fell in love with it. It is set to a Dean/Lisa video and edited by Kiwioflurve.
Since then, there have been quite a few videos uploaded featuring this song. Apparently, at a recent convention, Jensen sang this with Steve Carlson. He explained how Steve was bowled over with this track and sent it to him. At first he said he was so busy filming he just “didn`t get it,” but when he listened to it properly, he sort of became obsessed and desperately wanted to learn how to play it. He listened to it continually on a two and a half hour flight back to California from Vancouver. According to reports, they sang it very well.
The man has excellent taste!
I was lucky enough to see a fantastic gig by Eels a couple of weeks ago where they performed a much heavier version of this song from their album “Electro Shock Blues.” I can refer to Arde`s article here about things that remind you of Supernatural because I had quite a few of those moments during that evening. There were very distracting images in my mind when they sang “Fresh Blood,” but all I can see whenever I hear this track is a large pair of black wings. The video is edited by maychorian. This is “I Like Birds.”
The next video looks at the year after Dean`s deal, mainly through Sam`s eyes. It is edited by jadams04 and uses a lesser-known track from Jason Mraz, “Burning Bridges.”
Next is another new clip just arrived on You Tube which really impressed me. It is a little weird, but I think the editing is fantastic. It is by PreciousMemories and uses a really strange version of the old song “Get Happy” by Hugh Laurie. They have called their video “Puppet Show.”
This could be the controversial one.
God forbid I should start all the endless, pointless Sam vs Dean crap, but, at the risk of resurrecting the old chestnut again maybe this could provide the definitive answer. I know someone who will be in violent agreement with the result of this, “The Great Winchester Debate,” edited by Lsketch42
Now another very unusual but beautiful one. The vidder is xScribbledDreaming using a track by Negative called “Neon Rain.” I did investigate the band’s other work, and this is very different to their usual bill of fare! The video is titled “Once, He Had Something.”
There is another new song and band for me here in this one. The Band is called Five Finger Death Punch and the song is “Far from Home.” The vidder is Its So Supernatural. They use images from all seasons and manage to include many of the characters, too.
A real old favourite now. This one is from a regular contributor to these compilations, the very talented ash4897. In this video, she pays tribute to all the various aliases employed by the Winchesters. They really are the most prodigious liars! She uses a great track by The Who, “Who Are You?” As always, her editing is superb
I am hoping that the link for this one works as it is not on You Tube. I want to include it as I think it is so beautiful; not only the images, even if they are so sad, showing how the brothers’ relationship became so strained, but I just love this song. It is sung by the fantastic Rob Thomas. The vidder is Kara Veugelers and the song and video are called “Now Comes the Night.”
This video features all four characters here; The Winchesters, Cas, and Bobby. It was made just after the Season 6 finale. The song is “Bleed Red” by Ronnie Dunn, and it has lyrics which could have been written for our show. The vidder is epicloves, and they have called their work “We`re All the Same.”
Despite having some very sad and depressing images, this song and clip strangely always cheers me up! Maybe because it does show how the brothers are there for each other and always will be. It features a track by Tyrone Wells and the vidder is Iani4ever. This is “Sink or Swim .”
The colouring the vidder has used when editing this next video is what I really admire; it has a beautiful blue hue. It is edited insomniaProduction27 and they have used a really atmospheric song, which complements their chosen images so well. It`s by Poets of the Fall and is called “Late Goodbye.”
The penultimate video (Yes Sam, there are people who actually do use/write that word!) is a strange one. I think it is, again, very atmospheric and at times downright creepy. It uses a new (to me, anyway) version of the old Eurythmics track “Sweet Dreams” by Emily Browning. The vidder is nightybirdy, but I really cannot give you the name of her work as I think it is in Russian.
The final one has me grinning like an idiot. It features a very old song by Neil Diamond, “Brother Love`s Travelling Salvation Show,” and it works so well! The vidder, engchickie, has used some great images. I know it might be wrong but our boys look so good as priests. Her editing is fantastic. Let us all worship at “Sam and Dean`s Travelling Salvation Show.” Hallelujah!!
So this time a pretty mixed bag. I hope you enjoyed some and they managed to fill some of the endless time stretching out in front of us until September.
As always, other ideas and suggestions always welcome.
Everyone needs to see this. I just have to add this one on the end as I have just found it.
This is a very old song which I have always thought would be perfect and wished someone would use but never thought anyone would.
I got my wish! 😆
So glad you added “My Brother”. What a hoot!
My brother, how BRILLIANT!! Thank you Julie, and thank you elliepdowd. I’m a recent convert to SPN, started watching season 6 only in the last few months and quickly bought 1-5 dvds too. I’ve never been as hooked on a TV show before. I had such a great night watching these vid’s instead of writing essays 🙂
Hello Trishy and welcome to the madness 😉
I think there are many of us who identify with your story, I never thought I could be so obsessed either to get involved like this but, well, there is just something about this show that drags you in and won`t let go 🙂
How right you are about `My Brother`, I still cant stop watching this and it makes me laugh out loud every time, the editing and images are just so perfect!
Thank you for your commment, and hope to see you around here again soon, Ju
Thank you for this collection. You have done an awesome job – again. 😆
Ash is one of my favorites too. Have you seen “500 miles”? Youtube disabled the audio for a while, but it is back.
I loved the “controversial” one. What a clever solution.
I don’t listen to a lot of modern music; so you are introducing me to lots of new artists and songs. Don’t Poets of the Fall have the most exquisite lyrics?
What an awesome song for the boys’ priestly disguises.
“Sink or Swim” is a great angsty one -the brothers relationship is what make the show ; also “We’re All the Same”.
The “French Mistake” is just fall- down hilarious.
Again – great variety of videos & songs. 🙂
(“I Like Birds” will never be one of my faves, however.)
Hello marilyn
Thank you for the comment
I have seen the 500 miles video and loved it, I tried to include it on a previous list, I have a friend around here who loves that song, pleased that it`s back again, I will put it in a future collection.
You have hit on one of the main reasons why I love these clips so much- the chance to discover new bands/music. I am pleased you have made new discoveries here too, as I have said many times some of my favourite tracks now were discovered through these videos, `Light of Grace` being the one which immediately springs to mind.
I am happy you enjoyed these so much, especially `My Brother`, I love that one so much it may be my favourite ever!
Sounds like I have a little more convincing to do about Eels for you, 😉 they are an aquired taste but try listening to their song `Flower` it is beautiful
Thanks again Ju
I listened to “Flower’. Much better than “I Like Birds” in my opinion. 🙄 I really enjoyed the song; the lyrics are really angsty, aren’t they?
Hi Marilyn
Pleased you enjoyed `Flower`, it`s always been a `Dean` song for me, and yes it is quite angsty! 😐 Eels really have something for eveyone, they do `happy` too sometimes, honestly! Ju
Hi Julie
What a wonderful collection.
I like you and Marilyn have found so many new bands while finding Supernatural video’s on YouTube.
I would like to share one I found years ago by vidder ‘thewinchestergirl1’ called Supernatural – Sorry I can’t be perfect. I hope this link works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o20I1hTtSCI&feature=related
Karen,I enjoyed the video and the lyrics; not so sure about the tune though. It is such a fitting song for Sam and John. 😉 Thanks.
Thank You Karen,
This was a new one on me and as Marilyn says it is just a wonderfully fitting track for Sam and John and their troubled relationship. Hope you have more like this hidden away to share ??
Love Ju
Ah, to say it with Dean – this was awesome! Thanks so much for this mish mash of videos! Nothing wrong with mixing various flavours, eh?
I loved the Winchester Debate in particular, such fun, and – of course – your latest addition ‘My Brother’. This is surely one of my all-time favourites already!
You are such a sleuth… how do you find these things?!
Love, Jas
Hi Jas
Pleased you enjoyed the mix, as someone once said `Ice cream comes in lots of flavours` 😉
`My Brother` is, surprisingly, at the top of my favourite list too.
As to finding these? You know I take my research [b]very[/b] seriously 🙂
Love Ju
Very true – you do your research [i]in depth[/i], eh? Well, nothing wrong with that!
😆 , Jas
all videos are excellent. thank you for this job!! is great!!! 😆
Hello Vero
Thank you, glad you enjoyed these too 🙂