Jared Padalecki – Talent to be Reckoned With
Jared Padalecki – Talent to be Reckoned With
It seems right under my nose a marvellous young actor evolved, and I didn’t know! I first noticed Jared Padalecki in Supernatural. I had not seen any of his previous work. I had not been familiar with Gilmore Girls, Young MacGyver or House of Wax. I found out about those, of course, and watched them with great interest and curiosity. What struck me most was the diamond in the rough Jared was back then. The great emotional depth that would soon become one of his acting trademarks was already palpable. And, most important for me – I noticed significant intelligence in his eyes. Oh, yes, this was an actor I wanted to watch over and over again.
Now, Supernatural is a TV show. Lucky me (lucky us?). This means I didn’t have to wait months (hiatus excluded) to watch one of my favourite actors on screen. No, there was a weekly indulgence. And what a treat it has been to this day!
(Young MacGyver, 2003)
From the pilot to the final episode of season six, Jared Padalecki grew. His acting abilities developed, and he had many opportunities to hone his skill. Not only playing opposite his hugely talented co-star Jensen Ackles (already one of the most gifted actors of his generation), but also learning from established, house-hold names such as Dennis Quaid, Hugh Laurie, Marcia Gay Harden, veteran Edward Asner or one of the last living film legends, Sir Peter O’Toole.
(Thomas Kinkade’s Christmas Cottage, 2008, with Sir Peter O’Toole)
As an actor you need to learn to listen. If you don’t, you will never have a career. As a pin-up face, perhaps, but not as a respectable thespian. You can learn all the techniques an actor requires fairly easily, how to build a character, how to approach a role, what is necessary to prepare it, but the most important ‘technique’ is listen to the actor who is with you in that scene (and, of course, listen to your director). When I lived the theatre life, long, long ago, it was considered vital, and it still is.
(House of Wax, 2005)
When I watch Jared in whatever scene – he listens. He’s always there. He reacts to what his partners are doing. His emotional condition changes in a manner a real person’s would, according to the inner state his character is in at that very moment. To make a character’s inner life available to an audience is a gift you are either born with or not. It’s not an accomplishment. It’s grace. And, I believe, it takes a brave soul to expose oneself with a vulnerable emotional state of whatever colour. Because – you always need to tap your own emotional reservoir, bring up what you find there and endow your character with it. So, in many ways, an actor is often himself, somewhat naked, thankfully shielded by the mask of the role he plays.
From the very beginning, Jared Padalecki has embarked with great talent and passion on this perilous quest. Bound by camera angles, page limits, special effect preparations, expense accounts and tight schedules, he manages to breathe life into a character in a most amazing manner.
The epitome of magnificent acting skill Jared owned in an episode like The End. For the first time we encounter Lucifer in Sam’s body. There is nothing left of the endearing younger Winchester. I need to quote myself here, kind readers, from the first article I wrote for this site, Angels, Demons & Brothers on Top, since I can’t put it better than I did there: ‘The sadness he displays as Lucifer is as distant from the grief Sam might show as it gets. (…) It takes a lot of guts and skill and charisma to tread the fine line of being unbelievably appealing and utterly appalling in the same moment.’ (Should you be interested to read the whole article, simply click on the link provided by our formidable site runners.)
To my mind, Jared found a gold mine of acting lessons when he was cast for the part in Supernatural. This remarkable show with its thought-provoking themes and tough dilemmas, environment of exploration and sophisticated writing, allowed Jared Padalecki to flourish and to become an actor who won’t have trouble portraying any role, from comedy to drama, provided that he will be given the chance to do that. The movie business is a tough field to play. Endless games of chess, high risks, marketing, and rivalry.
Taking into account what Jared has told us in interviews and at conventions about how he approaches the role of Sam Winchester and what it means to him and having had the chance to speak to him personally on one occasion, I believe Jared has found a character who reflects his own intellect, fascination of life in all its facets and his understanding of devotion to people close to his heart. It’s easy to see how both, Sam and Jared are skilled in letting their minds lead them through challenges life is capable to offer. And, I dare say (without wanting to impute anything to Jared), both know what it means to experience life-altering, emotional agony. How I read Jared’s take on the roles he played so far, everything he might have lived through enhanced his acting abilities. He has become a very, very remarkable young actor. And he owns all the talent necessary to become a truly brilliant, great actor.
There has been a lot of talk about how handsome Jared Padalecki is. Of course he is, but good looks will get an actor only so far. There are myriads of handsome guys in this business. Even the smallest part in a TV show tends to be filled with a beautiful face, wash board abs and great hair. There are, however, not many actors around that survive the third-face-to-the-left parts.
If you look at the greatest actors of our time, you find more than mere physical attractiveness – take for instance Colin Firth, Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Paul Bettany or Gary Oldman – They are all attractive. Which woman hasn’t swooned over Firth’s Mr Darcy or Oldman’s Dracula? Those were only roles, and had these actors merely been pretty faces, the public would have forgotten about them very soon. No, they own something that exceeds the obvious. One thing: remarkable talent. But there is another important ingredient necessary for a stable and on-going career, I call it class.
When I look at Jared’s performances, not only in Supernatural, but also in the other films he’s made, I find class in abundance.
Furthermore, his looks are international. Thanks to his European heritage and somewhat Slavic features, he could be cast in roles that require that kind of presence. I would have no trouble imagining Jared in a strictly European part, like a medieval knight or explorer. In the past, parts like that have been occasionally terribly miscast, Richard Gere as Lancelot being one of the most prominent examples. Jared, on the other hand, would have easily fitted into the period costume and mannerism. I am very sure, if Jared were transported into Shakespearean times, the bard would gladly cast him in his dramas (I’d love to hear him speak the Queen’s English, I have to admit.)
Marcus Nispel, the director who worked with Jared in Friday 13th, once said that Jared wasn’t right for the part of Conan (a role he auditioned for and, I assume, the reason why he put on all those muscles) because Nispel was looking for an actor who would be right to play the prince and the barbarian. Jared, he mused, would be able to play the prince, but he didn’t see him as the barbarian.
(Friday 13th, 2009)
There is indeed a noble quality to his appearance, mixed with an incredibly appealing sweetness and amiability, and I am sincerely hoping that Jared will have the opportunity to display that on the big screen once Supernatural is off air. The combination of handsome looks and a mind as swift as an arrow is incredibly appealing to me. I’m a fan of interesting people who think. I am pleased to say that I am a fan of Jared Padalecki, who is a thinking man and a human being of exceptional kindness. An honourable man, I’d say.
Happy birthday, Jared.
You will grow even more as an actor and man, I am sure of that. While wishing you a beautiful, healthy life, both in your profession and in private with your lovely wife; personally I hope to be able to watch you on TV and the big screen twenty years from now, and (should you wish so) beyond. I would love to see you play a Knight Templar, Doctor Frankenstein, Gatsby, Wyatt Earp, Dracula, or Tom Joad, you name it. I would love to watch you perform in romantic comedies, adventure films and heavy weight dramas or whatever else the thespian part of your soul wishes for. And, given the chance, I am certain you would do a fabulous job.
Thank you. Thank you so much for the fun I have had watching your performances to date. It has been a unique treat and great, great joy.
(The picture copyrights lie with their respected owners, of course.)
A beautifully written piece Jas.
A wonderful triubute to an exceptional young man
Happy Birthday Jared.
Thanks, Julie… As you can see, I was truly inspired… 😉 , Love Jas
Jas-Absolutely stunning recognition of Jared’s talent and beauty as a person, actor. You capture perfectly what is so appealing about Jared. I especially love this observation, “There is indeed a noble quality to his appearance, mixed with an incredibly appealing sweetness and amiability, and I am sincerely hoping that Jared will have the opportunity to display that on the big screen once Supernatural is off air. The combination of handsome looks and a mind as swift as an arrow is incredibly appealing to me. I’m a fan of interesting people who think.” His looks, while traditionally handsome, do portray an intellect that is far more attractive and mature than often is counted by his years. I, too, am a fan of Jared and am glad to be among other admirers.
Thank you for a thoughtful piece and again, a happy birthday to a man I feel has contributed to my enjoyment and edification as a television viewer.
Thank you, Jas.
Hi Linda and thank you! I think we have every reason to hope that this exceptional young actor will grace our screens for quite some time…
Cheers, Jas
What a wonderful birthday greeting for such a wonderful man! Beautiful!
I have some things to say about Jared, but I’m reserving them for my NJ Con story. This man is a wonderful actor and an even better human being and I have the proof in my own story! I hope to have it for you guys by the end of the week!
Thank you, Far Away Eyes – he is indeed a ‘wonderful man’, isn’t he?
🙂 , Jas
Jas, This was a wonderful article about our birthday boy. Your words expressed my thoughts beautifully. We are truly blessed with this series and the perfect combo of Jared and Jensen as brothers.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JARED. (with lots of hugs)
Hi there gunznammo2 (what a funny penname!), and thank you for your comment. I couldn’t agree more – that the producers found these young actors for those parts was a jackpot move (now please imagine: Jared’s CSI-imitation ‘And I say – Jackpot’)
Cheers, Jas
Thanks, Jas!
Jared really is a great actor & a truly good person, & I’m proud to consider myself a fan!
Happy Birthday to Jared!!!!
Oh, hi Dawn! Isn’t it a great feeling to be able to say ‘I’m proud to be a fan’? I, personally, I love it… and you do, too, eh?
Take good care, girl, Jas
This was a lovely look at an amazing man. Jared just seems to make the world a little better just by smiling.
Thank you Ms rowena! you are quite right – one smile from this lovely man and the world is smiling…
🙂 , Jas
Dear Jasminka,
Thank you for writing such an insightful article. I enjoy waiting for your articles because they say so many things I have a hard time verbalizing. Thank you once again for your time and words.
Hi Sharon10! Thank you so much for your kind words.
I’m happy to hear that I seem to be able to touch you with what I write. I can assure you, it’s a pleasure.
Best, Jasminka
Oh, Ms. Jasminka! You had me swooning.
This part? “There is indeed a noble quality to his appearance, mixed with an incredibly appealing sweetness and amiability…” –> fits to a T the character of JAMES FRASER of the [i]Outlander[/i] series of novels by Diana Gabaldon. JARED reminds me of James Fraser. Even wrote to Ms. Gabaldon to consider JARED for the part.
Hope you wrote with the prophetic ability of angels about Jared. Thanks so much!
Hi FMJemena… where are my smelling salts?! 😆
Have to admit (*bows head in embarrassement*) have never read Gabaldon’s books… Which is strange, you should see my library… I guess, I should give it a try, eh?
Are they planning to turn the books into film?
Swoon on… cheers, Jas
They’ve taking too long in the planning as it is a saga. The best bet would be TV. … JAS, I wish all of us fans to each have an ALternate Universe filled with our own DEAN/Jensen and SAM/Jared!
Re your library: I guess it is a book lover’s wonderland?
Thank you Jas for this beautiful article about Jared. I’ve followed his career since I first saw him on Gilmore Girls. He always fools around that he is the one and only Dean, and he kind of his. Rory should have ended up with him. Anyway, I wish nothing but the best in his acting career, whether it be on the big screen or the little, I will watch. I have never had the pleasure of attending a convention or meeting him in person, but he seems like such a genuinely nice person.
And I agree with FMJemena, I was thinking the same thing yesterday, he reminds me of Jamie Fraser!
Hello Sylvie…
now I see, I probably will have to read those books… (*looks at her tight schedule and imagines – frightfully – the many pages*) You’ve made me curious.
He [i]is [/i] a genuinely nice person. Even when you didn’t have a chance to meet him, you can just feel it when you see him in interviews.
No one is able to conceal a ‘mean’ streak over a long time. Not even the best actor. it would show in whatever way, sooner or later.
As for Jared, I think he hasn’t one mean bone in his body. I’m quite sure of that. And that, again, is an endearing thought…
Take care, Jas
Andrea, hi… you know, Colin Firth can’t be left out, simply can’t. He’s such a marvel… 😉
You know, though I know about the bashing that is going on on some sites (and I don’t visit them anymore, it’s just not to my taste at all), I still stand utterly flabbergasted when I hear that it’s still going on.
I have this naive hope that people might learn some time how disqualifying that is for them. I guess, some pent-up frustration has to go somewhere. And what would be easier than bash another person? Unfortunately a well-known and very human trait.
I think we can begin to change that by being kind. In particular by speaking kindly about another person who is not present. On the bottom of all, that is simply bad manners.
You won’t find any Sam/Jared bashing in my articles, ever.
Take care, Jas
It’s never too late for birthday-wishes, sweet Dany! I got some even yesterday… it always feels nice!
thank you so much for taking time to comment. It’s lovely to hear from you!
Love, Jas
Thank you for this article . After wading in the dirty end of the pool yesterday this is a lovely thing to see and to see someone sum up why I adore Jared . as a person and actor 🙂
Oh, Ellie, I’m saddened to hear that so much dirt is still to be found. But not here!
Thank you, your comment is much appreciated. Try not to heed those that like to throw mud. We know what an extraordinary actor this man is, and we know the kindness that is a part of his soul. Those that can’t see that are, simply, blind. Their lives will be poorer for that. They will probably miss important facets of life…
Cheer, Jas
Jasminka, this is really lovely and a fabulous tribute to a guy who has bought millions of fans huge enjoyment via his work for years. I have to admit, I’m not familiar with JP’s work outside of SPN (I afraid of slasher films and I’ve only seen a few episodes of Gilmore Girls) so my frame of reference would be a lot smaller than yours however, I am hugely impressed with what I [i]do[/i] get to see on screen.
He’s tremendously good-looking (obviously), but in an industry where those kinda guys are ten a penny you really need something more to survive and thrive. Might be stating the obvious, but as you said, the guy has serious talent. JP has been working consistently since he started acting, he’s been co-lead on a hugely popular TV show for going on seven years now (at a time when the life of a TV show is usually fairly limited), he’s constantly being asked to go outside his ‘Sammy’ comfort zone and handed new and more difficult challenges by producers so they, the guys in the know, are obviously more than convinced of his acting chops.
I don’t know much about the guy off screen but based on any of the interviews, behind the scenes, blooper reels etc I [i]have[/i] seen, he seems to be hugely genuine, affable and a pure dote; a pure dote who loves dogs!
Jasminka, I’m with you on the Shakespeare though I’d also love to see him do a Martin McDonagh. He’s got the dry, awkward humour down to pat so add in a buttload of insults and truckloads of swearing and I’d be in heaven. (Actually, I want to see JA & JP in The Lonesome West; the story of two bickering brothers, a suicidal priest, a Da who ‘got himself murdered’ because he insulted one of our ‘heroes’ hairstyles and exploding ovens! C’mon, they’d be in their element! Ok, I’m adding that to the wish list.)
You know, Jared Padelecki wasn’t the only one who got lucky when he was cast in Supernatural because we are more than blessed to have him.
Thank you, EnchantingTim. I’m with you – I’m quite confident that ‘JP’ would do wonderfully in whatever part.
The Lonesome West? Sounds like fun!
Cheers, Jas
Thank you Jas for the lovely article about Jared. So good to read a positive outlook rather than the negative stuff you find in a lot of places. (TWOP anybody?)
When it pops up here once in a while it is really shocking and unpleasant to see. I’ve tried to train myself to ignore those kind of posts, but sometimes you can’t help but get the gist without even trying. So sad! 🙁
Anyway, those are few and far between thank the lord and Alice.
So, Happy belated Birthday Jared!! It has been a pleasure to get to know you in a second hand manner. I would have loved to have you as a brother. May all your dreams and wishes come true for you and Gen! God bless you both! 🙂
Hi Bevie and thank you for your sweet comment!
I know… I also find it hard to ignore. We are lucky, though. Those vitriolic voices find their way to our site quite rarely. We still are something of a safe haven.
Save your nerves, dear. Don’t read those… without attention they might die out (*she hopes fervently*)
Take care! Jas
Jas, you write some GREAT articles, and this is no exception. What a beautifully written piece this turned out to be! I hope Jared reads it, too. I think he’d be very touched to see something like that, and after the poison spewed yesterday of the cruel and cold and mean comments toward Jared in that interview he did about ComicCon, Boba Fett and the small question asked about Sam toward the end, this was a nice, refreshing glass of water to wash the poison away. I agree with every word you said. I’ve been watching Jared since Gilmore Girls aired and have been a fan of him since, so thank you for posting this up. He deserved this. ?
Hello Madison and thank you so much for your thoughtful comment.
I have to admit that I am glad to (mostly) stay away from sites that are full of the kind of comments you mention here. And I do hope, Jared does, too.
As much as I would love him to read this, I have my doubts. I don’t think he will venture here. But the thought alone is just… nice.
I don’t know where the poison comes from. It displays in the most prominent manner the lack of civility of the people commenting and reveals a lot about themselves. I doubt that they are aware of that.
There won’t be comments like that from me, ever. And neither from you 🙂 .
Thank you! Jas
I’ll be honest: when I started watching SPN I didn’t think so much of JP acting, back in S1. He was ok, obviously, but not so outstanding like I found JA..
BUT I saw him constantly growing, season after season, up to be a real match for Jensen and even to carry scenes on his own with ease and real charisma.
And even if I don’t know any of his works out of SPN, I don’t doubt he is perfectly able to play anything he wants. For ex., I’d like SO much to see him displaying his comic side, as well as wearing a shining armor in some medieval movie. Me too, I find his demeanour somewhat “noble”… 🙂
Brynhild, hi and thanks for commenting. You know, Jared was still a very young actor when he got into Supernatural. He had had experience, but not to this extent – carrying a series as a co-lead.
He still had a lot to learn, and he did. Talent often needs strong partners to blossom, and he had one such partner in Jensen, and he found them with O’Toole, Quaid and the like.
Perhaps we’ll see him in armour one day… I’d be perfectly happy then!
🙂 , Jas
Amen, Padaleski!…I mean, Jasminka! Jared has grown from good at 22 to great at 29; by 30 he should be brillant. 🙂
I couldn’t possibly disagree with that!
Thanks! Jas
Since he is a smart man, he probably won’t go there…
Amen.! Jared Wise words is all that you’ve said. his gaze passes through the screen and makes you feel and experience what he is acting! that’s what makes him great!
And we get to witness the growing of a fine young actor… isn’t that a thrill?
Thanks for your comment, Verowinchester!
Cheers, Jas
“In the past, parts like that have been occasionally terribly miscast, Richard Gere as Lancelot being one of the most prominent examples.”
I beg to differ. The most prominent example of a terrible miscast was John Wayne as Genghis Khan in “The Conqueror”. It was so bad it was great in the most awful delicious way.
As for Jared’s slightly exotic looks, I believe he may have some orient blood in his Polish-European heritage as the said Conqueror and his brothers invaded that part of Europe and left behind their genetic contribution to the 9th degree.
But of course all the good looks won’t do squat if there isn’t major talent behind it, and Jared has it in spades. I always thought Jared was outstanding since day 1 of “Supernatural”, but because his role of Sam is less showy due to the introvertness of the character, it took some people longer to notice; when Sam was possessed by Meg it got alot of people sitting up and going “hey now!”, when it’s been there this whole time.
I agree with you…For me Jared’s acting was perfect from season 1…His character was introverted…and he got it through…the earnestness and also the geekiness when he explaining anything was perfectly portrayed…and as the show progressed he got to do things which showed what a good actor he was (as Meg and my favorite as Lucifer)..I am not a christian but i know who devil is but i felt sorry for Lucifer when Jared told his story but at the end he gave a smile which erased all the pity i had ..that was brilliant
Sam as lucifer when Dean goes to future..
AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Castiel bless this article! lol This is such a beautiful article. Thank you so much for writing this. Everything you have said, I agree with 200%. As an aspiring actress myself, Jared is a huge inspiration in my work. Thank you thank you thank you for writing this!
Hi Kayla Nissen and thank you. I’m sure Jared would feel humbled and glad to hear that he serves as an inspiration to aspiring actors…
Good luck with your acting plans! Cheers, Jas
Very well written article. You represent Jared’s talent without downplaying his attractiveness or acting like the gifts of physical genetics are all he has to offer. It’s very interesting to see how he has evolved as an actor and to guess at how he’s evolved as a person.
Hello LS Gentry and thanks a lot for your comment!
There probably are actors out there who have to rely on their looks because they haven’t much talent to offer.
Jared is not one of them, and I’m happy to emphasize that he is more than ‘just a pretty face’.
Judging from your comment, I assume that you’ve read in other threads about his ‘downplayed attractiveness’ or that ‘physical genetics are all he has to offer’. That saddens me. Well, it won’t happen here…
Thank you! 🙂 , Jas
That was a beautiful article you wrote on Jared. I actually got tears in my eyes. His performances in anything he does is so inspirational. The depth, and emotion he gives his characters is truly remarkable. (I can only get that in depth and emotional with my characters is when I’m doing Shakespeare. Yes, i’m a shakespeare fan, one of the reasons i’m considered a freak by most people.)
I am proud to be a Supernatural fan. I fallow everything that Jensen, Jared, and Misha do. Of the three of them, I’m mostly a Misha fangirl aka a Misha Minion. MINIONS RULE!!!!
btw whats the count down for?
P.S. – the countdown shows us how long we have to wait till the season seven premiere…
It’s also named The Countdown of Dread… 😆
Briana, hello and thank you very much for your heartfelt comment!
It seems you felt how inspired I was to write this article about one of the most promising actors of his generation…
And – one freak to another – there’s nothing wrong with loving Shakespeare! In fact, it’s lovely to do 😉 . I also love Shakespeare, and my heart opens when I read or speak his lines (when I acted, Shakespeare was my favourite). Those people that consider you a freak just haven’t grasped his beauty, yet…
Well, dear Shakespearean Misha Minion, I hope you’ll go on being a proud fan and loving the show. Feel free to come back any time…
‘Fortune love thee’, Jas
Hello Briana,
Welcome and trust me, I think you might just have found a `kindred spirit` with this articles author, 😉 🙂
Hope you come back again soon Ju
Ps Yes Minions do indeed RULE!!!! 🙂
A very, very good article.
I am on the sad side with the people who had the displeasure to stumble on the comments about the ComicCon interview or who read the comments below Jared’s NerdHQ interview (namely him beeing drunk).
One does not like the character of Sam – well that’s ok, people have different tastes and opinions but to transfer their hate (and their below the belt comments) onto the actor who is sometimes working up to 14 hrs a day to entertain us is unbelievable and completly not understandable in my eyes.
So sadly nowadays I find myself avoiding more and more Supernatural sites and retreating into the shadows, until I stuble upon a great article like yours! And I coudn’t agree more with you. I am objective enough to say that Jared wasn’t on Jensens level at the beginning of Supernatural. But I agree with you that he grew on the show and I was completely swiped of my feet by his acting on “the man who knew too much”. How he portrait 3 different Sam’s! For one moment I was forgetting that it was still the same actor playing them.
So thank you, not only for the kind words, but also for giving me back the belief in this fandom.
Thank you, airbat, for your nice comment! I am glad you found this site and my article as a welcome change to other toxic articles that are, obviously, around…
Jared was so young when he started in Supernatural, and, I believe, unexperienced with the responsibilities that come when you have to carry a show. But due to his remarkable talent he grew quickly and was able to hone his acting skills.
You’re so right – to play three different Sam’s and be, indeed, utterly different and hardly recognizable was marvellous proof of his acting abilities!
Again, thank you. Feel free to come back here, we try to keep this site free of such unpleasant comments you find elsewhere.
Best, Jasminka
Hey CalifornianLeslie, no need to apologize, dear! You’ve been absent for a little while and naturally couldn’t catch up on all the articles…
Even I (who try to be here often) sometimes miss out on articles for lack of time…
Happy that you enjoyed my little Jared-fest here. Thank you, dearie, thank you!
Love, Jas
[quote]… Airbat…Welcome to out little family! Alice and the others make us all feel safe!
Thank you guys for the warm welcome! I feel like I found my save SPN heaven.