Supernatural (and WFB) News Roundup (No Spoilers)
Lately a whole bunch of goodness has been trickling here and there regarding Supernatural, but aside from some quick tweets and retweets I haven’t been sharing the info too well. In clearing out today’s Inbox, there were just some items I couldn’t ignore. After all, I’m here to entertain AND inform. Yes, really!
I’m going to start with a personnel announcement here at The Winchester Family Business. Ardeospina, our mother-to-be and maven of all posters motivational (plus other things), has taken on a new role. Please join me in congratulating the new Associate Editor of The Winchester Family Business! We’ve never had one before, but the massive growth and sheer volume of articles on this site created a desperate need that she was insanely bravely willing to fill. Ardeospina has already taken an active role in assisting Sablegreen with interview questions and the editing of those finished articles. We are extremely grateful for her contributions and wish her plenty of luck in this new role. After this, motherhood should be a breeze.
Next, there was a Supernatural convention this past weekend. Actually, it’s one near and dear to my heart, the NJ con. I attended the first two years of that convention but sadly, I had to miss this year due to a family event. I’ve already gotten some reports back from several people I know that regularly go to that con and a few first timers as well. It sounds like it was another very special event and considering it was Jared’s first time at the con, the excitement level was higher than ever. Let’s just say, fan girls and fan boys alike left on cloud nine!
I was going to do what I normally do, pour through the tweets and eyewitness accounts to get a summary for you all, but Donna (aka @trackerem on Twitter) did such an awesome job I’m going to link to her page instead. She did that con some amazing justice! There aren’t any glaring spoilers on this page, but if you click on some of the links, beware! I think there are warnings on all of those though.
Thank you Donna so much for doing this. Also, as usual, other con links, pictures, info can be found on
Here’s an intriguing bit of info I got in my Variety email update. Eric Kripke is making a movie for Warner Brothers. Actually, he sold the spec script to them and will be directing. The name of the film is “Haunted†and according to Variety, it’s “a tale of a haunted house told from the ghost’s point of view.†Berlanti Productions and Langley Park will also be involved with the film. No date has been set yet. Here’s a link to the article, but if you don’t subscribe to Variety it’ll black it out for you.
This just in, Matt Cohen has a new gig! At the eleventh hour, he’s ended up being the last minute replacement for Drew Seeley on 90210. He just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Read all about it here. Congratulations Matt!
Finally, this is a “support your always reliable fandom fundraiser†message. I’ll admit, on Twitter I’m one of the @moosekateerfans. The what? Yeah, it might sound a bit nuts, but it’s basically Jared’s twitter fans, much like @Mishasminions. When Jared announced his Twitter account in Nashville, the instant joke was “If you give a moose a Twitter.†Jared’s called himself a moose a few times, something likely coming from Crowley calling Sam one on the show a couple of times.
Anyway, the @moosekateerfans have something really special right now going to promote Jared’s endorsed charity, A Dog’s Life. For $3 on ebay, you can buy a Moosekateer wrist band. All proceeds go to A Dog’s Life. This is your chance to give to the animals and get something fun for it. You can be part of a cutting edge online cult movement! Oh, right, we’re already online fans of Supernatural…ah well, help out the doggies! The link for the auction is here:
Speaking of doggies, I’ve often shared pictures of my pets and some of the staff’s when promoting A Dog’s Life. Here’s one from Sablegreen. She didn’t notice the new pup was a bit too quiet while she was watching Supernatural.
Here’s her puppy current day:
Imagine the toilet paper she can eat now!
That’s all for now. You got a news item, fundraiser, or news event you wish to share? Leave a comment!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
alice, what an wonderful compliment! thanks so much! blessings, donna
congrats Ardeospina. Associate Editor woohoo. 😀
Thanks! Alice has been very kind in showing me the ropes and teaching me all sorts of stuff she might come to regret later when I mess something up and crash the site…
Just relized that I forgot to mention it in my email the other day. So here it is:
Congratulations Arde
This may be a spoiler:
Thanks to Supernaturalwiki, the first picture of a ‘returning character’ from the set of season 7 (yeah) is of THE IMPALA. She is shiny and in one piece, with all her glass. WooHoo. 😆
Here’s my official ( 😆 ) congrats, dearest Flamey!
Here’s my toast to you, associate editor. Awfully proud of you, gal!
Love, Jas
Hello Alice!
After all these years it still amazes me how much effort you guys put into this site. I barely find the time to read all the articles 🙁 But when I do, I really enjoy it. Thanks so much for keeping it up!!! 🙂
Sunny greetings from Croatia!