So Many Unanswered Questions, Too Much Time
I have been a fan of “Supernatural” since the middle of Season 3. It was recommended to me by a friend who knows I am a huge “Buffy” fan. I rented season 1 from Netflix, and before I finished watching all of episodes on the first disc, I was already buying season 1 and 2 on DVD. I was caught up in time to see season 3 on reruns. Of course, now I own all the seasons on DVD and have my pre-order in for the 6th season. Somewhere during the season 3 reruns, I found Alice’s articles and fell in love with her analysis of the show. Alice’s articles brought a whole new dimension to my enjoyment of each episode, as do the other contributors that have started writing for the Winchester Family Business site. Now as I wait for season 7 to start, I thought I would take a stab at a little hellatus killing myself.
One of my favourite pastimes during hellatus is to watch old episodes to find the little bits that are still hanging out there and speculate on possible sceneries to answers them. Since I get defensive of the criticisms of some of the fans, the co-dependent in me likes to give the writers a plausible way out to fit the canon of the show. Think of reverse Mythbusters.
Now, I’m not talking about the questions with answers, such as:
In the Pilot, we are left wondering who killed Mary and Jessica. We find out at the end of season 1, the Yellow-Eyed Demon killed both. We later find out in “The Devil You Know,” that while YED ordered Jessica’s death, it was (demon) Brady that carried out the actual act of killing Jessica. The writers already gave a plausible answer within the canon of the show.
Also, I am not referring to the obvious cliff-hangers from the end of season 6, such as:
Is Castiel a God? Will Sam and Dean bow down to Castiel? Will Sam finally have a nervous breakdown? Will Crowley go after Sam and Dean? Will Castiel find his redemption? Will Dean survive yet another betrayal from someone he loved and trusted? Those answers I will impatiently wait for in season 7.
I am talking about the threads that don’t seem to have an answer – yet. Here are some of the ones I like to speculate about:
In “Bloody Mary,” we find out that Sam is hiding the secret of his visions and it is only a few episodes later that he confesses to Dean this secret. What about the fact that Dean was also a target of Bloody Mary? What was Dean’s secret? My plausible answer – it doesn’t need an answer. I know, all you Dean Fans want an answer, and quite frankly I wouldn’t mind an episode with that as the plot. (Another article idea; what plots do you want to see?). In my mind. it’s not necessarily a big deal. Let’s remember that Bloody Mary only cared that someone died and that it was a secret. Since the definition of secret is hidden from others, it just doesn’t mean that it was hidden on purpose. In this episode, it wasn’t always a murder or that the person did the actual killing. In Charlie’s case, it was just that she felt guilty. Let’s face it; in Dean’s life, that’s an everyday occurrence. Since he went on a few hunts by himself just before getting Sam at Stanford, it’s possible whatever his Bloody Mary moment was, he just never felt compelled to mention it to anyone.
In “In My Time of Dying,” John whispers something to Dean. It takes to “Hunted” for us to find out that he told Dean to save Sam or kill him if he couldn’t be saved. Just how much did John know? My guess; John only knew about the psychic kids and that Sam would lead the demon army. If John knew that Sam would let Lucifer out and start the apocalypse, he would not have allowed it to happen. John would have given Dean more of a heads up if he did know all that information.
In “The Kids Are Alright,” the question comes up as to whether Dean is Ben’s father. Of course, Lisa tells him no, twice. However, in “Let it Bleed,” (demon) Lisa says Dean is Ben’s father. Is that true? Lisa had no reason to lie the first time she said no (she didn’t know about Dean’s life at that point). She still denied it at the end of TKAA after Dean saved Ben’s life, and Dean was practically begging Lisa to say Ben was his child. The clincher is that after a full year of Dean being out of the “business,” she never told Dean that Ben was his son. So my answer: NO! But it’s fun to give the fans this little bone to pick at for the summer.
Where is Dean’s amulet? We see the amulet in almost all the episodes. Dean makes a point of taking it back from the shapeshifter in “Skin.” In “A Very Supernatural Christmas,” we finally find out it means so much to Dean because it was a gift from Sam. In “Good God, Y’all,” we find out it will help to locate God. However, in “Dark Side of the Moon,” Dean throws it away because he has lost faith in both God and Sam. Did Sam pick it out of the trash? Hell Yes! This amulet has just as much sentimental value to Sam as it does Dean. Look at how Sam makes a point of returning it to Dean in “Lazarus Rising.” The fact he hadn’t buried it with Dean’s body but kept it for himself tells us it means something to him. This plot is a must for season 7, in my book.
On the subject of the amulet, why didn’t it go off all the times Dean was around Chuck? Is Chuck God? Yes, and God can do whatever he wants, even make an amulet not work.
In “99 Problems,” the Whore of Babylon can only be killed by a servant of heaven, and Dean kills her. Is Dean a servant of heaven? Of course! Both Sam and Dean are servants of God, in my book. Their bloodline is angelic. Besides, I think God knew team free will would save the earth, making them a servant of heaven.
Where is Adam? I don’t think Adam’s soul was in his body when he fell into the pit. We see in the first half of season 6 that the body can function without the soul, so maybe Adam’s soul is in heaven. Michael made a point of saying “Adam is not home right now,” unlike Lucifer, who said to Dean in the field, “(Sam) he’s in here, all right, and he’s going to feel the snap of your bones.” I know Death gave Dean a choice in “Appointment in Samarra” of Sam or Adam. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t yanking Dean’s chain just for the fun of it. He knew Dean would pick Sam.
Are Gabriel and Balthazar dead? God brought Castiel back twice, why not Gabriel and Balthazar? It seems to me that God wanted his angels to learn the same lesson as Sam and Dean: family. He wanted the angels to learn the same lesson as Castiel: love my creations. Gabriel learned those lessons; maybe Balthazar did, also. So why not bring them back? I know, just trying to give the writers a way for either of them to be seen again.
If Sam does have a nervous breakdown, where would he go for psychiatric help? How about Dr. Fuller from “Sam, Interrupted?” I know Dr. Ellicott was better, but after finding the body of the Wraith, maybe Fuller is a little more inclined to believe them now. Dr. Ellicott never saw anything supernatural, so he would just think they were nuts. By the way, I think Dean could use a few sessions himself.
For that matter, is Sam still angry? After he found out the extent of Azazel’s manipulation in “Swan Song,” no wonder he was so angry. My guess is that after his talk with John in “The Song Remains the Same” and a hundred eighty or so years in the cage, his anger is the least of his problems.
Here are some of the questions I will leave for the rest of you; maybe you can come up with “canon plausible” explanations:
In “The Song Remains the Same,” who was Anna working for? It doesn’t seem to be Michael and the rest of the angels. She certainly isn’t on Sam, Dean and Castiel’s side. Is there another force at work?
Ruby tells Dean in “Malleus Maleficarum” that demons were humans that after years in the pit have had all their humanity stripped away. What about Sam’s years in the cage? Will that strip away his humanity? Will he be a demon? For that matter, will Sam have some of Lucifer’s knowledge?
We are told in both “Lucifer Rising” and “Two Minutes to Midnight” that if Sam consumes the amount of demon blood, it would change him forever. Did it? What about Sam’s powers? Ruby said in “Lucifer Rising” that he never needed the feather to fly.
In “Devil’s Trap,” Meg is exorcised to hell by Sam and Dean, yet she is back in “Born Under a Bad Sign.” How does she get out of hell so easily (Not to mention Crowley’s ability to come and go without a problem) especially since Azazel has to go to so much trouble to get Lilith out of hell?
Does Dean still want to kill God?
Does Sam still pray?
Are the horsemen still around to go after Sam and Dean? After all, they only lost their rings. Death still operated without his ring.
If angels can heal, why didn’t Castiel ever fix Pamela’s eyes?
Will Sam ever find out that Dean’s message on his cell in “Lucifer Rising” was changed by the angels?
How did Raphael plan to restart the apocalypse? Wouldn’t he have to break 66 seals? After all, Lucifer was put back into the same cage (so I assume the same locks)? If not, wouldn’t it be easy for anyone to free Lucifer, and why hasn’t anyone?
Is the alpha vamp still alive? I liked him. He was creepy. Does Dean now have a bond with him?
What about the idea of the bloodline of Sam and Dean? Mary’s family were hunters from a long line of hunters. However, it was John’s bloodline to the angels.
Why is the Winchester family cursed? In “The Song Remains the Same,” Michael said it’s a bloodline that goes back to Cain and Abel. Is that the curse?
I had fun finding the unanswered questions, and I look forward to reading your explanations. Be sure to let me know if you find more unanswered questions I might have missed, along with what you think the answers could be within the canon of the show.
Wow, that’s a lot of questions. The only one I can answer with certainty is … ***SPOILER*** … yes, the alpha vamp will be coming back. The actor announced on twitter he’s scheduled to shoot another SPN ep. Yay! Love that guy, so deliciously creepy!
Great article! My thoughts: In “99 Problems” Dean became a servant of heaven when he decided to say yes to Michael, which presumably he did before the fight. His killing of the whore was the viewer’s clue that he had ‘given up’ and became heaven’s servant. –I really liked your view on Adam’s soul. –Good point on Sam picking up the amulet. –I didn’t think Anna was working for anyone, she just thought she could stop the apocalypse that way. –And I have always wondered that about their bloodlines being through their father and not hunter mother. Enjoyed this!
Many excellent questions there!
Here’s my question. If Lucifer was an angel, why couldn’t they have just offed him with an angel blade? Wouldn’t that just be common sense? Or was that just too tidy a solution?
I always wondered also, about Sam and the demon blood as you mentioned above. Ruby told him he didn’t really *need* the blood, yet he needs to drink it in order to contain Lucifer in his meat. Why would he need to do that if he was Lucy’s true vessel?
The writers have a habit of leaving a path littered with unanswered questions. Sams powers and demon blood where messily written and never really clarified or defined properly. I do hope we at least get answers to some things like the Amulet .
I kid you not, I was just thinking last night ‘I wish TWFB had a place where you could post questions you were confused about and let people try to hash them out.’ This is awesome!
Ok, I’ll attempt to answer before I ask.
[b]Who was Anna working for?[/b] I don’t think she was working for anyone. I feel she took it upon herself to try and stop the Apocalypse by (Plan A) scattering Sam to the ends of the earth and (plan B) preventing Sam and Dean from being born. In a purely logical way, it was a good plan. She had nothing against Sam; these were just the spoils of war. Even Sam agreed with her (about Part A).
[b]Turning into demons[/b]. I felt it was the [i]torturing[/i] rather than the [i]being tortured[/i] part that stripped away humanity. I got the impression that everyone down there gets a chance to say yes and get off the rack (lets face it, otherwise hell would be tremendously understaffed!) Sam, when in the Cage, never got asked the question so never got the chance to say yes so no possibility of turning demonside.
[b]Sams powers and the blood.[/b] I think they’re his own and the blood was just used as an excuse to get him to ‘accept’ them. He was always a natural psychic and his abilities manifested themselves in different ways.
Consider the killing of Lilith and Alastair. Sam needed the drink from Ruby and drain Cindy to psych himself up to kill Lilith. Sam only needed the blood of Ruby and the [i]thought[/i] of Dean in trouble to psych himself up to kill Alastair, and they were both white eyed demons.
[b]The demon blood changing Sam forever.[/b] He does seem hotter than ever now. Maybe this is what they meant? (Please God, let it be forever!)
[b]Does Dean still want to kill God?[/b] I don’t think Dean has a beef with God at this stage. If God is inactive then he’s inactive on both sides, not just the Winchesters.
[b]Does Sam still pray?[/b] I hope so. The idea of unwavering faith despite everything does seem a Sammy trait. He never once blamed God or the angels for what happened to him.
[b]Are the horsemen still around….[/b] Well, looking at today’s papers they’re still around (and well pissed!) I don’t think they’ll go after the brothers though. Sam and Dean have earned a special status in the Supernatural world; mess with them at your peril. The Horsemen will leave well enough alone.
[b]If angels can heal, why didn’t Castiel ever fix Pamela’s eyes? [/b] Perhaps he can’t heal angel inflicted damage. A better one; why didn’t he heal Dean after Alastair kicked the bejaysus out of him in [i]On The Head of a Pin[/i]?
[b]Will Sam ever find out that Dean’s message on his cell in “Lucifer Rising” was changed by the angels?[/b] Nope, that ship has sailed, unfortunately. Neither will they ever find out who opened the Panic Room door. Oh wait, if Chuck does a buttload of new books, those could be addressed.
[b]Deans ‘secret’ in Bloody Mary’?[/b] I got the impression Sam was the target and it was only when Dean went after her she set on him.
[b]Is Ben Dean’s son?[/b] I sincerely doubt it. Why on earth wouldn’t Lisa say it in the year they were together? Also, if he were, I think Michael would have targeted him in lieu of Adam. (Though then the Michael Lucifer showdown would have been hilarious!!) I also really don’t want him to be, Supernatural isn’t a soap opera.
[b]The amulet:[/b] While I would love to see the return of the amulet, the show has made it clear that it really isn’t into materialistic, sentimental bullshit. I’d like for Sam to have gotten it out of the bin but I dunno….
Perhaps Castiel melted it down and made it into a nipple ring for then he’s in his Chrysler Building size form. He is a bit of a rebel. Who knows what lurks beneath that conservative trenchcoat??
[b]Why didn’t the amulet go off?[/b] Cos it wasn’t a God seeking amulet? I think Castiel got this one wrong. He wanted to believe God was out there so bad he blinded himself to logic. The thought that Bobby would have an amulet that could find God just hanging around his house is a tremendous stretch.
I prefer it to be just an amulet, a gift given by one brother to another because he loves him. That’s makes the amulet much more significant.
[b]Dean being a servant of God?[/b] This is pure speculation of my part but were Sam and Dean christened? I get the feeling Dean was but Sam wasn’t (mainly because Mary died before he could be). If he was, would this not automatically make him a servant of God?
[b]Adam? [/b] Ah, the separation of body and soul issue raises its ugly head again! It was Dean’s soul that was in hell (given that his body was buried), Sam was in hell body and soul so again, his soul was in hell being tortured (I think Soulless Sam showed us that being without a soul makes you pretty ambivalent to pain).
I don’t think there are physical bodies in hell, just souls. Sam and Adam were the exceptions. The place would be absolutely jam-packed otherwise, there’d be no room for the racks!
So, Adams body is definitely in the cage but that doesn’t really bother me as it’s just an empty shell. However, I’m not convinced his soul is. I know he had to be souled up to say yes to Michael but I dunno, something tells me that Michael is honourable enough to give Adam his reward, or not allow his vessel be tortured, after he did what Michael wanted and said ‘yes’. The show does need to address this rather quickly though because the longer Adam goes unmentioned, the worse it’s making Sam and Dean look.
[b]If Sam does have a nervous breakdown, where would he go for psychiatric help?[/b] Jasminka of course! She’s already proven herself more than capable, she’s very familiar with the history of the two boys, she knows all about hunting and her couch is amazingly comfortable. Who else would he go to??
[b]Are Gabriel and Balthazar dead?[/b] I think so (I hope so). God (if it was God) bought Castiel back because the show got renewed! Balthazar and Gabriel (and Annas) purpose was served, let’s leave them at that. I don’t want to see them end up like Lenore, bought back for a moment then killed off again. It belittles the sacrifices the characters made to do this.
[b]The John bloodline.[/b] John’s bloodline is important because John is hot therefore he would have hot sons. If it was Marys bloodline took precedence then Sam and Dean would look like Christian or be bald like Samuel. Would we watch then? Nope.
Seriously though, John (and his story) needs some acknowledgement. At the moment, he’s the only main character left who was destroyed by the writers with zero prospect of redemption.
Ok, my turn, my turn, my turn!
(I’m only asking one at this stage cos apparently I’m too wordy. Jeez, even the site thinks I talk too much!)
[b]John.[/b] He was destined to be with Mary in order for two vessels to be born. They were hugely in love so what happened between Sam being conceived and the fire that caused John and Marys relationship to deteriorate so badly that he wasn’t living at home, despite having two children at home? Did the Cupid mojo stop working once John had served his purpose? Did John have inklings about Sam even before he was born (or soon after he was born)? Did he suspect Sam wasn’t truly his (not in a biological way but that he ‘belonged’ to something else sort of way) and this led to the break-up?
Did the angels/demons also plan it that John was at home the night of the fire to ensure that Sam and Dean got out of the house? Sam was born in May yet either soon before it or soon after it John wasn’t coming home at night. They must have been fighting for quite some time if Dean was in the habit of comforting his mother. So by November had John and Mary patched things up or was it just a happy coincidence he was in the house that night or did the angels also set that up?
How much did John know about Sam and for how long? Years? Could this be a factor as to why he was so adverse to Sam going to college, because it meant he couldn’t keep an eye on him? Would John have killed Sam or would he have been like Dean, trusting Sam to do the right thing?
We know that John gave up everything, alienated his sons, risked their lives and went on the hunting road to avenge Mary, I’m wondering if there was some bit of the Cupid influence left that caused him to act in such an extreme manner.
So, my question. How big of a role did destiny play in making John, John?
What if it was meant to be John Vs Sam… They always were butting heads…John’s deal might have been to break him…If we see season1 and 2 and compare John (Michael),Dean (Gabriel),Sam (Lucifer) … and Dean and Gabriel’s similarity ends at the the fact that they were caught in between..
[quote]What if it was meant to be John Vs Sam… [/quote]
If it was a case of John vs Sam (or Samifer) for the Apocalypse (and it would be [i]John[/i], Michael wouldn’t even have the stones to [i]approach[/i] hunter John, let alone vessel him up), John would have just put Samifer across his knee, given him one thwack on the ass, stood him up, looked him in the eye and said ‘Right, now don’t do it again’ and there you go, Apocalypse averted.
Man, I love me some Apocalypse averting John.
I was not very clear in the comment…what if azazel meant it to be John Vs Sam… and god thwarted it by preordaining it to be Dean and Sam (which azazel did not know)…
[quote]So, my question. How big of a role did destiny play in making John, John?
Wow, Tim good question.
I’ve always thought John knew way more about Sam’s destiny than he let on. It was one of my biggest unanswered questions. Just what did John know? And one of my biggest peeves is that he didn’t tell Sam what he knew. He thought it was better to lay having to save Sam or kill Sam at Dean’s feet rather than tell his son the truth.
I’ve always thought that if John had leveled with Sam rather than ordering him not to leave, Sam might have made a different decision about Stanford, therefore your question is really significant. And I’m pretty sure that if Sam had found out after his father died that John knew all along that the YED was after him and had plans, Sam wouldn’t have been so forgiving later.
And I definitely think that John might have killed Sam rather than watch him go darkside. I can’t imagine him trying to detox Sam rather than just putting an end to him once he found out what he’d been doing with Ruby. For that matter, I think he would have probably done it once he saw Sam exorcise a demon using his powers and using a demon to help him do it. John did not come across as the “wait while I explain my side of the story” type of guy, even when it came to his sons.
Good analysis.
Wow, that was a whole lot of questions! I think Tim answered them pretty well though. I love the idea of the amulet being melted down by Cas to make a nipple ring, hilarious. And I think both Sam & Dean need some couch time with Jasminka, those two have a load of you know what to unload. That would make her day alright!
Now, to address Tim’s question about the demons wanting John home the night of the fire, if I remember correctly, YED told Sam in “All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1” that had Mary not woken up she would still be alive, as was the case with many of the psychic children that did not fit the pattern of a house fire, meaning that the mother had not interfered. I also agree that Sam probably doesn’t need demon blood to work his mojo, but maybe he’s afraid of doing anything supernatural, because then he would really be the freak or monster he was always afraid of becoming. Although those powers might come in handy in season 7 against GodCas, don’t you think?
I do hope they address the question of Adam in Hell, get him out of there, please!!!
Until then, I’ll be rewatching SPN (again) and waiting (im)patiently for season 7 to begin.
[b]Who was Anna working for?[/b] I agree with Tim, here. She was working on her own. She really did love humankind and was willing to do what it took to save them. What I don’t know is who helped her escape Angel Camp.
[b]Turning into demons.[/b] Again I agree with Tim. Sam was never in a position to turn into a demon because he was never given that out.
[b]Sams powers and the blood.[/b] I think the powers were his own, but the blood enhanced them. They may have been overloaded so much when Lucifer was raised, that he can no longer access them unless he recharges on demon blood.
[b]The demon blood changing Sam forever.[/b] I think this was a lie on the part of the angels, one that Castiel believed, trying to work Dean toward taking Michael and killing Lucifer and Sam. Convincing Dean that Sam was no longer human was a good first step.
[b]Does Dean still want to kill God?[/b] I don’t know, but doubt it, he has bigger fish to fry. Or he will succeed when he kills the “god” Castiel.
[b]Does Sam still pray? [/b]Unknown, it could go either way.
[b]Are the horsemen still around[/b]…. Yes, but deeply diminished to the point of being nonentities in terms of the story.
[b]If angels can heal, why didn’t Castiel ever fix Pamela’s eyes?[/b] I think this was the first foreshadowing of how callous Cas could be. Pamela disobeyed him so he punished her and made certain she stayed punished. This is a through line to breaking Sam’s wall.
[b]Will Sam ever find out that Dean’s message on his cell in “Lucifer Rising” was changed by the angels?[/b] Probably not, nor will Dean find out that Cas let Sam out of the panic room. I really want to be wrong, I want both things to come out.
[b]Deans ‘secret’ in Bloody Mary’[/b]? I think we’re too far out for that to be relevant anymore. Dean has done so much since that any secret will probably pale after all this time.
[b]Is Ben Dean’s son?[/b] No, for all the reason’s cited above, plus the angels would have used Ben as a negotiating tactic while trying to convince Dean to say yes.
[b]The amulet:[/b] It had better come back, but they don’t listen to me so maybe not.
[b]Why didn’t the amulet go off? [/b]I like Tim’s answer. The other point is that Chuck may not have been God, Kripke said he left that ambiguous. So we may never have seen God.
[b]Dean being a servant of God?[/b] Angelic beliefs may have been wrong and anyone could have killed the WOB. I really don’t know on this one and don’t care.
[b]Adam?[/b] I think Adam got royally screwed. My impression has been that angels, unlike demons need a body with a soul to be a vessel. I think poor Adam got stuck in Hell. OTOH, keeping Adam in reserve as a future big bad could work.
[b]If Sam does have a nervous breakdown, where would he go for psychiatric help?[/b] Probably nowhere. There may be a hunter who is also a psychiatrist, but otherwise, I think Sam just keeps on trucking and dealing on his own
Are Gabriel and Balthazar dead? I hope not,but think they are. The Trickster OTOH, needed to be killed in a specific way. If Gabriel inhabited a Trickster body, the Trickster could come back even if Gabe is dead.
[b]The John bloodline.[/b] Since John was able to be a vessel for Michael, the vessel gene does come from his side. It probably came from Mary’s as well, but John actually had that.
Sorry Tim, I don’t have any thoughts on John.
My question. We have never seen Crowley’s eyes turn ANY color and his version of hell was bad, but seemed unlikely to create more demons. I Crowley a demon? If not what is he?
Excellent comment and it is difficult to find answers to these questions. I here I have another question “When the Leeves Breaks”. See Dean and Sam have learned that Castiel was the fourth sack Sam?? Dean thought that it was Ruby!
I really like your answers to your questions. Actually most of them agree with my own in my head answers. LOL! 😀
However, I do wish that Ben was Dean’s son in reality. I want something good for Dean as he really doesn’t get a break hardly at all. Lisa would have good reason to deny that he is his son as she would not want to give up her sole responsibility to her son to share it with a (let’s face it) deadbeat dad. Only a DNA test would prove it one way or another.
I do want the amulet back as soon as possible. It’s a symbol of the love between the brothers and I do miss it very much, even though it is just a thing.
I read that Jensen didn’t like it as when he had a fight scene, it used to hit him in the teeth as it is quite heavy. Then they could make a facsimile that is very light for the fight scenes, couldn’t they?
That amulet, like the 😥 RIP leather jacket, bracelet and ring were things that identified ol’ Deano visually. Still love him desperately without them, but would love for them to return (or facsimiles we couldn’t tell the difference of) 😕 His jewelry and his jacket were so very sexy! 😉
And I really really want Gabriel back. If Castiel was returned by God for being faithful why can’t Gabe return for doing the right thing for the good cause?
I agree that Dean is already a servant of God, whether he knows it or not. He may have a lousy opinion of himself, but I’m sure God can see what a good guy he really is even if he never lets Dean know it. After all, when murdered, he did arrive in heaven along with Sam, even though Castiel himself was ousted from it. According to Ash, they both have been there a few times before when dead. (would like to see old Ash a few times more also. Hope he has been joined by Ellen and Jo, two others who are dearly loved and missed). 😥
Yes, why have we never seen Crowley’s eyes turn ANY colour? Wouldn’t be have red eyes if he were a punk ass crossroads demon? Hmmmm! Something to ponder. :-*
Love these hellatus articles. They do help to survive the endless time until the show starts season 7. 🙂
I’d like to leave amulet rest in peace. Or in pieces…
I’d be frightfully grateful for that…
😆 , Jas
I don’t think they’ll ever answer the Dean/Ben question…but a friend had a theory on the name Ben Braeden
In Arabic and Hebrew “Ben” means “son of”.
Br[b]a[/b]e[b]den[/b]= Dean (Letters B.R.E left over)
Again…we will probably never know.
Ah, come on… any other conspiracy theories? Read too much Dan Brown, lately?
😆 , Jas
[quote]Ah, come on… any other conspiracy theories? Read too much Dan Brown, lately?
😆 , Jas[/quote]
lol. I do like a good conspiracy, but not a Dan Brown fan. My friend and I are huge Neil Gaiman fans. Gaiman’s American Gods (which supposedly helped inspire Supernatural) is what got us talking.
Names that pop up through the book are significant.
Mr. Wednesday (Woden’s) day = Odin
Low-Key Lyesmith = Loki
Mr Nancy = Anansi
Mr Jacquel = Anubis
I do realize the many characters on the show are named after producers,writers, etc. (and maybe someone who works on the show has a son named Ben).
Truth is, my friend and I hope that it’s not the last we see of Ben. We both agree that the character could be developed more and eventually have a significant spot in the SN Universe.
I guess I should try that book, eh? Always grateful to hear of a great book… Thanks, RJ!
I’m with you on hoping to see Ben again. I did like the character. Such a gutsy boy…
See ya, Jas
Yes, definitely read “American Gods”, it is pure genius. Also “Anansi Boys” came after. It’s more about the trickster god, it has some great humour in it.
Great group of questions, Lynn, and thoughtful answers. I also appreciate what others have suggested. It has certainly made me think.
Dean’s eyes bleeding in Bloody Mary:In Supernatural: the Official Companion, Kripke said “There is something in his past- we’ve always known it. It’s been in the core of the character from the time we created him.” He promised to reveal it, but I’ll believe that when I see it. (At a con, he said in response to a fan question, it was not what happened with the shtriga in Something Wicked.)
I agree the amulet should come back; personally I think it is ugly, but it is symbolic of the brotherly bond. I would really love to see the jacket, ring, and so on back.
I agree that Sam and Dean are both servants of God.They have dedicated their lives to saving people. They have sacrificed home, family, and living to a ripe old age. I’m not sure what you mean by their angelic bloodline, though.
I hope Adam’s soul is not in Hell, he certainly didn’t deserve that.
I would love to see Balthazar and Gabriel back; I’m sure God could do it. Just leave Uriel and Raphael wherever they are.
I agree that Jasminka would be able to help Sam and Dean if they would only open up.
Anna was working on her own, but how did she escape from Angel Alcatraz?
Ruby told Dean she had been human when the Plague was big; I’m thinking it takes hundreds or thousands of years to turn from a human to a demon.
I don’t think Dean was serious about killing God; not like he was about killing Samuel. And I’m sure Sam prays even more after getting his soul back.
About the horseman, in The Devil You Know, Brady told Dean that even if he got back the Horseman’s rings, it wouldn’t do any good to cram them back on their bony fingers as they were shriveled up husks.
At this point, I don’t think Sam will find out the truth about the phone message. Who would tell him? Zachariah is dead and Dean And Sam had no idea the message was tampered with. Just like I don’t see Cas coming forward with the fact that he let Sam out of the panic room.I think Dean’s blanket forgiveness in And Then There Were None, will probably preclude much soul-searching from the past.
I agree the Alpha vamp is smokin’ hot; hope he comes back.
Are the Winchesters cursed or do they just have a lot of bad luck? Or was the curse being the chosen vessels of Lucifer and Michael?
Why don’t Crowley’s eyes turn any color?
There are so many unanswered questions and it is so much fun to speculate.
Thanks 😆
Nice article. On the amulet one, I have a theory that the amulet’s purpose is actually to find absent fathers, rather than God. Cas thought it would work on God, but if Chuck really was God, then he wasn’t as absent as Cas thought. (My thoughts on Chuck, though, is that Kripke was just writing himself into the story as narrator. He disappears at the end because he was handing the reigns over to Gamble.)
The absent father angle to the amulet explains why Bobby initially gave it to Sam – he was worried about John’s parenting and thought the boys could use some help. In the Christmas weekend that we saw flashbacks to, Sam became disillusioned with John, so he fittingly gives the amulet to Dean, who has more of need to find John than Sam does at that point.
I’ve another one (and this one has bugged me for a long time). Sam and Dean have a lot of clothes. They’ve got their casual wear, their suits, different uniforms, priestly attire etc but…. each of them has only one small backpack. Where in the name of God do they keep their clothes? Did they borrow Hermione’s magic bag from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows? Do they actually have an Imelda Marcos size wardrobe somewhere that they visit from time to time?
Add to that, the clothes are never wrinkled (though I’ve yet to see either Sam or Dean with a clothes iron in hand) and the colours never run (though they appear to just bung everything into the machine). Are there magic laundromats in America??
My biggest question was when Mary( sam’s and dean’s mum)recognised the yellow eyed demon when he was going to kill her as she said ” YOU ! ” … She knew him.. but from where ??
Oh, I know this!
Mary recognised YED because in ‘In The Beginning’ (4.03) YED killed Samuel and John and then Mary made a deal to get John back and had to snog YED!!
His yellow eyes are rather distinctive and you never forget your first demon hence the “You!”