All About Crowley Word Search

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Happy searching!
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Happy searching!
Oh, the bingo possibilities this week! Jensen directs picnics with a cute dog, there’s a man that looks a lot like Jensen’s father (cause it is), and there’s a few of us hoping this is the week we get a shirtless Winchester. We’re dreamers! Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
A busy work schedule has made me late to the reviewing game for Supernatural’s “Mother’s Little Helper,” but I have to squeak a review in under the wire, because Adam Glass’s episode played with so many important themes. Misha Collins also made his debut as a Supernatural director, making great use of light and shadow…
I’ve got to say, I Ioved this episode. I really loved it. I can’t remember the last time “Supernatural” got me so over emotional. I mean, outside of the overtly emotional episodes of course, where I cry like a baby! “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?” probably was not meant to affect me the way it…
Transport trucks. Hell hounds. Falling angels. Leviathan. As far as finales go, Supernatural has done them every way imaginable and usually manages to leave the audience hanging on the edge. “Brother’s Keeper” certainly had some edge, but as finales go – was it on par with what we’re used to overall? Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
EEEEEEEEE COWBOYS!!!!!!!! Sorry…..had a moment. I really had fun trying to think of predictions for this one. I had read the synopsis but avoided the video’s, so I’ve gone by some of my favourite old western movies, like True Grit, High Noon, Good,Bad and the Ugly, Blazing Saddles, Cat Ballou…… Happy searching! B I…
In this latest word search, here are some very special guests from Supernatural. It comes with an extra challenge, just for fun. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
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