A Guest Opinion: A Look Back at the First Half of Season 6

Season 6 so far is not what a lot of people expected. Some of us were even really disappointed at it. Some even thought about quitting our beloved show.
And here is my confession.
I did have problems with it too.
During past seasons I developed a certain pattern. Since I am in Germany I couldn’t watch the show when it was actually aired (its like 3 am here). Even though there is supposed to be a live stream of it on the net. After a work day I just couldn’t force myself to keep my eyes open that long. So I got in the habit of getting up early while my monsters are still asleep turn the computer on and while the show was loading I fixed me some coffee took my morning shower and then I had my private time with the Winchesters. The funny thing about it is so that during normal work days I tent not to hear my alarm clock and therefore I very often have to rush through morning routine but on the days after SPN aired I woke up long before the alarm went off. Sometimes if I managed to get up early enough I even watched it a second time before I went to work since there is always something you missed the first time. Most episodes I even watched a few more times until the next one came on. What can I say? Just couldn’t get enough of it (and I am sure that quite a few of you felt and did the same thing).
During the Hellatus between season 5 and 6 I surely couldn’t wait for our show to come back on again. But that count down clock was heartless as usual. It just wouldn’t move any faster.
And then finally the air date of season 6 and the CW did me a personal favour and moved it to Friday nights so I am able to watch it now on Saturday mornings. That is so relaxing and with no rush. And I was looking forward to being able to always watch it a couple of times each Saturday morning.
First up “Exile on Main Street” and it sure didn’t disappoint me. I loved that ep. I love Lisa and Ben. And how the writers managed to work in a storyline for the future. The look into a “civilian” Dean had me captivated from the beginning. But Sam – there was something different about him. Anyways I watched it a second time as planed.
Even the following three episodes I enjoyed and had my laughs. Come on how couldn’t you when the Winchesters try to take care of a baby, Castiel admits to liking Dean more than Sam and Bobby and Rufus give the best version in years of grumpy old men. But somehow even those eps managed to leave a bad taste.
Then something changed for me. After “Live Free Or Twihard” I didn’t want to watch it a second time immediately. If I remember it right I only watched it one more time during the week until the next episode.
Something worse even happened for the following episodes. I didn’t wake up as early as usually on a Saturday morning after Supernatural aired. Even then I wasn’t as much in a rush to sit down to watch my show as I used too. The freaky thing about it is so that I can’t actually point my finger at the problem. Why did this happen. Certainly it isn’t the noir feel to it because I like noir since my teenage days.
Maybe it is because Sam is so different. I always had my problems with people who don’t show feelings. Even so I am able to detect feelings in the face, the eyes, some motions that other people might over look or in the way people talk or phrase their words. But this Sam – Robosam – is just creepy.
I actually reached the point were I watched each episode only once. I couldn’t get myself to do a rewatch.
The next change happened with “Appointment in Samarra” where we found out that Sam and his soul will be reunited. That left me with a happy feeling after the show was over. But still I didn’t rewatch it.
Here is the next confession even so I believe I am not the only one doing it. I read a lot of the stuff that is out there on the net about Supernatural. And more and more comments and articles during this Hellatus complained about the season so far. Somehow that left a bad feeling.
I have been asked a few times what I think of the show so far this season. My answer to it:
I like it because I love the show, love the Winchesters and can’t wait to see what is going to happen next. But somehow the love and passion that once was there is gone or it might be in the hiding somewhere and it might come back. The storyline so far might not be to my liking in certain points but I am sure that it will make sense once this season is over and we have the whole picture.
And then the new year came and changed everything with the convention in San Francisco. We heard so many great things about the coming episodes. Not that I want to put out any spoilers but one thing I do have to put out – the best thing ever – our boys going back to brotherly love. Yeeaahh. Following the con there were articles and tweets that just raised my spirits.
These past days I did what I hadn’t done this season so far. I went for a re-watch of all episodes of season 6. Believe it or not if you watch those eps with the knowledge we have accumulated so far during those episodes it actually is fun to do that re-watch or maybe it is because I know now that beloved Sam will be back (and that is coming from a Dean girl). So maybe I was right that the episodes alone don’t make that much sense. That it will be better once we have the whole picture.
But guess what? Surprise, surprise. The passion is back. I can’t wait for the next ep. Would somebody please make that count down clock run faster? (Note from Alice – The CW certainly isn’t helping!)
My feelings about S6 was very much like yours. I had high hopes when Sera was announced the showrunner, but quickly lost it with Exile on Main Street. By the episode following Weekend at Bobby’s, all passion for the show was gone. I watched it, but didn’t watch each episode a second time (or repeatedly like in the past).
Following the SF con and reading Sera’s two most current interviews, my passion has not returned. To the contrary, I am more depressed now than ever before, and here’s why:
First, during this hiatus, after being introduced to this site and reading some of Alice’s very optimistic episode reviews, I re-watched all the episodes, and then I watched some of my favorite older episodes. I am dumbstruck by how unrecognizable Dean, my favorite character, is. The contrast is enormous. Nothing that I have read suggests that his character is going to return to the Dean of old. In fact, I believe that Dean has ‘grown’ or ‘matured’ out of what made him a fun, flawed hero intentionally.
Second, I have no problem with Sam being soulless as a way of devolving the brotherly bond down to zero and then to…slowly (because that is what we have been told will happy…build it up again. My problem is that the brotherly bond has been missing for 2.5 years now, so it appears to be a myth in the name of the two characters needing to outgrow it before they can be real people. I liked the old brother bond, before they were written to need to grow up. Change I understand, but to change the character traits, what makes one Sam and one Dean, in order to accommodate growing up is not something that I am enjoying.
And, lastly, the show has evolved from the family drama horror story into a fantasy show. In doing that, I find that both brothers have become secondary characters to the story being told. In other words, the plot is driving the characters, instead of the characters driving the story and this has resulted in the loss of intimacy between the two brothers and, for me, the intimacy I had with either brother. I don’t even believe the brothers are depicted as ‘heroes’ anymore; rather, they only react to other characters manipulating them. I want proactive hunters, not reactive puppets.
And just one other thing. Before there was intimacy between more than the brothers’ relationship. There was John, Dean and Sam. Dean, Sam and Bobby. An evolving Dean and Cas relationship as Sam went dark. There are no relationships now and, from what I understand, Cas will be at odds with the brothers in the second half. I expect that we will see a Sam/Cas friendship develop and Dean will be at odds with Cas, but I don’t have anything to base that on. So, miss the relationships: even the Dean/Zach and Dean/Uriel bad relationships were fun. Now there are just no relationships. If, in fact, being human is about relationships helping get humans through all of life’s bad stuff, what I have seen so far is not speaking of much hope for humanity’s well-being.
I am sure others disagree, but what S6 has done for me is drive the passion away. I still watch, but I have to admit that with each episode I am further disappointed. If I have to wait until 6.22 is over to see otherwise, I will say the 21 episode journey was not worth the 1 episode reward. I certainly hope I am wrong.
I think you said it best here: “So maybe I was right that the episodes alone don’t make that much sense. That it will be better once we have the whole picture.”
This season of Supernatural runs quite a bit differently than how the show usually does. Typically, SPN is a great standalone show with bursts of plot movement at the beginning, middle, and end. Rarely does anything momentous happen in between, and in fact the arc usually takes a backseat for large portions of the season. With six however, that careful attention to the standalone episodes is I think finally being shared with the season arc. The balance isn’t perfect yet–all of the individual episodes this year have felt a little undercooked or rushed–but the season arc is being deliberately and slowly crafted, threaded through them all in a masterful fashion. And judging by comments for the next half, I think they’ve finally rejuiced themselves on the individual story front as well.
People who’ve complained about this season, while I understand their concerns, really ought to do what you’ve done and step back and look at how it’s coming together. It’s not at all what we’ve come to expect from the show so I think a lot of people have been quick to just call it out and out wrong–but in a general writing skill sense (whether you like the specific story or direction of it is up to the viewer), this season is quickly shaping up to be one of the best.
Well, here it goes. There are spoilers in here. If you didn’t watch season six, go watch it right NOW! What the hell are you waiting for? ahaha
OMG! You just wrote EVERYTHING I think about the season! lol I was so surprised, look like I wrote it myself… Supernatural fans think so alike! =) I love it lol
I think that Live free or Twihard was, even with all the funny things about the vampires and brilliant scenes, the most depressing OF ALL episodes on this season for me. I had tears of despair on my eyes in the end…. I was so mad with Sam when he let Dean turn that the whole episode was tasting so bad, a weird feeling I could NEVER relate to Supernatural before!
After all this episodes, I understand the intention of the writers, kind of. They wanted it to make sense only when we finished the puzzle! They wanted it to be a mystery, Sam’s behavior, they wanted to make us think, create theories… They were trying to get our atenttions.
I seriously think that back-fired! What they forgot was how passionate we are for the show! Seeing Sam and Dean so distant, that cold and terrible relationship unknown to the fans was hurting so deep that a lot of people just gave up. Other people, like me and you, started to lose hope. There wasn’t fire, passion… The actors where amazing like always, but there weren’t Sam. And without Sam there’s no Dean.
Maybe that was kind of a lesson? I read so many people wanting Sam to die… A lot of Dean girls, like me, and I hated to listen to them saying that, cause I ALWAYS loved the boy and the show is seriously damaged without the kid! Now we know what it’s like…
So they showed what is to like Supernatural without one of the boys. And guess what? All the real and most devoted fans (against everything the crytics said about the amaziness of the new season, which for me wasn’t true) HATED IT with passion! We just couldn’t stand to see Supernatural incomplete, missing. Just doesn’t sounded the same!
I watched it. And everyday, I finished the episode more depressed and, even wanting to know what would happen to the Winchesters, I wasn’t going to download that desperately first thing in the morning (Here in Brazil it’s to late to watch live too xD). There wasn’t that delicious feeling of wanting to know and see more. There was just a big nothing… And I was so sad about it!
And them came episodes 10 and 11… I gotta say I liked both. There’s not yet Supernatural. There’s no Sam… But it’s getting there, I’m pretty sure.
So, with all I read, “the Sam and Dean train will be back on trails”… I was just so happy! I am so happy with the spoiler! I really hope they don’t destroy our hearts once again, I think that will depress me for real.
I didn’t watch it again yet, I think I’m gonna take this long week of waiting (Hate U CW u.u) to rewatch the season, after all you said. I think that maybe you are right about everything ^^
Kisses and I ask to all the fans to have hope and always expect the best from the show, cause I believe they’ll make it right this time ^~
See you guys around
Totally agree with you! Your feelings about Supernatural completely mirror my own. Loved Exile on Main Street until the end and from there on out I became increasingly more disheartened and depressed, even, over the lack of any kind of relationship between the brothers. My spirits didn’t really pick up until Appointment in Samarra, when we found out at the end that Sam finally gets his soul back.
So, like you, I re-watched all the Season 6 episodes during hellatus with a new perspective, enjoyed them for what they were and am now looking forward to the second half of Season 6 with hope in my heart that at least some of the original spirit of the show returns!
I hated Exile On Main Street, it was so bad I can even think about it. Hated the season up until episode 7 ‘Family Matters’
Loved the soulless Sam arc.
Hated the Dean/Lisa/Ben arc, found it boring.
Am very much looking forward to the second half of the season, from what I’ve heard so far it’s going to be amazing.
As long as it’s Sam and Dean against the world I’m happy.
I just found Supernatural over the summer and maybe that new found excitement helped in this, but I have absolutely loved this season so far, even with its issues that it has. I think its because of it being so mysterious and different is why I have found it so intriguing.
Throughout the season I kept running across articles and comments about how much people were disliking the season and it makes me sad that not everyone can find the same enjoyment in the season that I have. However, I do understand where they are coming from and I think your article did a great job of pointing out some of the issues with the season.
Anyway, I just wanted to that I’m happy you’ve been able to find your passion for the show again after hearing some of the great spoilers that are out there. And I hope it stays with you throughout the rest of the season.
Oh yeah, and Im glad to hear that you like Exile on Main Street because sometimes I feel like Im the only one who thought it was a pretty great episode.
This season has been very strange to me, Exile On Main Str. didn’t feel right to me, and I didn’t really like it at first. I know the writers wanted to do something different, but I was missing the connection beetween the brothers and the life on the road. The biggest problem with the season premiere I’ve had was that there was no ‘Road So Far’ with a badass classic rock song.
Except a few bumpy roads (All Dogs Go To Heaven), the first half of the season had quite a few good episodes.
After Caged Heat and Appointment In Samarra i was getting very optimistic.
During the hellatus I watched the entire series again, and after seeing the 6th season with the ‘bigger picture’ in the back of my mind it wasn’t really that bad. The lack of connection suddenly made more sence, and the soulless Sam story looked better then before.
I even liked Exile On Main Str. witch was a dissapointment when I first saw it.
Now, with Sam’s soul in place, I feel very excited about the rest of the season. I am looking forward to the ‘Old West’ and meta episode.
BTW. Kripke is still involved with the show (even though he’s not the showrunner), so I don’t think he would let his ‘babby’ go bad.
Hi Yirabah and thank you for this guest contribution!
I have noticed a change of passion in myself, too, from the beginning of season 6, and I was never able, I think, to REALLY put a finger on what EXACTLY it was that was bugging me. Of course I missed the brother vibe, but then again, their relationship probably never was closer, if we look at it from a dysfunctional angle.
All the hurt and pain and anger was there because they were so damn close, to my mind. I was hoping for Dean to find some kind peace with Lisa outside ‘the life’ (to say it with Gimli: ‘Bless you, laddie’), and I was hoping for Sam to survive Hell emotionally and spiritually – and that remains to be seen.
And suddenly with Appointment in Samarra the passion for the show returned. I have no idea, why exactly, and I don’t wish to analyse it to death. I am just happy that it is there and I have a hard time waiting for the next episode. Dragons. Swords… Sigh…
Love, Jas
Sorry all that it took me so long to respond but well unfortunatly (or luckily) there is a live outside the supernatural fandom.
Thanks all for responding to my little thoughts.
Ginger my passion was never completly gone it just didn’t run at 100% but by now it is back where it is supposed to be and I can’t wait for the next episode. I hope your passion for it will return soon too. It just makes everything so much more fun.
Marie thanks for your comment and yes I believe that at the end of season 6 we will think that it is one of the best season so far and we won’t be able to wait what season 7 will bring us. (Hehe, there is going to be a season 7 I fully believe in it).
Rosetta it sure seems like there are a lot of fans who seem to travel on the same train of thoughts. No matter which direction their train goes. And you and I are heading in the same direction. And yes please keep hopes up and I truly believe we will not be disappointed.
RoseFicke thanks for being another passenger on our train of thoughts.
Gladiator I am to looking forward to the second half of season 6 and can’t wait for it to beginn.
Callie a belated welcome to the show and the supernatural fandom and no you are not the only one who loved Exile on Main Stream. I also love Lisa and Ben and I hope that somehow the writers will keep them around and don’t kill them off like they did with so many of our beloved characters before. But then again, like Samantha Ferries said during the Rising Con last year, dead on Supernatural doesn’t really mean dead. A character can always come back somehow.
Phil11 I am glad I am not to only one who needed a rewatch during this hellatus to understand it a little better. And like you I am looking forward to the western and the boys meeting themselves.
Oh Jas Dragons … Swords …. I can’t wait, our boys in Cowboy outfits …. on horses …. I can’t wait. I want it to start soon. Isn’t it Friday yet?
Just one last thing something occured to me after reading your comments. Maybe one reason why we are not as happy with the show as we used to be normally at this time of the year is because we didn’t have a meta episode yet. So far the best meta episodes where during the first half of a season. Could this be a reason for it?
Yirabah, I admit I felt almost as you did about the season so far. I would never ever give up on the boys, but the bond was missing so that delight in the show was also.
But now, knowing Sam is back, is a much different story. My views now on this season have done a turn around and at the moment I am so looking forward to the next half (if the CW dimwits ever let us). I can watch the first half now with the same passion as in the past, and I’m a Dean girl too who missed Sammy dreadfully.
So I hope you get your passion back in the second half, as without that I know it hurts to remember how it once felt to anticipate each new episode and not dread it.
Hi Yirabah
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
I too had some issues with this season, but have since rekindled my excitement and enthusiasm for the remainder of the season.
Thanks for the great article Yirabah! I don’t share the same feelings about S6 that you have. I loved the storyline if for no other reason that Sam and Dean’s relationship needed to be revitalized. RoboSam also gave Jared an excellent opportunity to show us just what a great actor he is. The characters were taken out of their comfort zone and that is usually a good thing. Especially when you have such an amazing writing staff like SPN does. I think the second half of the season is going to bring it all together and leave all SPN fans wanting more!
Thank you again for writing the review and I look forward to reading more of your writing!