Supernatural Guests Bonus Round – Part 5
Supernatural Guests Bonus Round
Played by Tricia Helfer
First Appearance: Road Kill
Last seen: heading in to the bright, white Hereafter
Played by Chad Willet
First and only appearance: After School Special
Last seen: positing a question of happiness to a struggling Sam.
Played by Luke Camilleri
First and only appearance: Criss Angel is a Douchebag
Last seen: dying
Played by Barbara Kottmeier
First and only appearance: Wishful Thinking
Last seen: explaining her status as a “natural sensitive” with a ghostly peeper
Played by John Rubinstein and Michael Weston
First and only appearance: Criss Angel is a Douchebag
Last seen: in a fatal final performance
Played by Brian Skala
First and only appearance: Hookman
Last seen: wishing he ‘d just stayed home that night.
Played by Steve Railsback
First and only appearance: Pilot
Last seen: getting a well-earned verbal lashing from one Samuel Winchester
Played by Kim Rhodes
First appearance: Dead Men Don ‘t Wear Plaid
Latest Appearance: Weekend at Bobby ‘s
Last seen: helping Bobby around the law
Played by Juliana Wimbles
First and Last Appearances: When the Levee Breaks; Lucifer Rising
Last seen: sharing a drink with Sam and Ruby
Played by Shannon Powell
Fist and last Appearance: The Usual Suspects
Last seen: as one scary-looking, justice-seeking death-omen
Played by Ever Carradine
First and only appearance: I Believe the Children Are Our Future
Last seen: being dispossessed (again)
Played by Rekha Sharma
First and last appearance: Hammer of the Gods
Last seen: saved heroically by Gabriel, much to his detriment
Played by Lara Gilchrist
First and only appearance: Sam, Interrupted
Last seen: underestimating Dean
Played by Rebecca Jenkins
First and only appearance: Faith
Last seen: getting touchy-feely with a PO ‘d reaper
Played by Marisa Rameriz
First and Only Appearance: Malleus Maleficarum
Last seen: demonstrating the attractive features of Ruby ‘s knife
Played by Shane Meier
First and Only Appearance: Hell House
Last seen: Oddly enough, alive and well in a record shop
Played by Jon Van Ness
First and only appearance: Bad Day at Black Rock
Last seen: foiled by…Batman!
Played by David Monahan
First and only appearance: Houses of the Holy
Last seen: ascending
Hi Elle
Great to have you back.
It’s amazing just how many guest appearances this show has had.
I remember being surprised that the characters Cindy McClellan (When the Levee Breaks) and Karla (Sam Interrupted) were played by different actresses. They looked so much alike.