Recap – Exile On Main Street
Distorted POV from the camera, obviously meant to show Dean waking up from whatever. Sammy is all tilted and distorted, sitting across the room watching Dean. He comes into focus and Dean is rightfully freaked. He pops up to see Sam sitting there watching him with a slight smile. This is my impression. Sam is pleased to see him but he’s maintaining a big emotional shield. “Hey Dean,” he says matter-of-fact. Dean is not so matter-of-fact, really bothered by what he’s seeing. He’s speechless.
Sam scoffs and gets ups. “I was expecting a hug, holy water in the face, something.” Um Sam, if you haven’t noticed, Dean is frozen on that cot like he’s seen a ghost. A little more tenderness please? No, this is the new unfeeling Sam. Honest, it makes sense given what Sam’s been through, but poor Dean. “So I’m dead? This is Heaven?” That’s actually a logical conclusion Dean. Sam laughs. “Yellow eyes killed me and-” Sam stops him. “Yellow eyes? Is that what you saw?” So he wasn’t real.
Sam tells Dean he was poisoned. Then Sam tells him whatever crazy crap he thinks he’s been seeing, its not real. Hello Sam, you might not be the best person to tell him this right now. After all, Dean’s having a conversation with his long dead brother who fell for eternity into an inescapable cage in Hell! I’m sure the “not real” bells and whistles are going off in his mind right now.
Dean asks Sam if he’s real and Sam claims he is. Yeah, Dean’s not believing it. Sam goes through the normal “prove it” ritual, much like Dean had to go through with Bobby when coming back from Hell in “Lazarus Rising.” He whips out a silver knife and cuts his arm. Seems normal, although I doubt it! He cuts open a salt shotgun casing and pours it into a gallon of holy water (the crucifix proving that). Then he takes a swig and rightfully gets a sour look on his face. No smoking from him, just the notion that the water tastes nasty. “All me.”
Dean gets up, still pretty skeptical. “Sammy.” “Yeah, it’s me,” Sam says in a cocky way, but with a slight smile. He honestly is pleased to be having this conversation, I can tell. His cavalier behavior is all a front I tell you! Dean walks closer, taking a longer and more skeptical look, and then he and Sam look at each other in the eyes. Dean grabs Sam for a hug now convinced. Sam slightly smiles and I tell ya, he’s pleased to be getting one despite his lack of emotional connection. Sam is definitely off, but there’s a glimpse of the old Sam in there somewhere. The Sam that loves his brother. I saw no evidence though that he hugged back. So sad!<
Dean on the other hand is torn apart inside! He can’t believe this is happening. He’s so relieved. Then his senses kick in and he breaks the hug. How can Sam be there? Sam doesn’t know, he’s just back. “Was it God? Or Cas? Does Cas know about it?” Sam isn’t sure, Castiel won’t answer his prayers. Cas better have a good excuse, and I will accept that this version of Sam scared the crap out of him. He’s certainly throwing us off. Sam doesn’t know. He was down there, next thing it was raining and he’s lying in that field alone. “It’s kind of hard to go looking for what saved you when you’ve got no leads.”
Dean is pretty stunned by all this and then Sam really delivers the bombshell. He goes on about how he looked for weeks. That sets off more bells and whistles in Dean’s head. “Wait, weeks? How long have you been back?” Sam gives him a blank look. “How long you’ve been back Sam?” “About a year,” he answers. Oooh, seriously? You heartless bastard. Do you know what your brother has been through? “You’ve been back practically this whole time?” Dean asks, the hurt in his voice just killing us. “Did you lose the ability to send a freaking text message?” Now what would he text? I’m going to borrow a comment from this site (thanks paintgirl770). “OMG! Out of Hell! 404. CU L8R, Sam.”
Sam defends, telling Dean he finally had what he wanted. “I wanted my brother alive!” Dean replies rather upset. Sam says he wanted a family. “You have for a long time, maybe the whole time. I know you. You only gave it up was because of the way we lived. But you had something and you were building something. Had I shown up Dean you would have just run off.” Dean turns around and does the trademark face grab of distress. He’s having a hard time with this, that’s for sure. “I’m sorry,” Sam says, “but it felt like after everything, you deserved some regular life.”
Things are still firing in Dean’s head while his back is turned to Sam and I half expected him to whip around and punch Sam square in the jaw. Instead he asks what Sam’s been doing this whole time. Hunting of course. “You left me alone and you were flying solo?” I’m not sure why this is bothering Dean, for he let go of that whole protecting Sammy thing a year ago. I guess old habits die hard. Sam tells him not alone. He hooked up with some people. Dean can’t believe he’d hook up with strangers. No, these people are more like family, and they’re here. Too bad because this family sucks.
Sam takes Dean into the other room and there are three people in there. We’ll call them Esmeralda, Parker Lewis, and Guy Smiley. Esmeralda goes up to Dean and in a nice condescending way says “My God, you’ve got delicate features for a hunter.” So Dean punches her. Nah, no such luck. Her name is Gwen Campbell. Then Christian is introduced who is honestly the guy who played Parker Lewis in Parker Lewis Can’t Lose. Has he aged well? No. That’s okay, I haven’t either. The other guy (Guy Smiley) is Mark, who doesn’t say much. He’s the one I like. They’re Campbells.
Just to show you how clearly Dean is thinking, he brings up the perfectly good point. He realizes the last name is Campbell. “Like your mom,” Christian says. Sam mentions they’re third cousins and Mark is something something twice removed. Dean says the one thing we are all thinking right now. “I thought all of Mom’s relatives were gone.” DING, DING, DING!!! Dean has been here what, two minutes and he already has figured out something is seriously wrong with all this. Why are they alive? Who cares that they didn’t know about these family members, yellow eyes did. This is a MAJOR clue here guys that something is rotten in Denmark and Sammy is getting snowed.
Then, Samuel walks in! There’s a flashback to “In The Beginning” to remind us he’s their Grandfather. So, relatives exist that shouldn’t and Sam and Samuel are alive for no apparent reason. Plus, they’re all hunky dory with it. Except Dean. Oh this so isn’t right. Run Dean, Run! There’s a reason they’re all trying to pull him back into it I tell you.
Dean hugs Samuel and their hug is just as cold as Sam and Dean’s. Sam and Samuel are unfeeling clones! Run Dean! Samuel dismisses the extended family so he can have a word with his grandsons. They leave and Samuel notices Dean’s freaked out expression. “A lot of resurrections in your face today. It’s alright, take a minute.” A noticeably upset Dean has a good answer for that. “It’s going to take a little more than a minute. I mean what the Hell? How did this happen?” Samuel guesses that whatever pulled Sam up pulled him down. So you were in Heaven, huh Samuel? I’m having a hard time believing that. Sam says that whatever this is, they’re a part of it. They have no idea what it is though. “And you have no leads, nothing.” That’s right Dean. He goes back to stressing. “No more doornails coming out of that door, is there?” No, as far as they know, they’re it. I love how Jensen is selling this scene, for the other two in their emotionless demeanor are forcing him to work really hard.
“Okay, am I that only one here that thinks this all just can’t be fine?” No Dean, there are about three million of us that agree with you there. Thank you for being the voice of reason in this insanity. I know Sam and Samuel have had a year to absorb this, but they’re being pretty casual about it. Something is not right. “Believe me you’re not.” Sorry Samuel, not believing you. Samuel talks about how he wanted to come and get Dean but Sam wouldn’t let him. Now this has happened though and he’s involved.
Dean is being really good at putting the pieces together right now and wants to know how Sam ended up in his garage. Sam got hit a few days ago, poisoned, by a couple of Djinn. Dean remembers Djinn as being cave dwelling hermit types. Not these Sam explains. They looks like regular people and can blend in. And all they’ve got to do to kill you is to touch you. Once that happens, you will hallucinate your worse nightmares and you’ll OD. Ooh, what was your nightmare Sam? More time in the cage? Or was it clowns and midgets?
Dean wants to know how Sam survived. Samuel had a cure. For Djinn poison? “Well I know a few things. Stick around and I’ll show you tricks your Daddy never dreamed of.” Something isn’t right here. Dean wants to know why they’re after them and Sam gives an answer that actually does make sense. Dean did stake one a few years back. Revenge is a good motive. They came after Sam and they were certain they would go after Dean next. Yeah, but why go after Sam? He didn’t kill the Djinn. All he did was rescue Dean and almost get zapped himself. Sorry, like I said, too many questions. Suddenly it dawns on Dean, Lisa and Ben are in danger. Samuel assures he sent someone over to watch him. Not good enough! “You’re taking me home right now.” Those words freak me out, for I still have trouble with the idea Dean has a place to call home now.
Great recap, Alice,
Like you, I sorely wanted to see Sam hug Dean back. They did at least two different shots, the one we saw in the episode, and the one that was previewed because in the preview clip it was a wider angle so we saw more of their upper bodies and Sam’s arm did indeed come up and hug Dean back. however, the choice here was much more questionable as to whether or not he did…I go with he didn’t for his posture seems so stiff.
I’m sure the choice was to keep the ambiguity of Sam going more and more in a disturbing way…I’m disturbed.
As for whether or not Bobby and Sam looked guilty at Dean’s rant…I’m going to go with your thoughts that they do look guilty, heads hanging down, not making eye contact.
Twas a great opener, lots of mystery and questions and very few answers…bring on the season of mystery and shadows.
Alice, I always love your recaps, this is no exception. However, I said so much about this episode already, in my comments and my article, that I’ll just leave it this time with a big Thank you and singing your praises aloud (forgive me). you do such a great job with these – it’s palpable that your heart’s in it.
Cheers! Jas
wow this recap was epic!
I totally agree this whole episode just gave me an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, which is the perfect set up for the season without punching us in the face.
This episode made me feel very off kilter like one of those dreams where everything looks the same but you know something’s not right and it’s not until you wake up that you realise what was wrong.
So much screamed “something isn’t right, somethings off, something has changed” can’t wait to see what that is and why.
Bring on Friday…..
Hey Alice,
Love, love, LOVE your recaps! I’ve watched this ep 4 times and your recap made it a 5th time for me.
I was thinking that the beauty of this show is that over the past 5 seasons the writers, cast and crew have all done such a wonderful job of creating this world of Supernatural that we have become so emotionally invested as to physically feel the pain and anguish of our boys (as well as the joy). Why else would the fans respond so passionately, both positively and negatively?
The more I watch this episode, the more I’ve come to appreciate it and love it but the end result is always the same – I’m sooo depressed at the end, just as I’m sure Sera meant for all of us to be! I am very much looking forward to seeing how the questions and mysteries presented here will be answered in future episodes.
On a purely Dean-girl note, Jensen never looked so good – love how his hair is a bit longer and not so military short. And yeah, the beginning was a bit slow but hey, I was enjoying the view every long, drawn out step of the way!
Cheers! Rose
Great recap Alice. Yes, the B&W photography at the beginning was very effective at denoting the past, and I love the new title card. The reflection of the SPN lettering backwards in the glass is very symbolic too. …everything in reverse. Really agreed with your last paragraph, too. Time to get the boys back together and back on the road!
As far as Dean’s feeling of protecting Sam being gone, never going to happen. Parents never stop protecting their children and Sam has always been a son to Dean. That makes the hurt of Sam’s not coming to Dean even worst. Sam is Dean’s life, and he will always feel the need to protect Sam, whether he has a second family of not! That’s the old Dean, and I was glad to see it.
The ending scene wasn’t a surprise to me. The impala is for the boys together…it’s their home. Would have preferred Dean didn’t offer it to Sam, but Sam was right not to take it. He needs his brother, not a car. But cold saying he liked his own car better. Hope the impala gets even with him for that!
And I can’t see Dean just leaving Lisa and Ben, after he put them in danger, that’s not something Dean would do. I would have been very disappointed if he had. Sam was right though, the longer Dean says with them the greater the danger they are in, but I would have like to have Sam say, “Okay Dean, how can I help? My fault you are here, I pushed you to them. What can I do to keep them safe?†Instead of “Nice seeing you again Deanâ€. Bad….very bad.
Alice, that was a wonderful recap!
Your love for this show really came through, and your despair at the broken bond of the boys right now. I was left feeling bereft too at the end of the episode. I get that that is what I’m supposed to be feeling right now. After all this is the first episode this season.
I so feel for Dean in his confusion and disbelief that his two most beloved people would deceive him so. How can he ever retrieve the trust he had in them before?
Sam is scaring me a lot right now as I can’t relate to him at all at the moment. I don’t like feeling that way. I want to be angsting after both boys as in the past, but can’t seem to dredge up any empathy for Sammy in that episode. I hope you are right in that his emotions are seething away behind that cold cold facade. I hope he breaks down and lets it all out sooner than later.
Phooey on the Campbells, Gramps included. ( love Mitch Pileggi, but geez!)
Love Lisa and her awesome understanding of her Dean. PLEASE DON’T DIE LISA !
This yellow eyed demon is my favourite demon and it was good to see him in all his glory again.
By the way, what happened to the colt that killed him? Have I forgotten, or was the last time we saw it was when Lucifer flung Dean into a tree trunk. Did Cas take the colt with them when he zapped the boys away? Must be having a memory glitch.
Anyway, Alice your recaps are top notch and I enjoy them immensely. Thank you.
One other point of interest I noticed: When the Djinn gives Dean the deadly double-dose of hallucinogenic poison, she repeats the line Dean said to Yellow Eyes’ corpse at the end of Season 2: “That was for our Mom/Dad, you son of a bitch.”
Just a short note to say that I enjoyed reading this recap. I especially liked your take on concluding scenes in 6.01 🙂
Hi Alice, Elle2, Jasminka and Robin
As always I enjoyed reading all your reviews and recaps.
I love the different perspectives.
I’m afraid my work schedule delayed me from reading and responding to all your articles so I hope its ok to just voice my thoughts on this episode in this one.
I actually liked this episode, it opened the doors to new questions and things to ponder and drive yourself nuts over. A great way to start a new season and new story line, I’m totally hooked.
I can’t wait for the flashback episodes to help explain some of the major questions.
When watching the opening montage, I didn’t get the impression that Dean was unhappy, I mean he wasn’t dancing the light fantastic but he didn’t appear to be just going through the motions. With still having dreams about Sam tells me he is still grieving but he seemed to be contented and adjusted to his new life with Lisa and Ben.
The hug didn’t have me unsettled either. To me Sam’s smile and his little head nod was like it was how he had envisioned his reunion with Dean. Almost like he had played it in his head a thousand times. I think that’s why he commented so quickly on what he expected from Dean, a hug or holy water and why he was so prepared to show him he was real.
Its like he had been waiting for that moment for so long and it was finally happening. I wonder how many times Sam may of secretly checked up on Dean to make sure he was ok.
I really felt for Dean in this episode, so much thrown on him at one time. Finding out Sam was alive and for almost a year, and that Bobby knew as well. Finding out his Grandfather was resurrected and that there was some Campbell’s still kicking. And to put the cherry on top he’s a target for revenge on some super nuked up Djinns.
Just how much can you expect one man to take in a 24hour period?
As for the proverbial question of whether Sam and Bobby should of told Dean that he was alive. It’s one of those no win situations, a two sided coin, that will never satisfy everyone.
Should anyone ever speak or make decisions for anyone else? To take away their right to make there own choice. Does anyone really know what’s best for someone else? Maybe not, but then maybe it all depends on the person and the situation.
If Sam had knocked on Dean’s door, right after being resurrected, told him he didn’t know who or why he was brought back, told him he was going to continue to hunt. Would Dean have even given Lisa and the apple pie life a chance? Is there any doubt that Dean wouldn’t of gone with him, even if Sam had protested against it.
And I’m sure making that decision wasn’t an easy one for Sam. I can’t help but think of the look on Sam’s face at the end of Swan Song. To me looking sad and longing. Torn between either reuniting with his brother or letting his brother go to live his own life. I’m sure seeing Dean with a family, living the dream that he once sought to have, must of crushed him inside. How could he possibly take that away from Dean after everything he had done for him. I can’t help but wonder if that is when he went to Bobby. Needing a friendly face and reassurance he was making the right choice. As it was they both agreed to not let Dean know. But I have to agree they both looked pretty guilt ridden when Dean expressed his side of the whole situation. With both there heads looking down and not even able to look at Dean.
As for the Campbell’s I have many issues with them, but I’ll only comment on two for now. First of all they didn’t seem very bright. They have been hunting all their lives, but yet it took Dean(who is suppose to be the rusty one) to suggest the necessary plans to take down the Djinn’s. To me with there experience they should have at least been on the same level as Dean.
Second is how did Sam and Samuel meet? How did they fall into each others paths? Since they had never met each other before, for Sam to believe him and trust who he and who the others were, has me very unsettled and curious. Just how bad was Sam’s state of mind.
And the ending, wow talk about having your heartstrings being torn at.
There is so much pain and grief between these two.
Dean deciding to stay with Lisa and Ben instead of going with Sam and offering the Impala as the last gesture that he was done hunting and Sam rejecting it for that very reason.
And Sam accepting Dean’s decision in a mature and almost professional manner.
To me though, I believe it was killing him. If he didn’t behave that way, he would of fallen apart.
Uneasy is good, instant hugs would only ruin a month or so of potential angst, you crazy fangirls. 🙂
Well, at least we’ll probably have some kind of tie-in at last with the whole stupid ‘Azazel killed all of your mom’s relatives to cover stuff up ’cause nothing doesn’t attract attention like an entire family butchered, no, heaven would never notice that.” D in covert ops, man.
I enjoy your recaps. You seem to say the same things that I am yelling at the tv.
I do not trust the Campbells, since when do the good guys take prisoners? 😕 Reminds me of the Initiative from Buffy, and we all know how well that turned out. 😈
I think Sam didn’t really think that Dean would commit to his promise to connect with Lisa and Ben. So, now he is back in Dean’s life, he thought that Dean would just come back to him no questions asked, but that is not the case. Dean wants to, but he now feels a connection to Lisa and Ben that he cannot walk away from, even for Sam. Poor Dean, his is torn between his two ‘families’. :cry::
But, we have to have faith in Sara, that the trio of Sam, Dean and Impala, will soon be on the road again soon. 😀 (with visits from a certain angel).
As usual, Alice, I really enjoyed your recap. Except for the part where you CALLED ME OUT!! The power, it goes to your head!
So instead of posting thinky-thoughts about the episode, I’ll just explain now why I am so anti-Ford and you can judge for yourself if the reasons are valid.
First, when I was growing up, we had two Chevy station wagons that I loved, loved, loved. One was silver and the other was blue with wood paneling. They lasted forever and really got the crap beat out of them. I even took the blue woody wagon to college my freshman year it was so reliable. But when the silver finally broke down, my dad got a Ford Taurus SHO. It was fun for a while because it was powerful and a manual and all that, so it was great to ride in and my dad liked driving it. That is, when he actually COULD drive it. That car broke down so often it was ridiculous. So he had to use my car instead, a Chevy at the time, because his was always in the shop, and I was left carless in high school. Not cool!
Second, my first car was a Chevy Cavalier that we got for $700. It never broke down even though my brother and I drove the hell out of that thing. I loved that car.
Third, in my high school, all the rich kids got Mustangs for their 16th birthdays, and we’re talking the late ’90s ones that are really ugly. So having a Ford Mustang was really a status symbol and a way to make the kids whose parents couldn’t afford one feel even worse about themselves. That’s high school for you.
Fourth, I personally think Chevy has way more cool muscle cars than Ford does. I don’t like the Mustang at all, for reasons mentioned above, and my favorite muscle car is a ’69 or ’70 SS Chevelle, like Bobby’s but not as junked out. Go, Chevy muscle cars!
Lastly, I’m from Cleveland, and we don’t like anything so heavily associated with the dreaded state of Michigan! Go Bucks!