The Wisdom of Dean Winchester – Season Six
Season six was a real shift for Dean Winchester. The cocky, mouthy, never say die hunter that we all know and love went domestic. He traded ganking monsters for an instant family. He became crankier more than badass, subdued more than defiant, but he never lost his sense of humor…much. Dean still got in some great lines here and there. You can take the hunter out of the hunt, but you can’t take the smart ass out of the hunter.
Season six was a real shift for Dean Winchester. The cocky, mouthy, never say die hunter that we all know and love went domestic. He traded ganking monsters for an instant family. He became crankier more than badass, subdued more than defiant, but he never lost his sense of humor…much. Dean still got in some great lines here and there. You can take the hunter out of the hunt, but you can’t take the smart ass out of the hunter.
Let’s go through the episodes and remember some of his better gems:
Exile on Main Street
Dean’s brother is dead (supposedly), he’s living the “apple pie” life, and you’re trying to explain to your new best friend what you’ve been doing the last 33 years of your life.
Dean: It's, uh… I lived on the road… Took, uh, crap jobs that nobody else wanted.
Sid: Like?
Dean: Like… Pest control.
Sid: Really? Pest control.
Dean: Yeah. You get to work with a partner. You get to help people. You have no idea what's in some people's walls. It could eat 'em alive.
Two and a Half Men
So Sam isn’t dead. He is a douchebag now though, and he has a douchy car.
Sam: Seatbelt.
Dean: What am I, in third grade? A car should drive, not be a little bitch.
Dean’s new sense of responsibility is making him more aware of certain things these days. Like the consequences of Sam killing a shapeshifter in the motel room.
"Well, there goes our deposit."
There’s also the dilemma of having a shapeshifter baby. Life is just loaded with challenges.
"What the hell are we gonna do with it? We can't actually drop it off at an orphanage. They might get upset when it turns Asian."
The Third Man
Dean 1, Douchy car 0.
Sam: [Looking his totaled Charger] My car.
Dean: OK, silver lining.
Live Free and Twi-Hard
Dean feels obligated now to share his wisdom of age with today’s young people of America.
Dean: What are you 12? Are you wearing glitter?
Fake Teen Vamp: I only do it to get laid, man.
Dean: Does it work? I'll be damned. Alright, "MMMBop" your way out of here. Go! And use a condom!
When Dean tragically gets turned into a vampire himself, he’s just a trite cranky about it.
Sam: Where are you going?
Dean: Bathroom, okay? Newsflash, Mr. Wizard: vampires pee!
You Can’t Handle The Truth
Never fear, new outlook on life or not, Dean’s mind is still firmly in the gutter.
Sam: Dentist drilled a guy to death.
Dean: You mean the non-sexy kind of drilling, right?
Family Matters
Don’t ever get nosy with Dean Winchester. He’s still the king of the verbal smackdown!
Christian: Who you calling?
Dean: Your wife. Let her know I'm not gonna make it over tonight.
He’s also taking charge in a crisis.
"OK, we split up, clear every room. If you get a shot, you take it. It's not going to kill him, but dude will move a little slower without any kneecaps, (looks at Samuel) and if we make it through this, you, me and Sam are having one hell of a family meeting."
Clap Your Hands if You Believe
It’s interesting, but soulless Sam actually got all the snarky lines in this one. Go figure. Dean only needed one line though, because it’s words to live by. You’ll never, ever forget this advice, especially when Dean screamed it while being loaded into a squad car.
"Fight The Fairies. You fight those fairies."
Caged Heat
I don’t care what freaking season it is and what kind of character transformations are happening. Don’t EVER cross Dean Winchester. It’ll be the biggest mistake you ever made.
Dean: I’ll tell you who I am. I’m the guy you never wanna see again. ‘Cause I’m making it out of here, trust me. And the next time you see me, I’ll be there to kill you.
Samuel: Don’t think there’s gonna be a next time.
Dean: Whatever gets you though the night.
Appointment in Samarra
If Dean’s proved anything, it’s that he’s not reaper material. Unless you like having a wise cracking reaper as you take that voyage into the great beyond.
Tessa: Just so you know, when people die, they might have questions for you. Well, you know, not you but Death.
Dean: You mean like, "how did Betty White outlast me?"
Dean: Enjoy the ride down, pal. Trust me — sauna gets hot.
Heart Attack Guy: Wait. Will you tell me what it all means?
Dean: Everything is dust in the wind.
Heart Attack Guy: That's it?! A Kansas Song?!
Like a Virgin
Rock 1, Dean Winchester 0. Oh, but he has a plan. He starts with intimidation before using powerful (and very damaging) explosives.
"You rocks think you're so smart."
Always rely on Dean to come up with the perfect cover story. Like why he’s Sam’s partner this time instead of Grandpa Samuel.
"Sex rehab. You've heard of plushies, right?" (shudder)
When it’s learned that soulless Sam got far more action than Dean in their time apart, he knows when to give props. To bad Sam isn’t digging the compliment.
"I gotta say, man, you really got around. I mean, soulless or not, I'm actually kind of impressed."
Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Warning. When you mess with the Impala, you’re messing with Dean’s sore spot. As possibly crossing some very ambiguous lines.
"No, no, no, no, no, no. She possesses sex dolls! This — this is not a sex doll!"

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I’m having a bad few days and this was really really needed!
Thanks Alice.
I too would like reaper Dean to carry me off to who knows where. 😀
Just for your info, our Space channel is beginning to show the complete Supernatural series beginning with the pilot every week day at 8:00 beginning Sept. 4. Yahoo!
[i]”Just for your info, our Space channel is beginning to show the complete Supernatural series”[/i]
Bevie: What is “Space” Channel? I can get the SyFy channel on Charter, so is “Space” the name of an actual channel on a different carrier? Just want to make certain that I can NOT access this. Thanks!
Hi suzee51.
I’m in Toronto, Canada, and we have a Space channel here.
i’m sorry if I got anyone excited who can’t access it. I know how it feels as I can’t get CW unless I pay a lot extra a month. I get Rogers Cable service.
I just remembered that Alice asked us a while back where we saw the show and how many times it was repeated and on what channels.
i love this and i love dean more!
Thanks for the list Alice. Dean’s humor and snark have been a lot darker in the past two seasons, but he does get to the heart of things. Will you be doing one of these for Season 7?
And I just have to say something. There is no way that Dean Winchester would not know HP Lovecraft. A man who has sat through every horror movie in history, has read Vonnegut, listens to Robert Johnson, and whose occupation is monsters, would know Lovecraft. I mean, the man has seen Star Trek IV, but Cthulu trips him up? No way.
Oh yes, season seven is in the works. It’ll be out before the October 3rd premiere. That’s all I can promise at this point!
I’ve always loved Dean’s [i]bons mots[/i], I actually use them on occasion. Especially the “Gun, mouth, now” when I get a really stupid response from someone. And I’ll agree with my fellow posters, if Dean is the reaper in question, I’ll follow him gladly.