Preview Pictures For Episode 6.04
Time for more preview pictures. This time it’s for episode 6.04, aka, the directorial debut of Jensen Ackles! There are twenty preview pictures for “Weekend At Bobby’s” and they are quite awesome! This was the first episode filmed this season, so apparently there’s a lot to share. Also, Rufus is back! And Crowley is back! And the sheriff from “Dead Mean Don’t Wear Plaid” is back! It’s all good.
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Bobby+flamethrower=automatic win. I don’t even care what happens in the rest of the episode now. I’m sure it will be super sweet, but Bobby and a flamethrower!
Also, the hotel is called Pack ‘Em Inn. Ha ha ha! That hotel is so in Green Bay.
These are so good! So many comments on JA’s directorial debut and ALL SO GOOD! Can’t WAIT to see this!
Really looking forward to this episode (Jensen’s directorial debut plus I hope we get the issue of Bobby’s sold soul resolved)…
Torture again, you know. Seeing pictures like that, reading a synopsis, knowing that we have to wait quite a while to see it… gah. Not funny… being a fan isn’t always nice 😮
*theatrically sniffing*, Jas
This looks awesome! Bobby and flamethrower for the WIN!
Sioux Falls’ sheriff (aka Zack and Cody’s mom :roll:: )back again.
Dean and Sam together!
Sam looking concerned. See? Not so unfeeling after all. 😉
Can’t always tell from a few promo shots, but this looks to be extra groovy, always a good thing to bring characters back for that down home continuity.
I think for this show I will eat chesseburger’s in honor of JA’s directorial debut 😮
These pic’s make me feel all warm and fuzzy: guys at hotel doing their thing, Crowley being his demonic (and cute) self, Rufus (OMG they better not let BELLA out) gah too happy today for words!