The WFB Spoilery Lite/Speculative Preview: Supernatural Episode 10.10
Hiatus is over! Here is what we know about episode 10.
The CW official synopsis
10.10 The Hunter Games
THE AFTERMATH — After the massacre at the ranch, Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Castiel (Misha Collins) double their efforts to find a cure for the Mark of Cain but there is nothing in the lore that can help them. Desperate, Castiel comes up with an idea that Sam deems the “single worst idea I’ve ever heard.” Meanwhile, Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) continues to plot against Crowley (Mark Sheppard), and Castiel tries to mend his relationship with Claire (guest star Kathryn Love Newton) who is plotting revenge against Dean for killing her friend. John Badham directed this episode written by Eugenie Ross-Leming & Brad Buckner.
The extended promo:
The promo includes scenes with Charlie, who is supposed to be in the next episode, so either the casting information is wrong, or this covers more than this episode.
The sneak peek
Promotional pictures:
So Sam, Dean, and Cas all realize that Dean went to far when he massacred the people holding Claire. Metatron gets captured by Sam, Dean and Cas in an attempt to find a solution to the Mark of Cain. Crowley’s mother can’t cook and Crowley doesn’t eat. Claire is still rejecting Cas. This looks like we may be ramping up to the mytharc for this season.
What do you think? Does the Crowley relation with his mother look interesting? How do you feel about Claire and her reaction to Cas? How bad an idea is it to turn to Metatron? Are you excited about what is coming? Let us know.
Could care less about Claire or Rowena. I LOVE Crowley and Mark Sheppard, but ugh… his mommy issues are less than interesting and quite frankly stealing his ‘cool.’ Unless there is some actual movement on the MoC and it starts to mean something and they actually focus on it I am not all that interested in it either. The only thing that I am even curious about at this point is Metatron….. how weird is THAT?!?!
Just noticed the writers on this episode so… tempering expectations with the hope that they’ll surprise me. The Crowley/Rowena story hasn’t been that interesting, at least so far, but there is a lot of potential there.
Claire is planning revenge on Dean? Not advocating this but a creative twist would be if Claire tries to kill Dean, and MoC-fueled Dean ends up killing Claire. Given how careful the show has been in only having MoC-Dean kill lowlifes that “deserved it”, can’t see them taking such a huge risk.
And Sam must have some long term memory loss from being knocked unconscious so often; Castiel’s worst idea ever? Is this the same Castiel that made a deal with the King of Hell, opening a door in to purgatory and let the Leviathans out, played God, and then trusted Metatron and got all the angels locked out of heaven, also trapping all the souls in the veil? I guess working with Metatron might make the top 5, maybe top 3 :D:D
Considering I’ve already seen people getting all bent out of shape that Claire DARE be angry that Randy was killed at all, and saying that it’s so unfair that Cas and Sam aren’t telling Dean that he was totally right to slaughter everyone, I suspect if Dean kills Claire there will be tons of it was Claire’s own fault for daring to not love and understand Dean.
The writers for this episode have me leery as well. They don’t have a good track record. Maybe they will come through?
percysowner – I’m hoping they come thru; in their defense, they have written a couple of okay episodes. And, I agree, Claire has every reason to be pissed. Castiel destroyed her family and ruined her life and, as I said in prior comments, I don’t think you can ever “fix” that. Although, I’m not sure why they haven’t resorted to the old mind wipe trick; angels did that on a regular basis in earlier seasons, and Gadreel did that to Sam early in Season 9.
[quote]Gadreel did that to Sam early in Season 9.[/quote]Shhhh.You are not supposed to mention that.:p
oops… my bad 😉
[quote] [b] amberspectre: can we have some hints on how claire’s storyline is going to develop? and her relationship with cas? [/b]
Expect to see things with Castiel and his vessel’s orphaned daughter Claire to get worse before they can get better on Supernatural. “Claire does not understand why Dean killed her surrogate father Randy,” executive producer [b] Jeremy Carver [/b] says. “So Claire is very much a live wire still. How to deal with her and how to be a father to her is very much Castiel’s story right now. There is more to be seen with their story.” [/quote]
(Heavy sarcasm) They are going to try to work with Metatron – who tricked Cas and took his grace, orchestrated the fall of the angels, ordered Kevin’s death, and KILLED DEAN (!). They are doing this because the demon tablet is “missing.” And they don’t know anybody who was a prophet, who had all kind of notes on the demon tablet, notes that his mother took with them when she took the spirit of her son home with her (I thought, presumably, so he could continue working.) They’re not even going to call Kevin and and ask, “Say, do you remember reading anything about the Mark of Cain on the demon tablet?’ It wasn’t all about the Trials, because Kevin found the spell that blasted the demons back to Hell. I just hate when they make the boys do stupid things, so I am gritting my teeth, even as I look forward to a new episode.