Bring on the Wendigo!!!
Winchester brothers camping’ I love it!!!
Beings that are part human part creature that do not know about their alternate personage, there’s plenty of room for angst and discovery there.
Pagan Gods. We’ve had so much fun over the seasons with these characters:
Yes, the Carrigans are gone and the Scarecrow too and while Hammer of the Gods did destroy many a god, there are still many more to go. So bring them on Supernatural, there’s always the Easter Bunny and other things like that to destroy. Sure, SPN has touched on Christmas and Thanksgiving, there’s been the tooth fairy and some fairy tales that were quite grim, Cupid has been shot and we know that unicorns don’t exist but still’ leprechauns isn’t that terrible to think about’ little hands and all.
Bring on some more pagan gods, SPN, I’ll be looking forward to who you wreak havoc on next.
Witches — spewing their bodily fluids and all, bring them on.
We’ve had Samhain, Malleus Maleficarum and Patrick (the poker player) surely there are many others to be shown’ bring them on!
Evil Clowns!
Plus, with Sam having been to hell, how scary can a clown be?
Because demons we get’ people are crazy!
Mostly ’cause Kripke said we’d never see one because it’s too hard to make it look scary without being cartoonish.’ I say lots of shadow will work and it’s another chance for the boys to go camping!
So there you go, the top’ hmm, I think that’s ten monsters I’d like to see in Season 6.
So who or what do you want to see in Season 6?
Thanks for reading’ Elle2
My biggest wish is that SuperN will do the Headless Horseman. I want to see me some Winchesters riding horses!! And it’s a cool monster. GRIN
I feel so special that I inspired something! I’m all smiley now.
I’m totally with you on all of these; I’d totally forgotten how much I love each of the shapeshifters until you mentioned them all in the same place. I’d be psyched to see them back. The djinn I’m REALLY excited to have return. I kinda hope it’s Sam’s turn this time to get zapped…for symmetry purposes, of course, not at all for the angstiness it would/could provide. 😀
One I’d also like to see is the one Jared’s mentioned once or twice, the Shadow Man or something? Supposedly it was a Twilight Zone episode, I think, and from how Jared described it, that’d be awesome.
Can’t wait to see the djinn and shapeshifters again and learn a little bit more about how they came to be. What about Revenants or Chupacabras? They have been talked about, but never seen. Would love to see something with these.
Or remember in 2.01 when Dean was talking with Tessa about how ghosts come about? How about dealing with that premise a little further in depth?
Tigershire, Laurel and Evelyn,
Great comments and additions from you. Makes me more excited.
Headless Horseman…I love it. Have the boys riding some horses would be good as well. (Watched the Magnificent Seven last night w/ Yul Brenner and Steve McQueen and I’m all into westerns at this point.)
Also, a Twilight Zone episode would be cool, black and white of course, especially since all their lives are kinda twilight zoney so it would be fun to see that unfold. Hmm, Shadow Man (a play on daevas perhaps) very cool idea.
I like the idea of a revenant — of course I have no idea what that is, obviously somehting that mimics or takes on the form of someone (as per Bobby’s reference regarding Dean’s appearance in Lazarus Rising) so that would be a cool, new monster to see.
More ghosts always works for me as those are usually a bit of a mystery to unravel the who and what and where and when and I like a good mystery.
Thanks for the comments and the additions!
I know I can’t speak for Sam, but I’m pretty sure personally speaking, trip to Hell or no trip to Hell, clowns are still pretty scary! And I know howler monkeys are not monsters but they creep the hell out of a lot of people! I wonder how the boys would handle a whole room full of them. “With style and class” I’m sure.
Headless Horseman would be awesome… I also watched The Magnificent Seven on tv last night and the boys in cowboy outfits and on horses would be very cool!
I second the idea of a revenant – I have been wondering about those since Bobby brought them up.
I’m an East Coast girl – would love to see them hunt the legendary Jersey Devil!
Hi, Boobula and Paintgirl770,
boobula, so we were doing the same thing last night, watching Magnificent Seven, so we bonded over cowboys and horses…nice.
Paintgirl770, as a New Yorker (the state that is) the whole Headless Horseman so works for me, but as I also lived in New Jersey for several years (northwestern-ish) I vote for the Jersey Devil too!
As for revenants, I got curious so I found them on wikipedia and the essence (barest that is) is that these are visible ghosts or corpses returned from the grave to terrorize the living. It is suggested that they share characteristics with vampires as well as that they sometimes come back with a mission…such as to terrorize their murderer.
Sounds just perfect for Supernatural.
Thanks for the comments!
I am still rooting for the Zombie Alligator, Elle2 – I can’t help it, I would love to see that! My imagination spins with the idea – can I write the script, please?
I am a fan of your choices, dear – I would specifically like to meet Lenore again and after watching The Wolfman the other day, I would love to get a gothic episode involving werewolves. But, no clowns, please! I’m too damn afraid of them (that said, I hope there won’t be any dolls anymore, either).
My pre-commentators had some great ideas, as well! The Headless Horseman! Yey! Give us a WildWest-episode Winchester style! Hell, yes.
I would also be interested to see, how Supernatural’s writers would depict the devil in his natural environment – without a meat suit, you know, just the plain fallen angel…
Other favourites would include: Jack the Ripper (or a human lunatic re-inventing him?), The Monster from the Black Lagoon (that would have to be some kind of cosy episode, as the monster in that old film was so endearing), some banshees, and – of course the good old classic ghost story à la The Woman in Black (it’s the scariest play ever, running in London for many years – if you ever have the chance to watch it, do so. But, I hear they are making a movie of it, highly recommended, if it’s anything like the play).
Thanks for this little I-wish-we-had… trip, Elle2! Cheers, Jas
Haha! Sorry Jas, but you just gave me the idea of the boys facing off with a “Chucky” like eeeevil doll. I would love to see that!
Love the chupacabra and Jersey Devil ideas. Also, Shadowman.
Would like to see something about the fae (fairy folk). Not the cute little Tinkerbells, but the original folklore stuff. Ben Edlund and his leprechauns sounds very intriguing. Banshees sound good, too. 😮
Ah, Jasminka and Bevie,
You’ve added some goodies here (dolls in general don’t scare me but the Chucky evil doll has me shivering!
As for the zombie gators, yeah, I’m hopeful for those. I remember the X-Files episode where there was a ‘creature’ in the lake down south, ended up being a giant alligator but it was a great adventure for the characters and one of my favorite episodes for Scully and Mulder…I’d love one along those lines (don’t eat the doggie though!)
Hmm, the Woman in Black…sound spooky and cool, we’ve had a Woman in White…time for one in Black!
Thanks for adding to the fun!
Elle2, great minds think alike! I, too, am writing a list about monsters I want to see in season 6, but ones we haven’t seen before, so no overlap. But I’m not reading any comments so I’m not influenced by anyone else’s choices! But yeah, fun list! I have a feeling you’ll get your wish on some of these.
No, no, I’m not reading this *covers her eyes with hands* no Chucky, no Chucky, this isn’t happening….
Happy Place, happy place, happy place
shivering with fear 😉 Jas
Hi Elle2
I’m definitely on board with werewolves, shapeshifters and Dijinn’s, Oh My!
I like the idea of the headless horsemen, seeing both Jensen and Jared on horseback.:D
They could call it ‘Tall in the Saddle’ and they wouldn’t be lying.
Hey, Ardeospina, Jas and Karen,
I’m looking forward to your list, my dear. Admittedly I don’t know much about urban legends so I wouldn’t know where to start. Can’t wait to see what treats you have for us! 🙂
Jas, snuggle on the couch, that’s a safe place (and a happy place) nothing can harm you on the couch, there you go, just breathe in and breathe out, nice and slow…better? 😀
Karen…ooh, tall in the saddle so true…they’d need some tall horses as well to pull it off. Dusters and chaps, boots and spurs, cowboys hats and lariats…oh, my indeed!
Great list! I loved the djinn and look forward to the return of that creature in season 6.
I’d love to see them explore some other creatures previously portrayed as evil – perhaps a good witch or two? I guess you could count Patrick’s paramour as one but only marginally. I liked Patrick too – not sure how he could be brought back but I’d like to see him!
How about an actual Trickster? Maybe that’s been done to death but since The Trickster we know was actually a God….what are actual tricksters like?
The people idea is good too. It’s been a while since we’ve seen people as the antagonists.
There are certainly many possibilities!
Hi, Elle,
Oooh, an actual Trickster instead of an angel pretending to be a Trickster…now that would be kinda of funny! Perhaps they could have the Trickster try to outtrickster Gabriel (that is if they bring back Gabriel…I still like Bardicvoice’s take on the how and why it would be possible to bring back Trickster/Gabriel.
Yeah, more icky people, those have been kinda fun…well, okay Family Remains was truly gross (rat munching included!)
As Tim the Enchanter has said…we lucky sods only have seven weeks left until Season 6 begins (and it’s even slightly less than that as well!)
After reading all the fights on the other threads – I wouldn’t mind an episode dealing with fans becoming monsters (you know, like the gremlins – don’t feed ’em, don’t wet ’em. etc).
I imagine that might be a fine black episode with the wryest (is that correct at all?) humour possible.
;-), Jas
Jas, I think it proves what Dean has said for several seasons…demons I get but humans? Yeah, same thing happens in the fandom…critics I get but fans????
wryst, wriest, wryest…don’t know but I’ll go with wryest! 🙂
Ooooo…..wryest! and that’s my word of the day! 😀
Happy to be of service, boobula… 😆 😆 😆
Sending you lots of smiles, Jas
Great list Elle, I definitely want to see a shapeshifter or two.
Wendigo gets my vote we havent seen one since the begining of season one, so i think its about time we get another.
Vampires – Yes, i am excited about the episode ‘Live long and Twi-hard’ it sounds awesome.
No! No more Pagan Gods!
Haha not realy, i find it very funny the way the show designs our gods, I believe my gods have a sense of humor 😆
I would like to see another Trickster, But i realy want Gab back. I loved him since Tall Tales.
What is ‘Wryest’?
Definitely Werewolves, I know how Dean likes killing them. Though ‘Heart’ :cry::
Hi, Marie Winchester,
Jas was working on an inflection of the word wry trying to give it more, kinda like when one says they’ve got the funniest joke to tell others. So she was saying she hoped for an episode with wry humor (or dry or ironic or cynical humor) and she wanted it in the best possible way so she said the wryest…but neither of us know if that’s a word (think not) so we were having fun trying to spell it and goofing around. :-0
Werewolves…yeah, Dean was a geek about those, but the end of Heart with Gary and of course Madison likely took some of that geekiness out of him.
I really want Gabriel back too. I like how the character grew and deepened.
Soon, very, very soon.
Okay, thank you for explaning that 🙂 I thik Wryest would be the way to spell it.
I miss Gabriel 🙁 I realy hope they bring him back, there are lots of ways they could do it. We should start a campaign… Wait didnt they do that already?
Your right, Heart is a tear-jerkin’ episode for sure.
I know she isnt a monster..far from it, But i would realy like to see Missouri Moseley back.
Hi, Marie and Cassi,
I too really, really hope that Gabriel comes back but I absolutely adore the idea of a ‘real’ no-angel Trickster. Personally, I’d love to see Gabriel and The Trickster try to outdo each other.
I agree, Cassi, bring on the pagan gods the likes of The Trickster or The Carrigans or the Scarecrow…those kind really work for me.
Here’s hoping for lots of monsters this coming season (And I think we’re going to get our wish, too)