The Many Faces of Sam Winchester – Part 2: DemonBlood! Sam

The Many Faces of Sam Winchester – Part 2: DemonBlood! Sam

Pick your favorite alter ego of Sam Winchester. Possessed Sam? Demon Blood Sam? Evil Sam? Mind-Controlled Sam? Discussing the many faces of Sam sounded like an easy topic for my latest Con-tinual panel of Supernatural media professionals… until I started listing the many times and ways that Sam wasn’t the brother we all know and love! Odds…


In Memoriam: A Tribute to the Work of Supernatural Director Charles Beeson (Part 2)

On April 26, 2021 Jim Beaver shared the sad news that the SPNFamily had lost Charles Beeson, a talented director and long time friend to many of Supernatural‘s producers, cast and crew. Charles directed 14 episodes of Supernatural, spanning from season 2 all the way to the end of the series. His Supernatural portfolio includes some…

Picking Supernatural’s 75 Essential Episodes – Season 5

Picking Supernatural’s 75 Essential Episodes – Season 5

As I was looking for a way to pass the quarantine doldrums, I saw Entertainment Weekly’s list of what it considered to be the 75 most ‘essential’ episodes of Supernatural, leading up to Season 15. Since any excuse for a rewatch is a good excuse, I figured I’d not only invite my Supernatural “Team Free Will North…

Mallena’s Musings:  As the Glass Shatters – Supernatural’s Bloody Good Scenes, Part One

Mallena’s Musings: As the Glass Shatters – Supernatural’s Bloody Good Scenes, Part One

Some of you might know that I enjoy watching a Winchester bleed, preferably while another family member is nearby.  Now, I don’t consider myself a particularly violent person.  In real life the sight of another person in pain isn’t something I relish.  I avoid confrontation, run away from fights, and abhor bullies.  Most of my…

Nate’s Episode Review – Supernatural 1.22 “Devil’s Trap”

Nate’s Episode Review – Supernatural 1.22 “Devil’s Trap”

Nope. That title is not a lie nor a typo.   In celebration for the WFB’s 10th birthday, I thought I’d go back and take a look at the show’s very first finale and explain why it shows Kripke is a genius writer. Nate WinchesterNate Winchester is an aspiring author, blogger, and strangely the only…

Supernatural in Contemporary Society and Pop Culture

Supernatural in Contemporary Society and Pop Culture

Editor’s Note: We are excited to share these historical and cultural insights on Supernatural from videographer and The Winchester Family Business fan, Giuila Rodilossi! A transcript of her narration follows the video. – Nightsky   Supernatural success and longevity is strongly tied with its use of popular culture references and a constant dialogue about and within contemporary society…

Mallena’s Supernatural Musings:  5.01 “Sympathy for the Devil”

Mallena’s Supernatural Musings: 5.01 “Sympathy for the Devil”

This week, I’ve been musing about family dramas.  There are many great examples of the genre in television, films, and novels.  I wanted to review an episode of Supernatural that had some poignant family drama, so I picked the premiere episode of season five.  This episode has incredible drama between our favorite brothers and also…