Picking Supernatural’s 75 Essential Episodes – Season 2

Picking Supernatural’s 75 Essential Episodes – Season 2

As I was looking for a way to pass the quarantine summer doldrums, I saw Entertainment Weekly’s list of what it considered to be the 75 most ‘essential’ episodes of Supernatural, leading up to Season 15. Since any excuse for a rewatch is a good excuse, I figured I’d not only invite my Supernatural “Team Free Will…

“Carry On” Sing-Along With Kansas, Jensen, Jared and Misha

“Carry On” Sing-Along With Kansas, Jensen, Jared and Misha

Supernatural and Kansas fans were in for a real treat this week thanks to Misha Collins and GISH!  A highlight of GISH virtual summer camp activities was an online campfire sing-along of Supernatural‘s adopted theme song “Carry On Wayward Son” with the band Kansas! A special Zoom get together with the band members, Jensen Ackles,…

Musical Anatomy of a Superhero: Interview with Hollywood’s Renowned Genre Composers

Musical Anatomy of a Superhero: Interview with Hollywood’s Renowned Genre Composers

One of the amazing dynamics of San Diego Comic-Con is the access that fans have to the superstars of the entertainment industry. Panels offer fans a chance to ask questions of the otherwise inaccessible lead actors and behind-the-camera creative teams of the most popular movies and television shows. Through press rooms, private media outlets can…

Supernatural’s Top Ten Musical Moments – Emberlast’s Choices

Supernatural’s Top Ten Musical Moments – Emberlast’s Choices

Choosing your top songs from Supernatural is a challenging idea simply because there have been so many through the years.  In her recent article, Karen said she picked the first ten musical moments that came to her, so I pretty much tried to do the same:  which songs and which scenes came to my mind…

Exclusive Interview with Robbie Thompson: A Supernatural Memoir from B. G.’s Canteen – Part 4

Exclusive Interview with Robbie Thompson: A Supernatural Memoir from B. G.’s Canteen – Part 4

Robbie Thompson is widely considered by Supernatural fans to be one of its most creative, talented writers. From 2011 to 2016 (seasons 7 through 11), Robbie wrote 18 episodes, including the series’ milestone 200th episode (“Fan Fiction” 10.05), and co-produced a total of 94 hours of the series. His beloved characters and imaginative plots forever…

Threads: Supernatural 15.07 “Last Call”

Threads: Supernatural 15.07 “Last Call”

The Morning After Bottom Line: I loved “Last Call”. It was Jeremy Adams’ debut episode, after co-writing “Scoobynatural” in season 13 and becoming an official member of the Supernatural writing team. I had a chance to talk with Jeremy at 2019’s San Diego Comic-Con, and completely agree with all the rumors about him being one…

Exclusive Interview with Robbie Thompson: A Supernatural Memoir from B. G.’s Canteen – Part 2

Exclusive Interview with Robbie Thompson: A Supernatural Memoir from B. G.’s Canteen – Part 2

Robbie Thompson is largely considered by Supernatural fans to be one of its most creative, talented writers. From 2011 to 2016 (season 7 through 11), Robbie wrote 18 episodes, including the series’ milestone 200th episode (“Fan Fiction” 10.05), and co-produced a total of 94 hours of the series. His beloved characters and imaginative plots forever…