Supernatural’s Top Ten Friends to Foes, Enemies to Allies

Supernatural’s Top Ten Friends to Foes, Enemies to Allies

Hi, everyone! I’m back with another Supernatural Top Ten list! This time I’m featuring characters who either started as a Friend but then became a Foe, and/or characters who started out as an Enemy but later became an Ally. Once again, I chose my list by picking the first ten characters that came to mind,…

Threads: Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”

Threads: Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”

The Morning After Now that’s more like it! Supernatural‘s “Destiny’s Child” engaged the imagination. There was mystery, emotion and plot development. Granted, some of the new canon that was introduced to advance our heroes’ plights required a massive suspension of disbelief, but at least the episode mostly made sense and was super fun to watch!…

Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”–Returns, Remorse, and Replicas

Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”–Returns, Remorse, and Replicas

What a fascinating episode. For me, Supernatural episodes fall into one of the following three categories: 1. Essential to the arc of the season 2. Monster of the week 3. Comedy/One-offs (ala “The French Mistake”) This episode was kind of, sort of, all three mixed up into one. It’s thrown me for a loop a little.

Supernatural’s Top 100 Favorite Episodes: Countdown 90-81!

Supernatural’s Top 100 Favorite Episodes: Countdown 90-81!

This week I’m counting down Supernatural’s Favorite Episodes, Number 90 to Number 81! I won’t re-hash all the details about this epic project (which were described in “The Road So Far” introduction), so I’ll just quickly remind you that this list of Favorite Episodes is based on the rankings submitted to me from several participants,…

Inspired by Supernatural: SPNFamily’s Spooky Halloween!

Inspired by Supernatural: SPNFamily’s Spooky Halloween!

On October 31, people around the world celebrate Halloween. Pumpkins get carved and houses get spooky decorations. Costume parties are held where people dress as hunters, angels, demons, witches, ghosts, vampires, werewolves and all kinds of Supernatural characters.   It’s the time when Sam and Dean investigated the death of a man who swallowed razor blades…

Mallena’s Supernatural Musings:  7.17 “The Born-Again Identity”

Mallena’s Supernatural Musings: 7.17 “The Born-Again Identity”

Hi, everyone.  The nice people here at The WFB decided to let me write a series of episode reviews, for your enjoyment (let’s hope that it’s not a horrible mistake). I’m going to pick any episode from any season that was interesting to me in some way, then talk about other shows and books that touch upon…

Nate and Alice Make Supernatural “Frenchy Mistakes”

Nate and Alice Make Supernatural “Frenchy Mistakes”

I was bopping around the Internet the other day when I came across the “what could have been” section on Supernatural’s TV trope page.  “What is this?” I thought.  “It is real world impacts on the SPN stories,” I realized.  It was all pretty fascinating!  So fascinating I knew I had to ask the person who knew…