Inspired by Supernatural: Art by Janie Romel

Inspired by Supernatural: Art by Janie Romel

Editor’s Note: The Winchester Family Business is proud to feature another talented artist in our series “Inspired by Supernatural“! Members of the SPNFamily all around the world express their love for Supernatural in many different ways, according to their personal talents. Some write, others create videos, jewelry, collectible figures or larger crafts. Janie is a…

Inspired by Supernatural: Fan Art by Bettina Bier

Inspired by Supernatural: Fan Art by Bettina Bier

Editor’s Note: Supernatural inspires each of its fans in different ways. I write. Others draw, create fan videos or write fan fiction. Bettina creates collages of Supernatural’s characters edited together with images that express her interpretation of the characters’ personalities or characteristics. I first saw Bettina’s “Animal” themed art on Twitter. I thought it was…

Inspired by Supernatural: Collectible Sam and Dean Action Figures

Inspired by Supernatural: Collectible Sam and Dean Action Figures

Editor’s Note: A fan alerted me to the existence of these Sam and Dean action figures. After reading the persistence and vision it took to create them, then seeing these pictures, I had to put this story together for you. Collectibles are a part of every fandom. These are homemade yet some of the best…

The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part 2 – The Convention Experience

The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part 2 – The Convention Experience

(For those that missed part one, Indoctrination, go here.) I entered the Westin O’Hare lobby early Friday morning, well before silver ticket holders could register.  I didn’t want to be late after all.  What happened over the next three days was better, stranger, more daunting and more exhilarating than anything I had previously imagined The…

The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part I – Indoctrination

The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part I – Indoctrination

Intro from Alice:   I do love sharing these fan stories when I get them.  I remember when I shared my own story, just when I started blogging for Supernatural back in 2008, I only found the show at the beginning of season three.  I’m stunned how new fans are finding it today, often times…