Inspired by Supernatural: Quilting Sam and Dean Winchester!

Inspired by Supernatural: Quilting Sam and Dean Winchester!

We have so much talent in the Supernatural fandom! Fans draw, edit photos and videos, write fan fics, create costumes or props, make jewelry and much more. It’s time to showcase some of the #SPNFamily’s talent and ask the people behind the creations some questions! 9 months, 2.440 pieces and more than 800 hours of…

My Lighthouse in the Dark: The Power of Supernatural and the #SPNFamily – Part 2

My Lighthouse in the Dark: The Power of Supernatural and the #SPNFamily – Part 2

Editor’s Note: Fandoms can save people from many different situations. Coupled with Jared’s, Jensen’s and Misha’s leadership and the Always Keep Fighting initiative, many people are seeing a light in the darkness for the first time in their lives. In Part 1 of this story of friendship and courage, Heimatstern shared the path that brought her…

Dreams and Demons: The Power of Supernatural and the #SPNFamily – Part 1

Dreams and Demons: The Power of Supernatural and the #SPNFamily – Part 1

Editor’s Note: After reading my account of finding Supernatural in Family Don’t End with Blood, Heimatstern submitted her story to The Winchester Family Business. By itself, it’s an amazing testament to optimism and generosity of spirit but it is even more powerful in the context of the friendship that has spanned an ocean. Fandoms can save…