The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part 2 – The Convention Experience
(For those that missed part one, Indoctrination, go here.)
I entered the Westin O’Hare lobby early Friday morning, well before silver ticket holders could register. I didn’t want to be late after all. What happened over the next three days was better, stranger, more daunting and more exhilarating than anything I had previously imagined
The Fans
While I waited for the registration desk to open, I found a seat in a quiet corner of the hotel lobby and timidly watched people file out of elevators, dining rooms, cabs and car pools. My first impression put my worst fears into overdrive ““ I really didn’t belong here. The Friday morning crowd included the people who had been to several conventions before; many even follow the convention from city to city. They most likely had gold tickets, and had systematically upgraded their seating with each successive convention. I was smack dab in the middle of the hard-core convention goers!
If I’m honest with myself, the first set of people I observed made me uncomfortably self-conscious. I differed in age, stature, profile and dress from almost everyone I saw. There were people in costumes carrying home-made props. There were people with wall-sized posters to be signed (I had come empty handed). I saw permanent and semi-permanent tattoos (you know which ones) all related to Supernatural. Others were dressed in faded, torn jeans, with imprinted T-shirts that only Supernatural fans would understand. I was a rookie in a house full of pros. I thought I was a fan, but the people I saw had made Supernatural a much bigger part of their life than I had previously expected. I strongly considered bolting for the door and declaring myself temporarily insane for ever thinking I could fit into fandom.
Well, I thought, stand your ground. Supernatural hadn’t let me down yet, and had only been a force of good in my life, so I might as well forge ahead. Before I could reconsider this folly, the time arrived for silver ticket holders to turn in their printed tickets. We were fitted with permanent wrist bands (the same kind they put on you in hospitals and water parks), and instructed to wear large, laminated ID lanyards around our necks at all times for the next three days. Convenient, but I could no longer pretend I was at the hotel for the mathematicians conference that was taking place on another floor (No kidding – I’m not making that up!). I filed into the convention hall to find my very welcome, very safe chair. But how to kill the long time before the convention started? I decided to take some pictures of the stage. That seemed innocuous enough, and might even be something that “experienced” convention goers would do. This is when I met my first “friend”. She was closer to my age than anyone I had seen yet. She was in the 3rdrow (was that envy I was feeling?), and just like me, had started following Supernatural with her daughter. She was easy to talk to and very reassuring. Phew. One person I could relate to. I might just survive.
I had been told that everyone would be friendly. I went out of my way to try to meet people because, for all I knew, this was the full complement of people with whom I would be spending the next three days. To the contrary, I was surprised to find that everyone pretty much kept to themselves or their little group of friends. If you started a conversation, though, they would cautiously, slowly warm up to you. Maybe there wasn’t the immediate trust I had expected, but we knew we had a mutual interest, one safe subject at least, so there was some excuse for talking to complete strangers.
To jump ahead, I ended up meeting many people with whom I had a lot in common. I realized that as the audience increased with each successive day of the convention, the demographics of the crowd expanded. I met married couples who share an interest in Supernatural and enjoy going to conventions together. Many of the “older” (more than 20-something) people I met were teachers or more likely, college professors. Out of the 8 people I got to know the best (some I sought out, some I met purely by chance), five were college professors. What are the odds of that? (Oh, sorry. I got confused with that mathematician’s conference down the hall again.) I’ve always considered teaching as a second profession. Was there something going on here that was more than a coincidence?
On the third day of the convention, the “Js” day (when Jared and Jensen appear and dominate the activities), the composition of the crowd broadened considerably. There were mothers attending with their college-aged daughters, and groups of women who brought their pre-teen girls (who were just as much into J&J as everyone else!). There was a young couple where it was unbelievably obvious and so sweet that the young man had attended simply because his girlfriend had asked him to. The convention was sold out on Sunday so there were people everywhere, most of whom had bought general admission, one-day passes. This was the easiest day to feel at home, because everyone was excited and busy, and no one age group or personality type dominated the audience. We were all there to see the “boys”.
The “Talent” (i.e. the actors we came to see)
Soon it was time for the actors to take the stage. I had seen endless hours of Jared’s and Jensen’s “panels” on YouTube, but I really didn’t know what to expect from any of the other cast members. I won’t bore you with a detailed description of everyone’s Q&A. I would like to share several lasting impressions, however, that really impacted me:
First, there was a big range in the entertainment value of the guests. It was clear that some had prepared for their time with us. The most obvious example of this was James Patrick Stuart (Dick Roman). I frankly was very ambivalent about his appearance at the convention. I really didn’t like the Dick Roman character (I found him annoying, which probably says something good about the actor’s portrayal of the primary S7 bad guy). I wouldn’t have minded at all if I had a good reason to miss his panel, but I didn’t, and I was determined to absorb every single minute of the convention experience. So I dutifully took my place in the audience and gave him my full attention. I am SO glad I did (proves again how much you can learn when you are open to the unknown). He was incredible. He was witty and entertaining. His talent for recounting stories, singing, instantaneously switching characters on stage and interacting with the audience was stunning. Besides his abundance of natural talent, though, I really appreciated that he respected the fans enough to prepare for his time on stage.
I was also tremendously impressed with DJ Qualls and Kim Rhodes. They were open, honest, revealing and engaging. They had stories to tell, energy to spare and they were both just plain funny. They were brutally honest about their personal lives, which endeared them to the fans (at least to me), and again, their time on stage was truly entertaining. Of course, Jim Beaver was sweet and charming and Richard Speight, Jr. was a riot.
The second most poignant observation that stirred me was how fragile some of the individual actors appeared to be. They had the courage to appear before 1000 people in the audience, yet I wanted to go up to several of them, hug them and reassure them that they were OK. Returning the favor of the honesty they gave the fans, I won’t relay any specifics, but several of the actors said things that revealed the vulnerability and insecurities that drove them to acting in the first place and that still plague them every time they try out for a role and are rejected for being too skinny, too fat, too old, too plain, too quiet, too loud, or for absolutely no reason at all. Most adults have either overcome, or more likely, hide all too well, their personal demons. But these people have chosen a profession where they have to overtly display characters’ emotions, so I guess either accidentally or by design, their personal frailties were exposed for all to see. I had previously been aware of the most common personality profile of actors, but seeing it and hearing it first hand from people I “knew” was a very powerful experience. I didn’t expect this at all.
Besides the psychological bruising, I was struck by how physically grueling acting was. Jim Beaver was late because, after a full day of taping, his flight had been cancelled and he was squeezed at the last minute into a different airline’s over-crowded plane. He had slept 3 out of the last 36 hours and he brought an uneaten bag of cold McDonald’s food onto stage because he also hadn’t eaten in too many hours. Other actors mentioned as well that they got into the hotel in the wee early hours of the morning, after taping or auditioning or some other such commitment. Rachel Miner was sick with a fever, was white as a ghost and could hardly speak loud enough for us to hear her. Yet she stayed on stage for 45 minutes, answering questions. Then she slugged through photo ops and an endless autograph line. This convention was sandwiched between everyone’s “day jobs” and personal needs. They were contractually obligated to appear. Yes, they were getting paid, but I think Jim and Rachel would have paid any ransom to be able to skip the stage time and just sleep.
And speaking of sleepingI should pause here to describe a little bit about the convention atmosphere that I had experienced thus far:
- Scheduled convention events went late into the night and started right after breakfast in the morning (unless, of course, you had tickets to the breakfast panel. Then it started before breakfast!). There was little time for sleep. There was a lot of waiting for your turn and a lot of standing in lines.but I was so excited, I didn’t mind one minute of any of it!
- This convention venue was not prepared to accommodate a group of our size. There was only one snack bar, and it was poorly staffed and poorly stocked. I had nothing but an apple and candy bar for my combined lunch and dinner on Friday. You don’t go to conventions for the food!
- On the positive side, though, I was amazed at the creativity and the superb quality of the fans’ music videos. They were excellent. They were shown as fillers, or as introductions to some of the actor’s panels, but I made it a point to always be in my seat early enough to enjoy them.
- The convention took place on the weekend before Halloween, so the local TV affiliate was running a Supernatural marathon all weekend long! All of the lobby TVs were tuned to Supernatural, so we could see the actors on stage, then come out to the lobby and watch episodes during the breaks! Supernatural was everywhere we looked! Talk about being completely immersed in a “Supernatural” world!
- Lastly, the Karaoke party was fun!
OK, back to the story.
The excitement of Day 2 was the arrival of Misha. It was also the day he was going to be presented with the check for his charity. I had voted for him every day for the past month, so I was super excited and proud to be a part of the award ceremony. What I witnessed on that day, though, was a Misha that seemed somewhat uncomfortable being in the limelight? During the hand-off of the money, I got the impression that he didn’t know what to say, where to stand or who to thank. It was all rather a bit awkward. He was witty answering fan’s questions, but it helped if you understood that he adds a bit of sarcasm to flavor his responses. His popularity with the fans was obvious, though. He was loved.
The Main Attraction
Several years ago there was a show on TV called “The West Wing”. It was an Aaron Sorkin masterpiece that forever redefined just how good TV could be. Briefly, it was about the President of the United States and the people that work for him (in the West Wing of the Whitehouse). They used to refer to something called “Presidential Flame-out”. It characterized the moment when highly intelligent, accomplished, rational, adept people go brain dead when they first meet the President. They say and do ridiculously ludicrous things because they are so numbed by the awe of being in the presence of such an iconic person. I tell you this story because that is exactly what happened to me when I met Jared and Jensen.
Actually, the analogy of meeting the President isn’t far from the truth. J&J arrive at the convention on Sunday. Keep in mind that the fans have already been immersed in the “Supernatural world” for two full days and nights, being entertained by, photographed with, eating, drinking, singing and dancing with cast members that are famous actors in their own right. These cast members have their own private elevators and volunteer “handlers” that keep fans a safe, respectful distance away from “the talent”. Nothing compares to Sunday, though. J&J arrive amidst a flurry of unmatched excitement. They are flanked by their body guard (Clif), the hotel’s body guards, the convention sponsor’s body guards, and, oh yeah, the volunteer handlers. Of course Jared and Jensen are probably the biggest guys in the room to begin with. Add several more “gentlemen” who could have all played left tackle for a professional football team, in suits, with “don’t-even-think-about-it” looks on their faces. You know something big is happening. The energy level of the convention increases a hundred fold. The audience doubles in size from the previous days, as the one-day-only attendees arrive. And you can feel the nervous level of energy in the air, as everyone anticipates their time with “the boys”. What pose do I want with them in our photo op? Is what I’ve chosen for them to autograph big enough, good enough, memorable enough? Will I make it to the front of the line to ask my question of them? Do I have a good enough question? Will they notice me? Am I having a good or a bad hair day?
Listening to them talk, answer questions, and interact with the fans is as special as you would imagine. Time seems to stand still, yet their hour on stage goes by in the blink of an eye. Those lucky enough to have a gold ticket have a breakfast session with them. The rest of us have the panel, and maybe a moment when we pass in front of them in the autograph line. And then there’s the 15 seconds you might have with them if you paid to stand next to them for a picture. Which brings me to my “flame out”..
So obviously this was my first opportunity to be near them. I knew I would be nervous. The prior two days I had asked every experienced conventioneer I talked to what it was like to meet the boys. Without exception, whatever they relayed to me about their first experience not only didn’t relieve my fears, it jacked up my anxiety. One said Jared winked at her when she approached for a pictureand she doesn’t remember a single thing after that. Another said the boys squeezed her so hard in their “hug” that she couldn’t breatheand didn’t want to. I just didn’t know how I was going to walk, talk and breathe at the same time in their presence.
I hadn’t really thought about my “pose” with them (I had chosen the “duo” photo op). I had read that fans shouldn’t plan on special requests because there wasn’t enough time to accommodate everyone’s, shall we say, fantasies. Then the photographer addressed the auditorium of people to give us instructions for the photo session. He gave the impression that we could ask for a particular pose. I hadn’t planned on that at all. What on earth was I going to do? I heard people talking about “gun slinger” poses, back to back poses, and over the shoulder posesI was worried about standing on two feet and they were asking me to get creative?? My anxiety level jumped another few levels, if that was even possible. When my row was called and we went downstairs to wait in line for our entry into the private room where pictures were taken, I decided I would just ask for a hug. After all, that way Jared and Jensen could hold me up if my equilibrium failed me. Soon it was my turn. I started walking toward them. Jared was closest to me (and I have to admit now and for all time, I am a Jared girl), so I looked him in the eye and uttered simply “arms around hug?”. He smiled, I heard him say “Sure”, then I think there was a brief second of some kind of shuffling (I really don’t know ““ I had gone blank at this point), I felt arms around me somehow, I looked at the camera and smiled. Flash. Done. I started to walk away. Then I realized. OMG, OMG, OMG..I never even looked at Jensen!! He had to have been there! He was standing next to Jared when other people were being photographed. Surely he hadn’t disappeared all of a sudden! So I turned my head around (my back was already to them because I was walking away) and I was looking Jensen straight in the eye. I blurted out “thank you”, really because I thought I had been so rude to completely ignore him during the picture. I know. I have to have my head examined. How does anyone ignore Jensen?? Like I said, brain dead. He didn’t say anything to me, but just kind of looked at me a little confused. I turned and walked away. At that point, I think I starting breathing again. Like I said, flame out.
You don’t get your pictures until late that evening. When I finally saw my picture with these two wonderful, gorgeous guys that I admire, I was actually very happy. I had smiled in the picture. My eyes were open. I was standingwell actually, I was leaning on Jared, but I don’t remember leaning on Jared. Jensen, bless his heart, had taken up a great model pose simply standing to my left (Jared was on my right). But the look on Jared’s face stole the whole picture. We know the boys tease each other. They talk about their friendly competitions with each other. Well the look on Jared’s face said, “Hah, Jensen, this one is mine!” My 8X10 is framed on my piano, and to this day, every single time I walk by and glance at his expression, I laugh. Yeah, I was his.
Then the convention was over. The boys were whisked away to their planes. People went home. So that was my convention experience. I made it.
If I peel away all the excitement, confusion, long waits and long lines, entertainment and applause, anxieties and exhilarations of the convention, I am left with some enduring, treasured memories that I will hold dear forever:
First, the people that attended the convention, especially the 3-day attendees, found a place where they could unabashedly celebrate something joyful in their lives. There really was no common denominator for what these people did Monday through Friday, where they lived or what made up the fabric of their lives, but what brought them all together, here, was joy.
Second, that the kindness of 4 people who took me under their wing, shared meals and friendship with me when they hadn’t known me for more than literally a few minutes, enriched my convention experience beyond words. Thank you Jennifer, Alice, Lynn and Kathy.
Next, when I think about meeting the actors, I was touched most by the look in Kim’s, Rachel’s, Richard’s, and Jared’s eyes when they looked up at me in the autograph line. I had thought long and hard about what I wanted to say to them in the 5 to 7 seconds when I was directly across the table from them (as they signed their names on the photos and DVD covers that were put in front of them). I had decided to thank each one of them for something they had done that moved me. For Kim, it was a particular page in her blog. For Rachel, it was how she delivered lines. For Richard, it was the energy he added to the convention by emceeing with laughter, wit and sincerity. For Jared, it was simply asking how he had enjoyed the day he had taken to tour my city. In each case, they stopped, moved their eyes up from the endless, moving stream of fans, and looked at me. I saw them process what I had just said, and in that moment, they were normal, ordinary people that cherished hearing that they were appreciated. They each kind of breathed a heart-felt thank you, and shared just one quick thought about what they were trying to do with that piece of writing, acting, or in Jared’s case, relaxing. But I will never forget the raw validation and acceptance I saw in their eyes and heard in their voice in that moment. All the hype, fame and celebrity status was gone. They were people, just like the rest of us and they had been told they mattered.
Above all, it was an utter thrill to see Jared and Jensen interacting with each other. Up to this point, my life has been full of many joys that have no comparison – accepting a proposal of marriage, holding a baby in my arms, promotions, accomplishments. Of course, they are all on a different plane than meeting two actors I admire. But there is something special, something blessed, about being in the same room with J&J. I can’t describe it, but they emit a palpable, enriching grace or aura or energy that fills you to the core. Individually, I believe they are dedicated, honest, sincere, genuine, caring people, but together, their impact on others is astounding. J&J strengthen each other, support each other, inspire each otherand the joy and fun they share gives the world around them a truly powerful gift. They really are special and I consider meeting the two of them one of the special moments of my life.
So there you have it. My journey to becoming a full-fledged, card carrying fan of Supernatural. Immediately after attending the convention, I really didn’t know if I would want to go again next year. Did I really need to do this again? Hadn’t I spent enough? Experienced it all? It is now three weeks later, though, and I’m starting to think, hey, why wouldn’t I want to go again? After all, I had fun.
P.S. What is the next step on my journey? You tell me. After all, I am the new kid on this block. Actually, I do have a few ideas. If you can believe it, I would like to work for Jared and/or Jensen and use all my business experience to expand the good that they do, and the good that Supernatural does, for the world. Of course, I know that sounds crazy, but as Jim Beaver has said in many interviews this season, “Hey, this is Supernatural. Anything is possible.”
- I’m the Co-Editor-in-Chief, Social Media Manager (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), Live Tweet Moderator, reviewer and feature writer for The Winchester Family Business. Before joining the Supernatural Family, I worked for 22 years at a global consulting firm, but after years of long hours, high pressure and rigorous demands, I quit corporate life to raise my children. After my first Supernatural convention, I was driven to share my shock and awe in a two-part essay that The WFB was brave enough to post, and my second life calling, that of being a writer, began. My first published book, Fan Phenomena: The Twilight Saga was released in late 2016. Please share in my cross-fandom excitement by following its Facebook page @FanPhenomenaTwilight and my personal Twitter account @LSAngel2. You can read about this whole miraculous transition in my chapter in Family Don’t End With Blood, published in May 2017.
Hi and welcome to the best fandom in the world! I loved reading you report, thanks so much for sharing it. I have done three conventions to date and plan to do another in May. The first time I bought a (very) expensive ticket to a convention, I had serious buyers remorse. I was a single mom and could no way afford the ticket or the hotel.
Turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life. It was worth every cent and all the sacrifices I had to make to be there. J&J and all the actors are amazing human beings and I had just as much fun “fan watching”. Every one was so cool.
Enjoy the fans sites, twitter, and all the other goodies that come with being a dedicated fan.
I enjoyed reading your report. I don’t think I’ll ever go to a convention but I liked the feeling of living vicariously through you. Your enthusiasm was so genuine that it put a smile on my face!
What a pleasure to read!
This is a great article and I’m so glad you had a wonderful experience. 🙂
Nightsky I would like to thank you for sharing your experience of attending your first convention. Reading through all of it just makes me that more excited and anxious for my 1st convention in March. I had no idea what to even expect so thank you for the insight of what is to come. I have watched lots of hours of youtube footage of previous cons so I get the panel part but there is all the stuff in between. It’s nice to know that everyone is friendly and helpful and it is well worth the expense.
Wow! Did you ever capture it. My 1st (and possibly only) convention was Dallas in September. I definitely “flamed out” with my Jensen photo op (I’m a Jensen/Dean girl).
I felt like someone took all the air out of the room as I got closer. I didn’t see how it was possible, but he was even more stunning in person than any photo I had ever seen.
When it was my turn I told the woman,”Wait, I have to breathe”; to which Jensen responded, “No you don’t!”. Then pulls me into the shot. I couldn’t feel my legs at that point. I took the best picture of my life; but look who I was standing next to!!
My family and friends thought I was crazy for going.I had to fly from KY to TX alone. I could only afford Silver as well. I had no one to share any of it with, either. Even though people were friendly there, you are right-they stick to their groups; and you are on your own mostly. Now, All I can think about is going to another one! It may never happen (as it took me 10 months to pay for that one), but that is the dream-GOLD!!
No matter what, I have that memory. Everyone from the cast was so great. Most important, I met JENSEN. He will not remember, but I will never forget…
Next time Penny Jaime, maybe you should post here and you can meet up with someone from the Winchester Family Business Group. Couldn’t hurt.
[quote] He will not remember, but I will never forget…[/quote]
I LOVE that line! How true. Thank YOU for sharing your photo op story. I have re-read it several times, and I smile each time! How many more stories like this are there out there?! They all seem similar, yet each one is absolutely wonderful.
Ok. I’m crying. Yup crying. Me. (Idjit)
Thank you for sharing, Nightsky. This was absolutely beautifully written. I envy you your experience and your memories, and applaud your bravery and generosity.
(And I’m coming to steal that picture, just warning you).
Great article and I think you should work for Creation Entertainment! You had some good insights about meeting other fans and good comments about the food, and activities that could make the conventions so much more fun. If there were more to see and do and more creative ways to connect with other fans the conventions would be so much better. Think about it.
Thank you so much for the suggestion! Actually, you have a great point about there being many opportunities to enrich the experience even more. I would be happy to share my ideas with Creation!
My Co-worker is trying to convince me to go to AECON 4 next year… and after reading this, I just might attend.
Thank you 🙂
Wonderful blog. I am also crying because you’ve managed to make me even more excited for my trip next year and if, on the first day of VanCon, I find myself wanting to “declare myself temporarily insane for ever thinking I could fit into fandom”, I’ll try to remember what you’ve written!
The joy you express about the experience is so contagious that I’m clapping my hands in anticipation. I also love your description about the photo op, even though it makes me a tad anxious. I’m definitely a ‘Jared’ girl but I don’t know if I’d be brave enough to say “arms around hug”… haha! But maybe I will be now that I’ve read your blog. And if I do, I’ll try not to ignore Jensen 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing!
This was such a joy to read! I will never go to a convention, but I love reading about others’ experiences. I admire your bravery in overcoming the fear of not fitting in, and I love that you found people to hang with and share the experience.
I love your descriptions of the actors with whom you made a personal connection. They are, ultimately, just people, and I think in spite of their celebrity, they must crave those little moments when someone says something genuine and they get to respond.
I smiled at your description of your “flame-out.” So many people have described the same experience, but yours is particularly cute. I had that experience at a concert once where my husband and I were standing about three people from the stage and the lead singer (who is young enough to be my son) made direct, total eye contact with me, and grinned, and I felt like I had been electrocuted. My hands and feet literally went numb! So embarrassing, but hey, there are people in the world who just have amazing personal charisma, and undoubtedly, Jared and Jensen are like that. I salute you for being able to walk and talk! 😉
Thank you so much for sharing your experience!
Thank you so much for sharing your experience, you give some really good tips that I will be using next year in Toronto when I attend my very first convention. I’m already nervous about it, I mean, butterflies in my stomach nervous. Especially after reading how you felt getting your picture taken with J&J. I’m so nervous about meeting them I’ve been putting off buying my picture op! 😳
I’ve been talking about this show for so long to my family and friends and about wanting to attend a convention ever since I started checking them out on Youtube. So my very generous sister has purchased a gold ticket weekend for me for my fiftieth birthday next year. Maybe I’ll see you there if you decide to attend. I’ll be the one with her head in the clouds. 🙂
What a great birthday present! If your ticket is to Toronto, I am still thinking about it! I will be at ChiCon for sure though! I am waiting for silver tickets to go on sale. Maybe there are other people here planning to go to Toronto?
I’m definitely going to try and find out if anyone from The WFB will be there, not just the writers but posters as well. I’m as excited to meet fans as I am about meeting the stars…well maybe more excited to meet J&J. 😛 I bought my picture op yesterday and I’m already thinking about what I want! Oh, the pressure. 😆
Wow, this was such a good read and yes, I am jealous. Your article was well thought out and I enjoyed reading about all the stars. We tend to forget that they are human also and have a lot of stuff going on in their lives, just as we do in ours. I would think that as much time that they spends at CONS would be exhausting as they have so many to attend and that doesn’t count the ones that they do overseas. thanks for writing, elaine
sorry, slow computer, double post…my bad
Thanks for this. I really enjoyed it. And dang it started something again.
I have been to three conventions. My first one was Barcelona and I added a short vacation afterwards. And after the first day of the convention I informed my friends on the c-box here that I caught a virus. They felt sorry for me since that was my first vacation in years but then I told them that I didn’t need a doctor to tell me the name of the virus. I was fully capable of diagnosing it myself. The name of the virus is: CONFEVER
After that first convention (which included the Js) I told myself – been there, done that. That’s it, no more conventions for me. They cost to much money. And then less then half a year later I heard of the second Aecon and I was debating with myself for less then a day. Guess what. The fever had risen again and I bought a ticket before they had even announced the guests and the city they were holding it in. Surprise surprise! The Js were there too.
Well, after that I thought that is enough. for about 10 month and then I discovered that there were still tickets available for Aecon 3. I told myself that I didn’t need to go there. That I already been to two conventions. No need to go to another one. That lasted for about a week and the fever came back during that time and I bought another ticket. That con was without the Js but it was still a lot of fun and worth while.
Up to this day I am strong. I haven’t bought a ticket yet for Aecon 4 but there are still a few month till then.
Oh my Chuck, Nightsky, I was tearing up, I still am tearing up reading this. Welcome to one of the most awesome places in the world, our fandom. You described your experience so beautifully. As for what’s next in your journey, well, whatever the hell you want, I guess. And if it involves wanting to do some good on the name of our show, well, we do that pretty well, too. 😉
Now I’m going to stop writing before I start sobbing at work, but I think you’ve managed to some up exactly what this shows gives us: Joy.
Enough said.
I was trying to send an email to Alice about this, but maybe there could be a board up on the Winchester Family Business website that when someone attends a CON, they could meet up with someone from this webpage. I know that I would like to have someone to hang out with, if I EVER got to one.
Dinkwerks, In the article I thanked some people that “took me under their wing”. I had emailed them from web sites, asking if we could meet at the con since I didn’t know anyone. It helped a lot! So after reading so many fans comment that they wanted to go to a con but were alone, I also got the idea of helping them connect. It is great that you suggested it! I had already emailed Alice about the idea when you posted this. I am waiting to hear her thoughts.
You’ll get a reply too! Hopefully today. Thanks for the ideas.
No pressure – take your time! The next con isn’t for more than 3 months!
Great Minds think alike….you were just ahead of me…but I do think it would be a good idea to connect. It might take a while to get it together and working for the CON fans. I didn’t realize that there were so many ‘older’ (ahem) fans out there in Supernatural world…you kinda think you are the only one with the kink and sometime you feel alone. Glad I found the WFBusiness board and fans, it has helped. Alice is really good about answering questions you pose to her.
My apologies dinkwerks. I definitely got your email, but I’m a couple days behind on email replies these days. I don’t see why we can’t have a small and informal Winchester Family Business meet and greet at these cons.
Actually, that’s what I do on a regular basis when I go! Meet up with fans, ones I know and new ones I’ve never met. Perhaps a more organized effort would be in order though. I know those that have attended the European cons have been successful in getting together with others from this site.
Thanks for the suggestion!
great read because I was there and theres alot to say and I can not say it all but I met the sweetest people ever in this con I was scared and happy all at the same time we drive 12hr fro marshall mn to rosemount il we got to the hotel around 4am in the morning and it started at 9am went a got alot of stuff like teeshirts posters of jared and the calender. but did not go back to bed untell 12 that nite stayed for only one song at the kareoke to loud for me. Kim and the girl who played meg both so sweet and being in a going down in a elevater with the actor that played dick was awesome. day2 seeing misha made me cry and meeting him was so awesome and going to the party and talk to them all was scary but cool. day 3 was the scary day jared up close OH GOD YES! and yes I got a ? to jared I am the one with the gilmore girl ? for a friend she a big fan and not only that but to have jared give me a high 5 because I told him I have one of his 1st movie on dvd was like a dream coming true it was great. I say if in 2 years and more money I do it again if they still have the con I do it because to see all of them and jared and jensen and to see how sweet they are was a dream and fun and I loved the music videos too and have alot of pics but it was a great time.
I felt like I was there with you. Thank you for your in depth description of the conference. Every year I think I want to go but always talk myself out of it. What if it is not what I expected? I hear the screaming fans on YouTube video and that is so not me. I also am an over 40 fan of Supernatural and was drawn in by my son. I am now considered ultra fan by my daughter. My dream is to attend the ultimate conference Comic Con…someday