Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

“Slumber Party” is an odd duck for me.  I don’t think it’s a bad episode.  It’s well constructed, tells a unique story, and doesn’t have me shouting out “WTF???” on continuity or plotting.  The issue I have with it is that I’m not a huge fantasy fan.  I get it, Charlie is from a different…

Reviews That I Missed:  Episode 8.11 – “LARP and the Real Girl”

Reviews That I Missed: Episode 8.11 – “LARP and the Real Girl”

It’s been a while since I had watched Supernatural‘s “LARP and the Real Girl.”  I remember it with fondness, but I also didn’t remember a lot of the details.  Seeing it again after all these years, it’s not what I remember.   It’s not a bad episode, but it isn’t the groundbreaking one I recalled…

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 7

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 7

Welcome Back to my vision of the end of Sam and Dean’s fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented  in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…

Supernatural Characters Send Messages to Team Free Will and Wayward Sisters

Supernatural Characters Send Messages to Team Free Will and Wayward Sisters

We all need a little pick me up as the series is coming to a close, right?   A while back, we shared Cameo video messages gifted by a member of the SPNFamily, Kas (Capt_FrightNite on Twitter).  She reached out to cast members of Supernatural during COVID lockdown to request messages from their characters to Team…

The LGBTQ Road So Far – A Fan’s Take on the Evolution of Characters’ Sexual Identity on Supernatural

The LGBTQ Road So Far – A Fan’s Take on the Evolution of Characters’ Sexual Identity on Supernatural

  Dean: “Dude, could you be more gay?!” Sam: (looking flustered) Dean: “Don’t answer that.” Back in the season three episode “Bedtime Stories” (3.05), that’s how Dean responded to Sam’s question about whether or not he remembered the story of Cinderella.  


Supernatural’s Ten Most Disturbing Character Deaths

Hi, everyone! I’m back with another top ten article about Supernatural! This time I’ve picked the ten most disturbing deaths of beloved recurring characters.  Once again, I chose my list by picking the first ten that came to me. I figured these deaths impacted and affected me the most.  Now, before you read my list, write…

Exclusive Interview with Robbie Thompson: A Supernatural Memoir from B. G.’s Canteen – Part 2

Exclusive Interview with Robbie Thompson: A Supernatural Memoir from B. G.’s Canteen – Part 2

Robbie Thompson is largely considered by Supernatural fans to be one of its most creative, talented writers. From 2011 to 2016 (season 7 through 11), Robbie wrote 18 episodes, including the series’ milestone 200th episode (“Fan Fiction” 10.05), and co-produced a total of 94 hours of the series. His beloved characters and imaginative plots forever…