Thoughts on Supernatural 13.23: “Let The Good Times Roll”

Thoughts on Supernatural 13.23: “Let The Good Times Roll”

It seems like just a short time ago that we were left with mysterious glowing eyes, Castiel’s prone body and burnt wings, and Mary and Sam and Dean having lost everyone and everything in the war against Lucifer. Nevermind that rift and the apocalypse world. And here we are again, already a whole season later…

Threads: The Morning After 13.23 “Let the Good Times Roll”

Threads: The Morning After 13.23 “Let the Good Times Roll”

The Morning After I loved it! Absolutely loved it! That’s what a Supernatural finale should be – thrilling, gratifying, well-written, superbly acted, fantastic cinematography with scenes that take your breath away, plot closures that make sense and a tantalizing cliffhanger. I’m mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted – which is what this show is supposed to…

Thoughts on Supernatural 13.14: “Good Intentions”

Thoughts on Supernatural 13.14: “Good Intentions”

Thoughts on Supernatural 13.14: “Good Intentions” “Good Intentions” was a rock solid episode in nearly every respect. This was quick paced, emotionally catching, character motivated, action based and plot-driving. And let’s not overlook the beautiful visuals that we are offered in Apocalypse Universe either! Where to even begin when talking about this one?

Threads: Supernatural 13.14 “Good Intentions”

Threads: Supernatural 13.14 “Good Intentions”

The Morning After I LOVED Supernatural’s 13.14 “Good Intentions”! It was about relationships, choices, regrets, loyalties and a whole bunch of other gooey stuff that I love, all set in an action-packed hour of fantasy adventure! This was an excellent example of the emotional resonance that gives Supernatural its heart, preventing it from becoming a…

Mallena’s Supernatural Musings:  5.01 “Sympathy for the Devil”

Mallena’s Supernatural Musings: 5.01 “Sympathy for the Devil”

This week, I’ve been musing about family dramas.  There are many great examples of the genre in television, films, and novels.  I wanted to review an episode of Supernatural that had some poignant family drama, so I picked the premiere episode of season five.  This episode has incredible drama between our favorite brothers and also…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.23 “All Along The Watchtower” aka A Death and Plot Hole Fiesta

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.23 “All Along The Watchtower” aka A Death and Plot Hole Fiesta

  I struggle with Andrew Dabb scripts. While Robert Berens turned his script into a work of art, Dabb’s “All Along the Watchtower” felt like a story was thrown at us with a lot of random bits and we got to see what stuck to the wall.  Some of it that did stick just looked…

Retrospective Thoughts on Supernatural 11.16 – “Safe House”

Retrospective Thoughts on Supernatural 11.16 – “Safe House”

Safe House was a great welcome back after a long hiatus when it first aired. It offered old friends, a fresh case, interestingly transitioned flashbacks and simple but unique Monster of the Week all for a good story and a perfect, timeless spotlight on the connection between Bobby Singer and his boys.