A Good Argument To Move Supernatural To Fridays

Ah, it must be TV pilot and series renewal negotiation season. That familiar feeling is in the air. The time of year where TV networks start forming their fall schedules, holding the not so secret negotiations in backrooms. The time where bozos with a Droid or iPhone and a Twitter account become eager to start some trouble with…

Supernatural Soundtracks

Supernatural Soundtracks   Can you imagine a movie or an episode of your favourite tv-show without the music? Undoubtedly, some scores are lodged in your brain like a bullet – as they are in mine. Whenever I watch any sea life documentary, for instance, Jaws’ ba-dam…ba-dam…. appears in my head. It’s almost Pavlov… Everytime any…

Big Episode Preview:  Just Saw “The Song Remains The Same”

Big Episode Preview: Just Saw “The Song Remains The Same”

Okay, when an episode leaves you an utter speechless mess, it works! Thanks to an early critics preview courtesy of Warner Brothers, I just got to see this week’s upcoming episode “The Song Remains The Same.” It’s definitely epic. It pretty much blew apart my afternoon! After a few weeks of “standalones” this one is going to get the…