Elle2’s Season 5 Wrap Up
I literally stepped through the door two minutes ago from vacation, just in time to get this posted. So how was “Dark Side of The Moon?” I’ll join you all in an hour with my thoughts. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSaveAlice JesterAlice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and…
Kripke’s Love Letter; Swan Song – by Elle2 Someone wrote [BuddyTV perhaps] that In The Beginning was a love letter from Eric Kripke to the fans. Not fully understanding the concept I couldn’t decide if I agreed or not, now having watched Swan Song, I get it; Swan Song is Eric’s love letter to the…
I’m going to warn you all right now, this is a 100 percent lovefest. I think many people were unfairly critical of the episode and I’m determined to spell out in exhaustive detail why every single scene is sheer calcuated brilliance. Oh, but in doing that, you’re also in store for one crazy ass long recap. Seriously, it’s…
“The Devil You Know” –Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel That first scene was just awful! I hate labs with all the helpless animals being subjected to tests, even though I know it’s ultimately for the good of humankind. I guess they gave the one doc a shot of the Croatoan virus, and it’s working…
Pick your favorite alter ego of Sam Winchester. Possessed Sam? Demon Blood Sam? Evil Sam? Mind-Controlled Sam? Discussing the many faces of Sam sounded like an easy topic for my latest Con-tinual panel of Supernatural media professionals… until I started listing the many times and ways that Sam wasn’t the brother we all know and love! Odds…
Editor’s Note: We are excited to share these historical and cultural insights on Supernatural from videographer and The Winchester Family Business fan, Giuila Rodilossi! A transcript of her narration follows the video. – Nightsky Supernatural success and longevity is strongly tied with its use of popular culture references and a constant dialogue about and within contemporary society…
First, I want to let you know if there is a page 2 it comes up blank on my computer.
Secondly, I missed the reports what was revealed at Rising Con that explained what went wrong with Swap Meat.
Elle2 that was a nice read and I do agree 100% with each one of your choices.
Let me just add one more moment:
“The most revolting scene”
When pestilence sneezed on the guy in the store”
LindaH here is the link of the vid for the reveal at the Rising Con http://www.youtube.com/user/SamysWitch#p/u/6/yb2iDt7s7SE
Yirabah, thanks for that link.
Hi Elle2
I loved your picks, I had some to add.
Best returning Character:
I loved seeing Ash again but I also loved Crowley.
Best Castiel Lines:
I also liked in The End when Castiel zaps Dean to him, saving Dean from Zacks wrath ‘We had an appointmentâ€.
Episode that provoked tears so much:
For me it was Abandon all hope and I still haven’t been able to re-watch since it originally aired.
Thanks Elle2 this was fun.
Hi, Linda, Yirabah and Karen,
Linda, first off, I’m so glad Yirabah was quicker to the site than me and provided the link (also, I wouldn’t have been too good at providing the link so double kudos to you Yirabah 🙂
Oh, Yirabah, you are so right about the whole Pestilence scene…yeesh, I couldn’t watch it it was so gross!!! So I hid behind my fingers and peeked…it was still so gross!
Karen, you’re right with your additions…there is something so…Cas about how he saved Dean in The End.
And as for tears…yeah, Swan Song killed me the first go round so I avoided it but with the blessings of a sixth season soon to come and the fun of the speculation of what will be it doesn’t ‘kill’ me like it first did. Abandon All Hope with Ellen and Jo still kills me, I’m better when I watch it in that I’m not wrecked after like I first was but still…and then Ash’s awesome follow up on their death in DSOTM…good stuff.
Glad you had fun and enjoyed the light article.
YEH!! ASH!!! Caplocks cannot fully express my fangirly joy! 😀 😀 😀
Spit coffee on the keyboard moments … ” They ate my tailor/ Shall I honk?” Plus anything to do with Cas and his mobile 😆
Pestilence = Total yukfest!
You’re all going to hate me for this but I thoroughly enjoyed Abandon All Hope as I’ve been fantasising about a messy death for Jo ever since she first appeared. 😈
Right, off to poison some orphans …
you are too funny…what is your poison of choice???
Like Ruby (the 4th season Ruby that is) I was so glad to see her skewered by Dean with Sam giving the able and necessary assist by basically throwing her into the knife…beautiful. DIE DEMON DIE in caplocks barely expressed my joy. Have your enjoyment of Jo’s messy death…Alona served it up beautifully (and believably)
There were so many spit coffee on keyboard moments anything with drunken Cas and cellphone Cas fit those as well as many a Zach comment and Crowley has swiftly moved up the chain with his quick tongue (the one that talks, not the CRD sealing a deal tongue…minds out of the gutters everyone, especially you, Suze, as there have been no zombie ‘gator sightings of late.
Thanks for the comment..glad you had fun with the article.
No. 1 son’s Anchovie Surprise Cookies are fairly lethal, they nearly finished off his Grandma, at any rate …
As for Alona, nothing in life became her so well as the leaving of it … Way to go, girl!
Crowley is a total joy, for both his snark and his snogging of all and sundry. ‘Gator-wise, I’m still ever hopeful … Who knows what delights S6 may bring our way! 😉
The Dabb/Loflin penned episodes used to make me cringe. I couldn’t stand to watch them. But after Dark Side Of The Moon they truly are my heros. That episode was an amazing masterpiece, worthy of whatever awards we can give them for it.
Not only did it have it’s comic spurts and great one-liners – Hey Dean, I Wuv Hugs too 😉 – but it portrayed Heaven as I thought a television series should. It was moving and heartbreaking when it should have been (Dean and Young Sam with the fireworks at the beginning – I could do a whole schpeal on Colin Ford and how anazing that kid is) brings me to tears just thinking about it.
This is the episode that brought us Ash back. If nothing else, this would have done it for me. I have such a crush on that mullet genius I don’t even know where to begin.
And we get to see Zachariah for the worthless, craptastic angel of horror he is.
If the whole next season could be alternately written by Dabb/Loflin and Ben Edlund I’d be pleased.