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Supernatural Bingo – “Shut Up Dr. Phil”
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So, seeing is this is my first crossword, please, leave your feedback and suggestions here for me. Do you like it? Shall I do more? How are the clues? Too easy or too hard?
Assuming that you all like the way this works, I will do the same as the word searches – I’ll do the Seasons first and then follow with the variations.
Cheers and enjoy
What a great idea. Just downloaded it I’ll let you know how I do
I can’t open it on my computer :cry::.It’s in pdf format :cry::.What can I do?
For anyone that doesn’t know, Adobe’s PDF reader is free. YOu can download it here:
That should do the trick Holmes.
Thank you SO much for making these! I did the first three word searches on my 10 hour plane ride to Barcelona for RisingCon, and I just printed the 4th and 5th word search and the crossword and I can’t wait to do them. Thank you!!!! 🙂
Thank you, but my computer is stupid and get stuck whe I try to download this kinda of stuff
Thank you for all of your hard work. I have totally enjoyed these. you have made my whole summer. I also have to say i stumbled on this website by accident and absolutely love it thank you.
First off…welcome rlwgsd, we’re glad you stumbled upon us and hope you keep coming here now that you’ve found us!
Tigershire….I love all your efforts. I printed off the crossword puzzle and had a great time buzzing through it, got jammed on six answers and refused to look them up (want to do them all by memory) so six is my number to beat here forward.
Thank you so much for doing these…also did the monsters et al word search and while I have about eight more to fine (those are soooo hard! Love it!) I’m having a great time relaxing in the evening with them.
Thank you
Thank you for the welcome. This is the first page i go to everyday. The articles are amazing,well written and they give me a lot to think about. So far my favorite has been the season awards. I loved the look into season 5 dean and cant wait to go back and read the articles from seasons one thru four. Elle your articles on the pivotal episodes of each season are really really good and no i have to go and watch jus in bello again to see way you chose it for season 3. you all have a wonderful night and i will be back for tomorrow.
I am soooo loving these puzzles!! Helps me get through the work day when I need a break here and there. THANKS!
I love this! I like crossword puzzles even more than word searches. I got stuck on seven of them, I’m still waiting for the answers to come to me.
Good job!
It did work Alice, thank you so much.
in order OMG YES Please PLEASE and they are just right. And I hate to be “one of those pain in the ASS fans” but shouldnt 38 across have been Shadow? just asking. I love the word searches and the crosswords they are amazing. When i did the word search for season one i had the hardest time finding dean and refused to start the next one until i found it, Thank you you have made the slow night in the box office way more enjoyable
rlwgsd – yes, you are correct. 38 should have been Shadow. I was up until 2 in the morning when I put the crossword together so you will have to forgive the error. GRIN.
Thanks for pointing that out. I will have to be more careful. 🙂
i love it and still have 5 answers to find. thank you again and have a grest weekend 😀
amazing. what wonderful work.
any thoughts about doing a wordseach?
Please do more! i really enjoyed this crossword!
please put up a season 6 crossword of supernatural!
Tigershire did do a season six one! We published it in March, 2011.
Actually, I have not done season 6 Crossword – we have the season 6 word search but I stopped the crosswords at season 5 as they were quite a bit more time consuming to generate. However, I will catch them up and do a S6, 7 and 8 of the crosswords very soon now that I have more time to do them. GRIN.