Supernatural Has A New Friend On Thursdays
Tomorrow morning is the upfront presentation for The CW, the last network (really it’s a netlet) to announce their fall schedule. Reports started coming out late yesterday that a shakeup was planned with Thursdays, and the question was who would be affected, Smallville or Supernatural?
The answer was finally leaked this afternoon. The answer: Smallville. The veteran show, long past its prime and ready for pasture, is going to Friday nights. The CW will be touting their new, hip, Thursday Sci-fi lineup with the new show The Vampire Diaries at 8pm, followed by their better than ever veteran, Supernatural at 9pm. Scary just did get sexier!
Many don’t think this will change things, and it might not. I’ve heard good things about The Vampire Diaries though. I will check it out with an open mind, but the vampire thing is nothing new. However, The CW and Warner Brothers (who produces the show) wouldn’t have put it on Thursdays if they didn’t think it was something. They are very excited about it, and the fact that Supernatural was chosen as the show to pair with it is a good show of faith in our show. It’s about freaking time!
Supernatural can now step out of the shadow of Smallville, and become the reliable anchor on a big night on their own. The pilots picked up were intentionally chosen because they were perfect compliments for their shows 90210, America’s Next Top Model, as well as Supernatural. They’re using their strengths as building blocks.
I’m not delusional, Thursday night ratings as a whole will go down initially (maybe forever), but with a younger skewing show opening for Supernatural, that exposes it to the younger skewing viewers the network craves. Smallville’s viewers on average are older, so while overall ratings were good, demos were not. Of course nothing could change, but new possibilities are there.
Also, The CW is known to promote new shows they stand behind. Judging by the insider reports of how enthusiastic the network is about The Vampire Diaries, there will be a rush of promotion for it. If Thursdays are touted much like their Monday night duo, that can only be good for Supernatural. Even if they don’t promote the pairing and only focus on the new show, that’s still great for the night. It’s all good news.
It’s all good news that is when the announcement becomes official tomorrow morning. Until then, I’ll be quietly enjoying Supernatural’s new status as reliable ”go to” veteran. At least as far as their short sighted network goes. We’ve known it all along.
In the meantime, here’s the good word from The Hollywood Reporter. Their tag line is even good, “CW Sets ‘Supernatural’ Thursdays.” Feel the love!
Oooh. This is exciting. I am interested in this new show – I’m a sucker for vampires, ever since my Buffy days. It’s nice to see the CW finally giving Supernatural the much deserved acknowledgement. I only hope this is a good thing, and not a bad one.
Buffy/Angel type vampires yes indeedy, soggy teenage Twilight type vampires no thanks … Not that it’s going to make it onto UK TV for a year and a day so why am I bothered anyway? Ooh, poetry …
I am in the same boat as you Suze – not sure if I’ll get the show here in Canada. There are other shows we don’t see, annoyingly.
I admit, I enjoyed the Twilight series as a light summer “fluff” read. The movie was a tragedy, because of how poorly done the entire thing was.
Yes, Buffy and Angel are my ultimate. Who can resist the dark, tortured pair?
I’m just glad that the CW seems to have faith in the show even if they aren’t going as far as doing anything to help the show. When i heard they were changing the line up my heart did do a little flip of fear but then i thought, be logical – SPN is going from strength to strength whereas SV has been declining for a while. Turns out TPTB at the CW agreed. Hooray that must be a first but I’m not complaining!
I’m actually quite looking forward to the vampire diaries – crappy vampire shows/films/books are a guilty pleasure!
Yay holiday weekend in the UK (i’m having a four day weekend) which means me and the bestmate are having a SPN marathon! Btw – she hasn’t seen the second half of season 3 and doesn’t yet know if Dean goes to hell. How i’ve kept my mouth shut and not let anything slip for a year I don’t know, she doesn’t know about Cas or Sam or anything of season 4, can’t wait for her to experience the awesomeness that is Lazerus rising!
Hi Elle, I’m not dissing the books, not having read them, but a friend at work who’se a big fan raved about the film so I went along with a fellow Wheadonhead and we both hated it … So it looks as if I did things the wrong way round!
I’m more into the Blade/ Near Dark pointless Biker Goth ultraviolence type vamps than the sensative soulful sort … Angel doesn’t count as he’s, well, Angel and therefore beyond cool … And as for Spike, I was so smitten I named my cat after him … The ultimate accolade! 😆
Anyway any new vampire show’s got to be worth a look so we’ll wait and see.
No worries Suze, no offence taken 😉 To each their own – many don’t understand the Supernatural love (even though we know better). I love that you named your cat after Spike – that’s awesome! I will definately take a look at the new show, see if it’s worth time investment or not.
Bethany, my mom is behind just like your friend and I’ve been slowly catching her up – but she gets really mad at me when I won’t tell her the twist of the episode or the long-time pay off for an early set-up. And I mean severely annoyed with me! Now, she did cheat and watch some episodes of season 4 but I forbid her from watching the season finale – I’m looking forward to holding back details from her during Lazarus Rising.
I have mixed feelings about the fact that this could mean a 6th season. As much as I love Supernatural and the Winchester saga, I don’t want to see it become the next Smallville a.k.a. a joke (now, to all Smallville watchers, please don’t take offence, I watch too!) because eventually enough is enough. Also, I will be in law school then and I don’t want the distraction! My TV viewing was timed perfectly – Lost and Supernatual (my Must-See’s) were both finishing next year. Sigh. I suppose I’ll just have to ogle the Impala another year – it’s a hard life. (hehe).
He was an awesome cat. I’m very fond of the current incumbent but I do miss old fatty whiskers, you were never short of half a rabbit when he was around …
I could stand a 6th season ( actually, who am I kidding, I never want it to end! ) But only if they don’t do a Prison Break and lurch off into some other saga completely. I used to love the endless misadventures of Tattoo Boy and Big Brother Muscle but it should have ended with tea and medals in Venezuala or wherever and not morphed into a bargain basement version of Mission Impossible. Mind you, I really liked the graffitti in Soma, if I asked very sweetly perhaps the set designer could come and do some on my garage …