Season Six Promo Pictures
The CW finally released yesterday the pictures that we’ve seen popping up here and there, most recently with the TV Guide cover contest. Although, the one with the snake around Sam and halo on Dean is a new one on me! Â I’ve seen a few variations of these photos but here are the four best. Â Enjoy!
All Evil Will See The Light. Â Hmm…
These are my fav. Â I vote for Castiel wearing black immediately!!! Â So cool to finally get a shot of all three of them together.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
See you’ve already found these, Alice. Check out Dean’s neck. He’s wearing necklaces, not the amulet but something. Looks good to see that again. He just looks so naked with nothing! Hope this is a harbinger of things to come!
Really? Huh. I guess that explains why the clothing is so different from their usual outfits. I do like the pictures. Pretty dark too. And Sam looks good in red! 🙂
Their wardrobe was stolen? When did that happen?
I think Cas looks great in all black. Even though the clothes are….not so much wrong as not quite right….these are awesome pictures.
I miss the Paisley Peril :sad:, but I have no problems with Sam wearing a leather jacket. Also, he looks gorgeous in red. 🙂
I’m not sure I like the snake and halo one. I’ve heard that it’s supposed to represent their vessel status more than how they are right now, but still…I don’t…I don’t like it.
However, I do see a change in line up. In the past, correct me if I’m wrong, Dean was always in the front and Sam stood somewhat behind him. Now it’s reversed in both pics. THAT I find interesting.
I’m appalled that someone stole their costumes but I guess it can’t be all bad if we got Sam in a leather jacket.
I personally like these clothes better. Dean’s leather is from another time when he was younger and more apt to follow his father. Cas would have looked silly in tan with the boys in dark color.
I find the vessel picture interesting and wonder why the CW did not think to do this sooner! And look at Sam’s eyes!
I do like new promo pictures, but…
CW: Subtlety. Learn some. We get it–Dean=good, Sam=evil. No need to beat us over the head with it.
And why did they futz with Jared’s eyes? They’re perfectly fine how they are! Not to mention the overuse of Photoshop and airbrushing. The guys are naturally gorgeous, why mess with a good thing?
Ah, well. At least they’re new…?
Not saying much on these forums usually, I prefer to listen at the lovely debates and teories that fly around here but… Hahahaha, totally agree with Laurel F, what kind of an half-assed symbolism is this? I have to say, that even if I love the show and it’s creators, the graphical profile they have is absolutely… awful. I guess it plays nicely with the B horror movie vibe, if that is what you are going for. That does however not stop it from stinging my eyes.
Well all 3 look gorgeous as usual, but not sure I like the pics. They look way over airbrushed and Sam’s eyes look weird. Sam is NOT EVIL, so making his eyes look that way is irritating.
Not bad but a bit Boy Band, if you know what I mean. Also, how do you get the grave edges looking so neat? I garden, I know about holes, and that, that ‘aint natural, I tell you …
Suze, I think that everytime the boys dig up a body on the show, lol!
… And while we’re being all nitpicky, why do they always tie people up with super-fat plumpo-rope? You just can’t get a decent knot with that stuff, the thin nylon kind is so much better …
Dunno about Super Wheaties, Dark Austral, I was thinking fistfuls of sulphate … 😉
I get the impression this sort of digging is less about looking for post-holes and more about getting the bones burned before the owner rocks up and eats you, but still, they’ve had enough practise!
Dany, before you run off with the idea I’ve got Miss Whiplash tendancies … When we were kids we had this escape game where we tied someone up and they had to wriggle free and whoever did it quickest won … this all came to a skreeching halt when this one kid took so long the rest of us got bored and wandered off and only remembered the poor sod hours later when his Mum rang my Mum to find out why he’d missed his tea. The string drawer was nailed shut after that. 😆
Awwwh, I was so excited at first when I found out there are new promos out. But…ah, well, I like the ‘newness’ of them (if that is a word at all), but I don’t like the photoshop.
I wouldn’t be surprised to read that the guys didn’t even pose for pictures.
They look computergenerated. Like those animated fantasy films that make us believe that in the near future we won’t be needing actors anymore.
Personally, I’m with those who claim: why mess with natural non-perfection?!
Both guys are so handsome because they are not perfect. And I just love that.
Cheers everyone, Jas
P.S.: I just love that snake….
To be honest, I’m so jealous of that snake. 😈
Seriously you could cover these guys in mud, dip them in hot sauce, throw chicken feathers on them and they would still be so hot you could power the United States for a 100 years off them. Though I agree .. no need to air brush. Our boys look their best when they are sweaty and covered in blood and kicking back drinking a beer.