Recap – “Swan Song”
Anyway, now for the aftermath. Dean, Bobby, and Castiel are watching TVs outside an electronics store showing the massive destruction going on around the globe. Earthquakes and other things in the most unlikely of places. You know what else in unlikely? An electronics store like that in Detroit. The riots in 1967 pretty much prevented that type of window display. Too easy to smash. But that’s not the point.
“It’s starting,” Castiel gloomily declares. ”You think genius?” Dean says. Castiel tells him he doesn’t have to be mean. That’s about the most human thing he’s ever said. Dean does need to lighten up a little. Dean asks Cas what they do now. ”I suggest we imbibe copious quantities of alcohol, just wait for the inevitable blast wave.” Gotta love the socially awkward angel. Dean calls Cas a name I didn’t quite catch or understand and wants to know how they stop it. ”We don’t,” Castiel answers. ”Lucifer will meet Michael on the chosen field and the battle of Armageddon begins.” Dean wants to know where the chosen field is but Cas doesn’t know. He’s too busy giving up anyway. Dean is desperate now. ”Well there’s gotta be something we can do.” Castiel gives the “I’m sorry Dean this is over,” and Dean gives back the “junkless sissy” insult. Aww, don’t call Cas junkless. You did try to get him laid, remember?
Dean refuses to give up but then he sees Bobby, who’s teary and speechless. ”There was never much hope to begin with. I don’t know what else to do.” I like Cas’ drinking plan better. Dean looks at both Bobby and Castiel and is upset to find this might truly be the end.
Next is Samifer sitting with bloody hands and five gored demon corpses around him. Honestly, Rachael did deserve that after what she did to Sam at the prom. Lucifer feels satisfied, but Sam in the mirror is very disturbed. Yes, Sam, you gave into the dark side. I hope they had cookies. “So, are we having fun yet?” Lucifer says. Oh Sammy, you’re in a big fix, aren’t you?
There’s a welcome break in the intense action to get some more story from Chuck. There’s a picturesque shot of the Impala driving down the road with that old time look again. He tells how in between jobs Sam and Dean would get a day sometimes a week if they were lucky. They’d spend the time lining their pockets and we see both brothers hustling pool from “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” Sam’s hair was so short then! “Sam used to insist on honest work but now he hustles pool, just like his brother.” That was fun to watch when we finally saw that. “They could go anywhere and do anything. They drove 1,000 miles for an Ozzy show. Two days for a Jayhawks game. And when it was clear, they’d park her in the middle of nowhere sit on the hood and watch the stars, for hours. Without saying a word.”
Wow, those two look so peaceful. To think, all the horrors they face in their lives and yet they’re enamored by something so beautiful and simple. What a great story. Why don’t we get to see moments like this in the episodes. It’s a must for season six guys! How about an episode where we just see Sam and Dean on a day off. Nothing happens, but I don’t care. If you have scenes like this, I’m happy. Next is a clip from “Dream A Little Dream Of Me” when they were sleeping in the Impala after taking the dream root. ”It never occurred to them that sure maybe they never really had a roof and four walls, but they were never in fact, homeless.”
Chuck pauses his typing and goes, “That’s a good line.” Ha!! He’s not the only one that does that. And here I thought I was a freak. I laugh at a lot of my own stuff too. Chuck answers the phone and says “Mistress Magda.” Some took that to be a biblical reference, but I took it to be funny. No, it’s Dean on the other side. Chuck acts surprised, for he didn’t know Dean would call. Dean wants to have a little fun with Chuck and presses him on the Mistress Magda thing. Chuck stammers something about her being a close friend but Dean isn’t buying it. Then he asks about what happened to Becky. “It didn’t work out, I had too much respect for her.” “Well you really have the whole virgin hooker thing going, don’t you?” “This can’t be why you called,” Chuck says. At least Dean worked in some small talk before getting to the tragic point.
“Sam said yes,” Dean says. Chuck knows. He saw it and is working on the pages. Dean asks if he saw where the title fight goes down. Chuck admits the angels are keeping it hush hush, but he saw it anyway. “Perks of being a prophet.” Or a God, but we’ll get to that later. The showdown is tomorrow at high noon, a place called Stull cemetery. Dean knows exactly where that is. It’s outside of Lawrence. He wonders why Lawrence. Chuck’s theory is it all has to end where it started. Very clever Kripke, very clever. Dean wants to know if he knows of another way to stop this. “Besides the rings, no.” He doesn’t know what’s going to happen next either. Dean hangs up, for that’s enough to give him an idea.
Castiel and Bobby approach Dean in the alley there in Detroit while Dean gets the car ready. Bobby wants to know if he’s going someplace. Dean’s non answer is an answer. ”You’re gonna do something stupid,” Bobby says. “You’ve got that look.” Honest Bobby, have you ever known Dean to take things lying down? “I’m gonna go talk to Sam,” Dean says. That’s code for “I’m going on my suicide mission.” Bobby chastises him for now giving up while Cas makes the blunt observation that if he couldn’t get through to him there he won’t be able to on the battle field. Strange how that statement ends up being true. Cas didn’t say anything about the Impala though!
![vlcsnap 00275](
We’re at the gates of the Stull cemetery. The wind is blowing, a giant Hawk flies over and Samifer is there watching. I also applaud Kripke and Co. this time for finding an actual outdoor location to do this scene instead of the awful stage set from “All Hell Breaks Loose Part II.” As Samifer looks around the sound of wings flapping happen behind him. It’s Adam/Michael! Um, Adamichael? Yeah, it’s all I got. The two brothers, who haven’t seen each other in thousands of years, just stare at each other awkwardly. Go figure, dysfunctional angel family reunions.
Samifer breaks the silence. “It’s good to see you Michael.” Adamichael responds you too and it’s been too long, but obviously they’re just being polite. “Can you believe it’s finally here?” Samifer asks. I know I can’t. I only waited one season, or five if you think about it, but these guys have waited thousands of years. Adamichael says no and moves in closer. These two really just need to bitchslap each other, get it out of their systems. Wrestling match on the bed? So Adamichael wants to know if he’s ready. Samifer is clearly reluctant and saddened by this. Wow, I’m actually feeling a bit sorry for him. “As I’ll ever be.”
Hi Alice
Love your recaps. Loved the story of the Impala. Really loved the entrance of the Impala and Dean at the cemetary. Loved Castiel. This was a good way of ending the first five seasons and a good way of starting (maybe) the next five seasons. Poor Dean. Poor us, is it September yet????????
Not a fan of the Dodge Dart, huh.
“Good answer, I’m going to be watching you.”
“Nice teacher. Really seems to care. About what, I have no idea.”
Instead of Adamichael, how about Madam? Muah.
Only Cas could have pulled off the “assbutt” line for precisely that reason.
I don’t even really have any constructive comments to add (yeah yeah, I know, nothing new) but reading your recap only confirms the fact that Swan Song is the motherfucker of all season finales. If you weren’t moved after that forty minutes, you’re either a dead, deceased corpse or a no-talent douchebag Caruso minion.
Loved the recap Alice, thanks. There are so many wonderful moments in this episode I can barely begin to name my favorites – oh heck, the whole dang episode is my favorite. Thanks for once again spelling out the wonderful and genius of this episode and of everyone involved in it. Words can hardly express the greatness of everyone involved.
The performances in this episode especially rocked – which are so evident in the pictures you included. Jensen and Jared were perfection and they have so embodied these characters that you really do feel like Dean and Sam are real people. The inflections they use, the subtle body language to the way they show us their feelings with a look on their faces. Pure awesomeness. This was definitely a great way to end this particular mytharc and as nancyL put it “a good way of starting the next five seasons”. If only in my dreams. Can hardly wait to see what genius the writers have in store for us next. September, here we come!!!!! (Not soon enough though)
Amen! Randal, Amen!!!!! (Hey, I learned how to drive in a Dodge Dart – Loved that car.)
Awwww, Alice, you made me bawl all over again! :cry::
It took me a long time to read your recap as I couldn’t see clearly through the layer of tears.
I love love your recaps when you love an episode and don’t mind a bit if you write a novel about it. This one did rip my heart out and stomp all over it and is still giving me fits.
I was so happy Dean was not a mere meat suit for Michael and he was the big hero I know he is and completely human. Dean and the Impala gave Sam his chance and so the Apocalypse was ended. Yay! But how devastating for Dean watching his brother dive down the pit and I have no doubt if he could have moved at all he would have gone down with him. How much more can the poor man take? Kripke, how you torture my poor beloved boys!
I get so emotionally involved with these two and only have this outlet to express my feelings as one of my friends calls me obsessed and another one, if I even hint that I am in distress over the Winchesters only keeps saying “It’s ONLY a TV show already!” So, opening up to either of them is a nono.
And Randal, I used to own a Dodge Dart and there is nothing wrong with them as long as it never rains and you can ignore the humongous rust holes that eventually appear. Just never take your foot off the accelerator if there is even a hint of rain and use your left one on the brakes when stopping at a stop light. Not inconvenient at all! 😕
As I am one of those disappointed with the episode I thought I might post to give my reasons for it and see if I need to get new glasses or a hearing aid. Of course it’s just my opinion, so please don’t let me spoil your pleasure.
I loved the documentary style intro with the Impala and her „experience with the apocalypse“.
The boys’ conversation at the Impala’s side however sounded like your standard made-for-TV therapy session. Sam and Dean’s expressions and tone were realistic, the words – a complete cliché.
Sam’s taking responsibility wasn’t anything new, he expressed as much in episode 1 of this season. Besides, I would expect at least as much maturity from a twenty seven year old. On the other hand, the wish to sacrifice yourself to right a mistake you were expertly manipulated into making smacks more of teenage melodrama than of maturity. Doesn’t matter that it was mostly others’ fault – you’ll show them all by taking ALL the blame!! You’ll die in a blaze of glory so nobody would even DARE blame you for ANYTHING, even if your plan fails!!! In my eyes it simplifies Sam’s character horrendously. I’ve been having this problem ever since the “Say Yes to Luciferâ€- plan was introduced.
I was very glad both boys were disturbed by the slaughter of the innocent hosts of those two “stunt demonsâ€. It was an appropriately chilling prelude to their suicidal plan.
Sam and Dean on the way to Detroit – now that was a mature conversation. It hit all the right notes with me.
The good-byes were very effective. I liked the contrast between Bobby and Castiel. Bobby’s false bravado and gruffness let Sam keep his game face more or less on, Castiel’s tragic attempts at the same technique elicit a small tortured smile from Sam that lets us realise that he’s barely keeping it together. Great moment.
The whole sequence with Lucifer was a pleasure to watch. The way he played Dean was delightfully evil. However, for me, it all went downhill from there.
Lucifer playing “I’m your friend†to a mirrored Sam had excellent atmosphere and acting and… was a cliché for the most part. Lucifer tries to tempt Sam with revenge on demons who acted on Lucifer’s orders in the first place? A fact that somehow flew over Sam’s head? Not buying Sam’s stupidity here at all.
Men looking at the stars for hours… Through telescopes – sure, just because it’s so peaceful and pretty – not buying it, sorry. I know Dean could spend his time much better watching “Dr. Sexy MDâ€.
Samifer and Adamichael – just NO. For me it was one of the worst scenes on TV ever, period. No chemistry, poor acting, at least on one side, and nonsensical dialogue. Haven’t we heard the “God made evil, so it’s His fault it exists.â€- argument a thousand times already? On top of that, those two are archangels who’ve been exercising free will since the beginning and failed to realise it was so for thousands of years? And instead spend their time squabbling like kindergarteners? Compare this scene with Death’s scene from last episode – how are they even in the same show?
The first time I watched this scene threw me clean out of the story so I couldn’t enjoy the rest. On the second viewing I ff-ed past it so the final confrontation hit me but good. The wind whistling over the montage was inspired. I’m not much into “the power of love†– concepts but that one worked well. Maybe it’s the way the boys can communicate the world without words.
Dean’s devastation was the best scene for me hands down. He and the always faithful Impala mourning their colossal loss amidst a bright sunny day was a truly haunting image. Interestingly enough, the death and resurrection of Cas and Bobby didn’t change that feeling of finality and loss at all. It stayed with me to the bittersweet end and I loved it.
What I didn’t care for were the endless flashbacks and Chuck’s narration – it was too melodramatic for me to take seriously and manipulative enough to irritate me. So the overall feeling is of a very uneven episode that had some strong and some weak ideas, some excellent and some poor execution, and superb acting that honoured the script much more than the script honoured the actors.
Thank you for your detail-obsessed recap and for reading, if you’ve gotten this far!
Thanks for the recap!!! Like watching the show again but a little lighter, which is good since I can’t watch it again for fear of my sanity.
One note, am I the only one who heard this? In the goodbye scene with Cas, didn’t Sam say “Just, stop. He’s looking.” Meaning Dean. Thought it was sadly hilarious and I hope I heard right.
Thanks for reliving with us this wonderful episode!
In such an emotion-filled episode is hard to pick a favorite scene. But the dialogue in the car in their way to Detroit, with Sam’s calm acceptance of his fate and Dean having to make such a promise kills me everytime. :cry:: :cry:: :cry::
Love your review. But one question: did you notice there was 5 rings? I think I missed something along the way, where did the fifth ring come from? Was it Dean’s ring ring that disappeared after Changing Channels??
Can anyone clarify for me?? Thanks in advance : }
Hi Alice
Fantastic recap! I’m going to miss them for the next few months.
Everything you commented on is basically what I loved about this episode.
The history of the Impala and the flash backing of the boys.
The moments between Sam and Dean.
Sam’s goodbye to Bobby and Castiels.
The use of mirror for the conversation between Sam and Lucifer.
And the whole confrontation between Samifer and Dean.
I know some fans were very disappointed that there was no big battle between Lucifer/Sam and Michael/Dean. But for me I was happy they didn’t do that.
After all wasn’t the whole basis of Team Free Will, NOT to fight?
To NOT give in and become Luci and Mikey’s vessels for that very reason?
Galina I don’t think you need glasses or a hearing aid. If this episode didn’t work for you then that’s your opinion. After all it would be a pretty boring world if we didn’t have different views or opinions.
Hey, Galina, it’s not just you, mate … I thought bits of this one were pretty clunky too. Chuck’s voice-over broke up the mood and really got on my nerves and I hated the Whoops-Oooer-Here-Comes-The-Big-Twist stuck-on ending.
Mind you, Lucifer’s Devil went down to Georgia moment was absolutely perfect! That song is one of my all time top guilty pleasures … 😀
PS. Alice … Detroit, Michigan? Us cheese eating surrender monkey Euro-types completely feel your pain, kiddo. London, England … Paris, France, as opposed to some home-grown version that doesn’t have red buses and Eiffel Towers all over the place … 😆
Dean called Cas “Bukowskiâ€, referencing the writer. For any geeks like me who care. His stuff’s pretty gritty and depressing; Kripke talked about him in the commentary for WIAWSNB as well [geek]. Speaking of which—so Rachel hooked up with Dean at the prom in this reality AND the alternate reality??? Wow, that sucks.
Bevie and Evelyn, would you be the two Dodge fans? 😉
Thanks for all the Detroit detail, loved it!
I didn’t even pay attention to the label on the tape!!! Thanks! Re: Rock of Ages—Despite immersion in our new local classic rock station, 95.3—which pretty much has the Supernatural soundtrack as its playlist–that was actually the first time I heard the song (what? I grew up listening to the Goo Goo Dolls). Don’t know about the opening words (huh?), but the thought the few lyrics we heard fit: “I got something to say/it’s better to burn out/than fade away…â€
Really loved the editing in this episode, whoever put together those flashback montages, amazing…
Remember that scene from 4×18 where Chuck says “Obviously I’m a godâ€? Pretty funny to begin with, but it’s so much more hilarious now!
:cry:: :cry:: :cry::
Awesome recap.
Alice ,
Thanks so much for the recap , I have loved them all but this one was special.
You should not offer us apologies for writing `a lovefest` this episode deserved, and demanded it .
From the monemt I heard the first bars of Kansas I found myself with tears in my eyes ,and I continued to be moved by every following scene , like you my heart broke when Sam asked Dean to not watch him as he drank the blood.
The scene in the cemetary was both beautiful and brutal, I know many people were disappointed that they did not get `the big fight ` they wanted but I was so pleased that Dean never said `Yes` and that in the end everything came down to what the core of this show has always been about , family and love .
I find it hard to believe that some people did not like this wonderful episode and cannot believe anyone was unmoved by it .
I just hope that Kripke and his magnificent team know how much we all appriciate their work
Hi Alice.
Good stuff. Big things. 😉
I loved this eppie to death and I love your recap as much 🙂 Reading this brought back so many lovely moments and looks and glances and lines that I still feel a smile tugging in the corner of my mouth.
So many fave moments; Dean at Lisas doorstep (*chinwibble*), “the Impala moment” and the way Lucifer loses control during that montage of love and brotherhood (Ah, be still my heart!), their talk in the car on the way to Detroit, “I ain’t gonna let him die alone”, to Marks Lucifer freaking me out to Jareds little mirror conversation keeping me glued to the screen and taking it all in with fear and fascination. And Chucks narration moving the story along, with the little tidbits of their childhood. *happysigh*
Wow. What a fantastic Rollercoaster Ride -finale. Awesome. Amazing. Tear Your Heart Out. Love, just love.
Thank you Alice for all the wonderfull recaps, and come on season 6!
Alice, I can hardly believe what you did with this recap – you drew me back into this episode and the whole emotional mess… Being a true masochist 😉 I can’t help but love you for it.
I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of Jared’s acting here – we have rarely seen so many facets of Sam, I was in awe from moment one till the very end… What a marvellous young actor he has become.
My psyche still has trouble dealing with the episode, as you well know. I still trust the creative team to come back with a wonderful, fantastic, haunting and emotionally draining sixth season. What else to expect from a show that plays my soul like a fiddle?
thank you so much for this. I absolutely loved it, Jas
Elena-I learned how to drive in a Dodge Dart – loved the car, it had a lot of power and was fun to drive. But truthfully, I am a Ford girl through and through. Give me a 67 Ford Mustang Coupe and I will be a happy camper. (You know, like the one War had in GGY) Love that car. (second choice, of course, if the 67 Impala.)
Thanks again Alice for the recap. This episode kicked-a***. Loved it from beginning to end. 😀
I read this in a snackbar at a campground (the only place with wi-fi). I am pretty sure everyone in the room assumed I just got horrible news.
Regarding the episode, I loved it. I don’t think it was perfect. I hate slow-motion (it is never an actor’s friend) and Michael was not very imposing. But none of that really matters. From a character standpoint it was beautiful, tragic, and in many ways pitch perfect.
Great recap Alice, I just loved the story of the impala and the big part it played.
I’m glad you got the screen cap of the boys under the stars. I totally agree! We need to see much more of the happy stress-free boys between jobs, and I’d LOVE to see them on a day off! I hope more of this is done in season 6.
It’s sad that Kripke left us with such sadness again for the summer, Sam back but not happy about it at all, and Dean grieving for Sam, and not being able to help him.
Hope they don’t have too much time pass before the boys reunite.
comment for the site in link above … ok this must be a generational thing because I’d never heard rock of ages before and the first bit is sampled on the offspring song ‘pretty fly for a white guy’ so when the song started up I was really confused thinking “really weird song choice†then was really embarrassed when the actual song came on and I cracked up when I realised my error (not the impression Kripke was going for I guess). I didn’t like that song either I would have much preferred say ‘back in black’ or ‘carry on my wayward son’ or would that have been far too cheesy?
Did I like the episode, yes. Did I think it was the best they’ve ever done, no. Doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it though. Like some other commenters I thought it was a bit clunky the first time I watched it and that Chuck’s narration broke up the tension and the fluidity of some scenes but on re-watching I thought it worked better than I originally thought. I loved the flash back moment where Lucifer sees the army man in the ashtray and gets a glimpse of all of Sam’s memories, like the firework scene in DSOTM it was just beautifully done and captured something that wouldn’t have been conveyed half so poignantly in words, so much work must have gone into that moment but it was worth it, just lovely … I rewound and played it over and over again. I also loved the moments from their lives just that little glimpse of bored wee Sam and Dean in the car growing up, them sat on the hood just enjoying the moment. It was just lovely that for all the show is, the finale seemed to be about the little moments that make up the boy’s relationship, how sometimes the most important moments in a relationship, that define that relationship, aren’t the grand gestures or the big speeches but in the every day moments that make up a relationship. I just loved that about this episode.
Bizarrely enough the one part of the episode I didn’t like was when Sam was about thrown himself into the hole and Michael came back. I didn’t know why he needed to be there, I think the shot would have been mush better with Sam stretching out his arms and falling backwards. I also liked the idea of Michael foiled and having to face the fact that destiny fate and everything he’s been spouting had been proved incorrect by two rather stubborn brothers. It just spoilt the moment for me as I felt it took something away from Sam in that moment when everything should have been focused on him. But that’s a personal niggle.
Wow this was long, longer than I thought it was going to be but all in all I loved it and I loved the fact that Kripke told his story his way and ended it how he wanted and Bobby and the Impala (I always knew she was special) made it out ok so I’m happy.
Late to the party, but I’m so behind with the recent articles! Great recap, as usual, Alice. I also really loved the episode, so it was great to be able to hear how much you loved it, too. Now you have a much-deserved break from recapping!