100 Favorite Moments of Supernatural – Season Two
Tune in for part two of my 100 favorite Supernatural moments, (copyrights for the pics belong to their rightful owners, of course)
In My Time Of Dying (2.1)
Another episode that shows us how heartbreaking it can get. Dean almost dies, and Sam is confronted with watching him go under defib treatment to get his heart that stopped beating back to work.
Plus John and Sam are at each others’ throats once more while SpiritDean watches helplessly. More or less. He full-on swayzes a glass and makes Sam bring a Ouija board.
My favourite moment, and the saddest here, is Father and Sons’ heart-to-heart and Dean’s expression at his father’s revelation that will haunt him for the rest of the season and beyond. If there is a beginning of the dying of Dean, it is here.
John: You know, when you were a kid, I’d come home from a hunt. And after what I’d seen, I’d be.. I’d be wrecked. And you, you’d come up to me and put your hand on my shoulder and you’d look me in the eye and you’d say ‘It’s okay, dad.’ Dean, I’m sorry.
Dean: Why?
John: You shoudn’t have had to say that to me. I should’ve been saying that to you. I put, I put too much on your shouders. I made you grow up too fast. You took care of Sammy, you took care of me. You did that. And you didn’t complain, not once. I just want you to know that I am so proud of you.
Dean: This really you talking?
John: Yeah, it’ really me.
Dean: Why you saying this stuff?
John: I want you to watch out for Sammy, okay?
Dean: Yeah, dad, you know I will. You’re scaring me.
Everybody Loves A Clown (2.2)
The younger Winchester is afraid of clowns (well, Sammy, so am I, let’s print some t-shirts : Coulrophobiacs United), I loved that twist. We meet Ellen, Jo and Ash for the first time, some of my all time favourite characters. The clown creeped me out, anyone else who tought the Clown fom ‘It’ was taking a visit?
The most moving scene, again, is a sad one. Sam confessing to Dean in the end about his feelings of guilt, knowing he’ll never be able to make peace with dad anymore, as John is no longer available to them. And then Dean goes beating up the impala, but we know, that won’t exactly ease his agony.
Bloodlust (2.3)
There are good vampires. Veggie Vamps – they only feed of animals, not people. One of the greatest villains of the show is introduced – Gordon Walker, a hunter with a tragic background who is slowly losing his humanity (which will happen in another episode for real).
A fave scene in a fine episode, for me, takes place in the Sheriff’s office as the man of the law struggles to explain to two ‘journalists’ of Weekly World News what happens to dead cattle if you leave them in the sun, ‘it’s just about surgical.’
Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things (2.4)
Zombie love. Sam watching Casa Erotica. Jared breaking his wrist for real (which was established in the show, as Sam broke his hand, too, and was walking around with a cast for several episodes). But the scene with the most impact came in the end, and continued a tradition of Supernatural – leave the best scenes for last (and kill your audience with suspense and empathy-attacks).
Sam and Dean share a quiet moment on a beautiful hill, car in the sun, nothing but bird noises.
Dean: Sam, you and dad,. You’re the most important people in my life. And now, I never should’ve come back, Sam. It wasn’t natural. And now look what’s come of it. I was dead. And I should have stayed dead. You wanted to know how I was feeling. Well, that’s it. So tell me. What could you possibly say to make that all right?
Simon Said (2.5)
Sam’s fear of being a freak is growing. Something is happening to him, and he can’t understand it as of yet. He – freakes – out as he learns what happened to Andy’s brother and that Andy has a killer in him, after all. Might that be a sign of where he is heading?
One of my best-loved scenes is this one in which Andy Obi-Wans Dean to telling him who they are. And he just can’t stopp babbling,
Dean: We hunt demons. Demons, spirits, things your worst nightmares wouldn’t even touch. Sam here, he’s my brother..
Sam: Dean! Shut up!
Dean: I’m trying. He’s psychic, kinda like you. Well, not really like you, but see, he thinks you’re a murderer and he’s afraid that he’s gonna become one himself because you’re all part of something that’s terrible and I hope to hell that he’s wrong, but I’m starting to get a little scared that he might be right.
No Exit (2.6)
Aside from the story revolving around America’s first known serial killer I have one particular favourite moment: The hunter going through the pictures of Holmes’ victims – and one of them was a photograph of Jack the Rippers third victim, the so-called ‘lucky Liz’ – lucky because she had only her throat cut open instead of being mutilated like the others. The police suggested the Ripper might have been disturbed while killing her.
I studied serial killers for a while, as I pondered about going into profiling, and the Ripper is a perfect example to study. That’s why I recognized the picture. I wonder if the prop guys used that deliberately?
The Usual Suspects (2.7)
Not only are they using the title of one of the best thrillers ever shot (with Kevin Spacey earning an Oscar for it and the magnificent Gabriel Byrne and Pete Poslethwaite, among others), but the producers got Linda Blair to star here! Icon of the horror genre,. Go, lady!
Dean: For some reason, I could really go for some pea soup.
Crossroad Blues (2.8)
Our first encounter with hell hounds. They’re ‘big, nasty,’ and ‘hump the crap out of your leg.’
I love the scene of Dean conning the crossroads demon – and probably thinking about closing a deal for himself, It would not have surprised us, had he done it, don’t you agree? At that point, he is not yet as broken as he will be later, but the guilt of being responsible for his father’s death (as he understands it) hangs over him like the proverbial sword.
Croatoan (2.9)
Looking back at that episode, while being aware what will happen later in ‘the End’, is creepy enough. Watching the brothers deal with Sam’s infection before finding out that he is actually immune (of course!) even more. That scene is deeply painful and devastating. And one of the best of this episode and this show.
Sam: Dean, I’m sick. It’s over for me. It doesn’t have to be for you.
Dean: No?
Sam: No, you can keep going.
Dean: Who says I want to?
Sam: What?
Dean: I’m tired, Sam. I’m tired of this job. This life. This weight on my shoulders, man, I’m tired of it.
Sam: So, what? You’re just gonna give up? I mean, you’re just gonna lay down and die? Look, Dean, I know the stuff with dad,
Dean: You’re wrong. It’s not about that. I mean, part of it is, sure, but,
Sam: What is it about?
Hunted (2.10)
This scene is as iconic as it gets, before we get going with another Gordon-episode, meet Ava and witness Sam outfox the cunning Gordon Walker.
Dean: Before dad died, he told me something. Something about you.
Sam: What? Dean, what did he tell you?
Dean: He said that he, he wanted me to watch out for you. Take care of you.
Sam: He told you that a million times.
Dean: No, this time was different. He said that I had to, save you.
Sam: Save me from what?
Dean: He just said that I had to save you. Nothing else mattered. And it I couldn’t, I’d,
Sam: You’d what, Dean?
Dean: I’d have to kill you. He said that I might have to kill you, Sammy.
Sam: Kill me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Dean: I don’t know.
Sam: I mean, he must’ve had some kind of reason for saying it, right? Did he know the demon’s plans for me? Am I supposed to go dark side or something?
Oh, sweet Sammy, his biggest fears voiced by his own father. Forgive me, I need to go weeping for an inning. Be back soon.
Playthings (2.11)
A haunted hotel (no, not the one from Shining), Hoodoo, a creepy ghost girl and even creepier dolls (did I mention I’m afraid of dolls, too? Paedophobia, anyone? Talk about the crazy psychologist,)
As I love tragedy (at least on screen), this is another tearjerker. Yes, I’ll keep them coming, you better get the kleenexes ready, folks.
Sam: I need you to watch out for me.
Dean: I always do.
Sam: No, no, no, no, You have to watch out for me, alright? And if I ever turn into something that I’m not, you have to kill me!
Dean: Sam-
Sam: Dean, dad told you to do it!
Dean: Yeah, well dad’s an ass! He never should have said anything, you don’t do that. You don’t lay that crap on your kids!
Sam: No, he was right to say it. Who knows what I might become. Even now everyone around me dies.
Dean: Yeah, well I’m not dying, okay, and neither are you.
Sam: No, please, Dean, you’re the only one who can do it.Promise, Dean, please.
Dean: Don’t ask that of me.
Sam: Dean, please, you have to promise me.
Dean: I promise.
Sam: Thanks. Thank you.
Whoa – I guess I never realized just how many heart-wrenching moments were in season two as compared with season one. Or maybe the characters are just more real by this point. Excellent list again, Jas. The moment when Dean takes out his frustrations on the Impala is an incredible moment, as is when he breaks down at the end of “Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things” – all around a great season!
Hi Jasminka
Your picks are perfect.
Another scene I liked in Folsom Prison Blues, is when they are both put into their cells for the first time.
And Sam’s new roommate is even taller than him. The frantic look on his face when he turns around to Dean as the cell door closes, was priceless. Poor Sam.
Elle’s right, there are about 700 lunatic Kleenex scenes in season two. I don’t know if the scene from 2.22 is my all time favorite, but it’s on the very short list.
Poor Tiny, poor giant Tiny.
Another awesome list–LOVE your picks.
-S2’s my favorite title card!
-The sherriff! That’s my favorite scene from Bloodlust as well. I’d love to see him again…
-The bit about Lucky Liz, wow, what a fascinating and disturbing bit of history–so cool you recognized it!
-I love Gabriel Byrne too. And Linda Blair looks great in those pics!
-Best crossroads demon ever!
-Another favorite from Croatoan: the scene where Dean and the Sarge are aiming guns at each other in the Impala. “This is going to be a relaxing drive.”
-I’m going with the hangover from Playthings 😉
-From BUABS: “You’re a butcher.” “You’re welcome.” Probably weird to pick that in an ep with so many awesome scenes from Meg/Sam & Dean but I really loved Jo in this one, and was sad we never saw her again after
-Favorite part of Hollywood Babylon: Gary Cole!!! Big fan of “Office Space” here
Can’t wait to read S3’s moments!
Once again Jas thank you!
What a roller coaster , so many emotional moving moments and you have captured them all with these beautiful images , including one I have always loved , the peaceful scene by the lake at the beginning of `Hunted` before the big confession.
So pleased that Ronald was included , how could anmyone not love him , so sad that he had to bite the dust.
There were so many lovely `brother` moments featured here , HOH ,Croatoan, Playthings and of course Heart ( only to be watched on a `good day`). Then the last 3 all of which reduce me to a weeping mess and demonstrate just why we love this show so much.
Can I also reserve a `Coulrophobiacs Unite` shirt please? Ju x
Elle, Dany, Karen, Randal,ElenaM, Julie, I’m delighted that you like my picks. Thanks.
Elle, just when you think it can’t get more heartbreaking, they drag us back in… This show really tries to monopolize tragedy.
Dany, never stop singing Kim Manners’ praises. He was a unique creative mind. Miss his art.
Karen, that scene you refer to— hilarious, indeed! That episode was full of great moments like this. I also love the teardrop tattoos and ‘you’re from Texas all of a sudden?’. Gotta love this show, no chance for another option.
Randal.. sigh… poor giant Tiny… What, you needed tissues too? Wuss.
ElenaM, so many great ideas, thanks! Gary Cole – loved him too, I loved that show, was it called Nightcaller? Don’t remember, the German title was Night Owl, but I doubt that was the original…
Julie, Coulrophobiacs United shirt coming right up. Muah. Thank you
Folks, you are so generous. Love Jas