“My Bloody Valentine” – Share Your Reaction
I absolutely love these holiday themed episodes. First they ruined Christmas, then Halloween even though everyday is Halloween for the Winchesters (yes I’m humming Ministry), plus Birthdays have been touched as well. So, why not Valentine’s Day? I thought it would have been the first choice. You know this day will be especially gorey since the assignment has been given to none other than Mr. Bizarre himself, Ben Edlund.
So dig in for something memorable and come here afterward with your opinions.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I don’t remember when birthdays have ever been touched at all especially when it came the Winchesters. Refresh my memory. I would be content if they celebrated the brother’s birthday at least once. i don’t care which as long as it is heartfelt, angsty, and full of brotherly goodness. I’m still waiting.
Let me just wipe my tears and calm down first… I’ll be back.
I’m in no condition to say anything because right now I’m very busy looking for my jaw that dropped to the floor.
Yuck – Valentine’s day definitely ruined. First couple – eewwww – but soooo well done. The twinkie guy – a toilet brush? Bursting his stomach band – Edlund sure knows how to modernize the horror! Had to step it up from Se7en!
Sam’s addiction – we knew that would be back. Dean’s dead inside? Now so am I!!
Holy mother of God!!!!! Sorry, late replying because I started late and I couldn’t put the friggin remote down for ten minutes! Whoa. Thanks Edlund. Another sleepless night coming.
WOW!!! Good episode. I really wasn’t impressed until Sammy got his powers back! Really expected more from Cupid. Sammy’s powers made up for it all. And he didn’t misuse them, did exactly what was right. So glad he took out a horseman. YEA!!!!! Sammy’s powers are back!!!!!!!!!!! Loved it!!! Really he needs to drop the blood smeared mouth though.
Seems Famine hit Dean too. Seems they both need to get something out of their systems. Were they back at the panic room? Looked like it. Have to watch it again. If they were, boy that was a quick trip! Hopefully now we’ll see them get back on track! Dean really had to know about Sam. At least he wasn’t as angry at Sam as I thought he would be, Famine really cushioned that. Boy, where is Bobby when you need him! Course, all that’s needed is Dean to TALK to Sam! That’s where the help will come from. Really hope we see that on camera. But I’m guessing not for a while….
Really HATE no new episodes till end of March. Geezz, that’s what 6 weeks? What happened…seems like we just HAD a hiatus! That’s the pits!!!!
PS: Don’t get the detox. Ruby told Sam, it wass never the blood. Confusing!
I loved this episode. Although I have yet to find an episode written my Ben Edlund that I didn’t like. It had it’s really gross moments, funny moments & the ending made me want to cry. Poor poor Dean.
I am in awe of how hot Cas can still be even while shoving burgers down his throat. lol
Can’t wait for the next episode. Zombies & Bobby?! If Cas is involved I think I may explode.
War’s got nothing on Famine! So, did Sam kill him? Can’t process it all. Sam, Dean and Castiel were just amazing! Major strife for all of them. I’m still shivering at Sam’s “Wait your turn.”
BTW, that’s Edlund’s trademark. The slow build up to the smack you in the face ending. I bow to the master.
Looked to me like he killed him Hope so. Really want Sam’s powers to be awesome!
Famine was amazing. I loved the look. He’s uber creepy. I can’t wait to see the remaining Horseman.
I knew it, I knew Sam’s powers would serve the greater good when time came. I’m so proud of him. But I’m terribly sorry for both boys. Poor Dean. 🙁
I’m sure it was Sam that insisted they go back to Bobby’s panic room. After all, he demanded to be locked down when he knew he was in trouble. I love Castiel’s words. “That isn’t Sam in there.”
I don’t think it was Bobby’s panic room. I’m not sure but the place looked different. Maybe they just locked him in the first safe place they could find.
So it was the panic room. Haven’t had a rewatch yet. I really like that Sam came to Dean’s aid this time! So Cool! And I really wish they would drop the drug addition. Sam’s powers are GOOD, and I wish they would use them more. But maybe I should be careful what I wish for……
Wow, that was pretty incredible! I can’t wait to rewatch that one. Ben Edlund has done it again.
Famine was amazing– the whole episode was amazing. Hilarious, visceral, frightening, heartbreaking–Ben Edlund owns me. Again. The episode definitely seemed to imply that Sam killed Famine with his wicked demonic skills, but didn’t War say you can’t kill a Horseman? I’d love to see both Horsemen again…
I’d actually been wondering if we were going to see that ring again. Apparently Dean’s been carrying it around! So much for a pit stop on Mount Doom. Now it would seem they’ve added Famine’s to their collection. I’m guessing they might come into play later, but we’ll have to see…
John + Mary– arranged?? That’s not disturbing at all…
Nice to know Sam’ll survive withdrawal… Been pondering the role of the demon blood, me and the rest of the fandom I guess, ever since Ruby said he didn’t really need it… I thought of it as a kind of psychological dependence, Sam needs it because he thinks he needs it, or a kind of — I don’t know, not a metaphor, but the idea that the act of drinking blood represents Sam choice to embrace his powers somehow, so that unlocks them…
I like Alice’s take on it, actually, that the blood removes his inhibitions… Is it just me or does volume seem to be an issue? All that talk about how the amount of blood Sam was consuming to kill Lilith would change him forever… and his eyes did go black, but maybe they realized it wasn’t enough, that the transformation was incomplete? And then he was auto-detoxed when he was zapped up to the plane. Now we have Famine, trying to get him to drink up again, because Lucifer wants him to.
Hmmm. I think I’d better just quit pondering :roll:: and just sit back and watch how it all plays out. Happy Hellatus, everybody–again!
This episode should be refrigerated after opening….
My regular Friday routine – get up earlier to watch the episode, then go to work an emotional mess. Yeah, well done Miss Therapist of the Year…
Haven’t had time to read the comments, so forgive me if I’ll be redudant, I’d just like to put a soft voice in here, even before I’ve had time to sort out my thoughts….
Ah, Sam, the Force is with him…. He can detect demons? Filled up his blood batteries? Though Sam would make a gorgeous vampire on another show, my heart broke at the sight.
And what I’ve always feared… Dean’s soul is a mess not yet fixed….
THere are moments I’d love to stick Mr Edlund’s head in a guillotine. Yet I love his stuff. I’m a masochist.
Well done, Valentine’s DAy will never be the same (I’ll just call Sunday off, eh?)
I’ll need a rewatch. So, we’re off to hiatus, oh my…. plenty of time to watch old episodes. And new ones again. WE’ve survived before.
Love, Jas
This show keeps finding new ways to take my heart and crush it.
Sam, Dean….
I cannot believe that Dean is dead inside. I just can’t.
And I was afradi that this weeks eppie wouldn’t be as awesome. WRONG!! It was incredible! Ben Endlund owns my soul for sure. I mean, the teaser alone…*shivers*
And Sam, all hopped up. Hot as hell!! I was so happy to see his powers again. And he used them for good (like he hasn’t before but you know what I mean). And he did look yucky with the dried blood all over his mouth. If now he could do all that without the actual blood consuming…
And Deans dead inside… My heart is broken.
Oh Dean. :cry::
Good episode. Good brother interaction, great one-liners. Famine is a disturbing dude. Yes, he is worse than war and really creepy (what’s with those teeth!).
My thoughts and feelings are all still a jumbled mess. Need time to process this one. All I know is that the ending…….well…….this episode just broke me. It literally broke me. Aw, Dean. My heart is breaking for you. Hang in there! We luv ya!
Ok, after the 2nd rewatch…
– Can’t watch the teaser again. Once was enough. GROSS. Yuckiest.teaser.ever. Screw you B.E. You DEFININITELY ruined Valentines Day.
– Cas handling the human heart. gross again.
– The Cupid. ADORABLE. Like a stuffed bear. Very childlike.
– Sams demonblood jitters. *creepy* I got the jitters just watching.
– Cas SMILING. Never thought I’d see the day. Happymeal lol.
– Famine. CREEPY! Maybe the creepiest MOTW ever. “Swarm of locust with sweat pants” *snort*
– PoweredUpSammy. HOT. Dangerous. “Wait your turn.” That line was chilling.
– Dean. Oh Dean. That last “please” made him sound like a 3 year old little boy. He’s so lost, so broken. Come on G-man, send him some hope! I don’t like where this is going.
Ben Edlund is a god… or a semi-god atleast…
And now the hellatus. Boy, can’t wait *snort*
Off to a 3rd rewatch before work.
So my choc cake was a disaster, but the episode totally WASN’T!!! The Edlund is either a super-genius, or just plain insane. I’m going to imagine it’s a combination of the two, I mean..people eating each other?? WTF??? THAT IS WAY AWESOME! Well, gross, but still awesome.
Sigh, I want to list down everything that I love about this ep, but it might take me a whole day. Or two. Basically I love everything
1. Did anyone notice that the coroner guy was the librarian from Provenance?
2. The sheer quantity of Limp!Sam in this episode was heavenly…starting with his craving for that which shall not be said, and then the way he admitted it to Dean, subsequently followed by handcuffs..Sadist!Narcissus is very happy (don’t get me wrong, I’m bi-bro :-)). And then he had to get all hopped up on the demon blood and be all HOT super-power-charged-up Sam.. *fans self* And of course, the “wait your turn line”..wow.
3. Deano! Poor, wibbling, damaged as hell, dead-inside Dean…you made Sadist!Narcissus very happy too. If Sam’s screaming from the panic room didn’t entirely destroy my fangirl soul, Dean’s call for help at the end finished the job. Of course he had to out to the Metallicar just to be able to say it too.. *sigh*
4. Cupid got socked one…I don’t blame Dean, I might have done it myself, the dude was way too..happy..for my taste. I totally love the show’s interpretation of cupid. And the red napkin instead of the arrow..hah!
5. The humanisation of Cas is progressing at a faster rate. He’s so adorable!
6. Horseman Famine. Wow. Whoever played him was amazing. But I don’t really get it..did Sam kill him by killing the souls he had eaten, or did it just weaken him and then they cut off his ring?
These points are just random thoughts and squees off the top of my head. Basically I think every single moment of this episode was magic. Oooh I just thought of something…maybe the Horsemen’s rings will play a part in stopping Lucifer? Some sort of collect-them-all and claim your prize deal, heh.
Btw there’s really another hellatus? How long this time? *grumble grumble*
All hail Edlund.
So much good here, it should be a crime. Blood and gore, and plenty of it. Eat me/drink me has a whole new meaning, Wonderland.
John and Mary the work of Cupid? Anyone got free will ’round these parts?
Famine was fantastic, supremely morbid (which is almost always more effective than a blunt instrument like War). Now fancy ring collection or no, I wonder if we’ll see the Horsemen again.
Something’s been up with Unattached Drifter Christmas’ (that line ruled) number one fan for a good while and it’s always nice to get that confirmed in the most psychologically painful way possible. Black hole sun.
Apparently, demon blood is one psychological mofo. I would like to start seeing him use his powers for good simply because that will bring on more angst, though that was pretty angsty in the motel room. Now, the question is sans blood, would he be able to wield control over his powers, and master various permutations of them, or would that simply be delaying the inevitable hopped-up-on-goofballs rage that demon ichor provides?
Cas is getting cooler and cooler. More humanity, yet the disconnect from human whims and mores is done so well.
Hey Dean, anytime you wanna cut off his ring is alright with me. Oh, stop pouting. Muah. Yeah, Big Cheese, anytime you wanna help out would be nice. That last scene was fucking brutal.
I definitely cannot wait that long to see Bobby’s dead wife. =[ Stupid unnecessary hellatuses.
So I totally called (really loud, to my entire household) that Sam was hungry for demon blood after he first walked by that creepy guy with the briefcase. I was so so so glad he told Dean right off the bat and didn’t try to hide it.
The “Wait your turn” line was really creepy, but my favorite of the night was something along the lines of “Oh, Sammy, no” when Dean saw him with the blood and the crazy. Jared is so good making faces and doing that hand twisty thing. I really want him to have his powers without the demon blood. Hmph.
Deeeean! Nooo! That’s so tragic that he has a big fat box of nothing where his soul should be. He was praying to God, right? Not his mom or anything? I wonder if God will help him out even without a soul. I wonder how/if he’ll get it back, too, I feel like either he’ll be too ashamed to tell anyone or he’ll ask Cas and/or Bobby for help. Definitely not going to tell Sam. And Sam came right out with his demon thing. I know Dean will just be trying to protect him (or is too ashamed, either one) but pretty much that was Sam’s reasoning with the demon blood too.
Oh how the tables have turned. =[
I had a feeling this was going to be hard on the heart but when I found myself laughing out loud a couple times at the beginning, I knew it was going to be bad. I found myself sitting on my couch the rest of the episode with my hands over my mouth holding my breath as my heart broke into a million pieces (again) for our guys.
The beginning of the ep was so gross (very Zombieland). But oh no, Edlund can’t leave it at that. The guy was still chewing on the girl even though he was pretty much dead. You know B.E. there’s this line and OMG you don’t just cross it, you run over it and head for that castle in the distance. I don’t think I will ever be able to look at a Twinkie again.
But when Sam started watching that guy. I knew it was a demon. And I kept saying, “oh no, Sam. please no.” It was like a train wreck you can’t help but watch. You knew Sam was going to fall off the wagon (the trailer kinda gave that away). I know there are a lot of folks who want Sam to use his powers and I guess I would too. But not like this. I’d love to see him have his abilities without the demon taint, but who are we kidding. This is Kripke’s world and those kind of happy endings don’t exist. When Sam said “wait your turn,” it was chilling.
Famine was creepy as all heck. My only complaint was at the end, why didn’t Dean do anything? He had the knife but he just stood there. Wasn’t the plan to get the ring? He was right there. It was a perfect moment when Sam was exorcising those demons for Dean to just walk up and cut off Famine’s finger. But ya know, Sam yanking the demons from Famine’s gut and I’m assuming killing Famine (I agree folks that was kind of unclear) was pretty cool. So from a visual perspective understandable but plotwise it threw me from the scene.
I can’t say it enough, Jensen and Jared are amazing actors. And this episode had everything in it to tide us over through another hellatus. And speaking of J&J being amazing, I love to hear when either one of them find work outside this show. I’m sure most of you have heard but Jensen is going to be the voice of the Red Hood in the new DC animated feature “Batman: Under the Hood.” I’m very excited.
It occurred to me that this was the very first time Dean has seen uber powerful hopped up Sammy in action. Cas already saw it in “On The Head of A Pin”. Sure, Dean saw Sam in “It’s The Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester” but that was nothing. The boy has some serious mojo now. That along with Famine’s words pushed Dean off that cliff he’s been teetering on for a while. I noticed in the rewatch how horrified Dean was over seeing Sam like that. Chilling!
I’ll trust your rewatch over my poor memory, so ignore my Cbox words. 😎 Once Bobby and Dean had the ‘use/not use the A-bomb’ speech and now I’m wondering if, not explicitly rattling around his noodle, that such a thing was making its presence known as Dean watched, which might have exacerbated the cliff jump. He’s so afraid of where this will end up, even if Sam has masterful, “sober” control of his powers. Weighing its pragmatic helpfulness contra the “at least he dies human” view.
Heh, Alice that makes sense. I guess I’ve fallen into that trap of expecting too much from Dean and Sam. These guys do things sometimes that should be impossible for regular folks. I mean Sam was able to say “no” to Famine when Famine offered him the demons, when supposedly being in Famine’s presence makes the temptations impossible to resist. But everyone has their breaking point. I’m sure Dean knows what Sam can do but actually seeing it must have been pretty horrifying.
This epi really blew my mind! The goriest epi ever. With the most scary MOTW ever. That horseman-actor was just brilliant!!!
Loved the little funny bits, especially Cas eating 😀 The creepy couple-eating-each-other scene made me think of a very common saying we have here: “I love you so much I would eat you”. Yikes!
Sam hulking out – wow, Jared, so eerie. And Dean, oh, Dean, come here, let me give you a big, warm hug, I think, I got some Kleenexes left for you, too.
This episode had everything I love about the show. The creepy, the funny, the emotions, the twist and turns. The best show ever!
Oh Dean! Oh Sam! Oh Cas! Please, someone give my pretty, pretty boys some hope.
That said, I loved poor silly Cupid. Dean shouldn’t have hit him. I hope he comes back someday.
After reading all the comments, everything I can say about the wonderful performances will be redundant. But I was particularly impressed with Dean’s reaction to Sam’s powers. Jensen masterfully displayed Dean’s horror and shock at witnessing what his “darling little Sammy” (neither darling nor little anymore) is capable of.
As for the Sam, don’t hate me to say it but I love it when Jared releases Evil Sammy. The scene when he charges at the Demom woman for her blood is simultaneously sad, disturbing and… hot. 😳
Oh boys! Will we ever have the pleasure of seeing you both happy together again? I really hope so.
Famine – the fug ugliest MOTW ever! I hope that face was mostly make-up.LOL.
I don’t believe that Famine is dead. Wasn’t it established that the Horsemen can’t be killed?
My heart breaks for Sam in de-tox again and Dean’s pleas to an unresponding God. (We are so lucky to have these two great actors at the top of their game).
Lovers eating each other and exploding stomachs aside, what really bothers me a heck of a lot more is——–Where are Dean’s silver ring and his bracelet? Bad enough he had to give up his amulet to Cas in his search, but why did the ring and bracelet disappear also? They’ve been a part of Dean’s persona for more than four years and I miss them. I know that is a piddling complaint in the face of the fracking apocalypse, but I can’t help it. I miss them. Could it have anything to do with Dean being dead inside as Famine stated? 🙁 Perhaps he no longer cares to be himself any more, as Sam pointed out at the beginning. He knew something was amiss with Dean.
God, I would really like an episode with a happy ending. This one was such a downer to contemplate during the six week wait. I’m just feeling so sad for them. I hope the season ends with triumphant Winchesters! GO TEAM FREE WILL!!!
Poor Misha Collins–how many hamburgers did he have to eat to film this episode??? Not to mention that amorphous “ground meat” stuff…
They really nailed the guest casting–the medical examiner, Famine, Cupid– agree, he was adorable! Didn’t realize the ME was the librarian from Provenance, nice catch, Narcissus.
I really, really wish they hadn’t muffled the “I’m an angel, I can stop whenever I want” bit so much– it’s just too funny! I missed it on the initial and the rewatch, didn’t notice anything after the Hamburglar line until Ardeospina mentioned it.
When I saw the preview clips and that it was a Valentine’s episode by Ben Edlund, I immediately drew conclusions as to what type of episode it would be. Boy, was I wrong!! That was the most disgusting and one of the most emotional episodes I have seen. Ben keeps surprising me (in a good way)! Jensen, Jared and Misha continue to be wonderful. Dean is my hero and my heart is breaking for him – so much for Happy Valentine’s Day! Poor Dean! Another episode that made me cry :cry:: I am crazy about Sam, too, and maybe it’s his turn to look out for Dean for once? Where is Dean’s ring?
Silly things first. I also miss the ring and bracelet. As unimportant as they may seem, I liked the idea that Dean had a few special belongings other than the Impala.
About the episode. Isn’t Dean hungry for Family? Love? Roots? I kept trying to guess how they were going to manifest that as the show progressed, then there was the big “Dean is dead inside” reveal. Did he leave hell with his soul intact? Was famine was just messing with him? I’m gonna go ask Castiel to verify with some angel mojo. 😀
What happened to Dean’s ring between The Curious Case…and Changing Channels??? 😕
“And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.” Revelation 6:2.
OK, I know how crazy this will sound, but has anyone ever considered the possibility of Dean being the horseman in the white horse, the one who triumphs over the others? I’ve been thinking of that ring of his. Every horseman has a ring, right? Just a thought…
No way Dean is dead inside. Yes, he is depressed and tired and sad. But he still gets up in the morning. He still feels he has to save people. He still loves. He still fights. He still sees the little good things in the world. He still cries. And he still is determined to create his own future. These things don’t come out of a dead soul.
Petranda, my thoughts exactly: isn’t Dean hungry for family, love, roots? I was thinking about that, and yes, it would have been not very easy to show that. But then what Dean said: When I wanna eat I eat, when I wanna drink I drink. Maybe he really has adjusted to the way his family, love, roots are, and doesn’t expect anything more. And again, that doesn’t mean he is dead inside.
I know, that my thoughts about this don’t match with what this epi told us, but I can just feel it in my guts, that what Famine stated has to mean something else. What did Dean leave in Hell, as Alistair said, and what is it that died? I’m sure it’s not his soul, his empathy, his humanity. Otherwise Dean couldn’t be the hero he is.
AndreaW, interesting thought, Dean being a horseman. Hmmm, … I don’t know, but despite all that is going on with him, I just can’t see him being anything else than human.
I think I love this man 😳 Dean is human through and through, he is what you see is what you get (eventually), his love is true, his feelings genuine. He is funny and caring. And, last but not least, he is hot (I’m a woman, had to count that in ;-)). Does this look like a zombie? NO.
So, am really curious how Famine’s statement will play out, writers 🙂
When Dean was torturing Alistar, didn’t the demon say something about Dean having left something of himself back in Hell??
Someone on BuddyTV just posted something that perhaps should have been obvious (and wasn’t cause those darned writers are so good).
Dean sold his soul to save Sam. Nobody said he got it back when Castiel raised him from perdition.
So this actually ties in very much with Alistar taunting him about part of him being left behind (and who knows, maybe this will also tie in to the two encounters with Tessa – Dean says he’s got a hole inside).
I really can’t wait to see how this whole thing plays out. GRIN
OK, gang, here’s my take on “Dean’s emptiness.” I don’t buy it. Nope, not at all. I believe that hole that Famine found is something he simply can’t see or accept–LOVE, damn it! Dean may be broken, losing to the bad guys, at least in his own mind, but one thing that cannot and will not be taken from him is the love he has for his family! Granted, there is only one member left, but Dean loves Sam with all his heart, the Ruby incident notwithstanding. It’s my belief that evil creatures like Alistair, Famine, Lucifer, Death, Pestilence, and War are unable to SEE an emotion as pure as love. So to Famine, what he perceived as a hole, emptiness, was LOVE so huge, he couldn’t possibly get a grip on it–and to hell with him, for that is where he and the rest belong! Same goes for angels like Anna and Zachariah who dare to harm any of the Winchesters!
Dean’s prayer is coming from that love, and we can only pray that whoever answers is someone good enough to see it!
Was this not a near perfect episode as it had everything, it was possibly one of the grossest ever, need I say what I`m refering to here! It was really scary, famine really creeped me out. It had all three of our boys working together. It had wonderful funny moments, the phonecall and cupids `handshake`, and then the end when once again our hearts were ripped out and we were left in a soggy mess on the floor, bad enough that every time Dean cries I melt, now Sam is starting to get to me too, last week twice , when he saw his parents and then the `chat` with Dad. But how can someone get so much emotion in one word–`Please` –Jensen, you get better and better, God help us during Season 6!
No way is Dean dead inside ,the love for his family and friends still shine through and I think he is now finally on the road to repair, he has admitted what we have all known for a while, he has problems, isn`t asking for help the best indication of this and the first step in recovery.
My one gripe, where was Bobby? He could have helped so much as no one puts our boys back together like he can, but I loved the way Cas tried to support Dean with the ” That`s not really him” speech
Ben Edlund is one sick puppy but an absolute genius, I always love his episodes even if I feel like I have been put through a wringer afterwards–OTHOAP anyone?
Now just got to find some way of getting through the next 6 weeks, the thought of leaving them like that!!
Robin, exactly!!!
That man is full of love. Being so broken, he might not see it, and that’s the hole he feels inside. But the point is: he FEELS. Saw “Magnolia” the other night, and one quote stuck in my head: “I really do have love to give! I just don’t know where to put it!” And as loving is giving, can anyone recall the last time Dean got some love?
Just as the angels are not familiar with emotions, it makes sense that the demons don’t know love and therefore can’t see it even when right in front of them.
I’ve notice with this epi and others that there is a lack of classic rock. Is this because the series is reflecting how dean feels? The music is just very dark and moody.
As for being broken, I think Dean still feels love, and the demons/famine, couldn’t possibly know what that is, so said Dean had nothing inside.
Robin, good point. A person who is dead inside does not care about anything. The fact the he’s aching for his Sammy is an indication that he’s not dead at all, because he didn’t lose his capacity to love.
Phen. Omenal.
Ben Edlund rocks.
And Jensen Freakin’ Ackles? Ridiculously, stupidly good. Whole episode…from ‘Remarkably patronising concern’ to ‘Please…’. Holy hell. Even though that last scene could have been emotionally manipulative, it instead came across as raw and painfully honest. Pure class.
And Sam’s ‘Wait your turn’? Pitch perfect. *Shiver* Jared has come so far as an actor.
Am fascinated by Dean. One season ago he said ‘How I feel? This…inside me? I wish I couldn’t feel anything Sammy. I wish I couldn’t feel a damn thing’. One season later he is saying ‘I guess I am not feeling it’… he ‘feels’ no hunger and Famine tells him he is dead inside…
I think Famine is wrong. Or lying.
Maybe Jas can perhaps correct me, but I think Dean’s PTSD after hell morphed into numbness… he came to the decision he could not feel any more and continue to function…Sam becoming an addict, the burden of hearing he broke the First Seal and the gorwing list of expectations that he would stop the Apocalypse/kill Lucifer/become Michael’s Vessel/fight his and Sam’s destiny…he did not have the luxury of curling up into a ball. So as always, he did what he needed to. This time it was shut down the connection to his soul …
But underneath he is alive – and Dean Winchester.
‘And the bad guys know it too’…
OK I totally dug this episode, too. But the guy in the fryer freaked me out! I also loved Cupid’s total sobbing meltdown at being accused of doing something hurtful and even more Cass (and the guys) completely helpless “There, there don’t cry” attitudes. That said I think that in the end Dean was broken by more than just his brother’s return to the demon-blood. I think he was broken over the mounting feeling that he’s just not up to the challenge the hunting life has for him anymore. I think he was broken over being broken . . . anybody with me?
I actually gagged the first time i saw that teaser … i can’t believe that got past the censors.
A fantastic episode … But I have to agree with others who have commented I don’t believe that Dean is dead inside, he still has enough to ask for help. He didn’t say I can’t do this anymore, your mess you clean up, he asked for help. He maybe beaten, broken, tired, reaching his limit but he still has enough to make one last cry for help for his brother. It may not seem like much to him, but he’s still there, still standing supporting his brother … lesser men would have given in long before.
Also I was proud of Sammy for resisting the Demons in the diner, he recognised that he had an addiction, after the initial frenzy pulled himself enough to control his desires and himself did what needed to be done then put himself in the panic room to get help.
A magnificent episode from Ben Edlund.
Christmalia, I’m with you. Dean’s meltdown was about coming to his limits. He was managing to go on somehow so far, despite Ellen and Jo’s deaths and despite everything, but witnessing his brother’s pain and degradation is more than he can take. It was the last straw.
There’s no need to correct you, magichappening, as Deans reaction perfectly makes sense within clinical standards, if you like.
Only I don’t think he got to any decision to not feel anything, some degree of numbness just came along. I believe, by now, Dean is depressed. He doesn’t eat, no libido, repressed, cynical humour, hopelessness.. classic major depression.
But as long as he does feel anything (and he does, fear, love) it’s not too far gone, and the tears he shed are very much a sign of being alive, albeit utterly, pit-deep sad… :cry:: Jas
A thought on Sam resisting the diner-demons (loved that neon All-You-Can-Eat sign in the background, btw, but it’s a little early for tangents…) — anyway, I was thinking, everyone else’s hunger seemed to escalate in Famine’s presence. We can assume Sam’s did also, so the temptation to drink up must have been nearly overwhelming, even if tempered by a deep resistance to caving to Lucifer’s wishes. I was proud of him for not taking the bait too, but I’m inclined to think the reason for that is that the real hunger isn’t for demon blood but the power it gives him. So in a sense he did give in to that hunger, by exercising his power over the demons and Famine himself. Not that he really had a choice, but I think part of him–the dark part he struggles to control–enjoyed that bit of serious badassery.
Jas, yeah, I was thinking the same thing, wondered if you’d mention it! Sleep disturbance, hopelessness, feelings of worthlessness, loss of appetite, anhedonia–definitely seems like he’s crossing over into clinical depression.