Supernatural is one of the most amazing TV shows to be developed in a long time, and Dean Winchester is one of its amazing characters.ย He is a three dimensional, dynamic, realistic person brought to life by the incredible team of writers on the series and the extraordinary acting of Jensen Ackles.ย Jensen’s intense acting range and the depth of his talent gives him the subtlety to depict the complex and multilayered character of Dean Winchester with honesty and empathy, allowing us to feel Dean’s pain, anger and happiness. I believe the writers and Jensenย have done as awesome job of presenting, developing and nurturing the character, and believe in giving praise and credit where it is due.ย The best writers in the world can create the best character in the world, but ifย they don’t have an extremely adept actor to play the part,ย their character will never come to life.ย And the opposite is true as well. No matter how talented the actor, a poorly written script will giveย a writerย a mediocre character at best.ย We have been fortunate to be blessed with both on Supernatural.ย
There are many layers of Dean Winchester’s complicated personality.ย His actions are believable and understandable, a character many Supernatural fans can relate to very easily.ย Some simplify his character to that of being his brother’s keeper, but to do that not only takes away from both characters, but also from the richness of the story being told.
Dean Winchester is flawed and that makes him perfect. His flaws are many, and he readily admits to all of them.ย He is determined and devoted to his brother, to his job of hunting (unless it jeopardizes Sam’s life), and to the few people he loves.ย He is clever, quick, imaginative, and definitely able to think on his feet.ย He is obnoxious, forward, close-minded, and stubborn, but is also extremely valiant, fiercely protective, compassionate and loyal. He is extremely committed, and believes more in the present than in the past.ย He doesn’t strive for perfection, and can be both incredibly selfless and selfish (particularly when it comes to Sam) almost simultaneously. (All Hell Breaks Loose Part II, 2.22). He does what needs to be done because there’s no one else to do it. He helps humanity because it’s the right thing to do, because they need help, and not because of some reward he’ll receive here, or in the afterlife.
His family always came first with him and he was willing to forego whatever dreams or aspirations he had to hold his family together, to protect Sam and to support John.ย Portrayed very aptly in What is and What Should Never Be (2.20), even though he gets his wish, a chance at a normal life for him and Sam, he can’t relinquish the task of hunting…..of being the righteous man.ย He was even willing to give up finding Azazel in order to keep Sam alive (Salvation, 1.21). He is the one who never lost sight of the fact that family came first, vengeance second.ย He can be vengeful, but, for him, revenge has its limits.ย
As the first born of John, he spent his entire life being the strong one, the anchor, not only for his younger brother, but for his father as well (In My Time of Dying, 2.01). His early years were spent in the warmth and love of a very devoted father and mother, giving Dean an unwavering concept of compassion, of sensitivity, of right and wrong, and of devotion to family, all gifts from Dad that he has used to shape his personality. His trials and tribulations made him stronger, not weaker, which make him more of a hero than most who claim to be.
With the death of his mother his father placed a great deal of responsibility on him.ย It was necessary for him to grow up very fast, a path he chose to accept, a path many would have abandoned.ย He grew up in a world where monsters were real, and children really did have to check under beds at night.ย But with his fiercely protective nature for Sam, he shielded Sam from these aspects of the world, at least for a little whileรขโฌยฆ.much longer than Dean ever had, and not because he was told to, but because he wanted to.ย He wanted Sam to have the childhood he never had.ย ย ย ย
Left alone when dad went on hunts,ย Dean was forced to find a way of dealing with his fears.ย He had to find ways of reassuring himself that dad was going to return alive, and not succumb to the terror that his father might never come back, a burden he could not share with anyone, especially Sam. He always put on a brave front for his younger brother and made light of things so that Sam wouldn’t worry.ย And he didย so in his own glib, smartass way asย a way of concealing his own pain and loneliness, but that was only for others, it never fooled Sam.ย He created the superhero persona of John Winchester because to contemplate the fact that his father was only human would allow his fears to take precedence.ย And he couldn’t afford to be afraid, to give into the basic anxiety of being abandoned and isolated in a hostile world. This forced him to develop survival skills and allowed his leadership talents to be sharpened, compensating for the lack of a secure, trusting, and loving environment normal children had.ย ย
He was loyal to Sam and obedient to John, but he was not opposed to stepping in and telling both Dad and Sam to “back off” when mediating fights between them (Dead Man’s Blood, 1.20). He takes pleasure in the simple things; food (especially bacon cheese burgers, and no I don’t think he has given them up), alcohol, sex (need I mention vibrating beds), music, his car, and ‘killing some evil sons of bitches’. (And if that’s all he asks from us, I’d say we got the better of the deal!)
Though he enjoys being around people, particularly women, it is extremely difficult for him to open up with anyone.ย He is very introverted when it comes to sharing intimate details about himself, and is afraid of becoming attached, as the few people he bonded to, left him in one way or another.ย ย Never wanting to appear vulnerable to Sam, he will only share his feelings with him when he is pushed or reaches an obvious breaking point (Heaven and Hell, 3.10).ย In reality the only thing he ever wanted is a family, and that’s the one thing he can never have. Dean is in constant conflict between having relationships, which require him to open up, and being alone because he is afraid to open up.
His decision to sell his soul for Sam is a natural one. He made a conscience choice to go to hell and he knew that was far more dangerous than dying. For most of us dying means a release from pain, sorrow and grief…of going to a better place. Not so in the boy’s world. Going to hell was not the end of pain and grief, but only the beginning, especially for a Winchester (Sin City, 3.04).ย ย ย Many have speculated that Dean sold his soul partly because he couldn’t stand the thought of being alone, and partly because he felt a sense of failure, a low self-worth from all the years of protecting Sam.ย Because he was supposed to be dead, twice over, and both times someone lost their life because of him (Faith, 1,12, In My Time of Dying, 2.01), it’sย guilt that also motivated him to sacrifice himself for Sam. Maybe so, or maybe he was just simply like his Dad. John couldn’t live with the death of Dean, and Dean couldn’t live with death of Sam. No parent should watch an offspring die, and no sibling should watch another sibling die. How many of us have experienced the same feelings? How many of us wouldn’t have done the same thing in that situation? And I don’t think we are all insecure, have low esteem, and consider ourselves failures.ย ย ย I think Dean just did what anyone would, and as this is the Winchester world, both John and Dean knew how to stop the pain and choose to take that course, fully aware of the consequences.ย ย (After all, Dean is John’s son.) Given the option, would he do the same thing again? Yeah, he would, so would John, after all to them that’s what family is all about.ย ย
Having only a year to live forced Dean to realize that even though he loved his Dad, John was far from perfect. That his childhood left a lot to be desired, and was no fault of his own, a fact he is still coming to grips with today.ย It’s only due to his strength, strong will, and his ability to adapt that he was capable of functioning at all.ย ย It is clear that Dean himself came to understand the ramifications of growing up in the kind of environment he did, having to shoulder responsibilities that are hard enough for a grown man to handle, let alone a child.ย He alludes to his bitterness about the lack of attention his father showed him.ย In No Exit, (2.6)ย he tells Jo, “You’ve got a mother that worries about you, who wants something more for you.ย Those are good things.ย You don’t throw things like that away.ย Might be hard to find later”. ย Dean even calls his father “an ass” for telling him he might have to kill Sam, saying that “you don’t lay that kind of crap on your kids” (Playthings, 2.11).ย None of this alters the fact that Dean idolizes his father to this day and good or bad, its part of the traits that make up his personality.ย After all, he would have experience a very loving devoted dad during the first 4 years of his life.ย And memories formed in those years, are deeply rooted in your persona and will stay with you all the rest of your life.ย Memories of a dad, Sam never saw.
Dean had been told that his humanity would burn away in hell, but his loss of love only took 30 years (Hell time that isรขโฌยฆ.now THAT’S something I never thought I would say!). A large burden to bear after he found out his father never lost his, even after 100 (On The Head of a Pin, 4.16). ย Dean was not to blame for his downfall, he was lost and alone, a fate to Dean that was worse than any physical pain could ever be. Dean’s high need for affiliation, acceptance, love, and appreciation from his family requires maintaining closeness largely based on physical proximity. He was alone, John wasn’t there, Sam wasn’t there, and even though he could justify why Sam never came for him, subconsciously he always counted greatly on his brother help, as he had all his life. But after 30 years, he did what Dean does best… he adapted to his situation. (After all, he’s also his mother’s son.) He coped the only way he could, he choose to lose a battle but not the war, though his trip back to the battle will be a long and hard one. But as Sera Gamble said, “that’s what makes ’em heroes.”
His choice earned him redemption, and from what we’ve seen, it was apparently his only way out. If he hadn’t gotten back to Sammy, Ruby would be alive, little brother will be Lucifer’s meat suit…and we would all be toast!
We are the sum of our experiences, and the more experiences we have the more we need to rely on the traitsย we were given.ย Dean personality, with all its faults and merits (yes, even his time in hell), have developed him into a well respected leader.ย He seeks to improve the world and those around him, to the benefit of all.ย ย He readily challenges the status quo, rebels against authority, and has no problem standing up for what he believes in. He has the ability to influence people by example, logical argument, enthusiasm, and persistence.ย He never seeks to dominate others, just differentiate himself and make his position known.ย And he has the courage to speak out when needed.ย His upbringing, filled with insecurities, loneliness and fear, has ingrained in him the ability to choose.ย
What I love most about Dean Winchester is that he is a survivor.ย Dean Winchester took the cards that were dealt him and played his hand the best way possible, in all situations he found himself.ย He made his choices and accepted responsibility for each one, always thinking of others before himself.ย He never gives up. He tenaciously chooses to shape his own fate, and as long as he refuses to give up free will, he will find what he is looking for.ย Family and humanity will always be his weakness, as that is the fate that befalls a righteous person, a burden that he will carry throughout his live.ย His devotion to his brother and humanity are equal, he will not sacrifice one for the other.ย He would “rather die” than kill his brother, and to Dean there is no point in having a world, if his brother isn’t in it.ย He has never wavered from his commitment, or his values of right and wrong, and I really can’t see him changing that now.ย
So Dean will take his G.E.D, and his give ’em Hell attitude, and show both heaven and hell that the smarter brother is back (Sin City, 3.04) . “Screw the angels and the demons and their crap apocalypse.ย If they want to fight a war, they can find their own planet.ย This one’s ours and I say they get the hell off it.ย We take them all on, we kill the Devil, hell we’ll kill Michael if we have to but we do it our own damn selves.”(Sympathy For The Devil, 5.01).ย And there is no question in my mind that he will do just that!.ย
So am putting Dean Winchesterย on a pedestal, maybe so?ย ย But maybe, that’s where I think he should be.
Great Commentary on Dean!
“How many of us wouldnรขโฌโขt have done the same thing in that situation? And I donรขโฌโขt think we are all insecure, have low esteem, and consider ourselves failures”
Many people have commented to me that “no guy would sell his soul for a brother” I truly feel sorry for someone who doesn’t have that type of relationship with their sibling (I certainly do)
For the record, I believe that Dean is the smarter brother literally, not just figuratively. ๐
Anytime someone asks me why Dean is one of my all-time favorite characters, I’m going to direct them to this essay.
What a wonderful analysis of Dean’s character! This is why I have the guy on a pedestal. A fascinating, complicated, truly decent, selfless and good man, son and brother, with the right number of faults and foibles and self esteem problems to make him so very interesting and endearing. And my favourite character ever also, with endless thanks to Jensen for bringing him to life.
Excellent Sablegreen! Thanks for this.
Sir Peter Ustinov once said รขโฌหwe admire people for their strengths, but love them for their weaknessesรขโฌโข.
Did he speak of Dean? Even though it is no secret that I adore Sam (well, I have always had a soft spot for the torn, twisted and tall), when in deep trouble I would love to have Dean by my side. He could be the brother I never had, the protector I would need when my strength needs a break from always being strong.
After all he experienced and with all the evil he has seen in his young life he would have had enough reason to become bitter, or simply a bad person, going through this cruel life looking only after himself, as people who grow up with low self esteem often do (it might sound contradictory, but this is what I have observed).
He did not. He is a good man. There is not one bad bone in his body, and that touches every one of us. The cocky attitude we were introduced to in the beginning of the show did little to hide that fact. In an instant I would trust him with my life. What a wonderful man, indeed.
I canรขโฌโขt think of putting him on a pedestal, though รขโฌโ would be too far awayรขโฌยฆ. ๐
Thanks, Sablegreen this was amazing. Love,Jas
Aw, Dean! I love that guy. He is such a great character, and I love the writers and Jensen so much for bringing him to life so vividly.
Thanks for writing up this great portrayal of him, Sablegreen!
I really enjoy “Sablegreen” comments. I think she is an excellent writer and she has great ideas. I hope to hear more from her in the future. Keep posting Sablegreen.
Thanks so much for all your comments. I really appreciate all of your opinions! I enjoy writing about SPN and with all of you being so nice, it makes it a real pleasure. Thanks Alice for posting this.
I agree with Randal and Clarice, Dean is one of my all time favorites. Petranda, Iรขโฌโขve heard that comment too, and I canรขโฌโขt believe it either. I think some people talk before they think! ๐
Jas, we wouldnรขโฌโขt make the pedestal THAT highรขโฌยฆ.He definitely needs to be within reach.
Hi Sablegreen.
Your words ring true for our older Winchester. It’s dissapointing when some people feel that he’s just his brothers keeper/protector/blaablaa. To me Dean has always had his own story, he has meaning. He is an honest to god good guy, a true survivor. Dean can go through anything (heck, he suffered through hell!!) and still pick up the pieces and deal. I respect that. He’s selfless and loyal, but he isn’t perfect (thank god for that).
You’ve written quite perfectly on his flaws and strengths, his motivation. How he’s all about family and saving people. A true hero.
This is exactly how I see Dean Winchester. Thank you for putting it so elegantly ๐
Great essay, you’ve totally put your finger on his appeal ( stop sniggering at the back :roll:: ) He wouldn’t be half so wonderful if he wasn’t such a world class eejit as well!
As for the pedestal, i can’t see him staying put for long … No beer … ๐
Suze, I’m pretty sure there are tons of fangirls ready to pass the beer (among other things…:roll::-) up to him on the pedestal, he doesn’t have to move just yet ๐
Well I don’t think there’s anything for me to add here that hasn’t already been said. I’m sure if any of us here had had a Winchester upbringing, we would’ve gone howling to the nuthouse a long time ago. All in all I’d say Dean is doing a pretty good job of being a hero ๐ And no I’m just blabbering. You said it all so well already Jas, so I’ll just shut up now.
***and NOW I’m just blabbering… somebody better organize the typos anonymous meeting STAT! It’s getting infectious! :roll::
Great article Sablegreen. A great analysis of our beloved character, Dean Winchester. I love Dean – and his love and devotion to his family just make me admire him and love this show even more. Kudos to the writers and Jensen for creating such a wonderful, complex character.
As for Dean selling his soul to save Sam, in a way, Dean was/is also a father to Sam and there isn’t anything a parent wouldn’t do for their children. As John stated (I can’t remember the exact episode right now), he said that he would rather die than watch any of his children die. I believe to some extent, the same is true for Dean. Yes, he is an older brother to Sam, but having to grow up too fast himself, with John always gone on hunts, Dean became a surrogate father to Sam, and thus, Dean, like John, would rather die than watch a child (brother) die. Who could or even want to question or belittle that kind of love and devotion.
So I agree with Petranda when stated “I truly feel sorry for someone who doesn’t have that type of relationship with their sibling”. One could only hope that they have that kind of a relationship in this lifetime, whether it be with a sibling, spouse, parent or child. What could be greater?
Thanks again, Dean. You are a true hero.
wow a great article ๐ฏ
One of the things i love most about Dean is that makes the most of what could be a seen as a crappy hand and learns to love the little things in life (cheeseburgers, magic fingers, his car) when so many other people would just grumble, he sees that he’s got his brother, his car and a purpose and that’s enough for him.
I think what I love most about Dean, as a lot of other people have said, is that he is very honest about who he is, makes no apologies for who he is or what he does and (although he doesn’t believe it) is a very heroic person. At the same time he’s flawed and very human which means that he is accessible and all the more endearing as he’s a good and dare i say it righteous man but he’s not preaching and looking down on people rather he’s down on the ground fighting with everyone else.
Awww…Suze…We LIKE siggering in the back. ๐ It’s fun!
Yep..no beer…or bacon cheesebugers, music, impala, women, or Sam! But it’s fun for us!
Thanks all ๐
Uhh, that’s ‘SNIGGERING”…now I’m ready for the typos anonymous meeting!
OK, I give in … Sigger away all you like. ๐
Hey Sablegreen, another great article, really enjoy reading them!
I’ll just join everyone with the comments, Dean Winchester is my favorite tv-character, and for all the reasons aforesaid. Love him.
Thanks for writing this!
Between the article itself and comments already made, I can’t add anything except my pleasure at reading this!
Up on a pedestal, smirking, nursing a beer and eyeing the chicks as they go by… Right on. Fantastic character analysis, you totally nailed it–this is exactly why we love the guy so much! And I second Suze in that his spectacularly inappropriate moments make me love him even more ๐
As for selling his soul for his brother, I think that’s part of the reason I love both these guys. They’re so severely codependent– but who can blame them? Can’t wait for Sam, Interrupted.
BTW, again, loving reading the comments! I guess there’s something to be said for being late to the party.
Typos Anonymous can meet on an on-demand basis in Germany on Jasminka’s couch, where she will attempt to treat our weird obsessive-compulsive variant in which we fixate on typing and syntax errors in our Internet chatter! This will include dosing us up with SSRIs. We’ll only get bezos if we’re really lucky and she’s felling especially generous. Or frustrated. Right, Jas? My need here is as great as anyone’s. Hopefully Suze will come too, just to snigger at us. Or sigger. Or whatever, I just need to shut up now ๐
Not bezos, benzos!!! See what I mean??? ๐ฏ
Hope Jas has a BIG COUCH!…or two..or threeรขโฌยฆ.. ๐ Like the idea of Germany though. Guess Alice needs to organize a bake sale for us!
Yeah, they are codependent…but in their situation, I think it’s a MUST! Their live depend on it….not to mention ours. ๐
I’m looking forward to seeing how they handle ‘Sam,Interrupted’ too. I guess the more they know about each other, the better.
Only 6 days now. WHEEEEEEEE
Hey, elenaM and Sablegreenรขโฌยฆ aha, I seeรขโฌยฆ I have a big couch, indeed. And millions of cushions, too.
You actually think swallowing benzos is fun? Hey, girl, when was the last time youรขโฌโขve tried some? Your brain slows downรขโฌยฆ Well, okay, you might need that occasionally, eh?, when the typos are pouring inรขโฌยฆ Ha! I bet we can find a nice mix and ElvisPresley you, if necessaryรขโฌยฆ
On the other hand, who needs meds when there is plenty of chocolate around (and I mean the really good one, Lindtรขโฌยฆ Ever heard of that brand? Swiss. Best chocolate in the world. And I live just an hour away from Switzerland. Or from France, and they make some of the best cakesรขโฌยฆ Hey, get over here and Iรขโฌโขll analyse you to deathรขโฌยฆ Ha, every therapistรขโฌโขs secret dreamรขโฌยฆ, oh what a naughty person I am. I always get like that when Iรขโฌโขm hungry. So I should go and eat something ere I start to attack humansรขโฌยฆ )
Crazy bunch, really.
Have I mentioned lately how much fun it is to sigger away with you? Love, Jas
Jas, I was just being facetious about the benzos, I am not advocating their use. Certainly not recreationally, sorry about any misunderstanding, folks. I won’t prescribe them myself, in those situations I always refer to a psychiatrist
Chocolate & cake will probably work better! Yeah, we get Lindt truffles in Ohio (mmmm…), probably not the full range though… Good Lord, you’ve made me hungry.
elenaM, don’t worry, I knew you were joking about the meds! So was I. Are you a physician by any chance? I might have missed that info (or, good heavens, I might have forgotten that… in that case – shame on me and I’m going to look for some gingko…
;-), Jas
PS. I’m chewing on some nice truffles right now…. awwwwwwwh…
Yeah, I am… I’m a recent graduate. Still feeling a bit green around the gills, you know.
Like Sam in Changing Channels!
What’s this I hear about a party on Jas’ couch? Lindt, cake, free therapy, and Sam, Interrupted? Count me in!! (Hury up with that wormhole Randal…)
Jas, I’m happy to defer to you in everything else, but I lived in Brussels for a while and I’ll be bringing Neuhaus chocolates to your Dean-on-a-pedestal couch party.
Oh, wow, oh golly, what have I got myself intoรขโฌยฆ? If you folks all want to come, you better bring another couchรขโฌยฆ
Donรขโฌโขt worry, elenaM, it gets better. Thatรขโฌโขs the disease of every graduate รขโฌโ the GreenGill Disorder. Soon to be replaced by Red Gill Fever when patients (or your boss) come up with impossible demands and you havenรขโฌโขt learned to take it in a cool (hello Dean) manner. But then itรขโฌโขs fineรขโฌยฆ Trust me.
Faellie, Neuhaus chocolates? Havenรขโฌโขt tried those, to my chagrin. Iรขโฌโขll look for them and try them. Bring whatever you got. I wouldnรขโฌโขt mind some of those gorgeous Harrodsรขโฌโข cakesรขโฌยฆ
Could anyone bring Dean? Iรขโฌโขll find a pedestal.
๐ ๐ :lol:, Jas
Dean’s coming too? I better pack some peanut M&Ms too. And pie. And another couch. Oh, can’t forget the pie! Hahahaha
Since weรขโฌโขre partyingรขโฌยฆ Could anyone bring Sam along, just for your host? We wonรขโฌโขt need a pedestal there, the place on my couch next to me will do just fineรขโฌยฆ
Oh come on, the week has just begun and Iรขโฌโขm looking at a hellishly intimidating workloadรขโฌยฆ
Sigh, now it’s officia: I’m greedy,
:oops:, Jas
Oh…I thought a Sam comes pre-packed with each Dean.. ๐
Does he?
I’m happy now. Thanks, Narcissus, ๐ Jas
What’s this…. a Dean and Sam couch party? Count me in? ๐
Hi Sablegreen
I also believe Dean deserves to be on a pedestal. Thatรขโฌโขs where all good Heroรขโฌโขs belong, flaws and all.
Loved the article, thanks for sharing.
As for the couch party, can I come too? Iรขโฌโขll bring my own couch. They have these heavy duty blowup ones that people use for outdoors and camping. I think they seat two or three, so I can share.
Dany and Karen, thanks for the comments. Yea…Dany wouldn’t it be great to have a REAL Dean running around. But I think that will only be in our dreams.;-)
As for the couch party, bring-your-own-couch sounds great Karen. Now, lets hope Jas has a huge ROOM. ๐
Well, ladies, what the hell – I’ll built a room! ๐ Jas
We’re going to have so much fun… ha!
Randal’s article on Simon Says made me remember yet another reason I love Dean: he has a soft spot for the geeks. Andy, Ron… Btw, forgot mention this last time round but I loved your point about John, that Dean’s early memories of him as a loving and devoted Dad influencing his devotion to Dad. Oh– and Party On, everyone ๐
Yep…Early memories formed in years 1-5 are the most important to people. We should also remember, Sam early memories were mainly of Dean…. not a parent. ๐
And yes Dean has a soft spot for people in general. Another good example – Richie from Sin City.
‘Sigh’ Dean is just SOOOO loveable. ๐
…. am I late for the party ๐ฎ ? I wanna come to the Dean-cake-chocolate-Sam, interrupted party ๐ I’ll bring everything ๐
, what a delightfully crazy bunch. It’s a pleasure to meet you!
You guys made me cracking up
Oh, please, come over, Freebird, but I’ll only let you in if you bring some Bajadera with you ;-), haven’t had that in a while, Need to stock up on that when I jump over to Zagreb this fall (hopefully).
Crazy is okay, dear. We’re having sweet fun…
Take care, Jas
Bajadera, Griote, Mikado chocolate, Jas, whatever you like, nema problema ๐ But when Dean sees all that sweet stuff heรยดll jump off that pedestal in a sec, so we gotta stock up …. Yes, we are crazy and it is okay and it IS fun!!!
So, Lara, we’re going to get some Croatian M&M’s for Dean (I’ve forgotten what their name is…). Love Mikado. And anything kras…. Oh, I never met a calorie I didn’t like…
We need to feed Sam, too. Since he seems to be a healthy eater, could you bring some makarska olives…
Oh, god, it’s been too long since my last visit…
I tell you what, Jas: weรยดll make such a great buffet that both Sam and Dean will never ever leave us! I mean, a manรยดs love goes through his stomach, right?
๐ ๐ ๐
Now THIS party is shaping up! Dean, Sam, chocolates…and now a buffet… Jas…hope you have a BIG room…. :ugeek:
Maybe we should call it a pedestal.con ๐
Puppy needs healthy food? I can stock up on tropical fruits for the buffet…the seriously awesome stuff won’t be in season here for at least another month or two, but I can still wrangle up a decent assortment hahah…
Wow, Sam and Dean really got us started. Pedestal.con? Hilarious, Sablegreen! ๐
I guess I’m moving house again. I’m going to rent a chateau, plenty of room…
Lara, yeah, the best buffet ever, tropical fruit, can someone throw in some streaks for your host? With our brothers around I’m going to need to stuck up on energy…
and if y’all want therapy… I’ll clone myself… ๐ฎ Jas
You see? I meant STEAKS of course. Rare. Very rare.
Wouldn’t it be lovely if we really could get together, she sighed wistfully as Steven Tyler wailed in the background, “Dream on!” A buffet would definitely get Dean to stick around, no problem, but Sam? Be hard to tempt him, even with healthy and delicious olives. Dude never eats. We could just tie him down, he spends so much time in that state, he probably wouldn’t even notice … ๐
I think maybe Sam just needs some puppy chow. Surely THAT would get his attention? ๐
Yeah, Dany and elenaM, it would most definitely be great, if we could actually meet… Joking about this has been such fun, imagine if we actually gathered….
Any of you coming to the Con in L.A.? You can’t leave me there all alone… moan, wail, fuss…. ๐ Jas
It would. It took me a while to be able to put money away for such an insanity. Well, there still are tickets, but the photo ops with the leads are sold out as far as I know…
Perhaps we come up with something. I’m practically English – I love to go there… ๐
Sam would come! He’d have too… Dean won’t fly by himself! ๐
It would be nice if we could all meet, but at least we have Pedestal.con online….and we can always meet here! ๐
just want to say that while I applaud the authors knowledge and in-depth interpretation of the character dean winchester, I have to question the basic literary ability of the author. I just recently discovered this website so I’m not sure how official/unofficial/serious the administrators take these articles, but I found the strength of the authors writing prowess to be severely lacking… at least do some editing, come on people!