The Misha Collins panel. This is a doozy. I personally got all the tongue in cheek humor and found myself laughing through just about all of it. However, Misha is an acquired taste. So, anything you read here, or see on Youtube, or see quoted on some site remember, the context is definitely “not serious.”
– He came out and before the first question brought up the “fucking peach underwear.” He of course curses Richard for bringing up something so private and tries to call him out, but Richard isn’t around. He claims it was not thread bare. More coming on that later in the panel.
– Misha didn’t waste much time going straight into questions. Someone asked about his imdb entry Stonehenge Apocalypse. He matter of factly says it’s about Stonehenge and it’s about the apocalypse. “There’s occult, there are guns, and there’s a fighter jet. Need I say more?” When will we see it? On the Syfy channel, but he doesn’t know when. “They didn’t ask me when I wanted it to air. Kind of annoying. I hope it’s not on my birthday.”
– He was messing with the next questioner about her “faux hawk.” Messing with the fans will be Misha’s thing throughout this panel. She asks about the vocal tone he uses with Castiel compared to his own. He of course took the opportunity to find the irony in how she was asking a vocal question when her microphone wouldn’t work. One technician later, the question was asked again. He claims he has a “petite” voice and when he’s on camera he tries to toughen it up a little. “I read the script and Castiel’s voice is blowing out windows and people are practically going deaf when he tries to speak to them so I thought naturally the guy should have a gruff voice when now I regret. Because its two years of (grumble). But it’s fun, I mean it gives me and Jensen this chance to be gruffer and growlier than each other. It gives us something to do on the set. I can tell that we both drop it down when were in scenes together. ‘Oh yeah, fucker.'” Did I mention Misha likes to curse?
– Someone brings up that Castiel’s entrance is one of the most memorable entrances for a recurring character ever on television. Does he know of a better one? Misha ponders, tries to explain he doesn’t watch much TV, and after joking “price check” he says no.
– Someone asks him what his favorite flavor of yogurt is. He tries to answer it straight but yeah, this only manages to get him started. “Are you in the yogurt industry?…I don’t know what you’re asking.” She turns and asks what’s his favorite flavor to eat or wear. Misha does a funny reaction that’s youtube worthy while the crowd goes nuts. “Pass.”
– What’s his theory on where the Trickster sent Castiel during “Changing Channels.” To another television show, Touched By An Angel. Then he settled on a swap meet.
– He talked about a documentary in which he was associate producer. His best friend from junior high was the director. He helped in the editing process and moral support. He thought it was a miracle that it all came together.
– His favorite muppet? The critic guys.
– Is Castiel is going to lose anymore of his powers. “I thought you were talking about his virginity. Which I consider a power.” Yes, he’s losing his mojo being further away from Heaven and as we’ll see in the next episode ***minor spoiler*** time travel is starting to get harder.
– What should the theme song be for the minion army? “It should be a collaborative song writing process, don’t you think, with everyone involved. We each pick a word and then go, I think it would be great…The whole thing is so dictatorial, it’s nice to throw a bone and make it look like a collective effort.”
– What happened to Jimmy when Castiel became human in “The End?” “That will really bake your noodle, won’t it?” He addressed that at other conventions and one woman believed he was in Castiel, so he agreed that be the official story. “He’s still in there somewhere screaming to get out.”
– Why did he decide to become an actor and followed up with an “if he were an actor” question. He made fun of the wording. “If I were an actor? What made you think you could become an actor hypothetically if you were one? If I feel insecure from this point forward, you’ll know why.” He tested it out on a lark and it just kept going. “I had no other skill sets, so I worked with what I had. It’s basically a story of desperation.” If he couldn’t be actor, he wouldn’t be a yoga instructor. He brought up being a layman spokesperson. Then he threw out architect. He apologized about the boring answer.
– Was there much improv with his scenes in “The End?” A tiny bit, it was pretty much as scripted. Yes, the orgy bits. He joked how they actually shot the orgy and he’s a method actor, and found it was good character development work. “There really are two Jensens, which I didn’t know. They switch from episode to episode. If you notice one is a little better than the other, every other episode is a little stronger.”
– Do you think Castiel will find God and as an actor do you want him to? He thinks he will. He hasn’t heard that he will but he think he will. “I have to believe that. If I don’t, then I’d have to believe something else. I’d be required to think of a second option and quite frankly I don’t have time for that.”
– ***This one had me rolling!!!**** An Australian fan came up and asked if he had a good time in Australia and if he’d come back to another convention. “I hated it. And it was more the people I’d have to say. All the negative stereotype things you hear about Australia, it’s true. I just wanted to be honest with you.” The woman asking the question is laughing hard and manages to ask if he’s coming back. “Do you know I’m coming back? It’s not a rhetorical question. I am coming back, in spite of the people.” What didn’t he like? “I cannot keep up with them drinking. I was pretty hung-over the whole time I was there. Great aquarium though, I gotta say. That was awesome. So the fish are great. Oh, and the other thing that kind of pisses me off to be honest? Did not see a kangaroo, it’s a myth. The whole country’s based on lies.” Everyone in the room is dying at this time. He asked how many Australians were there. Then he tells the woman, “You asked for it. So there you have it. I’ll see you there.” The woman says “I don’t know if I’m going now.” Misha’s answer? “You came all the way here. You’re in.” He then says it’s been nice chatting with her and says she’s not like all the other Australians he’s met. “We’ll spend some more time together when I come back to that loathsome place.” As she leaves he says, “That wasn’t very nice.”
– The next person comes up and Misha warns, “Watch out, he’s getting punchy.” She mentioned she likes when he played Jimmy and then the hippie in “The End.” “So you don’t like so much the character of Castiel,” Misha jokes. Which one is his favorite character? He loved preparing for the orgy and he loves the teleporting, which Castiel does, plus he loves family dinners not to leave Jimmy out, so he loves them all equally. They’re all his children. “And…did you just roll your eyes? That’s weird.”
– He’s asked if he sees himself as an actor in reality, “Do I see myself as orgy guy? Yep. No, you people have hinted at that and um, oh, interesting, I am seeing the parallel now that you mention it.”
– There’s been a lot of changes to his character. How does he see that progressing now? “Early on it was implied that he didn’t have genitals, right? Recently it’s been insinuated that he does, which I think is a positive move in the right direction. The person tried a little harder to get him to answer the question. When Misha asks what the question was she says she asked it but apparently he didn’t hear it (huge crowd reaction of laughter). How would he like to see Castiel progress. “I would like for Castiel to become more politically conservative. He always has a very liberal wing. I think that if we align him with a right wing we’d get a lot more viewers. I’d like to bring the Fox news viewers into the CW Thursday night at 9:00. I just want to appeal to that demographic as much as possible. More bible thumping rather than elliptical biblical references. How’s that? It’s weird, I don’t know what I’m talking about. There is no rewind button in real life.”
Will Castiel get to wear something other than the suit and trench coat? There was something in an earlier draft script but they scrapped that. His hopes were dashed to the ground. The same old suit is literally the same old suit, which doesn’t get as laundered as he would expect it to. “That’s because they’re afraid it’s going to get too thread bare.” (running gag). He’ll find wadded up old Kleenexes in the pockets so it’s almost got this homeless vibe to it. They bought a couple of suits when he was only supposed to be in a couple episodes and they bought this cheap tie which they’ve had to have made because it got shot. It cost something like $1500 to replicate a cheap Sears tie. “I think they’re waiting for the perfect moment to change my clothes. Yes, God will prove to be the stylist. It’ll be a valuable use of that character. ‘You know that you look fabulous there,’ he said in a God like voice. Something a little more form fitting for you. Pleats are so out he’ll say.” (Long pause of silence). “Thank you, I think we’ll move on.”
Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
This dude is nuts, and I think just rocketed to the top of the list of someone I’d love to have a beer with. He needs to host his own completely wacko teevee show.
Being away from heaven, weaker powers. Duh, makes sense to me.
Oh boy,… you gotta love Mischa! I haven’t been able to catch anything on YouTube so far, but just reading our report had me dying with laughter.
Is the guy always like that? Off his meds? I just love that. Obviously he’s not afraid to get out there and making a fool of himself without actually being one, which is just adorable. Can’t wait for my photo-op with him (oh God – what have I gotten myself into…?!) 😆
Thanks for this, Alice,
oh, he is just hilarious!! I’d *love* to meet him and joke around. He is just awesome. I also read the Tracy-girls story of their *date* and he was such a sweetheart to her, you could tell he really felt bad for making her feel awkward.
Thanks for this update.
*is off to read the J2 panel part 1*
Gah! Too much infomation! Everytime I see the bugger now I’m going to be thinking of icky orange pants … 😆
Misha is definitely of his meds! But I would love to go drink a beer or a milkshake with him 🙂 Of course I’m not sure I could drink anything if he continued rambling like this.
Alice I’ve got no idea how you manage to remember, and write it, all this after spending the all panel laughing!
Thanks for this.
I was at this convention last weekend in Chicago and he had me laughing out loud…funny funny guy!
Oh I remembered something else about the woman from australia…remember he was talking about kangaroos and not seeing one? he said something about he expected to see kangaroo carcus all over the roads and he didnt LOL